Calling private method in ApplicationController? - ruby-on-rails

I am confused on how this library works:
The ApplicationController has a private method called selected_account() as you can see here: ApplicationController
Then, from another Controller which is a child from ApplicationController, we do an action that does this:
def index()
#selected_account = selected_account
graph = get_accounts_graph()
#accounts = Account.get_accounts_map(graph)
How can we do that? Isn't it out of scope?

This will be confusing for those who come from java or c# world. But here is a decent explanation
In Ruby, the inheritance hierarchy or the package/module don't really
enter into the equation, it is rather all about which object is the
receiver of a particular method call. When a method is declared
private in Ruby, it means this method can never be called with an
explicit receiver. Any time we're able to call a private method with
an implicit receiver it will always succeed. This means we can call a
private method from within a class it is declared in as well as all
subclasses of this class

It might be confusing at first, but in Ruby private does not mean what it means in Java/C++. Ancestors can call private methods just fine.
What private actually means is that you cannot call the method with an explicit target. That is, if foo is private, you can call it with foo(), but not with or That way you can call private methods only on yourself.
Furthermore, Ruby has protected. The semantics are again different from Java/C++ – protected methods can only be called from instances of the same class. It is rarely used.

The child controller inherits from ApplicationController so it can call internal private methods on itself without issue. There is no scoping problem. The subclass inherits all the public/private/protected methods of its super class.


Rails - mixin module - check if base responds to a method

I have created a module in order to implement a common controller action: order
When I define the method I want to check if the controller that has included the module, responds to a specific method (authorize_respond).
How can I achieve that?
Find below my current implementation that doesn't work (never calls the method authorize_ordering).
def order
send(:authorize_ordering) if self.respond_to?(:authorize_ordering)
ordering = params[:ordering]
Embarrassing, never mind.
Method authorize_ordering was protected. Being public works as expected.

Rails uppercase/lowercase object

This is a fairly basic Ruby/Rails question but I'm not sure why it makes a difference if you call a class of an object in some circumstances vs calling an instance of that object in different places of the framework.
Say you have a model e.g. Product and you call you have a new instance of the class. But if you have certain methods that are defined in the model I only seem to be able to access these if I call the Class rather than an instance e.g. Product.where(param, param). But I cannot call product.where(param, param) - why is this?
There are two types of methods: Class methods, and instance methods. You must call the appropriate method on the right object.
class Product
# class method, only callable on Product
def name
# instance method, callable on an instance of Product.
If you attempt to call an instance method on a class, or vice versa, you'll see an undefined method error.
To use someone else's analogy, imagine a house and a blue print; the class is a blue print for an object, while a house would represent the instance. An instance of that class will have its own set of attributes (wall colour, window type, etc...).
What would this mean?
p = Product.find(1)
p.where('something == 2')
That doesn't make any sense, you have an instance, what are you querying for? Good API design results in methods defined where they make sense.

access control tripping me up

ok, i'm about at that point in my ruby career where this should be tripping me up.
I have a model called distribution.rb where I have the follwoing protected method:
def update_email_sent_on_date
if self.send_to_changed?
self.date_email_delivered =
I then call this method from my controller:
however, I'm getting this error:
NoMethodError (protected method `update_email_sent_on_date' called for #<EmailDistribution:0x131a1be90>):
the distribution object is indeed an EmailDistribution (a subclass of distribution where the method is defined). I thought this would work. In any case, I also tried moving the method to the subclass EmailDistribution but no luck. Same error message.
I'd also like to step back and say that what I'm trying to do overall is store the timestamp of when another field in the distribution model is updated. If there's a simpler way, please enlighten me.
I think you're getting tripped up because you are using the protected declaration when you actually want the private declaration.
The protected term in ruby acts differently in other conventional languages.
In Ruby, private visibility is what protected was in Java. Private methods in Ruby are accessible from children. This is a sensible design, since in Java, when method was private, it rendered it useless for children classes: making it a rule, that all methods should be "protected" by default, and never private. However, you can't have truly private methods in Ruby; you can't completely hide a method.
The difference between protected and private is subtle. If a method is protected, it may be called by any instance of the defining class or its subclasses. If a method is private, it may be called only within the context of the calling object---it is never possible to access another object instance's private methods directly, even if the object is of the same class as the caller. For protected methods, they are accessible from objects of the same class (or children).
This is a slightly clearer explanation IMHO, from the book Eloquent Ruby by Russ Olsen:
Note that in Ruby, private methods are callable from subclasses. Think about it: You don't need an explicit object reference to call a superclass method from a subclass.
The rules for protected methods are looser and a bit more complex: Any instance of a class can call a protected method on any other instance of the class.
Lastly, it's good to note that in ruby you can always call private or protected methods regardless of whether they are accessible by using the send method. So if you were in a pinch and just needed to work you could just call it like this and then worry about the private/protected declarations later:
Read this for more a better explanation..

Sample Ruby code, How is this abstracting things out?

Watching this video by Yehuda, and he gave this snippet about how Ruby helps you build better abstractions.
class FOWA
def self.is_fun
def fun?
He was talking about, in ruby, how if you are repeating code in your class over and over again, you can abstract it out without having to think about things in terms of methods etc. And he said this was using a metaprogramming technique.
Can someone explain what this is?
It is a class method on FOWA (so its like a static method, you don't need an instance to call it), and this class method is really just wrapping another method that returns true.
And this is_fun class method is now being executed or what? not sure what the last line "is_fun" is doing?
The is_fun call at the end of the class calls the static method. The static method then defines the fun? method inside of the FOWA class. Then, you can do this:
f =
If you take out the is_fun call at the end of the class, the fun? method doesn't get defined.
He mentioned that you wouldn't use it in this way, but the point is how easy it is to dynamically add a method to a class. You might use it like this if you wanted the method to be available in subclasses and you wouldn't call is_fun in FOWA, but you might in a subclass. It gets a little more interesting if you have a parameter for is_fun and the definition of fun? changes depending on that parameter.
This also leads right into modules because you can define a module with the same is_fun method and then just have your class extend the module and the methods in the module are available in the class. You would use this technique if you want your method to be available to more than just subclasses of FOWA.

Rails: when to use self

I am developing a Rails application and would like to understand when to use self.for.
Here is the code of a method that I would like to fully understand. If it is possible I would like to have an alternative to this code so it would make things more clear.
def self.for(facebook_id)
self refers to the current object.
Within a class, self is used to define a class-level method.
class Foo
def self.for(facebook_id)
defines a class method for in class Foo. It is invoked:
You can google for class methods to learn more.
It could be that a part of Rails or a plugin/gem is expecting that some classes will have a class method "for" More context would be helpful in this regard.
What the method is doing
As is common for class methods, it is creating an instance of a class. For example, the ActiveRecord class has a class method "create" which attempts to create an instance of the model class that has been stored in the database. Thus User.create will return an instance of the User class that has been stored in the database.
In your example code, it is calling a class method "create_by_facebook_id" that is provided by the User class in the application.
Looks like the "for" method is being used for information hiding since all it's doing is making another method call (to User.create_by_facebook)
By the way, the default return value from Ruby methods is the value of the last statement. So your example method will return the user instance newly created from the supplied facebook_id.
It looks to me like self.for is just an alias for creating a user for a facebook id. I think self.for should actually be:
def self.for(facebook_id)
That way it searches for the user with that facebook id, and if one isn't found, creates that record and returns it. Then, self.for means "return the user for this facebook id."
Short answer: self always refers to the current object. So within an instance method, self is the instance, within a class method, self is the class and within a class definition (like in your example), self is the class...
For more information on class methods and the code snippet you posted, see the answer by Larry K.
If that code is inside of a class named Foo, then the alternative could be:
def Foo.for(facebook_id)
self in this context is necessary if you have some generic class level methods that you want to be able to use across multiple classes. You add them to a Module using self. to scope them (as you don't know the name of the actual class that they are going to a part of), then include that module as part of your class.
