Using #extend with Zurb Foundation and rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to use Foundation with Rails.
I have the foundation-rails gem installed and all configured, and I have no problem using Foundation classes in my markup. However, I'm trying to use #extend in my stylesheets, and it's not working. This is the my complete connections.scss file
.btn {
#extend .button
There is an error in my logs:
WARNING on line 3 of <snipped>/connections.scss: ".btn" failed to #extend ".button".
The selector ".button" was not found.
I'm guessing I'm just missing an #import or something, but not really sure. Any ideas?

I didn't RTFM very well.
I made my application.scss look like this:
*= require_self
*= require foundation_and_overrides
#import 'foundation_and_overrides';
#import '*';


How to extend bootstrap by own styles?

I have installed bootstrap 4.5 into RAILS 6 and I want to extend some styles.
For that I have a file named banana.scss in app/assets/stylesheets that looks like this :
.form-read-only {
#extend .form-control, .form-control-sm;
background-color: rgb(233, 236, 239)
Now I want to embed this stylesheet after bootstrap is loaded, so I have modified the app/assets/stylesheets/application.css by
*= require banana
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
#import 'bootstrap';
#import 'banana';
But this leads to the error message in the browser to :
Error: The target selector was not found.
Use "#extend .form-control-sm !optional" to avoid this error.
on line 5 of app/assets/stylesheets/banana.scss
>> #extend .form-control, .form-control-sm;
But what is the remmmended way to extand bootstrap ?
I think the only issue is that you *= require banana before you #import 'bootstrap'. Try removing the first one:
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
#import 'bootstrap';
#import 'banana';
I've found an easy way to accomplish that.
Just import the bootstrap on the beginning of my custom stylesheet:
#import 'bootstrap';
.form-read-only {
#extend .form-control, .form-control-sm;
background-color: rgb(233, 236, 239)
Because I can't define the order in which the stylesheet files are loaded, here I'm sure when the custom stylesheet is loaded, in front of the depending bootstrap stylesheets are loaded at first.

Why do I get an undefined Foundation variable error in this SASS file?

I have a Rails 4 app, using the foundation-rails v5.2.1.0 gem, and one custom SCSS file for my application layout. When I use a variable from the foundation_and_overrides.scss file, I get the following error:
Undefined variable: "$header-font-family"
I've included relevant code below. I can post more if needed. Anyone know what's going on here?
From application.css:
*= require foundation_and_overrides
*= require_self
*= require_tree .
From foundation_and_overrides.scss:
// We use these to control header font styles
$header-font-family: "futura-pt", sans-serif;
$header-font-weight: 400;
// $header-font-style: normal;
From custom.css.scss:
$include-html-global-classes: false;
#import "foundation/components/global";
.footer {
background-color: black;
color: white;
height: 100px;
font-family: $header-font-family;
You are getting the error because foundation_and_overrides.scss is executing after custom.css.scss. Best way to do this is to define your variables in a partial and import it in your main stylesheet after foundation.
First change the file name from
foundation_and_overrides.scss to _foundation_and_overrides.scss
and then import it in custom.css.scss file after foundation with
#import 'foundation_and_overrides';
Rename your application.css to application.css.scss and custom.css.scss to custom.scss
In your application.css.scss remove *= require_tree .
And then import your main stylesheet with
#import 'custom'
I hope this helps
The cleanest way is to add the line
#import "custom";
to your file foundation_and_overrides.scss before the line
#import "foundation";
There's no need to remove *= require_tree . from application.css.scss as stated in the accepted answer. There's also no need to add require foundation_and_overrides to application.css if you leave require_tree . in there.
According to the Rails Docs:
If you want to use multiple Sass files, you should generally use the Sass >#import rule instead of these Sprockets directives. When using Sprockets >directives, Sass files exist within their own scope, making variables or >mixins only available within the document they were defined in.
So in this case the order of the directives (the lines in application.css that start with *=) doesn't matter because each of those files lives in its own scope and you can't access their variables from another scss file. That's why you want to either #import foundation_and_overrides and then custom, or #import your custom stylesheet into foundation_and_overrides.

Unable to overwrite bootstrap-sass's font with that of font-awesome

I am using bootstrap-sass and the font-awesome ( gems. I would like to override the bootstrap font setting from that of font-awesome.
From font-awesome's site I can override the bootstrap defaults, if I just import if after bootstrap's import.
#import 'bootstrap';
#import 'font-awesome';
I have done the above, but font-awesome's font is not overriding. I have pushed my project on github - The url is accessible on localhost:3000/posts
I will appreciate if someone can help me overriding bootstraps's default font with those of font-awesome's
Modify your application.css.scss to look like below
#import "font-awesome";
$baseFontFamily: 'FontAwesome';
#import "bootstrap";
#import "bootstrap-responsive";
//#import "scaffolds";
#import "posts";
You move import "font-awesome" at the top and then define baseFontFamily because that's what bootstrap uses to define font-family for all the elements. Check Typography and links block in the middle. If you import bootstrap after this, FontAwesome will be used by default.
You should remove import "scaffolds"; line because scaffolds.css.scss will reset your font family for body element which will be inherited by every other element.
If you can't avoid importing it before bootstrap. I hope that helps.
For those of you guys using Bootstrap 3.2+ (I guess), here's the list of SASS variables you can modify:
In our case, we want to make sure to define $font-family-base before doing #import "bootstrap".
By setting $font-family-base before the line below is reached, Bootstrap uses our $font-family-base instead (otherwise, it defaults to $font-family-base-serif, also defined in the variables.scss above).
$font-family-base: $font-family-sans-serif !default;
This is how my application.css.sass looks like
*= require_tree .
*= require_self
#import "fonts"
#import "compass"
#import "bootstrap"
And I have the following in _fonts.css.sass (You don't have to have it in a separate file)
$font-family-sans-serif: 'Roboto', verdana, arial, sans-serif
I don't know if this helps you but at least sometimes when template code seems valid you need to force refresh your browser with ctrl+shirt+r to see changes (works at least in mozilla).

How to use twitter bootstrap-sass mixins

Using Rails 3.
Right now in each new .css.scss file that I am creating, I want to be able to use the mixins, but I just couldn't seem to use it.
Here is my bootstrap_import.css.scss:
// Import bootstrap
// --------------------------------------------------
#import "bootstrap";
#import "bootstrap-responsive";
#media (min-width: 1200px) {
.span12, .container {
width: 1170px;
#import "base";
When I have another file called a.css.scss and I try to #include border-radius(12px);, but it just gives this error:
Undefined mixin 'border-radius'.
Same goes to variables, I would like to change some colors on some variables so that I can use it on any file without needing to include in each CSS file.
Thank you.
Only one import works in my project, probably a bug or a mistake from my side.
My solution with bootstrap-sass v2.0.3.1 to achieve a solution is:
(not 100% what do you expect, I know..)
I create a new scss file like: myAppBase.css.scss
/* override bootstrap default variables */
$linkColor: #FF0000;
$linkColorHover: #000;
#import "bootstrap";
/* App variables */
$bgImage: url('bg.jpg');
$radius: 4px;
and if i need bootstrap and my variables in an other *.css.scss file.
I include this line on the top:
#import "myAppBase";
I followed this guidelines and I was able to fix the error "undefined border-radius".

Color Variables with bootstrap-sass

Getting around to using sass in my latest rails project, specifically the bootstrap-sass gem to get all of twitter bootstrappy goodness.
Is it possible to reference the variables already defined? The vendor /assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/_variables.scss file contains declarations for colors.
$blue: #049cdb !default;
$blueDark: #0064cd !default;
$green: #46a546 !default;
$red: #9d261d !default;
Do I need to redefine these in the top of my base application.css.scss file or can I import/reference the variables file? I've tried a couple of approaches like this:
$bodyBackground: $black;
#import 'bootstrap'
But that errors out with undefined variable $black.
First, define the variable $black:
$black: #000;
$bodyBackground: $black;
#import "bootstrap";
or change it to:
$bodyBackground: #000;
#import "bootstrap";
Remove the below two lines from application.scss file:
*= require_self
*= require_tree .
