Strange behaviour with setCurrentPlaybackTime - ios

I use: MPMoviePlayerController to show video.
Below I put list of thumbs from the video.
When pressing a thumb I want to jump to a specific place in the video using: setCurrentPlaybackTime.
I also have a timer updating the selected thumb according to the location of the video using: currentPlaybackTime.
My problem: when calling: setCurrentPlaybackTime, the player keeps giving the seconds before seeking to the specific second. It take few seconds to the player to reflect the new seconds. In the mean time the experience of the user is bad: Pressing a thumb shows it selected for a show time, then the timer updates to the previous thumb, then it jumps back to the thumb I selected.
I tried using (in the timer):
if (moviePlayer.playbackState != MPMoviePlaybackStatePlaying && !(moviePlayer.loadState & MPMovieLoadStatePlaythroughOK)) return;
In order to prevent from the timer to update the selected thumb as long the player is in a transition phase between showing the previous thumb and the new thumb, but it doesn't seem to work. The "playbackState" and "loadState" seems to be totally inconstant and unpredictable.

For solving this issue, this how I have implemented this nasty state coverage in one of my projects. This is nasty and fragile but worked good enough for me.
I used two flags and two time intervals;
BOOL seekInProgress_;
BOOL seekRecoveryInProgress_;
NSTimeInterval seekingTowards_;
NSTimeInterval seekingRecoverySince_;
All of the above should be defaulted to NO and 0.0.
When initiating the seek:
//are we supposed to seek?
if (movieController_.currentPlaybackTime != seekToTime)
{ //yes->
movieController_.currentPlaybackTime = seekToTime;
seekingTowards_ = seekToTime;
seekInProgress_ = YES;
Within the timer callback:
//are we currently seeking?
if (seekInProgress_)
{ //yes->did the playback-time change since the seeking has been triggered?
if (seekingTowards_ != movieController_.currentPlaybackTime)
{ //yes->we are now in seek-recovery state
seekingRecoverySince_ = movieController_.currentPlaybackTime;
seekRecoveryInProgress_ = YES;
seekInProgress_ = NO;
seekingTowards_ = 0.0;
//are we currently recovering from seeking?
else if (seekRecoveryInProgress_)
{ //yes->did the playback-time change since the seeking-recovery has been triggered?
if (seekingRecoverySince_ != movieController_.currentPlaybackTime)
{ //yes->seek recovery done!
seekRecoveryInProgress_ = NO;
seekingRecoverySince_ = 0.0;
In the end, MPMoviePlayerController simply is not really meant for such "micro-management". I had to throw in at least half a dozen flags for state coverage in all kinds of situations and I would never recommend to repeat this within other projects. Once you reach this level, it might be a great idea to think about using AVPlayer instead.


avplayer pause or stop notification based on the rate

I need to send notifications when the AVPlayer is Play/Paused and Stopped.
For play and pause below is the code
if (self.player.rate > 0.0f) {
NSLog(#" Playing ..")
if (self.player.rate == 0.0f) {
NSLog(#" Paused ..")
But for stopped also the rate = 0.0 then is there any other property or way to identify the difference between paused and stopped.
For both, paused and stopped the rate = 0.0 and hence need another way for it.
There is no stop command for an AVPlayer. So there is no such thing as stopped as distinct from paused. Either the rate is zero (not playing) or it is more than zero (playing).
You can distinguish where the player is within its item (currentTime) so you can tell whether we are at the start, end, or middle; and you can arrange to be notified periodically during play or when the end is reached.
Apart from that, there are no distinctions to be drawn.

Swift code executing before display updates

So I've just started trying out coding in swift and I'm creating an extremely basic app (purely to experiment and learn) where you click a button and two playing cards appear on the screen.
I'm trying to get it so that when the two playing cards are the same, the button to play again disables, the program pauses for a few seconds, then the button re-enables (so later I can add some 'win' text during the pause time).
Now the button and pausing fully works besides one problem. When testing, the program pauses and then when it finishes pausing the display then updates to show the two cards being equal. But while it pauses, it shows two random non equal cards.
I'm not sure why, seeing as the cards update before I check if they're equal, but I'm new to swift (literally last few days) so not sure how it works.
Any ideas? :)
#IBAction func playRoundTapped(sender: UIButton) {
// Change the card image each time the play button is pressed using a random number generator
self.firstCardImageView.image = UIImage(named: String(format: "card%i", arc4random_uniform(13)+1))
self.secondCardImageView.image = UIImage(named: String(format: "card%i", arc4random_uniform(13)+1))
// Check if the cards are equal
if firstCardImageView.image == secondCardImageView.image && firstCardImageView.image != "card" {
Don't sleep in the main thread as this will stop all interactions with your app. You need to replace:
let enableTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(4 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)))
dispatch_after(enableTime, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
First off, a better solution is not pausing at all and using dispatch_after to change the playRoundButton button state after 4 seconds.
If you want to stick with pausing, then you should give time for the UI to update itself before pausing. E.g.,
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_thread(), {
//Check if both cards are equal
if firstCardImageView.image == secondCardImageView.image && firstCardImageView.image != "card" {
The fact is, when you assign a new image to your buttons, the button is actually redrawn on screen only at the next run-loop cycle, so if you pause before that is run, no visual change can be seen...
Keep in mind that pausing on the main thread will make your app unresponsive during that timeframe.
You're comparing two UIImage instances, which doesn't work with == because it will only compare the pointers. In your case, it would be much easier to compare the numbers that generated those images.
Other than that, you're pausing the main thread, which takes care of updating the user interface, so it doesn't actually get a chance to do so. One way to solve this problem is by using NSTimer.
#IBAction func playRoundTapped(sender: UIButton) {
let firstNumber = arc4random_uniform(13) + 1
let secondNumber = arc4random_uniform(13) + 1
firstCardImageView.image = UIImage(named: "card\(firstNumber)")
secondCardImageView.image = UIImage(named: "card\(secondNumber)")
if firstNumber == secondNumber {
playRoundButton.userInteractionEnabled = false;
NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(4.0, target: self, selector: "enableButton", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
func enableButton() {
playRoundButton.userInteractionEnabled = true;

XNA MediaPlayer Issue

I have the following code in Draw() in Game1. However, the Music only plays when I'm pressing the close button for the program. Where should I be putting MediaPlayer.Play() if not there? normS, fastS, slowS, and playing are all Song types. If you need me to clear anything up, just ask.
if (stateS == "normal")
if (!MediaPlayer.Equals(playing, normS))
playing = normS;
spriteBatch.Draw(norm, pos, Color.White);
else if (stateS == "fast")
if (!MediaPlayer.Equals(playing, fastS))
playing = fastS;
spriteBatch.Draw(fast, pos, Color.White);
else if (stateS == "slow")
if (!MediaPlayer.Equals(playing, slowS))
playing = slowS;
spriteBatch.Draw(slow, pos, Color.White);
Is there a particular reason why you need to have the songs play out of the Draw method? Draw should be reserved for drawing things.
Like user1306322 said in the comment above, I would recommend moving the
into the Update method, and wrap it in a conditional (so you dont just keep playing a new song every update, which I think is what is happening for you now since clicking and holding the Close Window x stops the updates. You could try this by dragging the window around as well):
if (!MediaPlayer.IsPlaying)
If necessary, you can leave the rest of the code in Draw, but most likely this whole thing should go in Update.
edit I just realised you may not have a conditional on this because you want to be able to change the song at any time. In that case, you should set a variable to hold your "Last Song", so you can compare it in your conditional like this:
if (MediaPlayer.IsPlaying == false || playing != lastPlaying)

Control sound to only play once in XNA

I use a sound each time a key is pressed to fire a missile. But it doesn't sound nice. I guess it's because the the sound is repeated so many times while the key is pressed down and that the code is within the Update method. I'm looking for a simple solution to just play the sound once when key is pressed? (I have tested to use a boolean variable to be true the first time and then false after det the sound has been played, but this didn't worked well because, when and where should I set it to true again) Help is preciated!
// Fire
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space))
missile.launchMissile(spaceship.spaceshipPosition, spaceship.spaceshipDirection);
EDIT New code that isn't working!?
KeyboardState keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
KeyboardState prevKeyboardState;
prevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && prevKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space))
missile.launchMissile(spaceship.spaceshipPosition, spaceship.spaceshipDirection);
Store your previous keyboard state as well
KeyBoardState prevKeyboardState;
then in your update
prevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState();
if (keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && prevKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space))
//your code
You're basically just triggering the sound tons of times every second making it sound awful.

MPMoviePlayerController seek forward in fullscreen mode until end is stuck

There seems to be a problem with the MPMoviePlayerController where once you're in fullscreen mode and you hold down the fast forward button, letting it seek forward (playing at fast speed) all the way to the end of the video.
Thereafter the you just get a black screen and it's stuck. In other words it does not respond to any taps gestures and you can not get out of this situation. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Is there anyway to work around it in code?
It seems it's an iOS bug since fast backward to the very beginning won't cause the black screen but fast forward to the end will, and after that the 'play'/'pause' call to the video player never works. I temporarily fix this by adding protected logic into the scrubber refresh callback:
let's assume that monitorPlaybackTime will be called in 'PLAY_BACK_TIME_MONITOR_INTERVAL' seconds period to refresh the scrubber, and in it I add a check logic:
NSTimeInterval duration = self.moviePlayer.duration;
NSTimeInterval current = self.moviePlayer.currentPlaybackTime;
if (isnan(current) || current > duration) {
current = duration;
} else if (self.moviePlayer.playbackState == MPMoviePlaybackStateSeekingForward) {
if (current + self.moviePlayer.currentPlaybackRate*PLAY_BACK_TIME_MONITOR_INTERVAL > duration) {
[self.moviePlayer endSeeking];
A workaround to solve the black screen, not perfect, hope it can help.
I'm guessing you are not handling the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification. You really should if you're not.
Still its unexpected for me that the movie player would go into a "stuck" state like you describe. I would more readily expect it to stop playback automatically and reset when it reaches the end. Anyway, I think your problem will go away if you observe the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification and handle the movie controller appropriately.
Ran into the same issue on iOS6. Managed to fix it by registering for the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification (as suggested by Leuguimerius) with the following implementation:
- (void)playbackDidFisnish:(NSNotification *)notif {
if (self.player.currentPlaybackTime <= 0.1) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.player stop];
[self.player play];
[self.player pause];
Where self.player is the associated MPMoviePlayerController instance. The check against currentPlaybackTime serves to distinguish the more standard invocations of playbackDidFinish (where the movie is allowed to play at normal speed until its end) from those scenarios where the user fast forwards until the end. Stopping then playing and pausing results in a usable, visually consistent interface even when fast-forwarding to the end.
None of the aforementioned solutions worked for me, so this is what I ended up doing:
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("moviePlayerLoadStateDidChange"), name: MPMoviePlayerLoadStateDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
func moviePlayerLoadStateDidChange() {
let loadState = moviePlayerController?.loadState
if loadState == MPMovieLoadState.Unknown {
moviePlayerController?.contentURL = currentmovieURL
I think the issue is that when the seek foraward button is single pressed, it wants to skip to the next video, that's why a loading indicator appears. Listening for the load state change event, you can specify what the next video should be, and if you don't have any, you can just give it the same url.
