Debugging Grails Applications - grails

In ruy on rails in order to debug the application you could just call, "debugger", and
it will start a debugger in the console. How is this approach possible in Grails? Especially in a .gsp file? I am using a simple text editor for my development, Sublime.

Debugging java is simply not possible in Sublime.You can use another debugger like JDebugTools or a full-featured IDE like Eclipse or Netbeans (but that breaks the whole point to have a lightweight IDE like Sublime, which is great for Java, if not for debugging purpose)
There exists a command-line debugging tool, jdb which can be used for very simple debugging purposes, and may be integrated as a build tool for Sublime (I don't think the result will be good though)
Debugging for Grails is done with the --debug switch as for recent versions, you can then attach a debugger to the session. GSP debugging, like JSP, needs a specific tooling as to be aware of compilation means, and you'd better switch to IntelliJ Idea or [GGTS (Groovy/Grails Tool Suite)]( which provide both strong debugging capabilities


IntelliJ and Dart: restart daemon/dartvm

I'm doing Dart FFI development in IntelliJ to create bindings to a native library. While trying to get the bindings right, I seem to be messing up some internal memory of this library. After making corrections to my code, the library is still in an inconsistent state due to my earlier errors. This is because the updated code is run inside the same instance of the DartVM as earlier: IntelliJ doesn't restart it, it reuses it. The only way to get back to a consistent state is to restart IntelliJ, which is quite annoying.
Is there a way from inside IntelliJ to only restart the DartVM used to run my program? I've not been able to find any way...
It's not quite clear which Dart VM you want to restart.
There's only one long-living Dart VM, it's Dart Analysis Server, the tool from the Dart SDK that is responsible for code highlighting, completion, and other code insight features in the IDE editor. To restart it click the corresponding button in the Dart Analysis tool window, or open Find Action and search for 'Restart Dart Analysis Server'.
Speaking of running your application, IDE doesn't reuse any running VM. Which run configuration type do you use to start your app: Dart Command Line App or Dart Web App (see Run -> Edit Configurations)? Both have the 'Stop' button in the Run tool window in case you application doesn't terminate normally itself.
More details about the problem (probably with screenshots) will help us to give a better answer.

Bolero (F# Blazor) Debugging

Does someone know how to debug a Bolero project? In particular, is it possible (and how) to debug the client project using and IDE (VS or VS code) or directly in the browser (source mappings)?
Currently there is no ability to debug Bolero (Client side) in the browser that I'm aware of. I recommend using a console trace to watch your model and updates: example. Additionally I've been adding heavy logging for my Bolero project, I find that's often easier with functional code anyways.
You may be able to use the Blazor debugging techniques though I suspect the mappings won't translate back to F#.

actionscript - testing actionscript via command line

I would like to know if is there any easy way to test actionscript by using some kind of application like ruby's irb or javasctip spidermonkey where you can just open up your terminal and type the code straight away.
This would be a good time saver when speaking of actionscript, since to test some syntaxes, classes, etc. you would need to compile it via fsch.
But still not a good option just for quick testing, etc...
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I have used FlashDevelop in some of my projects where automated builds were necessary: FlashDevelop has always utilized .Net and haXe an open source complier for AS 2.0 and later AS 3.0 ...
Flash Develop will utilize haXe in a command line fashion: within the project settings you are able to modify this command set or deploy manually once the windows based platform has been installed.
Sometimes I use NotePad++ to write down and save parts of my code so I can see it clearly. It does contain Actionscript in the "Languages", and it is plain and easy to use. But I am not sure how much it checks for mistakes.
I believe that writing and compiling in flash is the easiest way. If you have a syntax error it will tell you.

What NAnt editors are available?

I'm doing quite a bit of NAnt script writing at the moment and would love to know how I can speed the process up?
I'm currently editing the script in Visual Studio, then going to the command line to test the output. I like how Visual Studio can be configured to autocomplete your NAnt commands (via xsd) but I'm still testing my scripts on the command line.
Are there any tools that bring all of that together? I use Notepad++ quite a bit but would switch allegiance to another editor that has editing and command line functionality built in.
I guess what I'm looking for is something like NAnt Builder ( but I don't really want to spend that sort of money when I have my free current alternative.
If you use ReSharper, it will handle this for you. And when you look at the overall value that the tool provides (almost any "favorite VS add-in" question on here lists ReSharper at the top), it is a pretty easy decision to go for it. This link provides a list of features.
A free alternative that requires some customization is Notepad++.

Creating Plain .rb Files with Aptana RadRails

I have just bought a MacBook for some ruby development and like the look of Aptana Studio as a really nice IDE.
The question I have, however, is that I want to know (before getting too deep into it, and potentially wasting time) is can I create plain old .rb files without the rails framework attached? Also, can I execute the ruby file straight from the IDE, or will I have to use Terminal?
As I said, I am only just learning Ruby and I am working through some books I have bought, and while I do wish to get into rails soon, I feel its important to learn the language properly, before asking rails to do a lot of stuff for me.
Any other thoughts on best practices and other potential IDE's would also be appreciated.
For just fooling around with Ruby I suggested an editor, the command line, and IRB. You will have more fun and learn more, quicker.
After that, get into IDEs and Rails and all the complexity that comes with them.
I'd recommend Netbeans (Ruby Edition obviously) or Jetbrain's RubyMine over Aptana. I've had issues with Aptana and Ruby when I tried it. Rubymine is still in public preview release status, but it will be a paid product when it's released in a month or so. It's developed by the same people who made IntelliJ IDEA. Netbeans actually works very well with ruby and rails and it's free. Both allow you to execute ruby from within the IDE and have rails support.
I've also found irb very useful, Netbeans allows you to run irb from within the IDE as well. Having code completion and inline documentation helpful when starting out.
Yes, you can create plain old ".rb" files inside RadRails or Aptana Studio, and they don't have to be inside a Rails project or "attached to the rails framework". You can also run or debug a ruby script inside the IDE by right-clicking the file or inside the editor and choosing one of the Run As > Ruby Application or Debug as > Ruby Application entries. With Studio 3 you can even run them from an embedded Terminal view. RadRails 2.x had a Rails Shell where you could run or debug files from a command-line interface as well.
As the developer on RadRails, I'm a bit biased - but I would agree that users should be pretty familiar with using the command line whether they decide to use an IDE for daily programming or not. And of course, having an interactive REPL like irb to play with is another useful tool in getting started. Heck, you can even just use the online one first before installing ruby:
