React on an app toggle switch chance in charms bar (allow position) - geolocation

Is there a way to check a change in the app bar given by Microsoft? I like to react, if a user change the position settings for the geo location.
I'm working with WinJs.


how to detect focus change unsuccessful in Jetpack Compose?

I'm building an app for Android TV.
What I want is a way to detect focus change unsuccessful on DPad press UP.
The use case is for any page, when user focus on the top-most item and pressing UP. If the focus is not changed after key press, I will open a top navigation menu overlay.
This is very easy to do in traditional view with FocusFinder and override focusSearch.

SKStoreReviewController right-to-left

I have set locale to Saudi Arabia and language to Arabic.
When I call SKStoreReviewController.requestReview() to show native App Store rating alert, the directions of the dismiss and cancel buttons are changed to RTL but the rating control (stars) still works in LTR.
Is it possible to make rating control work from right to left? ie. the stars get filled from right instead of left.

How to disable the touch delay at bottom of the screen when control center access is enabled in app?

I'm working on an app which has buttons at the bottom of the screen(looks like tab bar). I found that if I enable the access to control center in app, there will be a notable delay between tapping on the buttons and the highlighted image showing. In fact the highlighted image will never show if I do not hold on the touch for at least about 0.5 second. I'm wondering if there is a way to disable the delay even the access of control center in app is ON so that users of my app will know the buttons did have been tapped. Any hint will be appreciated.

Add value display to slider in iOS Settings Pane

I've successfully added a slider to the iPhone Settings app’s preference pane. Works like a charm. However, I’d like to inform the user of the exact value he chose, or, to be more specific, enable the user to enter a specific value using the slider.
So: Is there a way to display the value the user chose, preferably live-updating while the user moves the slider?
Edit: I know how to do that in my own app’s handmade preferences view. I’m specifically asking how to do this within a Settings.bundle, so that the pane will show up in my app’s section within I fear it’s impossible.

iPad Zoom Issue on un-focussed tab in Safarai

I have a web page that doesn't (and shouldn't) allow zooming on the iPad. Everything works great, except in this scenario where multiple tabs are open in Safari:
1. have focus on my application's tab
2. change to a different tab
3. switch the iPad's orientation (i.e. portrait to landscape or vice versa)
4. switch back to my web apps tab
The iPad, in many instances, will have zoomed in and there is no way for me to reset the zoom. Since I have zoom disabled via the viewport meta tag the zoom shouldn't be changing. To make things even stranger: IF I REFRESH THE PAGE OR EVEN NAVIGATE TO SOME OTHER WEBSITE THE ZOOM WILL NOT REFRESH.
I've also noticed this occuring on other websites. I've tried every conceivable meta tag combination (that disables zooming). I'm testing with an iPad 3. If I only have one tab open in Safari I have no issues.
This doesn't seem to be related to the "famous" orientation issue as the undesirable zoom occurs when the application does not have focus
How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?
Here is how I fixed this:
1. use the onorientationchange event to detect if the zoom is changed
2. if the zoom has changed change the viewport meta tag to: user-scalable=yes
3. on $(window).resize or onorientationchange change viewport back to user-scalable=no if the user has changed the zoom back to fit the screen
