Is customized view for 'Contact Access Alert' possible? - ios

I have an app (iOS 6)that asks for contacts access upon sign up.
It has a custom view. That is it has a custom message along with it two buttons. On pressing Allow, it allows access to contacts. The other button is Why?, in which it explains why the permission is needed and the user can then allow. (There is no option to NOT Allow).
Now I'm porting this app to iOS. How will I change the permission alert view to my needs. Is it even Possible?
Closely Related: iOS: Custom permission alert view text


Website wrapped in iOS App - Catching hyperlink click events

I have a iOS app that wraps a website. When the user clicks a link in the wrapped website, I want to trap the event in my app and be able to get information about the link that was clicked. Is this something that can be done in Swift?
I'm relatively new to iOS app development and I'm working on an app that has been around for a while.
The short answer is "Yes". There are a couple of views that you can use in iOS to display web content. One such view is WKWebView.
If you look at the documentation at that link, close to the bottom of the page you will find a header for "Managing Navigation Through your Web Content".
What you do is create a WKNavigationDelegate that you attach to your WKWebView. That delegate is notified when the user wants to navigate through the web content (for example, when they click on a link) and lets your application code participate in the navigation process. It can allow navigation, deny navigation, find out when it starts and stop, things of that nature.

Highlighting the SEND button in MFMessageComposeViewController

I have generated an MFMessageComposeViewController to send a preconfigured SMS message, and I now want to draw the user's attention to the send button. The user has already initiated the "send message" process from within the app, but they must then press the send button within the MFMessageComposeViewController to actually send the message. The send button in the standard MFMessageComposeViewController is "hidden away" in the bottom corner of the message body where some, not so tech-savvy users, struggle to find it (a fact not opinion, as I have had test users ask what to do next)!
Apple does not allow this message compose interface to be modified, except for certain exceptions. I have looked into the UIAppearance protocol, which provides limited options to modify aspects of the MFMessageComposeViewController, but the options do not apply to the send button.
I have looked into the documentation, and there are options to highlight or focus on interface objects using the accessibility options, but I can not find a way of linking this to the send button within the MFMessageComposeViewController where I have limited access to the UI components.
How do I highlight the send button within the MFMessageComposeViewController, or access the button so that I can draw the user's attention to it?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly highlight or modify the appearance of the send button within the standard MFMessageComposeViewController. This is because the interface provided by the MFMessageComposeViewController is not directly customizable and is intended to provide a consistent user experience across all iOS apps.
One solution to consider is to provide additional instructions or guidance to the user before they are presented with the MFMessageComposeViewController. This could include an on-screen message or tutorial that specifically points out the location of the send button within the interface, or providing a visual indicator such as an arrow or highlight box to guide the user to the correct location.
Another option is to present the MFMessageComposeViewController in a modal view controller and add additional instructions or guidance in the modal view controller.
Also, you can use the accessibility options to add a VoiceOver label to the button, which can be read out loud to the user when the button is in focus.
It's worth noting that Apple's HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) discourages from customizing the system's standard view controller. You should try to stick to the standard iOS interface so that the user can feel comfortable and familiar with the app.

iOS accessibility: how to label buttons that have content that can be changed by tapping them?

Are there any official references e.g. documentation on how to enable UI controls for accessibility, where the control has content that can be altered through tapping it? One example may be a button that displays a user's email address, that allows the user to update the email address by tapping the button and filling out a new email address.
The WWDC session, "Writing Great Accessibility Labels" from 2019 did not include any information on the topic.
I don't know about official guidelines, but I would suggest adding the suffix "tap to edit" to the voiceover in that case.
(So something like VO = "user email address is ''. Tap to edit. Button", where the system adds the "Button." bit to the VO for all buttons automatically.)

Quick access to features by searching

In iOS application, tab bar id added containing more than 10tabs and screens.
Note: Tab bar is just example.
I want to implement search menu(feature), so that user can search and quickly navigate to particular screen. There are number of screens and to go to particular screen user has to taps number of time. So here I have to provide search option so that user can search and quickly navigate to particular screen. I want to minimize number of taps and provide quick access to all features in the application.
For e.g) When user enter text 'edit profile', app should show options relevant to entered text like "Edit Profile". When user tap on it, it should navigate to Edit profile screen.
What should be approach to implement such kind of functionality?
Do I need to define all features somewhere?
How to manage navigation?
How to provide suggestions as per entered search text?

Replaying page on iOS app

I am making an iOS app through xcode for audits where each room in a building uses the same page format but has different information. How can I replay the same page over through an add bar button so that when the add button is pressed the same page comes up but with all the text fields empty.
I assume when you are done putting in the information, you must be saving the information in the local DB or any server may be.
What you can do is, once you are done with putting in all the information display an alert stating that the information is saved and upon the clicking on any button on the alert, clear all the fields.
