Missing shadow (hairline) on iOS7 UIToolbar - ios

In iOS7, UIToolbar does not appear to have a little line (the shadow) on the top or bottom borders, which makes it difficult to distinguish from the rest of the app. How can I restore the shadow at the bottom of the toolbar when it is at the top of the screen?
EDIT: I should clarify that my toolbar is positioned at the top of the screen. After moving things around I realized that it IS drawing a shadow, but it's on the top, and therefore off-screen. What I want is for the shadow to appear at the bottom like a UINavigationBar.

This is because, by default, toolbars are attached to bottom, so the shadow line appears at the top (if they are at the bottom). You need to set the delegate of the toolbar and implement the following UIBarPositioningDelegate method like so:
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id<UIBarPositioning>)bar
return UIBarPositionTop; //or UIBarPositionTopAttached

I just ran into a case where a view was positioned between a top and bottom toolbar and configured to auto-resize to fill the space. However, it was layered above the bottom toolbar and the auto-resize made it cover the bottom toolbar's top shadow. The solution was to adjust the layering in Interface Builder so the toolbars were layered above the other views.


positioning UIBarButtonItem vertically (for iPhone X)

I'm trying to compile my app to work correctly with the iPhone X, using all the available screen space and accommodating the new home indicator at the bottom of the screen. My app has a bottom toolbar, and I notice that Apple's apps extend the height of the bottom toolbar to give extra room for the home indicator. I give my toolbar extra height, but the buttons themselves want to position toward the bottom instead of the top. Is it possible to force them to align toward the top of the toolbar instead of toward the bottom?
In the app for which I asked the question, I am positioning views on the screen using coordinates. (In a constraint based app, one would need to pin the bottom constraint of a bottom toolbar to the safe area rather than the superview; if you are using the built-in bottom toolbar belonging to the navigation controller, the position of the toolbar and its content will take care of itself). Surprisingly, the solution turned out to be simply lifting the bottom toolbar up using its y coordinate, no more than 34 pts, and the area below the toolbar and near the home indicator will simply assume the color of the bottom toolbar, making it appear as though that area is part of a taller-than-normal bottom toolbar. The buttons on the toolbar will no longer appear squished.

UIView Under Nav and Tab Bars

Using storyboard and Swift, I have a view controller which has two elements on it. A UITextField, and a UIView, which I use merely to give a colored border to the UITextField. The UITextField is a child of the UIView. See:
The problem I am having is that despite having set the top bar and bottom bar simulated metrics attributes to Opaque Navigation Bar and Opaque Tab Bar respectively, See:
When the app builds and runs the top of the UIView is always underneath the nav bar. My over all feeling is that this is somehow a constraints issue but I have not been able to find the solution to it. How do I set the constraints so that the UIView is always immediately underneath the nav bar, and the bottom of the view is always just on top of the tab bar?
Select your UIView in storyboard and assign constraints to the top margins and to bottom margins. There is a 'Pin' button you use to do this that looks something like a Tie-Fighter ship in Star Wars, it is located at the bottom right of your storyboard view.
This will set margins to stretch to top and bottom always.
That is what the layout guides are for. Pin the top to the Top Layout Guide and the bottom to the Bottom Layout Guide. The guides will always move to adjust for any top and bottom bars.

Programmatically add UISegmentedControl in UIToolbar below UINavigationBar

I'm trying to get this to work on iOS 7 and 8+.
In loadView of the viewController, I add a UISegmentedControl, along with flexible spaces, as items to a UIToolBar. I then add the UIToolbar as a subview to the main view, setting the vertical position to be the height of the navigation bar.
First problem. The UISegmentedControl is vertically off center so the top of it, is cut off.
Second problem. Rotating to landscape messes it all up. Specifcally, the UIToolbar seems to move underneath the navigation bar whereas the UISegmentedControl doesn't.
Autoresizing issue? I've tried various settings and can't seem to get it to center vertically within the UIToolbar.
It could be that your UIToolbar constraints are not set properly and also that there is no flexible space around the segmented control. Here's a link to a storyboard file I made that have proper constraints and flexible space, tested to work.
Here's the Storyboard file: http://www.filedropper.com/main_4

UIScrollView won't respond to AutoResizing

I have UIScrollView that is a subview on my view controller, in this scroll view I have UIView on top (the blue square) and a UITableView on the bottom (the light grey square). I also have a UIView that is acting like NavigationBar (the dark blue color bar), he is outside of the scroll view.
The view controller hirarchy is:
- view
- UINavigationBar
- UIView (as navigation bar)
- UIScrollView
- UIView
- UITableView
My problem is that something pushs the UIScrollView scroller down, but the UIScrollView y is where it should be, I don't know what causing it, also tried every AutoResizing mask combination, but without success, it just won't move. I also canceld AutoResizingSubviews and set AutoResizingMask to UIViewAutoResizingNone.
In the picture the scrollview is scrolled all the way to the top, you can see that the scroller itself is located down from the scrollview top. also I have a spare in the bottom exactly as the size of the padding in top.
What can I do to fix it?
In iOS 7 and xcode 5 there is new property for viewcontroller that perform such action, if dont want to see that you have to uncheck that property and then the scrollview will work fine.
In the layout section, uncheck the Adjust Scroll View Insets option and viola it will work just fine
Update: Use this code.

UIToolbarPosition set to bottom on resize

I have a UIToolBar at the top of one of my views and the shadowing shows up on the bottom of the tool bar as I'd expect. I know UIToolbarPosition is internally set to UIToolbarPositionTop.
When I rotate my device (iPad), the tool bar grows (using auto sizing in IB) and the UIToolbarPosition changes to UIToolbarPositionBottom which flips the shadow to be at the top of the bar. If I don't have the bar resize, it remains correct, but of course doesn't stretch to match screen width.
So, what gives? What would cause the UIToolbarPosition to flip on me? This is sitting at 0,0 the whole time and only changes width based on rotation.
Extra: I've considered work arounds like using a UINavigationBar. UIAppearance is probably a no go because I do have a toolbar at the bottom too and I do want my "top" different than my "bottom"
I eventually solved this using the UIBarPositioning protocol on UIToolBarand setting the barPosition = UIBarPositionTop
