In simple_form, can't submit boolean as radio_button if the field is disabled - ruby-on-rails

I am using simple_form 2.0. I have a Boolean field 'stock' which I am trying to submit as radio buttons.
<%= f.input :stock , :as => :radio_buttons, :collection => [['Purchase Indent', false],
['Stock', true]], label:"Shipments From" , :disabled => true%>
The stock is marked as false before rendering the form.
Once I submit the form the stock itself is missing from the parameter and I get this error.
Because I am validating stock's inclusion.
validates_inclusion_of :stock, :in => [true, false]
It works fine if i don't disable the field. But I don't want user to be able to change it.
Please help.
The reason is that, the disabled fields are never sent.
Seems like making it read-only will help.
But, the news is radio buttons can't be made read only.
Why can't radio buttons be "readonly"?

One option is to separate the buttons and only disable the unselected option:
<%= f.input :stock , :as => :radio_buttons, collection: [['Purchase Indent', false]], label:"Shipments From" %>
<%= f.input :stock , :as => :radio_buttons, collection: [['Stock', true]], label:"" , :disabled => true %>
Another option would be to add a hidden input with the desired value.

Remember not to trust user submitted data.
I don't think you should build it like this, because a hacker can just change the HTML / submit an artificial request even if you disable the form elements. Hidden form elements don't fix this, as anyone with a dom explorer can change the values. Of course, if your model checks and rejects this kind of thing it's not such a big problem.
So to fix the particular problem, just do the visuals as you have already, and re-insert the expected value in your controller's update or create action.
For more info there's lots online e.g. owasp, but I liked the book "How to break web software" from a few years back by some guys at Google.


Simple Form For - Rails - f.association options

I have the following field in my form:
<%= f.association :account_manager, collection: Person.appear_on_register_page, :value_method => :id, :label_method => :full_name, :required => true, prompt: "Please Select", label: label %>
This gives the user a textbox, which when clicked on gives a dropdown with every record in the collection. When typing in the text box, this dropdown is narrowed to only match what is in the text box.
I've been asked to remove the dropdown until a user has started entering text - for example when first clicking on the text box no drop down appears until the first 3 letters have been entered - then all records matching those three letters appear.
I've looked through their github and can't find any options for this.. Any help is appreciated
Hope you are looking for a auto complete text box. You can achieve this using Jquery UI.
This is a good gem you can go with.
This is one of the good tutorial for that. Thanks

ActiveAdmin: display parameter of object selected in form

I am not very familiar with ActiveAdmin or rails in general, so sorry if I use some incorrect phrasing.
I have a model for an Athlete, which has an attribute "notes". This is described in the permit_params of the athlete.rb.
On an additional page, I have the following:
f.input :athlete, :collection => Athlete.all.sort_by(&:last_name), :required => true
I would like to find a way to, if the :notes is not empty, display it.
If I could display it as a "row" on the form, that would be great.

Select option not preselected after validation using collection in formtastic field

I'm 90% sure I'm doing something obviously wrong here, but when I'm using a select with a collection:
<%= f.input :description,
:label => "Which best describes who you are?",
:prompt => "Select an option...",
:collection => [[ "I am working for a company", "working"],["I am a freelancer", "freelancer"],["I am studying", "studying"],["I have recently graduated", "graduated"],["I teach", "teach"],["None of these things","none"]]
and the form fails validation, the previously selected value is not selected, even though it is saved and is being passed to the params[:user][:description] as expected. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
It's described there, so following should work :description,
options_for_select([[ "I am working for a company", "working"],["I am a freelancer", "freelancer"],["I am studying", "studying"],["I have recently graduated", "graduated"],["I teach", "teach"],["None of these things","none"]], f.object.description)
:label => "Which best describes who you are?",
:prompt => "Select an option...",
Also I would suggest moving collection to a separate helper method

How to have a collasped drop down list in rails simple_form

In my app, there are two models: rfq and standard. Their relationship is many-to-many. In rfq creating screen, the code below displays a list of available for selection in drop down list:
<%= simple_form_for #rfq do |f| %>
<%= f.association :standards, :collection => Standard.active_std.all(:order => 'name'), :label_method => :name, :value_method => :id %>
<% end %>
The problem is that the list is not collapsed, which means there are multiple standards displayed in a multi-line boxes. How can I reduce the box to one line only?
UPDATED: here is the screen shot of multiple line list box:
It's creating a multi-select because one rfq can have many standards, so it allows you to ctrl-click to select many standards.
You could try adding :input_html => { :size =>'1' } but I'm not sure that will preserve the scrollbar. It definitely won't drop down.
Here's someone else who wanted to do the same thing: HTML muliple select should look like HTML select. One of the answers refers to a Dropdown Check List implemented in jQuery, but that would take some work to integrate with SimpleForm.
SimpleForm has a very helpful Google Group--you might get more ideas there:
You can add as: :collection_select
=f.collecion_select, model_associated_ids, collection, value, label
in your is like this
=f.collection_select, :standard_ids, Standard.active_std.all, :id, :name
you can find more info here

How to set a field read only in rails 3.1.0 views?

My question is how to set a field in rails form read only. The following is a selection box in quotes controller. Users are not allowed to change the selection.
<% #quote.test_items.each do |t| %>
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :selected => %>
<% end %>
The app uses simple_form. Thanks so much.
I've encountered a similar problem, thankfully, there is a simple resolution.
The basic issue is that if you use :disabled => true with simple_form you will not see that value back in the controller. When you pass an object from HTML form to later bind it to the model - you need all of those attributes. The :disabled => true however does not pass any such attribute.
The solution to this is to use :readonly => true - it will protect the field from user entry and it will still pass the param value back to the controller so you can bind everything to your model.
Good luck.
I believe you'd just pass in :disabled => true. It's been my experience that options 'just work' with simple_form. So in your case:
<% #quote.test_items.each do |t| %>
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :disabled => true, :selected => %>
<% end %>
From the simple_form github repo:
It is also possible to give the :disabled option to SimpleForm, and it'll automatically mark the wrapper as disabled with a css class, so you can style labels, hints and other components inside the wrapper as well.
Yes, what #gk0r said, as it is documented here:
NOTE: The HTML options disabled, readonly, and multiple can all be treated as booleans. So specifying :disabled => true will give disabled="disabled".
*disabled will have slightly different behavior than readonly.
The top answers above are all wrong.
disabled attribute has a different behaviour than readonly.
read and compare them:
Tip: Disabled elements in a form will not be submitted.
The right answer is to use
:readonly => true
something like this:
<%= f.association :test_items, :label => false, :readonly => true, :selected => %>
It's not clear to me if the association method accepts HTML options or not, but if it does, you can pass disabled: 'disable' to make it read-only with a fixed value.
I think you might be able to choose the fixed value by passing association as block, as shown in the association docs:
f.association :company do |c|
c.input :name, selected: 'selection'
c.input :type
As to whether or not the entire list can be read-only and still drop-down, the only solutions I see from google involve JS, for example:
