What causes ExtAudioFileRead to make ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize negative? - ios

The problem occurs when I often stop and start audio playback and seek a lot back and forth in an AAC audio file through an ExtAudioFileRef object. In few cases, this strange behaviour is shown by ExtAudioFileRead:
Sometimes it assigns these numbers to the mDataByteSize of the only AudioBuffer of the AudioBufferList:
In hex, these numbers have the pattern 0xFC....00.
The code:
status = ExtAudioFileRead(_file, &numberFramesRead, ioData);
printf("s=%li d=%p d.nb=%li, d.b.d=%p, d.b.dbs=%li, d.b.nc=%li\n", status, ioData, ioData->mNumberBuffers, ioData->mBuffers[0].mData, ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize, ioData->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels);
s=0 d=0x16668bd0 d.nb=1, d.b.d=0x30de000, d.b.dbs=1024, d.b.nc=2 // good (usual)
s=0 d=0x16668bd0 d.nb=1, d.b.d=0x30de000, d.b.dbs=-51240960, d.b.nc=2 // misbehaving
The problem occurs on an iPhone 4S on iOS 7. I could not reproduce the problem in the Simulator.

The problem occurs when concurrently calling ExtAudioFileRead() and ExtAudioFileSeek() for the same ExtAudioFileRef from two different threads/queues.
The read function was called directly from the AURenderCallback, so it was executed on AudioUnit's real-time thread while the seek was done on my own serial queue.
I've modified the code of the render callback to also dispatch_sync() to the same serial queue to which the seek gets dispatched. That solved the problem.


AudioUnitRender got error kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext (-10863)

I want to play the recorded audio directly to speaker when headset is plugged in an iOS device.
What I did is calling AudioUnitRender in AURenderCallback func so that the audio data is writed to AudioBuffer structure.
It works well if the "IO buffer duration" is not set or set to 0.020seconds. If the "IO buffer duration" is set to a small value (0.005 etc.) by calling setPreferredIOBufferDuration, AudioUnitRender() will return an error:
kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext (-10863).
Any one can help to figure out why and how to resolve it please? Thanks
Just wanted to add that changing the output scope sample rate to match the input scope sample rate of the input to the OSx kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput Audio Unit that I was using fixed this error for me
The buffer is full so wait until a subsequent render pass or use a larger buffer.
This same error code is used by AudioToolbox, AudioUnit and AUGraph but only documented for AUGraph.
To avoid spinning or waiting in the render thread (a bad idea!), many
of the calls to AUGraph can return:
kAUGraphErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext. This result is only generated
when you call an AUGraph API from its render callback. It means that
the lock that it required was held at that time, by another thread. If
you see this result code, you can generally attempt the action again -
typically the NEXT render cycle (so in the mean time the lock can be
cleared), or you can delegate that call to another thread in your app.
You should not spin or put-to-sleep the render thread.

Recording volume drop switching between RemoteIO and VPIO

In my app I need to switch between these 2 different AudioUnits.
Whenever I switch from VPIO to RemoteIO, there is a drop in my recording volume. Quite a significant drop.
No change in the playback volume though.Anyone experienced this?
Here's the code where I do the switch, which is triggered by a routing change. (I'm not too sure whether I did the change correctly, so am asking here as well.)
How do I solve the problem of the recording volume drop?
Thanks, appreciate any help I can get.
- (void)switchInputBoxTo : (OSType) inputBoxSubType
OSStatus result;
if (!remoteIONode) return; // NULL check
// Get info about current output node
AudioComponentDescription outputACD;
AudioUnit currentOutputUnit;
AUGraphNodeInfo(theGraph, remoteIONode, &outputACD, &currentOutputUnit);
if (outputACD.componentSubType != inputBoxSubType)
result = AUGraphDisconnectNodeInput(theGraph, remoteIONode, 0);
NSCAssert (result == noErr, #"Unable to disconnect the nodes in the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
AUGraphRemoveNode(theGraph, remoteIONode);
// Re-init as other type
outputACD.componentSubType = inputBoxSubType;
// Add the RemoteIO unit node to the graph
result = AUGraphAddNode (theGraph, &outputACD, &remoteIONode);
NSCAssert (result == noErr, #"Unable to add the replacement IO unit to the audio processing graph. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
result = AUGraphConnectNodeInput(theGraph, mixerNode, 0, remoteIONode, 0);
// Obtain a reference to the I/O unit from its node
result = AUGraphNodeInfo (theGraph, remoteIONode, 0, &_remoteIOUnit);
NSCAssert (result == noErr, #"Unable to obtain a reference to the I/O unit. Error code: %d '%.4s'", (int) result, (const char *)&result);
//result = AudioUnitUninitialize(_remoteIOUnit);
[self setupRemoteIOTest]; // reinit all that remoteIO/voiceProcessing stuff
[self configureAndStartAudioProcessingGraph:theGraph];
I used my apple developer support for this.
Here's what the support said :
The presence of the Voice I/O will result in the input/output being processed very differently. We don't expect these units to have the same gain levels at all, but the levels shouldn't be drastically off as it seems you indicate.
That said, Core Audio engineering indicated that your results may be related to when the voice block is created it is is also affecting the RIO instance. Upon further discussion, Core Audio engineering it was felt that since you say the level difference is very drastic it therefore it would be good if you could file a bug with some recordings to highlight the level difference that you are hearing between voice I/O and remote I/O along with your test code so we can attempt to reproduce in house and see if this is indeed a bug. It would be a good idea to include the results of the singe IO unit tests outlined above as well as further comparative results.
There is no API that controls this gain level, everything is internally setup by the OS depending on Audio Session Category (for example VPIO is expected to be used with PlayAndRecord always) and which IO unit has been setup. Generally it is not expected that both will be instantiated simultaneously.
Conclusion? I think it's a bug. :/
There is some talk about low volume issues if you don't dispose of your audio unit correctly. Basically, the first audio component stays in memory and any successive playback will be ducked under your or other apps, causing the volume drop.
Audio units are AudioComponentInstance's and must be freed using AudioComponentInstanceDispose().
I've had success when I change the audio session category when going from voice processing io (PlayAndRecord) to Remote IO (SoloAmbient). Make sure you pause the Audio Session before changing this. You'll also have to uninitialize you're audio graph.
From a talk I had with an Apple AVAudioSession engineer.
VPIO - Is adding audio processing on the audio sample, which also creates the echo cancellation, this creats the drop in the audio level
RemoteIO - Wont do any audio processing so the volume level will remain high.
If you are lookign for echo cancellation while using the RemoteIO option, you should create you own audio processing in the render callback

Removing Silence from Audio Queue session recorded audio in ios

I'm using Audio Queue to record audio from the iphone's mic and stop recording when silence detected (no audio input for 10seconds) but I want to discard the silence from audio file.
In AudioInputCallback function I am using following code to detect silence :
AudioQueueLevelMeterState meters[1];
UInt32 dlen = sizeof(meters);
OSStatus Status AudioQueueGetProperty(inAQ,kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeterDB,meters,&dlen);
if(meters[0].mPeakPower < _threshold)
{ // NSLog(#"Silence detected");}
But how to remove these packets? Or Is there any better option?
Instead of removing the packets from the AudioQueue, you can delay the write up by writing it to a buffer first. The buffer can be easily defined by having it inside the inUserData.
When you finish recording, if the last 10 seconds is not silent, you write it back to whatever file you are going to write. Otherwise just free the buffer.
after the file is recorded and closed, simply open and truncate the sample data you are not interested in (note: you can use AudioFile/ExtAudioFile APIs to properly update any dependent chunk/header sizes).

Call to CFReadStreamRead stops execution in thread

NB: The entire code base for this project is so large that posting any meaningful amount wold render this question too localised, I have tried to distil any code down to the bare-essentials. I'm not expecting anyone to solve my problems directly but I will up vote those answers I find helpful or intriguing.
This project uses a modified version of AudioStreamer to playback audio files that are saved to locally to the device (iPhone).
The stream is set up and scheduled on the current loop using this code (unaltered from the standard AudioStreamer project as far as I know):
CFStreamClientContext context = {0, self, NULL, NULL, NULL};
kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable | kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred | kCFStreamEventEndEncountered,
CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
The ASReadStreamCallBack calls:
- (void)handleReadFromStream:(CFReadStreamRef)aStream
On the AudioStreamer object, this all works fine until the stream is read using this code:
BOOL hasBytes = NO; //Added for debugging
hasBytes = CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable(stream);
length = CFReadStreamRead(stream, bytes, kAQDefaultBufSize);
hasBytes is YES but when CFReadStreamRead is called execution stops, the App does not crash it just stops exciting, any break points below the CFReadStreamRead call are not hit and ASReadStreamCallBack is not called again.
I am at a loss to what might cause this, my best guess is the thread is being terminated? But the hows and whys is why I'm asking SO.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before? How can I track it down and ideas on how I might solve it will be very much welcome!
Additional Info Requested via Comments
This is 100% repeatable
CFReadStreamHasBytesAvailable was added by me for debugging but removing it has no effect
First, I assume that CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop() is running on the same thread as CFReadStreamRead()?
Is this thread processing its runloop? Failure to do this is my main suspicion. Do you have a call like CFRunLoopRun() or equivalent on this thread?
Typically there is no reason to spawn a separate thread for reading streams asynchronously, so I'm a little confused about your threading design. Is there really a background thread involved here? Also, typically CFReadStreamRead() would be in your client callback (when you receive the kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable event (which it appears to be in the linked code), but you're suggesting ASReadStreamCallBack is never called. How have you modified AudioStreamer?
It is possible that the stream pointer is just corrupt in some way. CFReadStreamRead should certainly not block if bytes are available (it certainly would never block for more than a few milliseconds for local files). Can you provide the code you use to create the stream?
Alternatively, CFReadStreams send messages asynchronously but it is possible (but not likely) that it's blocking because the runloop isn't being processed.
If you prefer, I've uploaded my AudioPlayer inspired by Matt's AudioStreamer hosted at https://code.google.com/p/audjustable/. It supports local files (as well as HTTP). I think it does what you wanted (stream files from more than just HTTP).

Most Effiecient Thread Implmentation IOS

I've been trying to find a thread implementation in IOS that suits my projects needs. So far I've failed to find an acceptable solution.
My Problem :
I need to read audio from up to 16 mp3 files on disk simultaneously.
What I have tried:
First off I tried using a NSTimer witch repeats. The timer was not fast enough and the audio would drop out when I played any more than 4 files.
Second I tried Using an NSThread with a priority of 1. The audio just about played correctly but the UI Became wholly unresponsive.
Finally I tried dispatching blocks using GCD in my callback whenever I needed more audio from a file. Again the audio would drop out but the UI was responsive.
In all three of the examples above I also tried dividing up the work load by creating 4 threads and having each thread handle 4 audio files each but this caused really bad synchronization problems with the audio.
Are there other thread options that I can try or do the above sum up what IOS has to offer?
Do you think that reading from 16 files from disk simultaneously is too much of a strain for the IOS system?
Is there a limit of how many threads IOS can handle?
To avoid making my question sound like a discussion I will summarize as follows.
What IOS thread technology is best suited for very frequent calling, quickly completing execution, that can be easily synchronized and will not impact on UI responsiveness.
Any anecdotal advice from solving a similar audio programming problem is also appreciated.
This is some stripped down code I modelled on a suggestion from a so user. All I'm after solid advice on what setup is going to work best for me. Since my last post I tried NSThread and it does seem to leave me with audio dropouts. Also I tried using NSConditions so that my thread is wasting processing power when its not filling buffer but using these locks seems like a real bad idea for audio callbacks.
OSStatus channelMixerCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
AudioInfo = myaudio[inBusNumber];
[refToSelf performSelector:#selector(GetAudioForItem:) onThread:engineDescribtion.producerthread withObject:myaudio waitUntilDone:false];
-(void) startthread
engineDescribtion.producerthread =[[NSThread alloc]initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(dosinglerunloop) object:nil];
[engineDescribtion.producerthread start];
BOOL isstarted=YES;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool=[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
do {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]addPort:[NSMachPort port] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
} while (isstarted);
[pool release];
- (void)GetAudioForItem:(AudioInfo *)info
// use data in Audio Info to seek to
//corrent place in file
//and extract audio to buffers
Problem 0:
Your audio render callbacks should never lock. Example: Creating a single heap allocation will lock.
Your threads will all compete for the hardware. To keep the UI responsive, you should not have many highest priority threads (the audio playback should be the only one). Consider the number of cores, disks, etc you have available in your design.
If you still have issues once you have correctly fixed that: Loading short files into memory can offload some of the disk's demand to memory.
You should profile to determine what is actually the problem: It may be CPU or I/O. You may be simply missing your render deadlines and equating audio dropouts to "can't read fast enough". If you are using a lot of CPU, then Disk I/O may not be the problem. Decoding and performing sample rate conversion on 16 mp3 files can require relatively high CPU (as one example of the things you need to look for).
pthreads will be fastest, but will require some work to implement right. That really doesn't matter at this time because there seem to be a few high level issues yet and there are multiple APIs which should handle the task just fine.
Your program should be smart enough to detect when read buffers cannot be filled fast enough.
You are pre filling the buffers, correct?
Presumably, you are using a run loop?
Well, there's only one diskā€¦ So any solution that requires 16 simultaneous reads might be an issue. (Depending on if you're I/O bound or CPU bound.)
NSTimer is not going to get you consistent results.
I don't see any reason why NSThread would kill UI responsiveness, perhaps you had a bug.
I'm going with this system being disk-bound because 16 channels of MP3 is no problem CPU-wise on modern machines - how much rattling is coming from your box? I would probably be tempted to use just one thread to fill the empty buffers with the buffer sized to accommodate, (averageDiskLatency*(bytes/msec)*16*bodgeFactor) bytes of audio stream, (bodgeFactor means rounded up to 8K boundary and add a few 8K's). Whenever threads/callbacks/whatever empty a buffer and so start on the other one, they should queue the empty buffer to the disk read thread, (thread-safe producer-consumer queue), to get it filled up again. Probably, each buffer should include a 'fileControl' instance containing the the fileSpec, file handle, state variable for EOF etc, error string space and anything else needed for the read thread to work as well as the buffer space itself.
This design allows the disk to read nice, large chunks without being annoyingly preempted half-way through reads and being avoidably forced to move lumps of metal too often.
PS - If you haven't got one already, get an SSD - works wonders for multi-channel audio/video latency.
