Find iOS UIView by tag dynamically - ios

I'm developing an app for iPhone and I have a strange problem. I tried to solve this by myself but after 3 days I didn't found a solution anyway.
I have a scrollview in which I dynamically create other views and subviews, this is the code:
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
UITextView *posted_nick= [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(paddWidth, heightUpdateImageScrollview+paddHeight/2, screenWidth-2*paddWidth, 37)];
//textview customization...
[imagesScrollView addSubview:posted_nick];
row_images_like = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(paddWidth,heightUpdateImageScrollview+paddHeight+37+heightImageInScrollView,screenWidth-2*paddWidth,80)];
//set the tag = id
row_images_like.tag = [id_image intValue];
UIImageView *like_mini = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,15,25,25)];
//imageview customization...
//tag = id+1..
NSInteger x = [id_image intValue] + 1;
number_like.tag = x;
[row_images_like addSubview:like_mini];
UITextView *number_like = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(paddWidth*5/2,10,55,37)];
//textview customization...
//tag = id+2..
NSInteger x = [id_image intValue] + 2;
number_like.tag = x;
[row_images_like addSubview:number_like];
[imagesScrollView addSubview:row_images_like];
Now, all works great and when I click on the image view "like_mini", I can find the other views in the same row with the appropriate tag
(UIView *thisView = (UIView*)[imagesScrollView viewWithTag:ID_IMAGE];)
The problem is where I update my scrollview. When the user scrolls to the top, if there are new images to show, I call the same function that creates the views, and all the other views (that already exist) are moved some down. Why, when I try to find a view by tag in my scrollview, all works at the first time, but don't work for the new images created with the same code?
If i remove all the views in the scrollview, before adding the new views, it works. But i don't want to remove the oldest view.
When it works, I have in my console the view (row_images_like) with tag.
When it doesn't work, I receive a _UITextContainerView. What is this?
Hope I explained myself.

Hi there the only reason the images moves down is because you are not assigning the proper tags, please give appropriate value of tag to uiview, uiimageview and uitextview.
row_images_like.tag = [id_image intValue] + 1000;
For fetching the view get it done similarly what you did before only add thousand to it.
UIView *thisView = (UIView*)[imagesScrollView viewWithTag:ID_IMAGE+1000];
Also one error :
number_like.tag = x;
How does the above line object i.e "Number_like" comes before initialising it and change the tag value of other objects to "+2000" and "+3000"

Try removing all views added to scrollview, before loading scrollview again
Write this line above for loop
for (UIView *v in [imagesScrollView subviews])
[v removeFromSuperview];
v = nil;


iOS Image Viewer: Set Zoomed Image Back when Scrolling

I have a gallery view that I use to, surprise, view images. :) I wanted it to be very similar to the standard iOS photo app with the same basic functionality: scrolling through images that are zoomable. To do this, I use a regular scroll view which I then populate with other scroll views that contain the images. The basic idea is something like this:
And, I do the populating the following way:
for (int i = 0; i < [imageGalleryArray count]; i++)
UIScrollView *imageContainer = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake((windowSize.width * i), 0.0f, windowSize.width, windowSize.height)];
imageContainer.contentSize = CGSizeMake(windowSize.width, windowSize.height);
imageContainer.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
imageContainer.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
imageContainer.bouncesZoom = YES;
imageContainer.delegate = self;
imageContainer.minimumZoomScale = 1.0f;
imageContainer.maximumZoomScale = 3.0f;
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, windowSize.width, windowSize.height)];
imageView.image = [[imageGalleryArray objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"image"];
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
imageView.tag = IMAGEZOOMVIEW;
imageView.opaque = YES;
[imageContainer addSubview:imageView];
[galleryScrollView addSubview:imageContainer];
// Add it to array for proper removal later
[contentScrollViewSubviewList addObject:imageContainer];
Quite simple and it works fine. The only problem arises when I am zoomed into an image and want to scroll to another. The expected behavior in this case would be to set the zoom level of all images back to their original size. I do this in the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating delegate method like so:
if (scrollView.tag == GALLERYSCROLLVIEW)
for (int i = 0; i < [contentScrollViewSubviewList count]; i++)
[[contentScrollViewSubviewList objectAtIndex:i] setZoomScale:1.0f animated:YES];
Unfortunately, it does not work (or rather not as intended). I did some poking around and found out that the image does indeed animate back to its original size when it is the active slide. To elaborate: if I zoom into an image and scroll to another, the image stays zoomed in. When I scroll back to it, that is when it zooms back to its original size. I, however, need the image to scale back as soon as I move away from it ().
just like in the iOS image viewer).
Frankly, I do not understand the whole zoom mechanic enough to find out how to do this properly, and the UIScrollView documentation is of no help either. Could someone show me how to solve my problem?

How can I achieve a 30 button grid using autolayout storyboards?

So I had this working for a 12 button (4x3) grid of buttons.
I'd like all of the buttons to be equal size, common distances above and to the side of each other, and the entire grid to be centered on the device, like so:
The problem is, it looks like a jumbled mess when I build the project.
I have no problem getting the segmented control, score, or reset buttons positioned correctly, but the grid just messes everything up.
I've been using the middle tool to set up the constraints on the grid, which worked fine for the 12 button grid:
However, using this only creates infinite conflicting constraints that cannot be resolved by xcode.
I am very new to iOS and could be missing something simple, but I've been trying my best to match up to the blue auto suggested lines as much as possible here.
Thanks for any advice.
It would be a lot simpler just to use a UICollectionView with a UICollectionViewFlowLayout and let the flow layout create the grid for you.
But even if you're not going to do that, then still, my advice is: don't set this up in Xcode / Interface Builder; make the entire grid (and constraints if you want them) in code. It's much simpler (and more fun and less boring and, of course, less error-prone).
1.) Instead of setting each button up in the interface builder just create the container (a UIView) that the whole grid should fit inside. Add constraints to that container for how you would want that to expand and contract with screen size.
2.) Link that container UIView to your .h view controller class and name it gridContainer or whatever.
3.) Create a property in your .h class:
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons;
4.) Then:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// other stuff you're doing to set up your app
self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons = [NSMutableArray new];
//Do this inside the main thread to make sure all your other views are laid out before this starts
//Sometimes when you do layout stuff before the rest of the view is set up from Interface Builder you will get weird results.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self createTwoMentionalArrayHoldingCardButtons];
[self displayCardGrid];
- (void)createTwoMentionalArrayHoldingCardButtons {
NSMutableArray *arrayWithRowsOfButtons= [NSMutableArray new];
for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++) {
NSMutableArray *arrayOfButtonsAtRowX = [NSMutableArray new];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
CGRect rect = self.gridContainer.bounds;
CGSize cellSize = CGSizeMake(rect.size.width / 6, rect.size.height / 6);
UIButton *buttonInColumnI = [UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(cellSize.width * i, cellSize.height * x, cellSize.width, cellSize.height);
[buttonInColumnI setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"yourCardImage"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[buttonInColumnI addTarget:self action:#selector(yourButtonAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[arrayOfButtonsAtRowX addObject:buttonInColumnI];
[arrayOfRowsOfButtons addObject:arrayOfButtonsAtRowX];
self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons = arrayWithRowsOfButtons;
- (void)displayCardGrid {
for (int x = 0; x < self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons.count; x++) {
NSMutableArray *arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX = self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons[x];
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX.count; i++) {
UIButton *buttonAtColumnI = arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX[i];
[self.gridContainer addSubview:buttonAtColumnI];
- (void)yourButtonAction:(UIButton *)tappedCard {
//To swap the card image on your tapped button
for (int x = 0; x < self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons.count; x++) {
NSMutableArray *arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX = self.twoDimensionalArrayContainingRowsOfCardButtons[x];
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX.count; i++) {
UIButton *buttonAtColumnI = arrayOfButtonsAtColumnsAtRowX[i];
if (tappedCard == buttonAtColumnI) {
int row = x;
int column = i;
//Now you can save that the user has tapped something at this row and column.
//While you're here, you can update the card image.
[tappedCard setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"CardExposedImage"];
I'm writing this all in the box here without running it, so hopefully that works for you. Ended up being a few more lines than expected.
Edit: forgot to add that I separated the building of the card buttons and the displaying of them so that you could call the display method separately. With the property, you also have a retained source of all the cards so you can just fetch them out of the array and change what you need, as needed.

Autolayout Constraints on empty UIView do not work as expected

So I have setup a UIView that contains a UIScrollView (and child content view) that has sub views that are series of UILabels and UIViews that grow and shrink depending on the content contained in them, all using AutoLayout from the Storyboard. This works when I have something like Label - Label - Label - View w/o any issues, however if I put an empty UIView in-between two labels and insert sub views on the UIView, I'm not seeing the results I'm expecting. I have the following layout in a storyboard:
...where the teal and blue views are labels that grow to infinite height and the orange view (optionsPanel) is an empty UIVIew that I later inject sub views into. The rest of the stuff on the window is UILabels and UISegment controls. Between each row of views I have a Vertical Space constraint with a constant of 8. This all worked beautifully until I had to put in the empty UIView and programmatically inject sub views. The code I would expect to work would be something like (optionsPanel is the orange colored UIView)...
optionsPanel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES;
NSArray *options = [product objectForKey:#"options"];
lastTop = 10;
for(int i=0;i<options.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *option = [options objectAtIndex:i];
NSArray *values = [option objectForKey:#"values"];
if([self hasNoneValue:values] && values.count == 2) {
NSDictionary *value = [self notNoneValue:values];
M13Checkbox *optionCheck = [[M13Checkbox alloc] initWithTitle:[option objectForKey:#"name"]];
optionCheck.frame = CGRectMake(0, lastTop, 280, 25);
[optionsPanel addSubview:optionCheck];
lastTop += 25;
} else {}
...where the orange UIView would magically grow and everything would just get pushed around accordingly, however this is what I'm seeing:
...the orange UIView does not grow at all, and the other two top UIView have gone somewhere off the screen. So my next guess was to turn off the Autoresizing Mask using...
optionsPanel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
...but I'm getting a result where everything appears to be working but the orange UIView (optionsPanel) has no height for whatever reason and looks like:
This is getting closer to what I would expect, so I thought I would force the height of the orange UIView using code like...
frame = optionsPanel.frame;
frame.size.height = lastTop;
optionsPanel.frame = frame;
...but this appears to have no affect on anything.
Purely guessing, I found that this code almost works, if I arbitrary set the optionPanel's origin to something much larger than the space that is needed....
optionsPanel.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = YES;
NSArray *options = [product objectForKey:#"options"];
lastTop = 10;
for(int i=0;i<options.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *option = [options objectAtIndex:i];
NSArray *values = [option objectForKey:#"values"];
if([self hasNoneValue:values] && values.count == 2) {
NSDictionary *value = [self notNoneValue:values];
M13Checkbox *optionCheck = [[M13Checkbox alloc] initWithTitle:[option objectForKey:#"name"]];
optionCheck.frame = CGRectMake(0, lastTop, 280, 25);
[optionsPanel addSubview:optionCheck];
lastTop += 25;
} else {}
lastTop += 10;
frame = optionsPanel.frame;
frame.size.height = lastTop;
frame.origin.y += 300; //some arbitrarily‎ large number
optionsPanel.frame = frame;
..which gives this result:
...but apparently the AutoLayout has decided that the name label needs to take up the extra space. Its an ugly approach but if I could figure out how much space I need then I could just push everything down, if I had to. What's the secret to having a dynamic UIView between two dynamically sized labels and everything just work???
As #Timothy says, you need to manually add constraints to the subviews of the orange view if you want it to resize based on its contents—views don’t do this by default.
In general, if you’re using autolayout in a window, you should never be manually setting the frame of any view. Autolayout overrides any frames you set the every time it’s called, so even if you manage to manually get it working for a second it’ll fail the next time anything triggers a layout.
For views created in code, it's perfectly fine to set their frames as long as their translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property is YES (the default, by the way).
However, for a view instantiated in storyboard or a nib, you can not set its translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints to YES.

Identify UIImageView and UITextView created in loop iOS

I'm working in Xcode and i have a loop cycle in which i dynamically create UIImageViews and UITextviews and insert them in a UIScrollView. In every row, i create 4 UIImageViews and 2 UITextViews, so the code looks like this:
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++){
UITextView *textView1= [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, screenWidth/2, 37)];
UITextView *textView2= [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth/2, 0, screenWidth/2, 37)];
UIImageView *imageView1 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,50,screenWidth/4,100)];
UIImageView *imageView2 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth/4,50,screenWidth/4,100)];
UIImageView *imageView3 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth/2,50,screenWidth/4,100)];
UIImageView *imageView4 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenWidth*3/4,50,screenWidth/4,100)];
The code to set images in UIImageViews, text in UITextViews and show them in the UIScrollView works great and i don't post it because it's too long.
My problem is: when i click on an image, i call methods in which i want to make change to the ImageViews and TextViews of the same row, how can i identify them?
Detecting the image clicked is not a problem using the recognizer.view, to detect other images of the same row i tried to set a tag to the views and then call "viewWithTag" to find them, but i have problems because the elements of the same row have the same tag value and i make confusion.
My target is for example:
When i click on imageView1 in the first row should change image in imageView3 of the same row.
When i click on imageView3 in the fourth row should change text in textView2 of the same row.
And so on..
Is there any alternative method without using the tag attribute?
I hope I explained myself
You can use the tag property, but without using the same tag more then once. Some little math should do the trick to identify views in the same row by their tags...
I wouldn't recommend using tags. Make yourself a custom view class, e.g. MyRow, containing the 6 views belonging together as subviews. From there you can go anywhere.
Got a problem, invent an object. Always works.
BIGGER BUT: I'd strongly recommend to go with UICollectionView or UITableView.
UIView has a "tag" property, which you can use for anything you want. The default value is 0 and it doesn't do anything at all, except store the value.
Typically you would set the tag to be an array index.
So you could do:
textView1.tag = i;
textView2.tag = i;
imageView1.tag = i;
imageView2.tag = i;
imageView3.tag = i;
imageView4.tag = i;
Or perhaps something more clever, like:
textView1.tag = 1000000 + i;
textView2.tag = 2000000 + i;
imageView1.tag = 3000000 + i;
imageView2.tag = 4000000 + i;
imageView3.tag = 5000000 + i;
imageView4.tag = 6000000 + i;
Or maybe you could have an array property mapping them:
#property NSMutableArray tagMap;
textView1.tag = self.tagMap.count;
[self.tagMap addObject:#{#"var": #"textView1", #"index":[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i]}];

scrollview is showing only the last added subview

I am getting strange behavior with UIScrollView subviews, the idea is to create programmatically an instance of UIView with a customized nib file which is a form in my case, fill that form with data from a model class, and add it as subview for my UIScrollView. The problem is when I deal with more than one subview, the UIScrollView only keep the latest subview, so if I created three subviews, the scrollview will show only the third (the latest) subview. Although the page control is set to the coreect number of subviews (three).
The project is too long, so I will try to explain brievely my issue with the relevant code:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
NSArray *sorted = [appArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:sortDescriptor]];//this array contains the data from model, I debugged that to make sure I got the exact data, no more no less :)
//Loop all NSManaged objects, for example let's say I have 3 model objects, don't worry about how I get data etc, because I debugged all and maked sure all data objects number are exact, etc.
for (App_Table *_appTable in sorted) {
//This looped 3 times as expected, I debugged that also and maked sure on each iteration I got the data I expected to have
//App_Table is a subclass of NSManagedObject, it's my model class and get its data from coredata file
[self addMoreView];//Call this method will create a new subview and add it as subview to the UIScrollView, it will also update the page control, update the content size property, etc.
AppTableView *_appTableView = (AppTableView *) [[self.scrollView subviews] lastObject];//Remember addMoreView method create a new instance of AppTableView and add it as subview for the UIScrollView property, then I get that subview to fill it with data here
_appTableView.txtADDRESS.text = _appTable.address;//Fill in the form, no need to write all the form fields code because it's the same way.
// Scroll To First Page...
self.pageControl.currentPage = 0;
[self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight) animated:YES];
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(viewWidth*noOfItems, viewHeight);//Set the content size to the sum of subviews width, I also debugged that to check it's correct
self.scrollView.delegate = self;
[super viewDidLoad];
Ok, so when I have three subviews, the scrollview will load with the width of three subviews as calculated with the line above:
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(viewWidth*noOfItems, viewHeight);//Set the content size to the sum of subviews width, I also debugged that to check it's correct
And I can scroll till 3 moves (which is the number of subviews) and the UIPageControl is also set to three dots, but only ONE subview is visible, only the latest one I can see, the two other subviews disappeared, the scroll view calculated content size for them but they are not visible. Any thoughts ? Thanx.
It's worth to note that the first time I edit the view, all goes fine, when I deal with 3 subviews, they are all visible, but when I go to another view and get back to this view, only the last subview is visible.
Also, I am working on an iPad project for that with a split view.
This is the code of the method which draw new subview for the UIScrollView
-(IBAction) addMoreView
NSArray *arr = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"AppTableView" owner:self options:nil];
AppTableView *aView = [arr objectAtIndex:0];
[aView setFrame:CGRectMake(startX, 0, aView.bounds.size.width, aView.bounds.size.height)];
[self.scrollView addSubview:aView];
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.scrollView.contentSize.width+aView.frame.size.width
, self.scrollView.contentSize.height);
startX = startX + aView.frame.size.width;//Update the X position, first 0, then 600, 1200, and so on.
[self.scrollView scrollRectToVisible:aView.frame animated:YES];
Suppose I have 3 subviews, the method above will be called 3 times since it's put inside the for loop. So here is the result of NSLogs for the above method:
First iteration:
Second iteration:
Third iteration:
The command suggested by rob mayoff allows me to see why this happen:
| | | | <AppTableView: 0x1eef4700; frame = (0 18; 600 430); autoresize = LM+RM+TM+BM; tag = 990; layer = <CALayer: 0x1eef4790>>
| | | | <AppTableView: 0x1ee3f380; frame = (0 18; 600 430); autoresize = LM+RM+TM+BM; tag = 991; layer = <CALayer: 0x1ee3f410>>
| | | | <AppTableView: 0x1ee56910; frame = (0 18; 600 430); autoresize = LM+RM+TM+BM; tag = 992; layer = <CALayer: 0x1ee3f410>>
All Three subviews are drawn in the same frame, so they are above each other, but when I debug that with breakpoints in runtime, the x is changing, first time 0, then 600 then 1200 which make me think it's drawing correctly. How to fix that especially that the x value is being incremented correctly, so what's the problem and why they still drawing on the same x coordinate?
First things first, you should place the [super viewDidLoad] call at the top of your - (void)viewDidLoad method, not at the bottom.
Given that it's not clear enough what you are actually seeing and what you expect to see, providing a minimum working example of your problem as a downloadable project would help us to help you. If you just try to reproduce this in a separate view controller that does not interact with managed objects, but uses some statically provided data, others will be able to reproduce it themselves and debug it. Or you might just as well figure it out yourself in the process.
I am getting back a bit late, but finally I figure out the fix for my problem so thought it's good to share it to save someone else's time.
For my case, the scrollview is a custom view in a nib file. So by activating its Autosizing masks left and top, the bug was fixed.
This block of code in -addMoreView is the problem:
AppTableView *aView = [arr objectAtIndex:0];
[aView setFrame:CGRectMake(startX, 0, aView.bounds.size.width, aView.bounds.size.height)];
[self.scrollView addSubview:aView];
If startX never changes, you're adding all of these views at the same spot.
Surely your not setting the content size correctly for 3 items:
should be
self.scrollView.contentSize.width+ ( aView.frame.size.width * NUMBER_OF_SUBVIEWS)
I presume when you scroll horizontally on the scrollview, the content size only allows enough room for one subview correct ?
used a static variable which is reinitialized to 0 on load, then it gets incremented by the width of the subview to start drawing on new X position.
Try to set the autoresizingMask of aView to UIViewAutoresizingNone inside the addMoreView method.
I created a project that uses your code in the sister post, and its working just fine. I added several tests on the autoresizing masks as you can see below. I suggest you compare it to what you are doing. Weird things happen when the masks on EITHER the subviews or the scrollView are not set to being tied to the top/left.
My modified code:
NSArray *colors = #[ [UIColor redColor], [UIColor greenColor], [UIColor blueColor] ];
UIViewAutoresizing mask;
mask = [self.scrollView autoresizingMask];
//assert(!self.scrollView.autoresizesSubviews); // has no affect here
if((mask & (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin)) != mask) NSLog(#"scrollView MASK WRONG");
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
NSArray *arr = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"AppTableView" owner:self options:nil];
NSLog(#"scrollView frame: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(self.scrollView.frame));
if((mask & (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin)) != mask) NSLog(#"aView MASK WRONG");
AppTableView *aView = [arr objectAtIndex:0];
assert([aView isKindOfClass:[AppTableView class]]);
NSLog(#"orig aView frame: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(aView.frame));
UIViewAutoresizing mask = [aView autoresizingMask];
if((mask & (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin)) != mask) NSLog(#"aView MASK WRONG");
aView.frame = CGRectMake(startX, 0, aView.bounds.size.width, aView.bounds.size.height);
NSLog(#"changed aView frame: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(aView.frame));
aView.backgroundColor = colors[i];
[self.scrollView addSubview:aView];
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.scrollView.contentSize.width+aView.frame.size.width
startX = startX + aView.frame.size.width;
//AppTableView *_appTableView = (AppTableView *) [[self.scrollView subviews] lastObject];
//_appTableView.txtADDRESS.text = _appTable.address;//Fill in the form, no need to write all the form fields code because it's the same way.
NSLog(#"scrollView frame: %#", NSStringFromCGRect(self.scrollView.frame));
NSLog(#"scrollView contentOffset: %#", NSStringFromCGPoint(self.scrollView.contentOffset));
