How to use actionbar with Xamarin and MvvmCross -

I've seen Xamarin recently released as component
I would like to use it with MvvmCross in my app, but I ran into difficulties, so I turned to google and found thistutorial
I don't understand how to use it correctly with MvvmCross though. How can I bind buttons in it to ICommands etc. ? Can I specify whole actionbar as ViewModel and bind to it ? If so, how ?

There is no way to bind ActionBar to ICommands with MvvmCross. But you can use a simple trick and call into your ICommands from the activity when a button on ActionBar is pressed.
public override bool OnCreateOptionsMenu(IMenu menu)
this.MenuInflater.Inflate(Resource.Menu.QuoteDetails, menu);
m_MenuItem_EditQuote = menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.menu_EditQuote);
return true;
public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(IMenuItem item)
switch (item.ItemId)
case Resource.Id.menu_EditQuote:
return true;
case Resource.Id.menu_ViewQuote:
return true;
case Resource.Id.menu_EmailQuote:
return true;
return base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item);


How to open custom dialog box / popup using Xamarin.Forms?

I am newbie to Xamarin.Forms and stuck with a situation where I want to open up a popup box with my control details [e.g. View Employee Details] on click of parent page.
How can I open custom dialog box / popup using Xamarin.Forms?
Any example code will be appreciated?
Thanks in advance!
If you still want to have your popup's code in its own Page you can set up some custom renderers along the following logic.
1. A ModalPage & corresponding renderer
public class ModalPage : ContentPage { }
public class ModalPageRenderer : PageRenderer {
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
this.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverCurrentContext;
public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()
SetElementSize (new Size (View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height));
2. HostPage
public class ModalHostPage : ContentPage, IModalHost
#region IModalHost implementation
public Task DisplayPageModal(Page page)
var displayEvent = DisplayPageModalRequested;
Task completion = null;
if (displayEvent != null)
var eventArgs = new DisplayPageModalRequestedEventArgs(page);
displayEvent(this, eventArgs);
completion = eventArgs.DisplayingPageTask;
// If there is no task, just create a new completed one
return completion ?? Task.FromResult<object>(null);
public event EventHandler<DisplayPageModalRequestedEventArgs> DisplayPageModalRequested;
public sealed class DisplayPageModalRequestedEventArgs : EventArgs
public Task DisplayingPageTask { get; set;}
public Page PageToDisplay { get; }
public DisplayPageModalRequestedEventArgs(Page modalPage)
PageToDisplay = modalPage;
3. HostPage renderer
public class ModalHostPageRenderer: PageRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
if(e.OldElement as ModalHostPage != null)
var hostPage = (ModalHostPage)e.OldElement;
hostPage.DisplayPageModalRequested -= OnDisplayPageModalRequested;
if (e.NewElement as ModalHostPage != null)
var hostPage = (ModalHostPage)e.NewElement;
hostPage.DisplayPageModalRequested += OnDisplayPageModalRequested;
void OnDisplayPageModalRequested(object sender, ModalHostPage.DisplayPageModalRequestedEventArgs e)
e.PageToDisplay.Parent = this.Element;
var renderer = RendererFactory.GetRenderer (e.PageToDisplay);
e.DisplayingPageTask = this.PresentViewControllerAsync(renderer.ViewController, true);
Then it is as simple as calling
await ModalHost.DisplayPageModal(new PopUpPage());
from your host page or in this particular case from the ViewModel behind.
What Pete said about PushModalAsync / PopModalAsync still remains valid for this solution too (which in my opinion is not a disadvantage), but your popup would appear with transparent background.
The main advantage of this approach, in my opinion, is that you can have your popup XAML/code definition separate from the host page and reuse it on any other page where you wish to show that popup.
The general purpose of what you are trying to achieve can be accomplished by using the PushModalAsync and PopModalAsync methods of Xamarin.Forms Navigation object.
The chances are that this is good enough for what you are needing - However - this isn't truely modal. I will explain after a small code snippet:-
StackLayout objStackLayout = new StackLayout()
Button cmdButton_LaunchModalPage = new Button();
cmdButton_LaunchModalPage.Text = "Launch Modal Window";
cmdButton_LaunchModalPage.Clicked += (async (o2, e2) =>
ContentPage objModalPage = new ContentPage();
objModalPage.Content = await CreatePageContent_Page2();
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(objModalPage);
// Code will get executed immediately here before the page is dismissed above.
return objStackLayout;
private async Task<StackLayout> CreatePageContent_Page2()
StackLayout objStackLayout = new StackLayout()
Button cmdButton_CloseModalPage = new Button();
cmdButton_CloseModalPage.Text = "Close";
cmdButton_CloseModalPage.Clicked += ((o2, e2) =>
return objStackLayout;
The problem with the above is that the
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(objModalPage);
will immediately return after the animation.
Although you can't interact with the previous page, as we are displaying a new NavigationPage with a Close button shown - the parent Navigation Page is still executing behind the scenes in parallel.
So if you had any timers or anything executing these still would get called unless you stopped those.
You could also use the TaskCompletionSource approach as outlined in the following post also How can I await modal form dismissal using Xamarin.Forms?.
Note - that although you can now await the 2nd page displaying and then when that page is dismissed allowing code execution to continue on the next line - this is still not truely a modal form. Again timers or anything executing still will get called on the parent page.
Update 1:-
To have the content appear over the top of existing content then simply include it on the current page, however make this section of content invisible until you need it.
If you use an outer container such like a Grid that supports multiple child controls in the same cell, then you will be able to achieve what you want.
You will also want to use something like a filled Box with transparency that will cover the entire page also, to control the visible, see through section, that surrounds your inner content section.
I followed above approach and found it impossible to run on iOS 7.
I found this library BTProgressHUD which you can modify and use.
I Use its methods by Dependency service.
Actual library for popups.
Following example uses BTProgressHUD library internally.

How to customize the Device charm bar using C#/XAML in windows 8?

I have an requirement that, need to customize the Device charm bar in windows 8?
I need to add a button or any other control in Device charm bar.
Is it possible?
If yes, how can we customize it?
Thanks in advance.
You can certainly add commands to Device's charms bar like this:
I assume you want to add to Settings Charms bar.
Create a Class example AppSettings
public AppSetting()
SettingsPane.GetForCurrentView().CommandsRequested += OnCommandsRequested;
SizeChanged += AppSettingSizeChanged;
private void OnCommandsRequested(SettingsPane settingsPane, SettingsPaneCommandsRequestedEventArgs eventArgs)
UICommandInvokedHandler handler = new UICommandInvokedHandler(OnSettingsCommand);
// Some command
SettingsCommand someCommand = new SettingsCommand("uniqueID", "NameofLabel", handler);
private void OnSettingsCommand(IUICommand command)
SettingsCommand settingsCommand = (SettingsCommand)command;
string id = settingsCommand.Id as string;
switch (id)
case someID:
} break;
case otherID:
} break;
protected void ShowSomeUI()
//Implement anything you want here
Use the above class and make the very first class of your Application inherit from this class so that the commands are added to charms bar and implement anything on their clicks.
P.S let me know if this is not clear or doesnt answer your question.

how to disable the button using bitmapbuttonfield in advanced ui examples in blackberry

I am using bitmap button field in advanced ui examples.
By default no method is working for disabling the button in 5.0 jre,
so i have added the below code for disabling and
then disabling functionality of the button is working but setchangelistener is not working
that is my problem
.. here is my code that i added for disabling the button..please check. do i need to change anything in invoke action method?
public boolean isDisable() {
return isDisable;
public void setDisable(boolean isDisable) {
this.isDisable = isDisable;
public boolean isFocusable() {
return isFocusable && !isDisable;
public void setFocusable(boolean isFocusable) {
this.isFocusable = isFocusable;
protected boolean invokeAction(int action) {
if (!isDisable){
return true;
public boolean setEnabled() {
return false;
Here is a discussion on the BlackBerry forums about this.
What I've sometimes done is actually make use of the isEditable() property on Field objects, since editability and being enabled are somewhat similar concepts. If you really want to keep the separate isDisabled() code, that's fine. Just substitute that below where I use isEditable() (remembering to reverse the boolean ... that's one reason to always program in the affirmative ... make your method isEnabled() instead of isDisabled()).
So, instead of any of the code you posted above, I would just add this code to either BitmapButtonField, or BaseButtonField:
public boolean isFocusable() {
return isEditable() && super.isFocusable();
and this in BitmapButtonField:
protected void paint( Graphics g ) {
int oldAlpha = g.getGlobalAlpha();
int index = g.isDrawingStyleSet( Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS ) ? FOCUS : NORMAL;
if (!isEditable()) {
g.setGlobalAlpha(100); // alpha is 0 to 255, so this is 100/255
g.drawBitmap( 0, 0, _bitmaps[index].getWidth(), _bitmaps[index].getHeight(), _bitmaps[index], 0, 0 );
And then, I can setup a change listener, or disable the button, like this in my manager class:
BitmapButtonField btn =
new BitmapButtonField(Bitmap.getBitmapResource("button.png"),
btn.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
Dialog.alert("Button clicked!");
btn.setEditable(false); // this disables the button
But, understand, that if you disable a button, that means your change listener won't get called. That's kind of how it's supposed to work. The change listener is only called if the button's enabled and therefore clickable.
Also, note that in order to make the button look different when disabled (not editable), I override paint() to set a different alpha value when the button is disabled. You didn't mention that, so if you don't like it, you can certainly take it out.

Blocking/disabling JavaFX 2 WebView right click

I'm looking for a way to block/disable right click in javafx.scene.web.WebView. To be more specific I don't want the context menu to show up on right click. I'm new to the technology and can't find the way to do it.
Just for the record, it is implemented in JavaFX 2.2. See documentation for setContextMenuEnabled (JavaFX 2) and setContextMenuEnabled (JavaFX 8)
I've came up with working, but ugly, inelegant and, I'd say, partisan solution, which I don't really like, but actually I have no (or just can't find) other way out.
It includes modifying EventDispatcher of WebView.
So my implementation of EventDispatcher needs a reference to original WebView EventDispatcher and looks like that:
public class MyEventDispatcher implements EventDispatcher {
private EventDispatcher originalDispatcher;
public MyEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher originalDispatcher) {
this.originalDispatcher = originalDispatcher;
public Event dispatchEvent(Event event, EventDispatchChain tail) {
if (event instanceof MouseEvent) {
MouseEvent mouseEvent = (MouseEvent) event;
if (MouseButton.SECONDARY == mouseEvent.getButton()) {
return originalDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event, tail);
Everytime event is dispatched it goes through our dispatcher and I check if it's right click. If it is I just consume it and proceed further.
To make it work you have to use WebView like that:
WebView webView = new WebView();
EventDispatcher originalDispatcher = webView.getEventDispatcher();
webView.setEventDispatcher(new MyEventDispatcher(originalDispatcher));
Every comment, clue and so on are appreciated.
With JavaFX 2.2+ it's now possible to set WebView's ContextMenuEnabled to false:
WebView API Doc.
You can style context menus away using the following css.
.context-menu { -fx-background-color: transparent; }
.menu-item { -fx-background-color: transparent; }
.menu-item .label { -fx-text-fill: transparent; }
.menu-item:show-mnemonics .mnemonic-underline { -fx-stroke: -transparent; }
This will make all context menus and menu items transparent. I'm not sure of the css selector you could use to make this only apply to WebView context menus. If you don't have other menus in your application, that may not be a big deal.
You can do it with js (jquery used)
$(document).ready( function() { document.oncontextmenu = function() { return false } } );
Unfortunately it's not yet possible. There is a feature request for that, which you may want to track:
This will will remove the context menu for the entire stage:
new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
if (event.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) {

How to add Listener for PictureScrollField in Blackberry

I am implementing a PictureScrollField in my application. I do not know how to set Listener for images in PictureScrollField. I tried with navigationClick,navigationMovement, fieldChange,trackwheelclick and touchevent. But nothing is working properly. navigationClick,navigationMovement, fieldChange are not working at all , trackwheel working one after that it will not work and touchevent works for the whole PictureScrollField not for the specific image. Somebody help me please.
Thanks in Advance
NavigationClick is the way to go. However, you will need to check if the field is in focus and then get the selected index. Try the following code:
protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) {
// psf is the PictureScrollField //
if (psf.isFocus()) {
switch (psf.getCurrentImageIndex()) {
case 0:
// Action when image at index 0 is clicked
case 1:
// Action when image at index 1 is clicked
return true;
return super.navigationClick(status, time);
