How do you store custom constants in Rails 4? - ruby-on-rails

I made some regular expressions for email, bitmessage etc. and put them as constants to
REGEXP_EMAIL = /\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
REGEXP_BITMESSAGE = /\ABM-[a-zA-Z1-9&&[^OIl]]{32,34}\z/
and use it like
Is that's good practice? What's the best way to store them?

It makes sense, that's one of the possible approaches. The only downside of this approach, is that the constants will pollute the global namespace.
The approach that I normally prefer is to define them inside the application namespace.
Assuming your application is called Fooapp, then you already have a Fooapp module defined by Rails (see config/application).
I normally create a fooapp.rb file inside lib like the following
module Fooapp
and I drop the constants inside. Also make sure to require it at the bottom of you application.rb file
require 'fooapp'
Lazy-loading of the file will not work in this case, because the Fooapp module is already defined.
When the number of constants become large enough, you can more them into a separate file, for example /lib/fooapp/constants.rb. This last step is just a trivial improvement to group all the constants into one simple place (I tend to use constants a lot to replace magic numbers or for optimization, despite Ruby 2.1 Frozen String literal improvements will probably let me remove several constants).
One more thing. In your case, if the regexp is specific to one model, you can store it inside the model itself and create a model method
class User
REGEXP_EMAIL = /\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\z/i
REGEXP_BITMESSAGE = /\ABM-[123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]{32,34}\z/
def contact_is_email?
contact =~ REGEXP_EMAIL


When and how is it useful to dynamically add a method to a Ruby object?

I have been trying to learn Ruby from 'The Well-grounded Rubyist' and I came across the idea of adding methods to an object at run-time:
obj =
obj.respond_to? "hello" # Returns false
def obj.hello
puts "something"
obj.respond_to? "hello" # Returns true
obj.hello() # Output is "something"
I have a background in Python and Java, and I cannot imagine any way for me to use this new idea. So, how is this useful? How does it fit into the spirit of object-oriented programming? Is it expensive to do this at run-time?
There's always a long list of things you can do in any language but shouldn't do without a good reason and extending a single object is certainly high on that list.
Normally you wouldn't define individual methods, but you might include a bunch of them:
module Extensions
def is_special?
obj =
obj.send(:extend, Extensions)
# => true
ActiveRecord from Rails does this to dynamically create methods for models based on whatever the schema is at the time the Rails instance is launched, so each column gets an associated method. This sort of dynamic programming can be used to make the code adapt seamlessly to a changing environment.
There's a lot of cases where you'll want to spell this out explicitly so your methods are well documented, but for cases where it doesn't matter and responding dynamically is better than maintaining two things, like schema and the associated methods in your code, then it could be the best option.

Ruby Class from .rb file

I like to read ruby files from the filesystem and get the actual ruby class
Dir["app/controllers/admin/*.rb"].select{ |f|
require File.expand_path(f)
#how to turn 'f' into an actual class
The problem I have is that both Kernel.load or require just respond with a boolean. Is there a way to get the actual class. I know that I can use the file path to determine the name, but I like not to deal with namespaces. How can I do that?
First, I'm going to tell you up front that this is probably a bad idea. Files in Ruby have no relationship to classes whatsoever. A file can define one class, no classes, or many classes, and it can even define classes dynamically based on arbitrary conditions. Additionally, class definitions might be spread across multiple files, and classes can be altered dynamically at runtime. For this reason, determining reliably whether a class is defined in a file is a difficult task, to say the least.
That said, here's one way you might approach the problem. Note that this solution is very hacky, won't work in all cases, and it can load the same file more than once if you're not careful:
module ClassLoader
def self.load_classes(file)
context =
context.class_eval(, file){|constant| [constant, context.const_get(constant)]}.to_h
if rand < 0.5
class A
class B
class C
Your code:
ClassLoader.load_classes('./test_file.rb') #=> {:A=>#<Module:0x9a3c128>::A, :C=>#<Module:0x9a3c128>::C}
Alternately, if you're using Rails class names can often be inferred from the file name. This is somewhat more dependable, since it relies on the same conventions that Rails does for autoloading constants:
Dir["app/controllers/admin/*.rb"].select{ |f|

Rails Limit Model To 1 Record

I am trying to create a section in my app where a user can update certain site wide attributes. An example is a sales tax percent. Even though this amount is relatively constant, it does change every few years.
Currently I have created a Globals model with attributes I want to keep track of. For example, to access these attributes where needed, I could simply do something like the following snippet.
(1+ Globals.first.sales_tax) *
What is the best way to handle variables that do not change often, and are applied site wide? If I use this method is there a way to limit the model to one record? A final but more sobering question.......Am I even on the right track?
Ok, so I've dealt with this before, as a design pattern, it is not the ideal way to do things IMO, but it can sometimes be the only way, especially if you don't have direct disk write access, as you would if deployed on Heroku. Here is the solution.
class Global < ActiveRecord::Base
validate :only_one
def only_one
if Global.count >= 1
errors.add :base, 'There can only be one global setting/your message here'
If you DO have direct disk access, you can create a YAML config file that you can read/write/dump to when a user edits a config variable.
For example, you could have a yaml file in config/locales/globals.yml
When you wanted to edit it, you could write
filepath = "#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"
globals = YAML.load("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/globals.yml"))
globals.merge!({ sales_tax: 0.07 })
File.write(filepath) do |f|
f.write YAML.dump(globals)
More on the ruby yaml documentation
You could also use JSON, XML, or whatever markup language you want
It seems to me like you are pretty close, but depending on the data structure you end up with, I would change it to
(1+ Globals.last.sales_tax) *
and then build some type of interface that either:
Allows a user to create a new Globals object (perhaps duplicating the existing one) - the use case here being that there is some archive of when these things changed, although you could argue that this should really be a warehousing function (I'm not sure of the scope of your project).
Allows a user to update the existing Globals object using something like paper_trail to track the changes (in which case you might want validations like those presented by #Brian Wheeler).
Alternatively, you could pivot the Global object and instead use something like a kind or type column to delineate different values so that you would have:
(1+ Globals.where(kind: 'Colorado Sales Tax').last) *
and still build interfaces similar to the ones described above.
You can create a create a class and dump all your constants in it.
For instance:
class Global
#sales_tax = 0.9
def sales_tax
and access it like:
Or, you can define global variables something on the lines of this post

set constant values for cuisine like Chinese,Indian in ruby on rails

I want to use Cuisines like (Chinese, Indian, US) as constant values in my application which are defined in a config file. How can I set as constants and how can access in controllers?
This is explicitly not an answer to your question, but a suggestion that you look for alternatives. I think you would be far better off creating a database table with your cuisine names in it than to use constants. Leverage rails associations so that you can write nice readable code.
The problem with using constants is that under many circumstances, they aren't really constant. What happens if you want to add Japanese? What happens if you want to add Thai, but then 6 months later decide to drop it? What happens if you decide that Indian is too broad, and you want "Northern Indian" and "Southern Indian"?
With a database table, you can ensure that the class that are associated with those constants are always in a consistent state. When you need to get them all, they are just a line of code away with
my_cuisines = Cuisine.all
with nice built in iterators.
You can use gem 'settingslogic'
model settings.rb:
class Settings < Settingslogic
source "#{Rails.root}/config/settings.yml"
namespace Rails.env
then, use in controller:
First, consider what Marc Talbot said. Make sure that you really don't want a normal database model. If you're sure you want to use constants then continue on:
My preferred way to do this is with a pseudo-model.
In app/models/cuisine.rb
class Cuisine
# Should come before the constant declarations
def initialize(name)
#name = name
Mexican = new('Mexican')
Chinese = new('Chinese')
Indian = new('Indian')
def to_s
# other related methods
# like translations, descriptions, etc.
Then in the everywhere else in the app you can just reference Cuisine::Mexican or Cuisine::Indian
Also depending on how you are using it you might need a list of the cuisines.
class Cuisine
def self.all
[Mexican, Indian, Chinese, ...]
This technique keeps the code organized and keeps you from writing yet another initializer file.

When you say Ruby is reflective, does this mainly refer to "duck typing"?

I was reading a text describing Ruby and it said the following:
Ruby is considered a “reflective”
language because it’s possible for a
Ruby program to analyze itself (in
terms of its make-up), make
adjustments to the way it works, and
even overwrite its own code with other
I'm confused by this term 'reflective' - is this mainly talking about the way Ruby can look at a variable and figure out whether it's an Integer or a String (duck typing), e.g.:
x = 3
x = "three" # Ruby reassigns x to a String type
To say Ruby is "reflective" means that you can, for instance, find out at runtime what methods a class has:
>> Array.methods
=> ["inspect", "private_class_method", "const_missing",
[ ... and many more ... ]
(You can do the same thing with an object of the class.)
Or you can find out what class a given object is...
>> arr =
=> []
>> arr.class
=> Array
And find out what it is within the class hierarchy...
>> arr.kind_of?
>> arr.kind_of? Array
=> true
>> arr.kind_of? String
=> false
In the quote where they say "it’s possible for a Ruby program to analyze itself" that's what they're talking about.
Other languages such as Java do that too, but with Ruby it's easier, more convenient, and more of an everyday part of using the language. Hence, Ruby is "reflective."
No, it means that you can issue a ruby command to get information about, well, just about anything. For example, you can type the command File.methods() to get a listing of all methods belonging to the File module. You can do similar things with classes and objects -- listing methods, variables, etc.
Class reopening is a good example of this. Here's a simple example:
class Integer
def moxy
self - 2
elsif self.nonzero?
self + 2
puts 10.moxy
By reopening a standard Ruby class - Integer - and defining a new method within it called 'moxy', we can perform a newly defined operation directly on a number. In this case, I've defined this made up 'moxy' method to subtract 2 from the Integer if it's zero and add two if it's nonzero. This makes the moxy method available to all objects of class Integer in Ruby. (Here we use the 'self' keyword to get the content of the integer object).
As you can see, it's a very powerful feature of Ruby.
EDIT: Some commenters have questioned whether this is really reflection. In the English language the word reflection refers to looking in on your own thoughts. And that's certainly an important aspect of reflection in programming also - using Ruby methods like is_a, kind_of, instance_of to perform runtime self-inspection. But reflection also refers to the the ability of a program to modify its own behavior at runtime. Reopening classes is one of the key examples of this. It's also called monkey patching. It's not without its risks but all I am doing is describing it here in the context of reflection, of which it is an example.
It refers mainly at how easy is to inspect and modify internal representations during run-time in Ruby programs, such as classes, constants, methods and so on.
Most modern languages offer some kind of reflective capabilities (even statically typed ones such as Java), but in Ruby, it is so easy and natural to use these capabilities, that it really make a real difference when you need them.
It just makes meta-programming, for example, an almost trivial task, which is not true at all in other languages, even dynamic ones.
