SBJson in non-ARC project - ios

I am trying to include SBJsonlibrary in my project that does not use ARC. Since I cannot include source files, I've followed the steps described: here. However I end up with the same problems described in this SO question.
When I add libsbjson-ios.a to my project, it is shown in red, which I assume means the library is missing.
Although the compiling of the project goes fine, when I try to add #import "SBJson.h" I get
"SBJson.h: no such file or directory" error.
How do I solve this? My project is too large and I cannot change everyting to use ARC.

you simply need to drag all the files into your project rather than importing the library. i suggest to see and follow the read me file to install in your project.
to use this in your projects
download the zip file from above link.
In the Finder, navigate into the src/main/objc folder.
Select all the files and drag-and-drop them into your Xcode project.
Tick the Copy items into destination group's folder option.
Use #import "SBJson.h" in your source files.

As an aside, a project can use ARC for just some files, so you could have compiled SBJson's classes with ARC and the rest of the project without.
A better way would be to just use SBJson from CocoaPods if you need to support iOS4. Or just switch to NSJSONSerialisation if you don't.


Adding an Xcode subproject: Shouldn't all the source files get copied?

I am manually adding the SQLite.swift subproject to my project. As the directions indicated, I copied the .xcodeproj file to my project. This allows me see all the source files (unlike this SO question).
Everything seemed like it was working fine. However, I discovered that the source files of that subproject were not copied to my project. They are still in original location where I downloaded them. Is this by design? What if I want to share my project source code with other people in the future? They won't have the subproject source that is necessary for my project to work.
If I do need to copy the subproject source to my project, then how do I do that?
Add it to your filesystem-structure first. For example by pressing "Show in Finder" on the "Chimee"-project which will lead you to the folder it's located in. Then copy the SQLite-project structure in there.
Afterwards you can then drag&drop the xcodeproj into your project which will then still link to its original path, but as it's now inside your project-structure isn't a problem anymore.
I guess that this is by design, because when you try it via Add files to "YourProject" you can select the Copy items if needed-option but it will still not get copied (only with .xcodeproj-files, it works with all other filetypes)
After doing more research, I now feel that using a dependency manager (like CocoaPods or Carthage) is a better option than manually adding the framework to the project.
This will allow easier updating in the future.
Github source code sharing and App Store submission issues have already been considered.
Using Carthage is not too difficult if you follow this excellent guide: Carthage Tutorial: Getting Started
Delete the framework files that you manually copied in before installing the framework with Carthage.
I will leave #TMob's answer as accepted for now, but I am no longer pursuing that route.

Referring to an .h class of a subproject

the Dropbox iOS SDK has its own Framework bundle but in order to customize it easily I ve chosen to include its Xcode project as a subproject.
How should i refer to its .h classes?
I ve added the .xcodeproj from the "Add files" button and I ve added in the Header Search Path the following value:
The subproject looks to be at the same level with the main project.
Shouldn't the importing itself link the dependencies?
(I m really frustrated by the import system in Xcode)
Your basic approach seems sound (and is pretty close to how I handle lots of vendor projects). Since you've added $(PROJECT_DIR) to your header search path, and assuming that the framework is in a directory named "Dropbox", then you can refer to the packages a couple of ways:
#import <Dropbox/Header.h>
#import "Dropbox/Header.h"
I prefer to think of the sub-projects as "system-like" and so tend to use angle-brackets, reserving double-quotes for internal code. But either approach is really fine.
Shouldn't the importing itself link the dependencies?
No. You still need to link the dependencies. #import does just exactly one thing: inserts the requested file into the current file. That's all it does. It is identical to you taking the referenced file and copy/pasting it into your code (that's basically how it's implemented in the pre-processor). That this is used for "header" files is a matter of convention. It has nothing to do with how the compiler works. You technically could import a .m file that included a method in it as a way to do code reuse. (I've seen that done in projects I've worked on. Please don't do this....)
When dealing with ObjC modules, it's a little different (using #import rather than #import). But if you're just importing headers as you seem to be, think of it as "stick this other file right here, exactly as written."

How should i handle a dependency in my static library?

I have written a static library which interfaces with a web service for internal use across multiple projects.
This library uses AFNetworking heavily, but so do the projects which will use the library. If I include AFNetworking in the library.
I get duplicate symbol errors, but if I remove AFNetworking from the library, it won't compile.
How should I address this dependency ?
Edit: My project is in a GIT repository. Whatever I do, other developers should be able to pull the project and have it compile successfully (unless I am wrong and I shouldn't be that way).
The easiest solution is to rename AFNetworking Classes.
Go to each .m file of afnetwork, click on class name, then Edit->Refactor->Rename
.There are around 10 files. It wouldn't take you long.
PS: A good practise is to prepend your library initials, for example if your library name is MyLibrary, you can rename AFNetworking classes like
MyLibAFNetworking... MyLibAFHTTP....
Use Cocoapods, you can add the dependency for AFNetworking and it will automatically add the library and everything will work like a charm.
Copy the files of AFNetworking project and add them to your project as files of your library. In other words,
Right click on any AFNetworking file in your project and do Show in Finder.
Select all the AFNetworking files.
Drag them to your Library project and then drop them.
When the pop up appears make sure Copy Items if needed is check marked.

Use an entire app as a dependency?

Without going into the why, I need to use an entire app for various classes and libraries it has and includes.
Is there a way I can use the entire project as a dependency? When I choose "static library target" I lose all the hundreds of classes in the "compile" step. Effectively I would like to be able to package the project such that I can use it elsewhere.
Is there an easy way to do this aside from building my new app out of the old app and changing the app name/launch targets?
You have to find a way to transport every element into the new XCode project. iOS app consists of:
main.m file - You probably won't need to copy that, as it's usually just one line.
Source files and headers for: appDelegate, ViewControllers etc. - I don't understand why you would "lose all the hundreds of classes" during compile time. You're the one that chooses what is to be included in the static library. Add all the header files you need to "Copy headers" in the static library target "Build Phases". Add all the source files into "Compile sources". There are many tutorials and StackOverflow posts on how to do that. (example: How can I create static library and can add just .a file on any project in ios)
Storyboards, xib files, *.plist files, images and other resources - you need to put these in a *.bundle file . Just create a new target (which is a bundle) and include all the needed resources in it. Then you'll have to find a way to use them in the new XCode project. For example setting the default *-info.plist or *.pch file: How to tell Xcode where my info.plist and .pch files are or setting the main storyboard.
So you end up with two files: one framework/static library and one bundle file. It shouldn't be that hard to configure new XCode project to use resources from the bundle and classes from the static library.
I'm not sure if I understood your question.
You can add your old app as a project to your workspace and add it as a "target dependency" to use it.
The easiest and safest way to do this is to copy the whole workspace and change the initial view controller.

MapBox iOS SDK within your own Xcode

I downloaded MapBox example from github using the following
git clone --recursive
Which downloaded it including all dependencies. Now I'm trying to create a separate project and include MapBox DSK as it was in that example. I tried creating workspace then creating a single view project then add new file and select .xcodepro for the MapBox DSK but didn't work when I tried importing MapBox.h file. I never tried importing 3rd parties API before and a bit not sure how I can do that correctly. Any Idea how I can accomplish that ?
Thanks in Advance
Just try:
#import <Mapbox/Mapbox.h>
instead of just importing Mapbox.h as suggested here:
You simply drag the Mapbox-ios-sdk project file from Finder to the files pane in Xcode.
And then click the project in Xcode files pane, Target-->Build Settings. Search for "User Header Search Paths". Specify where the MapBox sdk is located.
What I do is I put the MapBox-iOS-sdk in my project directory. And I set the path as $(SRCROOT) and make sure to set it as recursive.
While you're at it also make sure -ObjC and -all_load are set in Other linker flags.
That only helps you reference the .h files, to link, also under Build Setting, Link Binary with Libraries you need libMapBox.a.
If there is a MapBox.bundle (as in the latest development branch) in the group and files pane, you want to drag that into Target->Build phases->Copy bundle resources as well. (The add button doesn't work for me.)
I think the best way is to look at mapbox-ios-example provided by MapBox and try to replicate all dependencies into your own project.
A bit late but I did it like it was explained here:
Not messing around with git, just dragging things into your project, easy!
I think problem here is he couldn't find a specific 'file' that was titled "MapBox.Framework" inside the folder of resources downloaded from Map Box, however what you actually need to do is copy that whole folder, which is titled "MapBox.Framework" into the frameworks section. I think the confusion was that the main folder that needs to be copied doesn't look like the yellow framework icon until you copy that folder into Xcode's frameworks section.
