remove all notes with same name - lua

Hello I'm am using Marmalde Quick, so lua to create a game.
In my game when a park of the screen in tuched it creates a new note and add that note to physics.
function bgTouched(event)
if (director:getCurrentScene() == gameScene) then
if (gameState == gameStates.playing) then
if event.phase == "began" then
if bodyType == 0 then
-- Create object1
b = director:createSprite(event.x, event.y, "textures/beachball.png") = "ball"
b.xAnchor = 1; b.yAnchor = 0 -- test non-0 anchor point for circle
physics:addNode(b, {radius=40})
elseif bodyType == 1 then
-- Create object2
b = director:createSprite(event.x, event.y, "textures/crate.png") = "crate"
b.xAnchor = 0; b.yAnchor = 0.5 -- test non-0 anchor point for rectangle
b.xScale = 2; b.yScale = 1 -- test different scale
physics:addNode(b, {} )
elseif bodyType == 2 then
-- Create obejct3
b = director:createSprite(event.x, event.y, "textures/triangle.png") = "tri"
b.xAnchor = 0.5; b.yAnchor = 1 -- test non-0 anchor point for polygon
physics:addNode(b, {shape={0,0, 95,0, 48,81}} )end
b.rotation = 22.5
bodyType = (bodyType + 1) % 3
bg:addEventListener ("touch", bgTouched)
when an event happens I want to remove all the notes created, I tried using the following:
but this only removes the last created not I want to remove them all, is there some way to do this.

If I understand right that you want to clear the nodes table before the event.phase == "began" processing where you add nodes, you could reset the physics table:
physics = {}
If other parts of code are referencing the physics node and they can't be notified that physics points to a new table, you could loop over all items of table and nil them:
for k,v in pairs(physics)
physics[k] = nil


Modify the time value of a transition

How can i change the time value of a transition while is executing? For example I have the object "cesta" moving from the left to the right with a time of 4000ms then for some reason I want to change the time value to move it faster.
function createCesta()
..., {time = 4000, x = screenW + 110})
function touchScreen(event)
if event.phase == "began" then
if event.phase == "ended" then
--change the time value from here "from 4000 to 2000"
The docs at indicate that there is no function call to do this. You would therefore have to cancel the current incomplete transition and create a new one. For example,
local trans
local transTime = 4000 -- ms
local transStart
local object
function someEventHandler(event)
local remaining = system.getTimer() - transStart - transTime
if remaining > 0 then
trans =, { time = remaining/2, x = ... }
function spawn()
object = display.newText(...)
trans =, {time = transTime}
transStart = system.getTimer()
This shows a spawn function where you create a display object and make it move via transition to some x, and an event handler that will get called at some point. It computes how much time is left in the transition and if > 0, creates a new transition with half that remaining time so double the "motion" speed of x.

Corona Sdk - Is there a way to call and group:insert() an object from another lua file?

As stated in the title I would like to not only call an object from an external Lua file, but I would also like to group:insert() this object into my Menu page with the properties given to it in the external lua file. Is this possible and/or efficient? I would just really like to make sure data isn't repeated through out my project.
Here's my code so far:
The group:insert() function is throwing me an error stating it was expecting a table and that I might have been trying to call a function in which case i should use ":" instead of "."
This is menu.lua:
local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local widget = require "widget"
local m = require ("myData")
local menuFunction = require("menuFunction")
local menuSwipe
-- =======================
-- menuSwipe()
-- =======================
menuSwipe = function(self, event)
local phase = event.phase
local touchID =
if(phase == "began") then
elseif(phase == "moved") then
elseif(phase == "ended" or phase == "cancelled") then
if(m.menuActivator > 0) then
menuDown(m.invisiBar, event)
--m.layerInfo = layers menuFunction.menuBar, { x = menuFunction.menuBar.x, y = 0, time = 200 } ) layers, { x = menuFunction.menuBar.x, y = h, time = 100 } )
m.invisiBar = display.newRect( 0,0,w,25,6)
m.invisiBar.alpha = 0
m.menuActivator = 1
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++
-- menuDown()
-- ++++++++++++++++++++++
function menuDown(self, event)
local phase = event.phase
local touchID =
if(phase == "began") then
elseif(phase == "moved") then
elseif(phase == "ended" or phase == "cancelled") then
if(m.menuActivator == 1) then menuFunction.menuBar, { x = m.menuInfo.x, y = h*.964, time = 200 } ) group, { x = 0, y = 0, time = 10 } )
m.menuActivator = 0
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
group:insert( menuFunction.menuBar ) -- *** ERROR occurs here
function scene:enterScene( event )
local group = self.view
function scene:exitScene( event )
local group = self.view
function scene:destroyScene( event )
local group = self.view
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )
return scene
This is menuFunction.lua:
local m = require("myData")
local menu = require ("menu")
local w = display.contentWidth
local h = display.contentHeight
local menuFunction = {}
menuFunction.menuBar = display.newImage( "images/menuBar1.png")
menuFunction.menuBar.x = w*(1/2)
menuFunction.menuBar.y = h*1.465
menuFunction.menuBar.height = h
menuFunction.menuBar.touch = menu.menuSwipe
menuFunction.menuBar:addEventListener("touch", menuFunction.menuBar)
return menuFunction
This is the exact error message:
ERROR: table expected. If this is a function call, you might have used '.' instead of ':'
Does this happen every time this code is called, or does it by any chance work the first time and then crashes? In your case, code could work the first time you enter the scene, but the second time you do, it may crash [if you remove scenes in between].
When you do a 'require' of a file, its contents are executed and returned value is saved in the global packages table. When you require the same file again, the returned value is taken from the global packages table instead, the code is not executed again.
So if you by any chance require this file in one spot of your app, and then call :removeSelf() and nil the reference of the menuBar, the display object will be removed and its reference will cease to exist, and calling the require again, will not recreate the object. Fully removing a scene will also remove the display objects.
So what you wanted to achieve is very sensible [contrary to what #Schollii says], but your "module" should allow creation of multiple objects if you want to get rid of them during runtime.
I'm not going to correct your code, just a simple example of how you can achieve this:
-- menu.lua
local menuCreator = {}
menuCreator.newMenu = function(params)
local menu = display.newGroup()
-- create your menu here
return menu
return menuCreator
Now anytime you do:
local menuCreator = require("menu.lua")
you will be able to call:
local menu = menuCreator.newMenu(someParams)
and get yourself a nice new menu wherever you need.
If it's not shown all the time on screen, it may be better to create a new one whenever you need it, and then remove it from the memory.
There are several issues with this, and none of them seem related to your error but fixing them will either also fix the error or make the cause of the error more obvious. Please fix following and update:
Although Lua allows it, don't use circular includes, where A includes B which includes A. Instead have menu require menuFunction and then call a creation function in menuFuntion:
-- menuFunction.lua
local m = require("myData")
-- require("menu") -- BAD! :)
local w = display.contentWidth
local h = display.contentHeight
local menuBar = display.newImage( "images/menuBar1.png")
menuBar.x = w*(1/2)
menuBar.y = h*1.465
menuBar.height = h
local menuFunction = { menuBar = menuBar }
function createMenuBar(menuSwipe)
menuFunction.menuBar.touch = menuSwipe
menuFunction.menuBar:addEventListener("touch", menuFunction.menuBar)
return menuFunction
-- menu.lua
function createScene(event)
local mf = require('menuFunction')
mfFunction = mf.createMenuBar(menuSwipe)
Secondly out of the four calls to group:insert() the first 3 refer to objects that are not shown in the code and don't see relevant to problem, they should be removed or if you think relevant, comment why their code now shown, or show their code.

remove all spawned coins

What is the best way to remove all spawned coins when the game is over?
Here is the code that spawns the coins:
screenGroup = self.view
coin = {}
coinspawn = function()
i = display.newSprite( imageSheet1, sequenceData1 )
i.x = display.contentWidth
i.y = math.random(0, display.contentHeight-50)
i.collided = true = "coin"
physics.addBody(i, "dynamic",
{density=.1, bounce=0.1, friction=.2, shape= shape2 ,filter=playerCollisionFilter }
--player.gravityScale = 0.5
coinIntro =,{time=2500, x=display.contentWidth - display.contentWidth -500 ,onComplete=jetReady , transition=easing.OutExpo } ) --
coin[#coin+1] = i
tmrcoin = timer.performWithDelay( 1000, coinspawn, 0 )
First you would remove all coins from the display. Then you would clear the coin table:
for i=1,#coin do
coin = {} -- forget all coins
Assuming coin table is the only other place you store your coins, this will do it.
Note that you can't use coin[i]=nil in the loop after removeSelf: as soon as table has holes, the # operator is basically unusable. You can't use table.remove either, because i gets incremented every time, so you'll miss items (try, you'll see). Same issue with pairs: you can't edit a table while iterating through it. You could however do this:
local numCoins = #coin
for i=1,numCoins do
-- now coin is {}
The only reason I can think of to nil N items instead of letting the gc take care of it with one table = {} statement is if you have more than one reference to your coin table (which I would rename to coins, BTW, for clarity).

Cannot translate an object before collision is resolved

When I compile this is showing
error: Cannot translate an object before collision is resolved
and when I'm building app for android it shows me an error#5 (null).
Here's my code:
function onLocalCollision(meteor, event)
if event.phase == "began" then
if event.object1.myName == "meteor" and
event.object2.myName == "rocket" then
score = score - 1
scoreNumber.text = score
restart.isVisible = true
meteor.x = 500
meteor.y = 300
meteor2.x = 500
meteor2.y = 200
meteor3.x = 500
meteor3.y = 100
event.object2.alpha = 0.2
lives = lives -1
livesNumber.text = lives
if lives < 1 then
lives = 3
score = 0
scoreNumber.isVisible = false
livesText.isVisible = false
hearticon.isVisible = false
scoreText.isVisible = false
gameover.isVisible = true
restart.x = 100000
meteor.collision = onLocalCollision
Runtime:addEventListener("collision", meteor)
The problem with your code is that you cannot translate during a collision (function) so if you just say:timer.performWithDelay(100, function() rocket:applyForce(-150,0,rocket.x,rocket.y) end, 1) it should resolve your problem and/or just create a callback function.
"Modifying Objects
The objects involved in the collision should not be removed or any of it's properties altered during a collision event. You should use timer.performWithDelay() if they want to modify object position values or other properties within the collision events.
Removing the object or modifying the properties in the collision event could cause the simulator to crash."

Changing Scenes in Corona objects stay on screen

I have been modifying code from the memory match game to use scenes, sounds, and a 2d table. Adding the scenes has been the hard part. I have it set up to randomly select items from my 2d table. Load those into a temporary table, shuffle them shuffle(), then boardSet(); to load their sounds and place them on the screen. Basically after the game is over I want the scene to reload or go back to the menu to start again. Selecting random data{} elements over and over.
I have tried returning to the menu, or going to a duplicate scene however I can't seem to correctly unload the objects created by my 2d array, as I can't properly add each item into a display group. I have tried everything I can think of. Right now my game loop is setup to add the play again btn that I want to restart the game after one match is found.
This link was a start in the right direction I believe with information about dealing with tables and groups. I still don't know how to cycle thru my 2d table to include everything in a group and then properly unload it.
-- level1.lua
local storyboard = require( "storyboard" )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
local widget = require "widget"
local image, text1, text2, text3, memTimer
-- forward declarations and other locals
local againBtn
-- 'onRelease' event listener for playBtn
local function onPlayBtnRelease()
-- go to level1.lua scene
storyboard.gotoScene( "menu", "fade", 500 )
return true -- indicates successful touch
-- Preload the sound file (needed for Android)
local playBeep = function( testSound )
media.playEventSound( testSound )
---Preload sounds
ki = audio.loadSound("ki-nawaneyoo.mp3")
u = audio.loadSound("u.mp3")
mayuhoo = audio.loadSound("mayuhoo.mp3")
--End Sound Test
--Set Global width and height variables
_W = display.contentWidth;
_H = display.contentHeight;
---Count number of correct matches
local matchCount = 0;
--Hide status bar
--Declare a totalButtons variable to track number of buttons on screen
local totalButtons = 0
--Declare variable to track button select
local secondSelect = 0
local checkForMatch = false
--Declare Data Table
local data = {}
--Load objects into data
data[1] = {}
data[1].title = "Naka"
data[1].subtitle = "a"
data[1].image = "a.png"
data[1].image1 = "ear.png"
data[1].sound = "naka-ear.caf"
data[1].sound1 = "naka-ear.mp3"
data[2] = {}
data[2].title = "Aapuhu"
data[2].subtitle = "aa"
data[2].image = "aa.png"
data[2].image1 = "eyebrow.png"
data[2].sound = "aapuhu-eyebrow.caf"
data[2].sound1 = "aapuhu-eyebrow.mp3"
data[3] = {}
data[3].title = "Ego"
data[3].subtitle = "Ego"
data[3].image = "e.png"
data[3].image1 = "tongue.png"
data[3].sound = "ego-tongue.caf"
data[3].sound1 = "ego-tongue.mp3"
data[4] = {}
data[4].title = "Kamoo"
data[4].subtitle = "kamoo"
data[4].image = "ee.png"
data[4].image1 = "chin.png"
data[4].sound = "kamoo-chin.caf"
data[4].sound1 = "kamoo-chin.mp3"
data[5] = {}
data[5].title = "Kowpa"
data[5].subtitle = "ego"
data[5].image = "leg.png"
data[5].image1 = "leg.png"
data[5].sound = "kowpa-leg.caf"
data[5].sound1 = "kowpa-leg.mp3"
data[6] = {}
data[6].title = "Mae"
data[6].subtitle = "kwa"
data[6].image = "hand.png"
data[6].image1 = "hand.png"
data[6].sound = "mae-hand.caf"
data[6].sound1 = "mae-hand.mp3"
data[7] = {}
data[7].title = "Nodo"
data[7].subtitle = "kwe"
data[7].image = "kwe.png"
data[7].image1 = "throat.png"
data[7].sound = "nodo-throat.caf"
data[7].sound1 = "nodo-throat.mp3"
data[8] = {}
data[8].title = "Matogo"
data[8].subtitle = "kwe"
data[8].image = "kwe.png"
data[8].image1 = "thumb.png"
data[8].sound = "matogo-thumb.caf"
data[8].sound1 = "matogo-thumb.mp3"
data[9] = {}
data[9].title = "Matzehe"
data[9].subtitle = "kwe"
data[9].image = "kwe.png"
data[9].image1 = "elbow.png"
data[9].sound = "matzehe-eblow.caf"
data[9].sound1 = "matzehe-elbow.mp3"
data[10] = {}
data[10].title = "Kuku"
data[10].subtitle = "kwe"
data[10].image = "kwe.png"
data[10].image1 = "foot.png"
data[10].sound = "kuku-foot.caf"
data[10].sound1 = "kuku-foot.mp3"
--Declare button, buttonCover, and buttonImages table
local tableCopy = {}
local buttonImages = {}
--Shuffle data table
--local shuffleSet = function()
--Shuffle data table
math.randomseed (os.time())
local function shuffle(a)
local n = #a
local t
local k
while(n > 0) do
t = a[n]
k = math.random(n)
a[n] = a[k]
a[k] = t
n = n - 1
return a
local tableCopy = shuffle(data);
local button = {}
local buttonCover = {}
--Choose six random objects from data to be used in game.
local firstSix = {}
for i = 1,6 do
firstSix[i] = tableCopy[i];
local buttonImages = {firstSix[1],firstSix[1],firstSix[2],firstSix[2],firstSix[3],firstSix[3],firstSix[4],firstSix[4],firstSix[5],firstSix[5],firstSix[6],firstSix[6]}
--Declare and prime a last button selected variable
local lastButton;-- = display.newImage("1.png");
--lastButton.myName = 1;
--Set up simple off-white background
--Notify player if match is found or not
local matchText = display.newText(" ", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 65)
matchText:setTextColor(255, 255, 255)
matchText.x = _W/2
--Set starting point for button grid
local x = -20
local matchesFound = 0;
--Set up game function
local function game(object, event)
if(event.phase == "began") then
if(checkForMatch == false and secondSelect == 0) then
--Flip over first button
buttonCover[object.number].isVisible = false;;
lastButton = object
checkForMatch = true
elseif(checkForMatch == true and object.number ~= lastButton.number) then
if(secondSelect == 0) then
--Flip over second button
buttonCover[object.number].isVisible = false;
secondSelect = 1;
--If buttons do not match, flip buttons over
if(lastButton.myName ~= object.myName) then;
matchText.text = "Ki Nawa'neyoo";; end,1)
timer.performWithDelay(2500, function()
matchText.text = " ";
checkForMatch = false;
secondSelect = 0;
buttonCover[lastButton.number].isVisible = true;
buttonCover[object.number].isVisible = true;
end, 1)
--If buttons DO match, remove buttons
elseif(lastButton.myName == object.myName) then
matchText.text = "U " .. object.myName .. " Mayuhoo";
timer.performWithDelay(750,function(); end, 1)
timer.performWithDelay(1500,function(); end, 1)
timer.performWithDelay(2400, function()
matchText.text = " ";
checkForMatch = false;
secondSelect = 0;
matchesFound = matchesFound + 1;
timer.performWithDelay(250, function()
if (matchesFound == 1) then
matchText.text = " Play Again? ";
againBtn.isVisible = true;
-- all display objects must be inserted into group
--group:insert( playBtn )
end, 1)
end, 1)
-- Touch event listener for background image
local function onSceneTouch( self, event )
if event.phase == "began" then
storyboard.gotoScene( "scene2", "slideLeft", 800 )
return true
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local screenGroup = self.view
local image = display.newImageRect( "bg.png", display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight )
image:setReferencePoint( display.TopLeftReferencePoint )
image.x, image.y = 0, 0
screenGroup:insert( image )
local function boardSet()
for count = 1,3 do
x = x + 100 * 2
y = 20 *2
for insideCount = 1,4 do
y = y + 90 * 2
--Assign each image a random location on grid
local temp = math.random(1,#buttonImages)
button[count] = display.newImageRect(buttonImages[temp].image1, 150, 150);
--Position the button
button[count].x = x;
button[count].y = y;
--Give each a button a name
button[count].myName = buttonImages[temp].title
-- Preload the sound file (needed for Android)
--Give each button a sounds
soundID = audio.loadSound(buttonImages[temp].sound1)
button[count].sound = soundID
button[count].sound1 = soundID
button[count].number = totalButtons
--Remove button from buttonImages table
table.remove(buttonImages, temp)
--Set a cover to hide the button image
buttonCover[totalButtons] = display.newImageRect("button.png", 150, 150);
buttonCover[totalButtons].x = x; buttonCover[totalButtons].y = y;
totalButtons = totalButtons + 1
--Attach listener event to each button
button[count].touch = game
button[count]:addEventListener( "touch", button[count] )
-- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:
function scene:enterScene( event )
againBtn = widget.newButton{
label="Play Again?",
fontSize = 25,
labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },
width=250, height=100,
onRelease = onPlayBtnRelease -- event listener function
againBtn:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
againBtn.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
againBtn.y = display.contentHeight - 125
againBtn.isVisible = false
print( "1: enterScene event" )
-- remove previous scene's view
-- Called when scene is about to move offscreen:
function scene:exitScene( event )
print( "1: exitScene event" )
if againBtn then
matchText.text = " "
againBtn:removeSelf() -- widgets must be manually removed
button = nil
buttonCover = nil
firstSix = nil
data = nil
tableCopy = nil
buttonImages = nil
againBtn = nil
-- Called prior to the removal of scene's "view" (display group)
function scene:destroyScene( event )
local screenGroup = self.view
--storyboard.purgeScene( "level1" )
print( "((destroying scene 1's view))" )
-- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist
scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene )
-- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene )
-- "exitScene" event is dispatched before next scene's transition begins
scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene )
-- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
-- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to
-- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().
scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene )
return scene
Yeah, this is simple.
here is an example(assuming that you have implemented storyboard)
function scene:createScene(event)
screenGroup = self.view
local image = display.newImage("image.png")
Now everything will go fine :)
Add all the display objects to a group.local myGroup = display.newGroup();
local img = display.newImage("yourimage.png");
For example
If you follow this method, all display objects will not be flushed out of memory when you change the screen.
When using corona storyboard you need to add display objects to the group. For example you would need to add all of your display objects into screenGroup in order for them to be removed when you change scenes.
