Cydia app installation problems - ios

I have been hosting my app on a cydia repository for quite some time, and haven't had any problems hosting the app for iOS 5 or iOS 6. However, when I upgraded one of my devices to iOS 7, and tried to install the app it gave me some errors during the installation.
The erros I am getting are,
subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
I've tried googling the errors, but haven't had much luck, and I just reread saurik's post about building a .deb file and creating a cydia repository, here I am still not sure why the package / .deb file would work in iOS 6 but then stop working in iOS 7.
I even created a simple test app with just button in it using Xcode 5, and that simple test app is giving me the same errors as stated above.

Apparently there's some compatibility issues with dpkg, Cydia, and the homebrew release of dpkg. I ended up finding this, which solved the install problem. :)

this error mostly happen if you are using new SDK that has not been jailbroken yet, if you are using Xcode with new SDK you should download older Xcode with SDK that has been jailbroken, then you can compile an app that will load normally.


Building old version of React-Native app with Xcode 11

I just started working on an already existing React-Native app that needs a really small update, but that has not been updated since October 2019.
The first thing I need, in order to start updating it, is to build the app. That is where I cannot find a way to do it.
At the moment, I’m trying to build the app only on iOS and not on Android.
First of all the current toolset versions I’m using are:
React-Native version: 0.53.3
Xcode version: 11.4.1
iOS SDK: 13.4
Node version: 8.16.6
NPM version: 6.14.1
I initially had problem with third-party tools, but I managed to fix it through manually installing them in the node-modules/react-native folder.
Now I’m getting errors about Xcode not finding headers of the modules the app is using
like, for example,
React/RCTViewManager.h file not found
Or, similarly, the GoogleSignIn.h headers in the RNGoogleSignIn module
I believe it’s just an error of how libraries are imported in Xcode, because as a test I have created a new react-native “test app” with the same exact versions of react-native and node, then I installed the core dependencies needed to perform the update on the original app, and I managed to build it without problems.
I’ve also tested building the app on an old Mac with macOS 10.14, using Xcode 9, but I’ve got different errors, always related to importing headers of modules.
This is the toolkits versions of the “old Mac”:
React-Native version: 0.53.3
Xcode version: 9.4.1
iOS SDK: 11.3
Node version: 8.16.6
NPM version: 6.14.1
Searching online I know that some of the problems I have faced (like the third-party react-native manual install) have been fixed in react-native updates, but I’m not expert enough with the technology to be sure that I can handle the update process without introducing bugs. I would prefer to just make this version run for now and facing the updating process later.
Do you have any suggestion of things about what I can do in order to successfully build the app?

If anyone ever comes here with a similar problem: the solution was pretty simple.
Be sure you're using the .xcworkspace file in your iOS folder, and not the .xcodeproj. This is used to automatically (and correctly) load the Pods dependencies in Xcode without having to manually link them.
Be sure that you installed the dependencies correctly with the right version of Cocoapods. We had to use an old version (1.5.x) that would automatically downloaded some pod dependencies. Our error was due to Facebook SDK. Newer versions of cocoapods did not download it, while the 1.5.x version would download it.

Building iOS app with Xamarin and Visual Studio 2019 - Error Wrong Version of Xcode installed when it isnt

I am trying out Xamarin on the Mac. I have an oldish Mac that DID have Xcode 10.1 on it.
I tried to build the iOS app and got the following error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The Xcode version installed on the Mac (10.1) is not compatible with this version of Visual Studio. This may cause unexpected warnings or errors when building and deploying iOS projects. Please install Xcode '11.3' or visit the documentation to learn more. 0
I upgraded the Mac to Caitlin and upgraded Xcode to 11.3.
I can connect to the Mac and actually can run the iPhone simulator with the app, however, if I run the build, I STILL get the same error, like its not figured out how to update itself?
I have done the 'forget this Mac' and even renamed it on the network in case there was some legacy in a file somewhere.
I have dumped the solution and created a new one from the templates and still get the same error ... hair being torn out...
It might be one of those things that just goes away after a while I don't know. Any ideas?
EDIT * I realised that I wasnt clear. I am running VS2019 on a PC connecting to my Mac.

Xcode 8 won't run my application

I'm trying to run a sample app; its source can be found here:
In commit c669271, before the app was migrated to Xcode 8 and Swift 3, I was able to run it in devices from Xcode 7 - the Simulator wasn't working since one of its dependencies wasn't built for x86_64.
But since it was updated, when I try to run the application on a Simulator from Xcode 8, I get the following error:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died)
There's a similar error when running on a device, but since I don't have one with me right now, I'll edit this question with further details tomorrow.
I saw it working thrice. The only thing that comes to mind is that I had a clean install of Xcode each time it worked. After something like a reboot, or just a restart of Xcode, I wasn't able to run it anymore.
I don't have a firewall enabled, so the accepted answer to this question (Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator) doesn't solve my problem.
Any ideas?
OBS: You have to edit the Config.swift file to be able to build the project: any value in the place of "<replace me>" will suffice.
It seems the problem was related to a framework that was being embedded in the application via symlink.
I changed one of the build scripts to copy the framework and now everything is working as expected.
Not sure why it worked before, but that seems to be the answer!

Playground not working

I can't use playground. It shows this error : Playground execution terminated because the process stopped unexpectedly.
All I did was installing iOS 9 simulator by downloading it with terminal and copying it manually to where it was supposed to be and clicking download on preferences to install the downloaded file because I was not able to download it normally.
In other topics my problem was mentioned and the solution was restarting Xcode and mac, I even removed Xcode and reinstalled it using a dmg file instead of installing it by mac App Store which I used to. I tried it and I still have the issue. (My Xcode is not a beta version.) Is it just me in this whole mac community who has this problem and there is no solution ?!

Xcode4.2 : an error occurred uploading to the itunes store

Hey in trying to submit my app to iTunes. It passes the validation, but when i submit it's showing an error:
an error occurred uploading to the iTunes store
I have tried all possible solutions that I found during searching about this problem for almost one day .
I tried these lines without any success
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5
sudo ln -s CurrentJDK /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0
I use xcode 4.2 and snow leopard Mac OS .
Just use the newest Application Loader to submit apps. For Snow Leopard Mac OS, you can download Application Loader 2.5 from here to see what the problem really is. If nothing else is wrong, you may get this error:
This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK, xcode.
I am also working on submitting apps with Xcode 4.2, because my macbook is too old to upgrade to Lion and to install Xcode 4.6. It seems that Xcode 4.2 is too old to be supported and the best solution is to install Xcode 4.6.
This error says that there is something wrong with the upload process. I don't believe you can fix it without getting in touch with Apple.
I've had this error once (already some months ago). It was caused by a server side issue by Apple at that day, but today the Apple servers are working without any issues (tried with Xcode 4.6).
