Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView after Removing iAD - ios

Weird thing that I have spent about 4 hours debugging:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView'
I used to have iAD and then removed it. Now I use Google AdMob.
I have macros set up to determine the free/paid version. On the free version that is supposed to show ads, everything is fine and it displays the AdMob ads.
In the paid version, which does not call any ads, I get this error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named ADBannerView'
The only thing I can think of is that I may have an old iAd Banner View somewhere, but I can't find it!
Any hints?
Also: Everything works fine on the simulator.

Have you checked to make sure that there are no ADBannerViews in Interface Builder? The sort of error you are seeing says that the app is trying to create one somewhere.

Educated guess:
are you using the UI State Preservation & Restoration API? If so return NO from application:shouldSaveApplicationState: to get rid of the current saved state.
Once that works you should implement some kind of restoration version checking to prevent crashes on your users devices.
If that doesn't work, or you are not using state restoration, try to delete the app from the device. If you deploy from Xcode files are only added, never removed. So it's possible that an old file references ADBannerView. Delete the app to get rid of such orphan files.
Edit: That link should take you to the "Encode version information along with the rest of your app’s state." section. It doesn't, but you will find a small info about version checking at the bottom of the page.


Unrecognized selector UIDeviceRGBColor countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:

I know this is kind of a dupe, but I don't have enough reputation yet to comment on the original post and, while I don't have an answer, I do have more useful information (a concrete example). Moderators, feel free to move this to the proper location.
When compiling my code using the latest XCode 8 beta 6 (iOS 10 SDK), I get an exception "Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIDeviceRGBColor countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000071340'"
This happens during the call:
auto viewController = [[[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ViewController" bundle:nil] autorelease];
I have isolated the problem by whittling down my project to the bare minimum that will compile and still exhibit the problem. You can download it here:
Example project
Note that I took out lots of code, nearly all classes are gone, which results in a lot of warnings (not errors) for nonexistent classes referenced from the xib. But that doesn't matter, the code still compiles and runs just fine with the iOS 9 SDK. After compiling with the iOS 10 sdk, however, it crashes both in the simulator and on devices running iOS 9.
You can work around the problem by changing "#if 0" into "#if 1" in the file "HackForUnrecognizedSelectorInIOS10.m". This adds a category defining the missing selectors for UIColor. But obviously you can't add that to shipping code, it's just a temporary stopgap measure to continue developing.
I filed a bug report (28153870). But if anyone has any more information on how to avoid this problem without ugly hacks, any information is welcome.
Michel Colman
When I try to compile and run my project with the same configuration (XCode 8 beta 6, iOS 10 SDK), I encountered a similar issue, except that my error message was:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIDeviceRGBColor length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000479280'
And I noticed that this issue only occurs when the view is init by using interface files, i.e. Xib and Nib. I solved this issue by:
Open your interface file, in the right panel, navigate to the File Inspector tab.
Change the attribute highlighted to "iOS 7.0 and Later" (or whatever iOS version later)
Then compile and run your project again, this should fix your issue, though I am not sure about the reason behind this. I tried the same with your sample project and it solves the issue too.
In my case, I needed to change the project deployment target to 8.0 in the product general settings. Thanks to the hint from the accepted answer!

Today Extension Crashes before launching on iOS 8.1.2

I've been making a today extension that downloads articles from a feed and display the latest ones.
The whole thing worked fine on iOS 8, still worked on iOS 8.1, then came iOS 8.1.2 and we started having complaints about the today extension not working anymore.
I tried debugging on iOS 8.1.2 devices, and before the extension even launch, it crashes with this error :
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: <__NSConcreteUUID 0x174027280> 5AFB07AB-5DCD-46FE-8D07-44DE0F3789F2)'
I have read this post about frequent bugs happening when developing a today extension :
In his post, Tom Harrington says :
In iOS 8 (and other recent versions), enabling modules in Xcode's build settings means you don't need to explicitly list all the frameworks you want to use. They'll be found automatically.
But this isn't the case with NotificationCenter.framework, which Today extensions use. If you remove that from the build settings, you won't get any build warnings or errors. But when you try to load the extension, you'll get an exception from libextension.dylib and your extension won't load. The exception message is not enlightening:
2014-08-16 12:06:53.793 TodayTestExtension[41313:6111763] * Terminating
app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*
setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil (key: <__NSConcreteUUID
0x7fd729422390> ED3B42F8-66CD-4CB0-BCD5-F3DBA6F34DB5)'
If you're doing a today extension, just leave that framework in the build settings. It shouldn't need to be there, but it does.
My extension does include NotificationCenter.framework in its build settings, but I suspect my problem might be similar in some way.
Anyone faced a similar problem? Any idea how to solve it?
This error also occurs if you use NSExtensionPrincipalClass inside "Info.plist" in order to define a base class (instead of using a storyboard) with the name of a ViewController which does not exist.
When using Swift, make sure to prefix the class with the module name (usually the name of the target) like "Module.MyViewController".
Eventually I tried to remove NotificationCenter.framework from my target and put it back, cleaned the project, and it's now working again. I guess the framework wasn't properly linked after all, though I could see it on my target with xcode. Also, I can't figure out why it did work, then stopped working with the arrival of 8.1.2.
I fixed this issue by adding the #objc attribute to the Swift class.
class NotificationViewController: UIViewController, UNNotificationContentExtension {
Just experienced the same issue. For me, it was "Main Interface" property in "General settings" of the Keyboard target. It was blank, and i set it to my storyboard file and now it works like a charm.

iPad app closes after 2 seconds, memory issue?

I made a magazine iPad app so you can scroll through different slides to the left, right, down and up. It's all ready and accepted by the iTunes app store. Problem is, if someone downloads the app it closes directly after 1 seconds of loading.
Weird part is that i installed the app trough xCode and all works without any problems. My guess is that the app takes too much memory. I made a screenshot of the memory instrument:
But how can i release a Srollview if it must be loaded all the time?
Hope someone could push me in the right direction!
I have tested your app on my iPad2 with iOS 5.1.1, and it crash with the following message:
OxygenEvents[97151] <Error>: *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: 'Could not instantiate class named NSLayoutConstraint'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x375c388f 0x31638259 0x375c3789 0x375c37ab 0x309de54d 0x309de6bb 0x309de423 0x3096f001 0x308dd3c7 0x307bac59 0x30730c17 0x10d5d5 0x30730c8b 0x109beb 0x30730c8b 0x3072f461 0x30721e87 0x307927d5 0x10960b 0x3072fcab 0x307297dd 0x306f7ac3 0x306f7567 0x306f6f3b 0x3771322b 0x37597523 0x375974c5 0x37596313 0x375194a5 0x3751936d 0x3072886b 0x30725cd5 0x10944f 0xf0050)
It is because you use "Autolayout" in your Interface Builder files (nib / xib files), which is an iOS 6.0 only feature.
To solve this, either disable Autolayout in all your xib files like this:
or simply make your app iOS 6.0 only by setting deployment target as iOS 6.0

Getting an error from the Stanford iOS Class, but my code seems identical

I believe I did what the instructor did verbatim, but my app (it's a simple app) won't work and errors out if I press a button.
I click run, and it builds, but when I click a button in the iOS simulator the app crashes and brings me back to Xcode with an error.
I don't know what I did wrong. It brings me to the main.m file when we didn't even deal with that in the Stanford guide (maybe it has to do with the fact that the Stanford guide uses iOS 5.0 and I'm on 5.1?).
Here's the project if anyone wants to take a lot at it. I'm just really confused.
(Also, did I just need to include the xcodeproject file, or was I right in including the whole project folder in a zip file?)
It looks like you have your buttons linked to a selector called digitedPressed:
They also appear to correctly be linked to digitPressed. Just remove the references to digitedPressed. (Right click the Calculator View Controller in your storyboard)
Don't forget to check the XCode debugger! This is the error the XCode debugger showed me:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[CalculatorViewController digitedPressed:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x9129cc0'

iOS Persistent store issue

I am using core data with preloaded sqlite database. I am encountering a strange issue, the app works on the simulator, but when I try run it on a device, e.g. iPad, I get the error below.
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSManagedObject persistentStore]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x3bebf50'
I recreated the sqlite database from the model and repopulated the database, but I still get the same error. I've checked the 'Compiled Sources' and 'Copy Bundle Resources' in the build phase section and the files are all there.
Been racking my brain and can't seem to understand why it's not working, any help would really be appreciate.
Thank you for your time and if you need any more information please let me know.
First measure: delete the app and reinstall.
Second measure: text search for a call to persistentStore in your code. It is apparently going to an address that is a NSManagedObjectContext which does not have this method. Fix the error if you find it.
Third measure: review your recreation algorithms to make sure you are building the store correctly. In my projects with big stores, I usually have a SETUP flag that I switch on if the store needs to be imported from raw data, which normally works only in the simulator because of the memory needs. (When SETUP is off and there is no store, the one generated previously is copied over.) Maybe on the iPad you do not have enough memory to do the data import.
