Invoke method on event handler in Delphi - delphi

As following an example of a code written in C# that use an SDK (in-proc COM object)
I've created a class: TSwitcherMonitor, and now I've to assign the callback function to my object property: OnSwitcherDisconnected property. I've this call example in C#, the note talk about double use of lambda expressions. I've googled on this and it seem that Delphi does not have lambda expression.
Here is the call in C#:
Q1: There is a way to do the same way in Delphi using the invoke method or we have to do this in a different way ?
//Create callbacks object
m_switcherMonitor := TSwitcherMonitor.Create(Application.Handle);
// note: this invoke pattern ensures our callback is called in the main thread. We are making double
// use of lambda expressions here to achieve this.
// Essentially, the events will arrive at the callback class (implemented by our monitor classes)
// on a separate thread. We must marshell these to the main thread, and we're doing this by calling
// invoke on the Windows Forms object. The lambda expression is just a simplification./
m_switcherMonitor.OnSwitcherDisconnected += new SwitcherEventHandler((s, a) => this.Invoke((Action)(() => SwitcherDisconnected())));
Q2 : The only thinks I want, is to have a working callback on using the SDK. Does my declaration of TSwitcherEventHandler is correct ?
In reference, here is my TSwitcherEventHandler declaration and my TSwitcherMonitor class:
TSwitcherEventHandler = procedure(const sender: TObject; const args: TObject) of object;
TSwitcherMonitor = Class(TComObject, IBMDSwitcherCallback)
FHwnd: HWND;
FSwitcherDisconnected: TSwitcherEventHandler;
constructor Create(hWnd: HWND);
function Notify(eventType: _BMDSwitcherEventType): HResult; stdcall;
property OnSwitcherDisconnected: TSwitcherEventHandler read FSwitcherDisconnected write FSwitcherDisconnected;
{ TSwitcherMonitor }
constructor TSwitcherMonitor.Create(hWnd: HWND);
FHwnd:= hWnd;
function TSwitcherMonitor.Notify(eventType: _BMDSwitcherEventType): HRESULT; stdcall;
if eventType = bmdSwitcherEventTypeDisconnected then
if assigned(FSwitcherDisconnected) then
FSwitcherDisconnected(self, nil);
result := S_OK;

I'm not a "Delphi experts" but for shure, as many says, Delphi Rocks !
The C# line:
m_switcherMonitor.OnSwitcherDisconnected += new SwitcherEventHandler((s, a) => this.Invoke((Action)(() => SwitcherDisconnected())));
can be translated in Delphi as simple as:
m_switcherMonitor.OnSwitcherDisconnected := switcherMonitor_OnSwitcherDisconnected;
Now my sample application work. Delphi do some automatic job with pointer and when tranlating C# or C++ code in Delphi just writing it in is more simple expression and Delphi do the job. At the start, it's weird and hard to work with this kind of black magic, when we try to understand how the things works, but Delphi is certainly a true RAD as they advertise.


How do I assign a pre-existing function to a TComparison<T>?

program Project55;
TestRec<T> = record
Compare: TComparison<T>;
CompareI: IComparer<T>;
TRI: TestRec<Integer>;
TRI.CompareI:= TComparer<Integer>.Default;
TRI.Compare:= TRI.CompareI.Compare; //E2035 Not enough actual parameters
TRI.Compare:= #TRI.CompareI.Compare; //E2035 Not enough actual parameters
I know I can assign the function body as an anonymous function, but why can't I assign an existing function?
Of course the following works, but that's just silly:
TRI.Compare:= function(const L,R: integer): Integer
Result:= TRI.CompareI.Compare(L,R);
PS. I'm using Delphi XE7, but I doubt the version matters.
Knowing that IComparer<T> is an interface with just one method that has the same signature as TComparison<T> and that anonymous methods are just interfaces with one method you can do the following.
IComparer<Integer>(TRI.Compare) := TRI.CompareI;
I am using that trick in Spring4D to avoid creating a wrapper object around a TComparison<T> to be passed as IComparer<T> because they are binary compatible.
Your attempts to perform this assignment fail because an interface method cannot be with assigned to a method reference variable. The language simply does not permit that. The types are not assignment compatible. Valid assignment sources are anonymous methods, methods of classes (instance or class) and unit scope procedures.
The tricks that can be seen in other answers all depend on in depth knowledge of the implementation details. Which means that they are subject to change. But in terms of the language, what you are attempting is not permitted.
Anonymous methods are not exactly method pointers. They are implemented as an interface with a single method "Invoke".
It is possible to extract a method pointer from an anonymous method, but as far as I know it relies on the current implementation details of anonymous method and could be subject to changes in future version of delphi. In other words, I would advise against it. This was taken verbatim from Barry Kelly's post here. (Which covers the topic more thoroughly than I do here)
procedure MethRefToMethPtr(const MethRef; var MethPtr);
TVtable = array[0..3] of Pointer;
PVtable = ^TVtable;
PPVtable = ^PVtable;
// 3 is offset of Invoke, after QI, AddRef, Release
TMethod(MethPtr).Code := PPVtable(MethRef)^^[3];
TMethod(MethPtr).Data := Pointer(MethRef);
Based on your example, I'd propose this as an alternative
TestRec<T> = record
CompareI: IComparer<T>;
function Compare(const L, R : T) : Integer;
function TestRec<T>.Compare(const L, R : T) : Integer;
Result := CompareI.Compare(L,R);
But then, it may/may not apply to your current situation.

Notifying about events from dll to main app

I am developing application which intend to be cross platform. I used to use Windows Messages but now I am dropping it out. I replaced messages with callbacks but regardless I can use different technologies I am not aware of different possibilites when not using windows messages.
Well I have main exe aplication and some dll plugins. I have some objects and threads in dll and I would like to notify main application about some changes that DLL made to data structure.
As I said I am currently working with some callbacks. To provide compatibility with different languages (C++, VB, C#) I have non-object type of callback. I am not sure if other languages supports callback of object.
So my questions are:
What are the alternatives (cross-platform) to windows messages? Can callbacks replace messages?
Do other languages support callback of object?
I guess other languages have different technologies as alternative to messages?
You can certainly use callback functions instead of messages. You can't use callback methods because only Delphi and C++ Builder understand how to invoke Delphi method pointers. However, you can use callback objects with any language that supports COM. Here's an example for a plug-in to notify the application that the data structure has changed:
Define an interface.
IDataStructureChanged = interface
procedure Call; stdcall;
You could add some parameters to the method so the plug-in can tell how the data structure changed, or pass some value indicating which plug-in is making the notification.
Implement it in the application.
TDataStructureChangedListener = class(TInterfacedObject, IDataStructureChanged)
FForm: TForm;
procedure Call; stdcall;
constructor Create(Form: TForm);
When you instantiate that class, you can pass it a reference to your program's main form, or whatever other information your program will need to be able to take action when a plug-in eventually calls the Call method. Implement Call to make your application do whatever it needs to do when a data structure changes.
Pass a reference to each of the plug-ins when you initialize them.
ChangeListener := TDataStructureChangedListener.Create(Self);
for i := 0 to Pred(PlugIns.Count) do
The plug-in should store a reference to the listener object, and when the data structure changes, it can call the Call method to notify your application.
What I've described here is what's generally known as an event sink. You can have more than one in your program. If there are multiple events to handle, you could have a separate interface for each kind of event, or you could group them all into a single interface and have a different method for each event. You could have a different sink object for each plug-in, or you could give each plug-in a reference to the same sink object, and then pass a plug-in-ID parameter.
I would definately use callbacks. The main app could give a callback function to the DLL to call when needed, and then the callback function itself can send window messages to the app if it needs to.
I agree with Remy, (!). A straightforward callback allows the handler to implement any kind of further communication it chooses - it might post a message, it may push a parameter onto a queue, whatever it wants. If you want to be cross-platform, you are going to have to resort to passing in, and out, simple types. It's usual to pass in a 'user context' pointer when callbacks are set up. The callback passes this pointer into the handler. This allows callers to pass in a context object as a pointer/int and to recover it in the handler, (by casting the pointer/int back to an object). The handler can then call methods on the context, no matter whether it's Delphi, C++ etc.
So my questions are:
What are the alternatives (cross-platform) to windows messages? Can callbacks replace messages?
Yes you can replace messages with callbacks.
Do other languages support callback of object?
You shouldn't use object methods as callbacks. Common practice in portable code is use of handles (notify calling convention):
DLL source:
THandle = LongWord;
{$IF SizeOf(THandle) < SizeOf(Pointer))}
{$MESSAGE Error 'Invallid handle type'}
TCallback = procedure(const aHandle: THandle); cdecl;
gCallback: record
Routine: TCallback;
Obj: TObject;
Info: string
function Object2Handle(const aObj: TObject): THandle;
Result:= THandle(Pointer(aObj))
function Handle2Object(const aHandle: THandle; out aObj: TObject): Boolean;
if gCallback.Obj <> nil then
if aHandle = Object2Handle(gCallback.Obj) then
aObj:= gCallback.Obj;
Result:= true;
Exit // WARRNING: program flow disorder
aObj:= nil;
Result:= false
procedure DoCallback();
if Assigned(gCallback.Routine) then
procedure SetupCallback(const aCallback: TCallback); cdecl;
gCallback.Routine:= aCallback;
procedure DoSomething(const aHandle: THandle; out aInfo: string); cdecl;
O: TObject;
if Handle2Object(aHandle, O) then
aInfo:= Format('%s class object %s', [O.ClassName(), gCallback.Info])
procedure Test();
gCallback.Obj:= TStream.Create();
gCallback.Info:= 'created';
gCallback.Obj:= TMemoryStream.Create();
gCallback.Info:= 'will be freed';
Executable source:
procedure Cb(const aHandle: THandle); cdecl;
STUPID: THandle = 1;
S: string;
DoSomething(STUPID, S);
DoSomething(aHandle, S);
Edited: You can't shoot yourself in you leg now.
I guess other languages have different technologies as alternative to messages?
OS have a few message alternatives. However not many truly portable.
You can also use:
(IMO too big in this case?) ready messaging system (my favorite 0MQ)

Why can a WideString not be used as a function return value for interop?

I have, on more than one occasion, advised people to use a return value of type WideString for interop purposes.
Accessing Delphi DLL throwing ocasional exception
ASP.NET web app calling Delphi DLL on IIS webserver, locks up when returning PChar string
Why can Delphi DLLs use WideString without using ShareMem?
The idea is that a WideString is the same as a BSTR. Because a BSTR is allocated on the shared COM heap then it is no problem to allocate in one module and deallocate in a different module. This is because all parties have agreed to use the same heap, the COM heap.
However, it seems that WideString cannot be used as a function return value for interop.
Consider the following Delphi DLL.
library WideStringTest;
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Result := 'TestWideString';
function TestBSTR: TBstr; stdcall;
Result := SysAllocString('TestBSTR');
procedure TestWideStringOutParam(out str: WideString); stdcall;
str := 'TestWideStringOutParam';
TestWideString, TestBSTR, TestWideStringOutParam;
and the following C++ code:
typedef BSTR (__stdcall *Func)();
typedef void (__stdcall *OutParam)(BSTR &pstr);
HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary(DLLNAME);
Func TestWideString = (Func) GetProcAddress(lib, "TestWideString");
Func TestBSTR = (Func) GetProcAddress(lib, "TestBSTR");
OutParam TestWideStringOutParam = (OutParam) GetProcAddress(lib,
BSTR str = TestBSTR();
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
str = NULL;
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
str = NULL;
str = TestWideString();//fails here
wprintf(L"%s\n", str);
The call to TestWideString fails with this error:
Unhandled exception at 0x772015de in BSTRtest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
Similarly, if we try to call this from C# with p/invoke, we have a failure:
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
static extern string TestWideString();
The error is:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException' occurred in ConsoleApplication10.exe
Additional information: External component has thrown an exception.
Calling TestWideString via p/invoke works as expected.
So, use pass-by-reference with WideString parameters and mapping them onto BSTR appears to work perfectly well. But not for function return values. I have tested this on Delphi 5, 2010 and XE2 and observe the same behaviour on all versions.
Execution enters the Delphi and fails almost immediately. The assignment to Result turns into a call to System._WStrAsg, the first line of which reads:
Now, EAX is $00000000 and naturally there is an access violation.
Can anyone explain this? Am I doing something wrong? Am I unreasonable in expecting WideString function values to be viable BSTRs? Or is it just a Delphi defect?
In regular Delphi functions, the function return is actually a parameter passed by reference, even though syntactically it looks and feels like an 'out' parameter. You can test this out like so (this may be version dependent):
function DoNothing: IInterface;
if Assigned(Result) then
ShowMessage('result assigned before invocation')
ShowMessage('result NOT assigned before invocation');
procedure TestParameterPassingMechanismOfFunctions;
X: IInterface;
X := TInterfaceObject.Create;
X := DoNothing;
To demonstrate call TestParameterPassingMechanismOfFunctions()
Your code is failing because of a mismatch between Delphi and C++'s understanding of the calling convention in relation to the passing mechanism for function results. In C++ a function return acts like the syntax suggests: an out parameter. But for Delphi it is a var parameter.
To fix, try this:
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Pointer(Result) := nil;
Result := 'TestWideString';
In C#/C++ you will need to define the Result as out Parameter, in order to maintain binary code compatibility of stdcall calling conventions:
Returning Strings and Interface References From DLL Functions
In the stdcall calling convention, the function’s result is passed via the CPU’s EAX register. However, Visual C++ and Delphi generate different binary code for these routines.
Delphi code stays the same:
function TestWideString: WideString; stdcall;
Result := 'TestWideString';
C# code:
// declaration
static extern void TestWideString([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string Result);
string s;
TestWideString(out s);

Accessing Sub functions /procedures from DPR or other function / procedure in Delphi

As much I know - Subroutines are with Private access mode to its parent unction / procedure, right?
Is there any way to access them from "outer-world" - dpr or other function / procedure in unit?
Also - which way takes more calcualtion and space to compiled file?
for example:
function blablabla(parameter : tparameter) : abcde;
procedure xyz(par_ : tpar_);
// ...
// ...
procedure albalbalb(param : tparam) : www;
xyz(par_ : tpar_); // is there any way to make this function public / published to access it therefore enabling to call it this way?
// all text is random.
// also, is there way to call it from DPR in this manner?
// in C++ this can be done by specifing access mode and/or using "Friend" class .. but in DELPHI?
Nested procedures/functions - those declared inside another procedure or function, are a special type, because they can access the stack (and thereby parameters/local variables) of the procedure they are nested in. Because of this, and Delphi scope rules, there is no way to access them outside the "parent" procedure. You use them only if you need to take advantage of their special features. AFAIK Delphi/Pascal is one of the few languages to have this feature. From a compiler point of view the call has some extra code to allow accessing the parent stack frame, IIRC.
AFAIK "friend" class/functions in C++ are different - they are class access methods, while in your example you are using plain procedures/functions.
In Delphi all procedure/classes declared in the same unit are automatically "friend", unless strict private declarations are used in latest Delphi releases. For example this code snippets will work, as long everything is in the same unit:
TExample = class
procedure HelloWorld;
function DoSomething(AExample: TExample);
// Calling a private method here works
Note: Embedded Routines <> Private/Protected Methods.
Embedded routines i.e. routines inside routines can not be accessed by external routines.
You have posted an example of an Embedded routine, I also heard them called Internal Routines.
Here is another example:
procedure DoThis;
function DoThat : Boolean;
// This Routine is embedded or internal routine.
// DoThat() can only be accessed from here no other place.
Regardless of visibility, methods on classes, can be called using Delphi 2010 via RTTI. I have detailed how to do this in this article.
If you are in the same Unit methods on a class can be accessed by any other code regardless of visibility, unless they are marked with Strict Private. This Question has more details and good example code in the accepted answer.
If you are in two different units you can use the Protected Method Hack to access the protected methods. Which is detailed in detailed in this article.
Yes, you can access a subroutine, which is nested in other (parent) subroutine, from the outer world. Though it's somewhat tricky. I've found this howto in the web.
How to pass nested routine as a procedural parameter (32 bit)
Delphi normally does not support passing nested routines as procedural parameters:
// This code does not compile:
procedure testpass(p: tprocedure);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
The obvious workaround is to pass procedure address and typecast it within testpass:
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
procedure inner;
There is, however, a pitfall in the above example - if the "inner" routine references any variable that was pushed onto the stack before the "inner" procedure was called from testpass (calltestpass parameters - if there were any, or local variables in calltestpass - if there were any), your system most probably crashes:
// This code compiles OK but generates runtime exception (could even be
// EMachineHangs :-) )
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
The reason is, in simple words, that the stack frame arrangement
was "broken" by the call to testpass routine and "inner" procedure
incorrectly calculates parameters and local variables location
(do not blame Delphi, please).
The workaround is to set up the correct stack context before
"inner" is called from within "testpass".
// This code compiles and runs OK
procedure testpass(p: pointer);
var callersBP: longint;
asm // get caller's base pointer value at the very beginning
push dword ptr [ebp]
pop callersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
asm // pushes caller's base pointer value onto stack and calls tProcedure(p)
push CallersBP
Call p
Pop CallersBP
// here we can have some other OP code
procedure calltestpass;
var msg: string;
procedure inner;
msg := 'hello';
Please note the optimization is switched OFF for testpass routine - optimization generally does not handle mixed OP/assembler code very well.
No, there is no way to do what you're asking. The xyz function is callable only by the enclosing blablabla function. Outside that function, xyz is not in scope and there is no way to name it. If C++ allowed nested function, there wouldn't be any way to refer to it, either, just like there's no way to refer to functions with static linkage from outside the current translation unit.
If you need to call xyz from outside the blablabla function, then move xyz outside. If you need to call it from outside the current unit, then you need to declare that function in the unit's interface section. Then, add that unit to the external code's uses clause and you can call xyz from wherever you want, even the DPR file.
If xyz refers to variables or parameters of the blablabla function, then you'll need to pass them in as parameters since xyz will no longer have access to them otherwise.
The concept of access specifiers isn't really relevant here since we're not talking about classes. Units have interface and implementation sections, which aren't really the same as public and private sections of a class.

The most elegant way to encapsulate WinAPI callbacks inside a class [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to pass a method as callback to a Windows API call?
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am thinking about elegant way to encapsulate WinAPI callbacks inside a class. Suppose I am making a class handling asynchronous I/O. All Windows callbacks should be stdcall functions, not class methods (I need to pass their addresses to ReadFileEx WinAPI function for example). So, I cannot just pass method addresses as a callback routines to WinAPI functions.
What is the most elegant way to encapsulate functionality of this type inside a class so that the class have events OnReadCompleted and OnWriteCompleted (I am using Delphi as a primary language, but I guess the situation must be the same in C++ because class methods are different from simple methods by the fact, that the first hidden parameter of them is this link. Of course this class is not a singleton and there can be many of them created by app at the same time.
What do you think would be the good way to implement this?
I doubt this is in any way elegant but, IMO, the easiest is to convert the address of a method of a class to a procedure address and pass it to the winapi. Sure, it's a hack, but the VCL does the very same with classes.MakeObjectInstance, if only for a specific construct.. See this question for a source for this kind of implementaion and some other, more OO ways to handle the situation.
You can use static keyword for that. But it's available only in new Delphi versions.
Like this:
TMyThread = class
// ...
class function ThreadProc(Param: Pointer): DWord; stdcall; static; // <- WinAPI call back
function Execute: DWord; // <- actual callback
constructor Create;
// ...
{ TMyThread }
constructor TMyThread.Create;
// ...
FHandle := CreateThread(nil, 0, #ThreadProc, Self, 0, FID);
class function TMyThread.ThreadProc(Param: Pointer): DWord;
Result := TMyThread(Param).Execute;
function TMyThread.Execute: DWord;
MessageBox(0, 'Hello from thread', 'Information', MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION);
Result := 0;
Here: ThreadProc is WinAPI callback routine. It requires to have some form of custom argument, where you can pass Self. It can not access instance members. That's why it's just a wrapper for real callback (Execute), which is part of class and can access its fields and methods.
