Ruby - Passing binding variables in SQL execution - ruby-on-rails

I'm new to Ruby and I want to try to access a MySQL database:
require 'rubygems'
require "dbi"
class DBConnection
attr_accessor :dbh
#Connect to db
def connect?(driver_url,user,pass)
#dbh = DBI.connect(driver_url, user,pass);
return true
rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e
puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}"
return false
#dbh.disconnect if !dbh
def execute_customize(query,params)
stm = #dbh.prepare(query)
if( (params != nil) && !(params.empty?) )
header = false
stm.fetch do |row|
if (!header)
puts("ID Name")
header = true
puts("#{row[0]} #{row[1]}")
db =
db.connect?("DBI:Mysql:test:localhost", "root", "123456")
db.execute_customize("SELECT * FROM test.employee WHERE name = ? OR name = ? ",*["John","Terry"])
But the above returns the following error:
in `execute_customize': wrong number of arguments (3 for 2) (ArgumentError)
But the execution is successful with:
dbh.execute_customize("SELECT * FROM test.employee WHERE name = ?",*["John"])
What am I doing wrong?
Demo data from employee table :
| id | name |
| 1 | John |
| 2 | Terry |
| 3 | Vidal |
| 4 | CR7 |
| 5 | M10 |
| 6 | R10 |
| 7 | F4 |
// Update : Your comment almost told me using IN in query, but if with other query like :
SELECT * FROM test.employee WHERE name = ? and id > ?
I still need a way to passing seperate paramer to every "?" character

You're passing three arguments instead of two.
The splat operator * expands the array, so its elements are treated as separate arguments.
dbh.execute("SELECT * FROM test.employee WHERE name IN (?)", names)
where names is a comma-separated list of strings.
That should work, but you may not need to use execute for this.
If you're using Rails, you can just use
Employee.where(name: ["John","Terry"])
and ActiveRecord will understand what you mean.


what does Num*Obj means in Spock

Let's say deleteInvocation=1, notDeletedInvocation=2
Does that mean I will have 3 records in the Post array before entering?
3 * postConverter.apply(Post, null) >> PostPayload
def "Verify PostCoreImpl.findById return Post when includeRemoved: [#includeRemoved]"() {
def PostId = UUID.randomUUID()
def Post = Mock(Post)
def PostPayload = Mock(PostPayload)
def actual = underTest.findPostById(PostId, includeRemoved, false, false)
deleteInvocation * mockPostDataManager.findByIdincludeRemoved(PostId) >> Post
notDeletedInvocation * mockPostDataManager.findById(PostId) >> Post
3 * postConverter.apply(Post, null) >> PostPayload
actual == PostPayload
deleteInvocation | notDeletedInvocation | includeRemoved
1 | 0 | true
0 | 1 | false
First of all, I would advise against using variable names starting with capital letters, especially if these variables are identical with actual class names(!). For example, I would change
def PostId = UUID.randomUUID()
def Post = Mock(Post)
def PostPayload = Mock(PostPayload)
def postId = UUID.randomUUID()
def post = Mock(Post)
def postPayload = Mock(PostPayload)
and update all places where these variables are used.
As for your question, the notation integerNumber * methodCall(...) on a mock or spy object means that you want to verify that methodCall(...) was called exactly integerNumber times during your test (interaction checking).
Please consult the Spock manual chapter "Interactions" for further information.
The notation integerNumber * methodCall(...) >> stubResult means that you combine interactions with stubbing, i.e. specify two things at once with a mock or spy object.
Please consult the Spock manual chapter "Combining Mocking and Stubbing" for further information.

How can I write table_print output within my Ruby script?

So, I've got a script, say, program.rb, and in it I want to output the table_print version of an array of lists
so that it looks like this in the .txt file I output
col1 | col2 | col3
value1 | value2 | value3
I already have table_print installed, but this is all I have so far as a working model:
require 'table_print'
I guess I'm just not getting how to do the Ruby equivalent of MySQL's create table
firstname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
lastname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(50),
reg_date TIMESTAMP
and insert into
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...)
VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...)
And I don't want a temporary/latent database just sitting around for no reason. It's like I need a database as a variable or something; that is, I create it, I populate it, I print it, I destroy it.
table_print can't print nested arrays like this:
arrays = [
['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
['value4', 'value5', 'value6']
because it flattens the input. You have to convert the inner arrays to another object.
Hash would work:
hashes = { |values| %w(col1 col2 col3).zip(values).to_h }
#=> [
# {"col1"=>"value1", "col2"=>"value2", "col3"=>"value3"},
# {"col1"=>"value4", "col2"=>"value5", "col3"=>"value6"}
# ]
tp hashes
# COL1 | COL2 | COL3
# -------|--------|-------
# value1 | value2 | value3
# value4 | value5 | value6
Struct would work as well:
Row =, :col2, :col3)
rows = { |values|*values) }
#=> [
# #<struct Row col1="value1", col2="value2", col3="value3">,
# #<struct Row col1="value4", col2="value5", col3="value6">
# ]
tp rows
# COL1 | COL2 | COL3
# -------|--------|-------
# value1 | value2 | value3
# value4 | value5 | value6
Looks like you need String#ljust:
rows = [
rows.each do |row|
puts "#{row[0].ljust(30)}|#{row[1].ljust(30)}|#{row[2].ljust(30)}"

data into datetime column does not inserted correctly while csv importing into database

I am creating a ruby on rails application. While importing date into available_on column, date does not inserted into database correctly.It's changes when I import data using csv file.
def import
require 'csv'
file = params[:file]
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
#prod = = row["name"]
#prod.shipping_category_id = row["shipping_category_id"]
#prod.description = row["description"]
#prod.available_on = row["available_on"]
#prod.meta_description = row["meta_description"]
#prod.meta_keywords = row["meta_keywords"]
#prod.tax_category_id = row["tax_category_id"]
#prod.shipping_category_id = row["shipping_category_id"]
#prod.promotionable = row["promotionable"]
#prod.meta_title = row["meta_title"]
#prod.featured = row["featured"]
#prod.supplier_id = row["supplier_id"]
#prod.master.price = row["master_price"]
#prod.master.cost_price = row["cost_price"]
#prod.master.depth = row["depth"]
#prod.master.height = row["height"]
#prod.master.width = row["width"]
#prod.master.weight = row["weight"]
#prod.master.sku = row["sku"]
#prod.master.tax_category_id = row["tax_category_id"]!
my database table is just like:
| id | int(11)
| name | varchar(255)
| description | text
| available_on | datetime
| deleted_at | datetime
| slug | varchar(255)
| meta_description | text
| meta_keywords | varchar(255)
| tax_category_id | int(11)
| shipping_category_id | int(11)
| created_at | datetime
| updated_at | datetime
| promotionable | tinyint(1)
| meta_title | varchar(255)
| featured | tinyint(1)
| supplier_id | int(11)
and I know this due to datatype of available_on.
and I inserted date into available_on is like '2015-10-10'.
Can any one tell how to remove this inconsistency from database while importing csv file
Use the :converters option to tell Ruby to automatically convert date fields:
require 'csv'
def import
file = params[:file]
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true, converters: :date) do |row|
# ...
P.S. Might I suggest cleaning this up a bit?
PRODUCT_ATTR_NAMES = %w[ name shipping_category_id description
available_on meta_description meta_keywords
tax_category_id promotionable meta_title
featured supplier_id ]
MASTER_ATTR_NAMES = %w[ master_price cost_price depth height
width weight sku tax_category_id ]
def import
require 'csv'
file = params[:file]
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true, converters: :date) do |row|
row = row.to_hash
product_attrs = row.slice(*PRODUCT_ATTR_NAMES)
master_attrs = row.slice(*MASTER_ATTR_NAMES)
#prod = Spree::Product.create!(product_attrs) do |product|
You should parse the value into an instance of class Time:
require 'time'
#prod.available_on = Time.parse(row["available_on"])
You would most likely want to do some type conversion on other columns as well. Those that should contain integer values, for example:
#prod.tax_category_id = Integer(row["tax_category_id"])
Likewise for the other non-string values.

Elasticsearch result to table

I am using the gem elasticsearch-rails to retrieve data from elasticsearch in a dynamic way, meaning that the result can have none or multiple aggregations depending on users choices.
Imagine a response like this:
How can I transform that data in a tabular data? like
| insignia_id | chain_id | store_id | value |
| 1 | 9 | 450 | 1785.13 |
| 1 | 9 | 349 | 1690.37 |
EDIT :: Being clear on the response I am looking for, two choices here: Array (simple) or Array of hashes.
Array style: [[insignia_id, chain_id, store_id, value], [1,9,450,1785.13], [1,9,349,1690.37],...]
Array of Hashes style: [{insignia_id => 1, chain_id => 9, store_id => 450, value => 1785.13}, {insignia_id => 1, chain_id => 9, store_id => 450, value => 1690.37 }]
The later is more like an activerecord style...
ok, so I came up with a solution for an array response.
Firstly added a helper for what comes ahead...
class Hash
def deep_find(key, object=self, found=nil)
if object.respond_to?(:key?) && object.key?(key)
return object[key]
elsif object.is_a? Enumerable
object.find { |*a| found = deep_find(key, a.last) }
return found
now for the array algorithm (added in a concern):
def self.to_table_array(data, aggs, final_table = nil, row = [])
final_table = [aggs.keys] if final_table.nil?
hash_tree = data.deep_find(aggs.keys.first)
if aggs.values.uniq.length == 1 && aggs.values.uniq == [:data]
aggs.keys.each do |agg|
row << data[agg]["value"]
final_table << row
hash_tree["buckets"].each_with_index do |h, index|
row.pop if index > 0
aggs.shift if index == 0
row << h["key_as_string"]
final_table = to_table_array(h, aggs.clone, final_table, row.clone)
The call for this method could be made like this:
#_fields = { "insignia_id" => :row, "chain_id" => :row, "store_id"=> :row, "value" => : data }
#res.response => Elasticsearch response
result = to_table_array(res.response, _fields)
There are some things quite specific to this case like you can see on this _fields variable. Also I'm assuming each aggregation has the name of the term itself. The rest is quite the same for every possible case.
A result of an array of hashes is pretty simple from here just by replacing few lines.
I put a lot of efford in this. Hope this helps someone else other than me.

how to select from the children of selected node using xpath?i

I am having problem to get children of selected node that match the format. It somehow return me a global selection of the format instead from the selected one.
doc = Nokogiri::XML(f)
group_with_obj_and_unit = doc.xpath("/x:svg/x:g[x:text[matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$')]][x:text[not(matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$'))]][x:path or x:rect or x:circle or x:ellipse or x:polyline or x:polygon]", FindWithRegex, "x" => "")
group_with_obj_and_unit.each do |matched_group|
text_object = matched_group.xpath("//x:g/x:text[matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$')]", FindWithRegex, "x" => "")
object = matched_group.xpath("//x:g/x:path | /x:svg/x:g/x:rect | /x:svg/x:g/x:circle | /x:svg/x:g/x:ellipse | /x:svg/x:g/x:polyline | /x:svg/x:g/x:polygon", "x" => "")
#object['id'] = text_object.text
after suggested by #pguardiario
def run!
fileContent = #file_path, "r"
file = #file_path, "r+"
doc = Nokogiri::XML(fileContent)
group_with_obj_and_unit = doc.xpath("/x:svg/x:g[x:text[matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$')]][x:text[not(matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$'))]][x:path or x:rect or x:circle or x:ellipse or x:polyline or x:polygon]", FindWithRegex, "x" => "")
group_with_obj_and_unit.each do |matched_group|
#find the text object and the object of the selected node
text_object = matched_group.at_xpath("./x:text[matches(text(),'^#[0123456789]+\-[0123456789][\/[0123456789]+]*$')]", FindWithRegex, "x" => "")
object = matched_group.at_xpath("./x:path | ./x:rect | ./x:circle | ./x:ellipse | ./x:polyline | ./x:polygon", "x" => "")
object['id'] = text_object.text
file.write doc.to_xml
// means match anywhere following root
.// means match anywhere following the current node.
