jquery ui spinner malfunctioning with jquery mobile - jquery-ui

I'm trying to use jquery ui spinners in a table with jquery mobile 1.4.0
<div class="table_data">
<table data-role="table" data-mode="reflow" class="ui-responsive table-stroke">
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="doorbells"/>
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="mailboxes"/>
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="doorbells"/>
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="mailboxes"/>
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="doorbells"/>
<input type="text" class="spinner" name="mailboxes"/>
$( ".spinner" ).spinner();
In the jsfiddle link below you can see my problem. The buttons don't show up in the correct place and they don't even work anymore.
When I do not include the jquery ui js and css file the spinners work just fine. I need the mobile ui for other features in my application, but I also wish to implement the jquery spinner (of an alternative solution)
This is how it should be working:

jQuery UI and jQuery mobile don't play together that well.
For your number spinner, you can fix the formatting with one extra line of code to remove the jQM classes from the spinner button divs:
$(document).on("pagebeforeshow", "#page1", function(){
$( ".spinner" ).spinner();
$(".ui-spinner div" ).removeClass(function() {
return $( this ).attr( "class" );
Here is your updated FIDDLE
Another option is to set type="number" on the input boxes; however, not all browsers understand this.
You will need to see if jQuery UI causes any other problems with your particular application...


jquery mobile not displaying in jsfiddle

I can't get a select menu to work in a jquery mobile app, and thought I'd post the problem here, but I can't even get the thing to display properly in fiddle. Thought I'd solve the fiddle problem first.
Here is my fiddle, which contains the following code:
<div data-role='content'>
<table class='my-tables'>
<caption style='text-align: left;'>Table A</caption>
<TH align='left'>Type</TH>
<TH align='left'>Amount</TH>
<th colspan='4' scope='col'>
<label for='selmenu'></label>
<select id='selmenu' class='sel' data-native-menu='false' style='width: 100px'>
<option class='type1' value='type1'>type1</option>
<option class='type2' value='type2'>type2</option>
<option class='type3' value='type3'>type3</option>
<option class='type4' value='type4'>type4</option>
<TH align=l eft>Cars</TH>
<TD class='exhaust type1'>7000</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type2'>6000</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type3'>5000</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type4'>4000</TD>
<TH align=l eft>Trucks</TH>
<TD class='exhaust type1'>154</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type2'>1.1</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type3'>3.7</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type4'>55.2</TD>
<TH align=l eft>Motorcycles</TH>
<TD class='exhaust type1'>88</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type2'>99</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type3'>77</TD>
<TD class='exhaust type4'>55</TD>
<div data-role='footer'>
<h4>my footer</h4>
<!-- /footer -->
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.sel').change(function () {
$('.' + this.value).show();
Why won't my fiddle even display the jqm styles? I researched similar problems in stackoverflow, found this question on the same thing, but my fiddle page doesn't show the options that are available in the example given in that question.
What am I missing?
Two things:
Use jQuery 1.8.3 library. Included external resource JQM 1.2.0 will not work with later versions.
Load external resources with HTTPS:
After that, your fiddle should work.
Besides all above, once you choose jQuery 1.8.3 version, fiddle will offer you JQM library below the framework selection menu. So, no need for including external files.

Dojo - Upload two files in one Form

I use Dojo and want to send two files and one String to a REST Service. The HTML for that is the following:
<form action="http://localhost:8080/service" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" name="inputDataForm" id="inputDataForm">
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" height="88" width="925">
<td><input name="train" type="file" value="Browse" data-dojo-type="dojox/form/Uploader"/></td>
<td><input name="test" type="file" value="Browse" data-dojo-type="dojox/form/Uploader"/></td>
<td>Number of Customers</td>
<td><input name="numberCustomers" size="40" type="text" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" /></td>
<p><input name="runButton" type="submit" value="Run" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" id="submitButton" /></p>
However: If I press the submit button, I can see via Firebug that there are sent TWO POST-Requests. One with the first file and the "Number of Customers" field and one with the second file and the "Number of Customers" field. However, my REST Service wants to have both files and the "Number of Customers" fields in one POST Request. How can i do that? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance

reading from a file using the input type=file in grails

Hi I have the following code in my grails gsp
<form action="upload-script-url" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table class="table"style="width: 75%">
<span style="font-weight: bold; ">Select the Source File:</span>
<input size="75" type="file" id="payload" name="payload"/>
<input type="submit" class="red" id="Run">Run</button>
I read the form parameters from: here
Are those right parameters in the html form?
Now how should I proceed to read the data from the selected file? do I have to use the apache commons fileupload api ?
and you will get a CommonsMultipartFile
If you take some time to (again) actually look at the documentation you will see how to do it...

jquery multiple ids same function

I have a table that has a date input
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker0"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker1"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker2"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker3"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker4"></td>
I am trying to access it via for the first one
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker0" ).datepicker({
showButtonPanel: true
How do I access everything?
You could use the "attribute starts-with" selector:
$(function() {
showButtonPanel: true
That selector will match any input element whose id value starts with "datepicker". An alternative would be to give all the required elements a common class.
You can also select multiple elements by id using a comma-separated list:
$("#datepicker0, #datepicker1, #datepicker2"); //List as many as necessary
But that's not particularly scalable if you ever need to add more inputs.
The best way is to use a class:
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" class="dp" id="datepicker0"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" class="dp" id="datepicker1"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" class="dp" id="datepicker2"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" class="dp" id="datepicker3"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" class="dp" id="datepicker4"></td>
$(function() {
$( ".dp" ).each(function(){
showButtonPanel: true
but you can also use this:
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker0"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker1"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker2"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker3"></td>
<td style="background-color:#c6efce"><input type="text" id="datepicker4"></td>
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker0,#datepicker1,#datepicker2,#datepicker3,#datepicker4" ).datepicker({
showButtonPanel: true
The second approach is not advised.
As I understand your question, you're trying to select multiple IDs using jQuery. Here's how you do that:
You just separate the IDs by commas.
But, this isn't the best way to accomplish this. You should really use a class: Assign each td a class and use:
Alternatively, you could assign an ID to the table and select all of its td children. HTML:
<table id="myTable">
$('table#myTable td')
You can use this as well
Instead of IDs, you should use a CSS class named something like has-datepicker and search for that.
jQuery UI automatically adds the "hasDatePicker" class to all elements that have a date picker. You can query the page for something like $("input.hasDatePicker") to get all of the date pickers.

problem jquery nested sortable list in IE7/8

i am having the same problem as in this thread
jQuery unexpected sortable behaviour
my system is doing identically the same thing. the only difference between my code and his code is that my code is 100% generated by ajax on the fly, and im inserting tables into each of the LI, but alas the results are the same. here is the html im inserting for each of my master list entries.
here is the blank list thats in my html
<ul id=\"questionList\">
this is generated by javascript and ajax calls on the fly
<li id="liName-11" class="ui-state-default">
<table width="600" border=".5" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" class="singleBorder">
<td width="386" align="left" valign="top">
<span id="quesEditText-11">Does Default Work
<span id="quesEditSpan-11" onclick="setEditField('ques', 11)">Edit
<span id="quesUpdateSpan-11" onclick="updateQuestionCall('ques', 11)">Update
<span id="deleteSpan-11" onclick="deleteQuestionAjax(11)">Delete
<td width="200">
<input type="text" id="answerBox11">
<a href="#" onclick="insertAnswer(11, 'answerBox11')">Insert Answer
<ul id="answerList-11">
<li id="17">
<span id="answEditText-17">lets try this answer
<span id="answEditSpan-17" onclick="setEditField('answ', 17)">Edit
<span id="answUpdateSpan-17" onclick="updateQuestionCall('answ', 17)" style="display:none;">Update
<span id="deleteSpan-17" onclick="deleteAnswerAjax(17)">Delete
<li id="13">
<span id="answEditText-13">yet another question
<span id="answEditSpan-13" onclick="setEditField('answ', 13)">Edit
<span id="answUpdateSpan-13" onclick="updateQuestionCall('answ', 13)" style="display:none;">Update
<span id="deleteSpan-13" onclick="deleteAnswerAjax(13)">Delete
folling the suggestion in the above thread, ive modified his suggestion into this
$("ul.list").live("mousedown", function(e){
but it has zero effect. works perfectly in chrome and firefox, but screws up in IE. trust me im about to just put in a script where if they see the site in IE that it will forward them to firefox and tell them to download a real browser but my boss doesn't like that idea. you guys have any idea?
Make sure your html is valid: you are closing your <span> elements with </edit>
Your script applies to a ul element with a list class which you don't define anywhere in your html.
You'll notice on this page that live() handles an event after it's already propagated up to the top of the document, so you'll need to use bind() instead of live().
