iOS-fail of get value - ios

I use objectForKey to get value from an xml file but not its failed. Here is parts of the xml data
"__name" = root;
destination = CIVC;
message = {
"co2_emissions" = "<p>CO<sub>2</sub> emissions saved by this BART trip: <strong>9.8 pounds.</strong> Read more</p>";
legend = "bikeflag: 1 = bikes allowed. 0 = no bikes allowed. transfercode: blank = no transfer, N = normal transfer, T = timed transfer, connecting trains will wait up to five minutes for transferring passengers. S = scheduled transfer, connecting trains will not wait for transferring passengers if there is a delay.";
origin = ASHB;
"sched_num" = 34;
schedule = {
after = 2;
before = 2;
date = "Jan 6, 2014";
request = {
trip = (
"_clipper" = "1.40";
"_destTimeDate" = "01/06/2014";
"_destTimeMin" = "11:52 AM";
"_destination" = CIVC;
"_fare" = "3.75";
"_origTimeDate" = "01/06/2014 ";
"_origTimeMin" = "11:27 AM";
"_origin" = ASHB;
leg = {
"_bikeflag" = 1;
"_destTimeDate" = "01/06/2014";
"_destTimeMin" = "11:52 AM";
"_destination" = CIVC;
"_line" = "ROUTE 7";
"_order" = 1;
"_origTimeDate" = "01/06/2014";
"_origTimeMin" = "11:27 AM";
"_origin" = ASHB;
"_trainHeadStation" = MLBR;
"_trainIdx" = 29;
"_transfercode" = "";
and here is my code to get the origin,destination, sched_num, date, _destTimeDate
origin, destination, sched_num, date work well
self.DepartLabel.text = [dic objectForKey:#"origin"];
self.ArriveLabel.text = [dic objectForKey:#"destination"];
self.SchednumLabel.text = [dic objectForKey:#"sched_num"];
self.DateLabel.text = [[dic objectForKey:#"schedule"] objectForKey:#"date"];
self.TimeLabel.text = [[[[dic objectForKey:#"schedule"] objectForKey:#"request"]objectForKey:#"trip"]objectForKey:#"_destTimeDate"];
Only the _destTimeDate doest work. How to get this value?

If this is the output of your NSDictionary then you need to grab the first index.
self.TimeLabel.text = [[[[[dic objectForKey:#"schedule"] objectForKey:#"request"] objectForKey:#"trip"] objectAtIndex:0 ] objectForKey:#"_destTimeDate"];
or as Martin R pointed out you can do it like this as well


how to store that json data into array, after using jsonserialization iam getting that data

let jsonResult1:NSDictionary = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(da!, options:NSJSONReadingOptions.MutableContainers , error: &error) as NSDictionary
getting below data in console
0 = {
"consulting_dr" = "DR.Appaji .";
"current_bed_nr" = 0;
"current_room_nr" = 0;
"discharge_date" = "03/03/2015 00:00";
"encounter_date" = "02/03/2015 12:45";
"encounter_nr" = 201503024000;
info = "";
"item_description" = "";
name = "Mrs. mythily S";
pdob = "01/08/1976";
pid = 100004;
psex = f;
pyear = "38 Years";
1 = {
dosage = 1;
drdate = "25/08/2014";
drnotes = "";
drugclass = Tablet;
duration = "5 day";
frequency = "";
route = Oral;
tcomplients = "";
2 = {
BMI = "A:1:{s:4:\"SPO2\";s:1:\"1\";}";
BSA = "A:1:{s:4:\"SPO2\";s:1:\"1\";}";
"Dystolic_bp" = 29;
Height = 24;
Pulse = 26;
Respiration = 27;
"Systolic_bp" = 28;
Temp = 25;
Weight = 22;
dosage = 1;
drdate = "25/08/2014";
drnotes = "";
drugclass = Tablet;
duration = "5 day";
frequency = "";
medicine = RABEPRAZOLE;
route = Oral;
tcomplients = "";
how to store this in array
That is a Dictionary. It is easy to get just the data without the keys.
In Objective-C it would be :
NSArray *allData = [jsonResult1 allValues];
For swift it should be like: (not sure about syntax)
var allData = jsonResult1.allValues()
If you're up for it, you should give SwiftyJSON a try.
I've recently used it for an application that deals with a ton of JSON responses from a web service and SwiftyJSON has made it super easy for me to deal with JSON data in Swift. It will convert NSData to Dictionaries or Arrays seamlessly for you.

NSDictionary array of same key

I'm requesting a SOAP Webservice and I parse the response to a NSDictionary. The XML response has multiple unique keys. Here's an example (already parse on the dictionary):
"typ:partits" = {
"typ:dadesPartit" = {
"typ:aforament" = 1;
"typ:codiEsdeveniment" = 2;
"typ:competicio" = GAMPER;
"typ:dataHoraConfirmada" = false;
"typ:dataPartit" = "08/18/14";
"typ:descripcioPartit" = "FCBARCELONA - CLUB LEON F.C.";
"typ:horaPartit" = "9:30:00 PM";
"typ:jornada" = 99;
"typ:partitActiuMenor" = true;
"typ:temporada" = "2014-2015";
"typ:tipusEsdeveniment" = 0;
"typ:dadesPartit" = {
"typ:aforament" = 1;
"typ:codiEsdeveniment" = 2;
"typ:competicio" = GAMPER;
"typ:dataHoraConfirmada" = false;
"typ:dataPartit" = "08/26/14";
"typ:descripcioPartit" = "FCBARCELONA - REAL MADRID";
"typ:horaPartit" = "9:30:00 PM";
"typ:jornada" = 101;
"typ:partitActiuMenor" = true;
"typ:temporada" = "2014-2015";
"typ:tipusEsdeveniment" = 0;
How can I iterate through these keys?, they are the same :( ...
I tried with "allObjects" but when I receive only one "typ:dadesPartit" object it treats it like an array instead of a NSDictionary.
it is returning one type as both your keys are same,
Try renaming the keys to separate names, and the values associated with those keys will come when u type allKeys

Extracting an NSDictionary from within another NSDictionary

My application has an NSDictionary containing many other NSDictionary inside it. If I print out this dictionary it reads as follows:
oxip = {
created = "2014-02-10 14:42:59";
lastMsgId = "";
requestTime = "1.6434";
response = {
code = 001;
debug = "";
message = success;
request = getHierarchyByMarketType;
text = "\n";
williamhill = {
class = {
id = 1;
maxRepDate = "2014-02-10";
maxRepTime = "07:31:48";
name = "UK Football";
text = "\n";
type = (
id = 2;
lastUpdateDate = "2013-12-26";
lastUpdateTime = "13:32:54";
market = (
betTillDate = "2014-02-15";
betTillTime = "15:00:00";
date = "2014-02-15";
id = 140780553;
lastUpdateDate = "2014-02-10";
lastUpdateTime = "14:09:13";
name = "Queen of the South v Dundee - Match Betting";
participant = (
handicap = "";
id = 496658381;
lastUpdateDate = "2014-02-10";
lastUpdateTime = "14:09:13";
name = Dundee;
odds = "11/8";
oddsDecimal = "2.38";
text = "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
handicap = "";
id = 496658380;
lastUpdateDate = "2014-02-10";
lastUpdateTime = "14:09:13";
name = Draw;
odds = "5/2";
oddsDecimal = "3.50";
text = "\n";
handicap = "";
id = 496658379;
lastUpdateDate = "2014-02-10";
lastUpdateTime = "14:09:13";
name = "Queen of the South";
odds = "11/8";
oddsDecimal = "2.38";
text = "\n";
text = "\n";
time = "15:00:00";
What is the best possible way for my application to reach the NSDictionary with the name of:
name = "Queen of the South v Dundee - Match Betting"
without the need of going through each individual dictionary and finding its object for key?
You can use valueForKeyPath for that. It accepts a path, separated by dots. Example:
NSDictionary *dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]]
NSLog(#"%#", [dict valueForKeyPath:#""]);
This depends on the representation of dictionary. If the williamhill part is changing, then it does not work, of course.
There is no way to obtain a reference within a map data type (in this case, an NSDictionary) without traversing it. Think of the simplified version of this problem: You have a linked list with N elements and you wish to reach the N'th element. Because this is a linked list, you'll have to go through all other N-1 nodes in order to obtain the last reference.
An NSDictionary is a hash based data type in which keys and values are stored. In the case you describe, you have no reference to the nested object (an NSDictionary itself) so you must also traverse all of the dictionaries containing it.
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.

NSMutableArray of dictionaries from JSON feed insert new object for key iOS

I receive and array of dictionaries from a JSON feed and assign it to an NSMutableArray called jsonArray i.e:
jsonArray = [deserializedData objectForKey:#"reports"];
The feed looks like this:
reports = (
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 1;
"eng_name" = "Alex McPherson";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 59;
lat = "51.1438330";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8693330";
location = "17 Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HL";
name = "Alex McPherson";
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "A5C963-C95B-C3D639";
title = "#A5C963-C95B-C3D639, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:44:20";
type = 5;
"type-text" = "Litter";
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 2;
"eng_name" = "Rob Burt";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 122;
lat = "51.1415000";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8715000";
location = "38 Beaver Road, Ashford, TN23 7RP";
name = Alex;
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9";
title = "#5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:35:56";
type = 8;
"type-text" = "Litter";
what I would like to do is insert a new value for key lets say into this jsonArray: distance = "0.16km" but my brain is just not working tonight....
so the new jsonArray should looks like this with the added key value mentioned above:
reports = (
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 1;
"eng_name" = "Alex McPherson";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 59;
lat = "51.1438330";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8693330";
distance = "0.16km";
location = "17 Victoria Crescent, Ashford, TN23 7HL";
name = "Alex McPherson";
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "A5C963-C95B-C3D639";
title = "#A5C963-C95B-C3D639, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:44:20";
type = 5;
"type-text" = "Litter";
address = "The street";
email = "";
"eng_id" = 2;
"eng_name" = "Rob Burt";
"eng_thumb" = "http://someurl/image/1.png";
form = Test;
id = 122;
lat = "51.1415000";
live = 1;
lng = "0.8715000";
distance = "2.13km";
location = "38 Beaver Road, Ashford, TN23 7RP";
name = Alex;
phone = 01233000000;
rid = "5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9";
title = "#5A5C96-9072-6BAFA9, Litter";
tm = "2013-04-28 20:35:56";
type = 8;
"type-text" = "Litter";
basically I have a calculation that takes the long and lat from the feed and works out how far the poi is from my current location of which then I sort the array by using a sort descriptor based on the distance key that I want to insert above. I have the code for this just stuck on inserting into the existing nsmutablearray above
Read the deserialized JSON array as an NSArray (not NSMutableArray).
Then create a mutable copy of that array using something like:
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [originalArray mutableCopy];
Then insert items into mutableArray.

iphone sdk+How to retrive dictionary inside array of dictionary values

i want to retrive KpiName key(KpiData is array inside kpiName is dictionary key) and my data structure mentioned below
--Array of dictionaries inside array of dictinary
alertSeverity = 1;
customerName = TPMG;
endDate = "05-05-2013";
isProjectHide = 1;
kpiData = (
KpiName = "Change Request ";
kpiActual = 14;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = "";
KpiName = "Aged Debit";
kpiActual = 24000;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = EUR;
lastInvoiceDate = "05-04-2013";
nextBillingDate = "05-04-2013";
nextMilestoneDate = "10-04-2013";
nextReviewDate = "08-04-2013";
plannedCompletionDate = "04-05-2013";
projectID = 3000;
projectName = "Rain Harvesting";
projectSortType = "";
projectStatus = 1;
startDate = "01-01-2013";
i tried this one but its returning null
NSString *kpiName = [[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] valueForKey:#"kpiData"] objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:#"kpiName"];
NSLog(#"kpiname:%#", kpiName);
Try this
NSString *kpiName =[[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:#"kpiData"]objectAtIndex:0]objectForKey:#"KpiName"];
I was mentioned wrong dictionary key
NSString *kpiName = [[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] valueForKey:#"kpiData"] objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:#"kpiName"];
NSLog(#"kpiname:%#", kpiName);
correct one is KpiName key instead of kpiName.
