Take an MVC web site offline and back online - asp.net-mvc

I'm searching for a method to take a website offline with a message. I know about app_offline.htm, but I would like to do it programmatically.
Taking it offline is easy. I can generate app-offline.htm on root, but when I want web site to be back online it is not possible programmatically, because all services are down including images.
My project uses MVC (C#). For now I'm storing the site status in an SQL server database in a bit field.

I find a method to doing it with global.asax but I would like to see other solutions...
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((bool) Application["SiteOpenService"] == false)
if (!Request.IsLocal)


Best Practice for denying/killing specific URL requests ASP.Net IIS 7.5

I have an mvc/forms hybrid webapplication hosted on a windows 2008 r2 instance on Azure. The webserver is IIS 7.5 . For the last 4-5 months my server is getting absolutely hammered by vulnerability scanners checking for php related vulnerabilities. example:
The controller for path '/wp-login.php' was not found or does not implement IController.
from Elmah
So I've gone in and specifically filtered .php and .cgi file extension requests in IIS 7.5 which is working great. However i am still getting hammered for requests like:
The controller for path '/admin/Cms_Wysiwyg/directive/' was not found or does not implement IController.
The controller for path '/phpmyadmin2018/' was not found or does not implement IController.
etc. etc. It's more an annoyance as everything is logged, a 404 is returned and it's all a useless resource throwaway.
Through Elmah i've queried a distinct list of URLs related to all these requests. What is the best way to short-circuit these requests? It would be good if i could optionally ban the IP's but right now there are 700 unique IPs making these requests in the last 3 months alone. Main priority is to just short circuit the requests from the dictionary of URLs I know are bogus and avoid the logging and response from my webserver. Thanks!
half pseudo code, but I think it will be helpful;
in Global.asax.cs:
public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
var url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
// your code here
if (UserIsBanned(GetUserIp()))
private string GetUserIp()
return HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

Azure RoleEnvironment.Changing event not being called in ASP.NET MVC 5

I am trying to use the Azure Runtime Reconfiguration Pattern to allow me to change a appSetting in the normal Web.config file via PowerShell (later by Microsoft Azure Web Sites Management Library).
My problem is that the RoleEnvironment.Changing event is not being called in my MVC app, so the web app is being restarted. I have placed event set up code in the MVC Application_Start as described in the Azure article, i.e.
protected void Application_Start()
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironment_Changing;
RoleEnvironment.Changed += RoleEnvironment_Changed;
//normal MVC code etc...
The event handlers are a straight copy of the handled from the Azure article and look like this:
private const string CustomSettingName = "TestConfig";
public static string TestConfigValue;
private static void RoleEnvironment_Changing(object sender,
RoleEnvironmentChangingEventArgs e)
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: started");
var changedSettings = e.Changes.OfType<RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange>()
.Select(c => c.ConfigurationSettingName).ToList();
Trace.TraceInformation("Changing notification. Settings being changed: "
+ string.Join(", ", changedSettings));
if (changedSettings
.Any(settingName => !string.Equals(settingName, CustomSettingName,
Console.WriteLine("Cancelling dynamic configuration change (restarting).");
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: restarting!");
// Setting this to true will restart the role gracefully. If Cancel is not
// set to true, and the change is not handled by the application, the
// application will not use the new value until it is restarted (either
// manually or for some other reason).
e.Cancel = true;
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_Changing: change is OK. Not restarting");
Console.WriteLine("Handling configuration change without restarting. ");
private static void RoleEnvironment_Changed(object sender,
RoleEnvironmentChangedEventArgs e)
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_ChangED: Starting");
Console.WriteLine("Updating instance with new configuration settings.");
foreach (var settingChange in
if (string.Equals(settingChange.ConfigurationSettingName,
// Execute a function to update the configuration of the component.
RoleLogs.Add("RoleEnvironment_ChangED: TestConfig has changed");
Console.WriteLine("TestConfig has changed.");
TestConfigValue = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(CustomSettingName);
I have added logs which prove that my RoleEnvironment_Changing and RoleEnvironment_Changed are not being called in the MVC WebApp which means the WebApp is restarted when I change an appSetting via PowerShell. This also means the RoleEnvironment.Changing event never gets to the WebJob.
I am using Azure SDK 2.7.0
Any ideas?
#richag gave me an answer, which made me realise that my problem is because I am using a App Service rather than a Cloud Service. This SO answer and plus this video (see at 5:00mins) talks about the difference (Note: the video is old so the name of the web app is different, but the concept is the same).
I don't really want to change this late in the development, and I have worked round the problem another way. Maybe on the next project and will look at Cloud Services as I can see some positives, like better control of my WebJobs configuration.
From the runtime reconfiguration pattern: "Microsoft Azure Cloud Services roles detect and expose two events that are raised when the hosting environment detects a change to the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg files" These events are not fired if you make changes to app.config/web.config files. Only when the cloud service configuration is changed, i.e. if you upload a new configuration file through the azure portal's configure tab or change a setting directly on the azure portal.
According to the debugger, none of the following events are fired when I update the Azure Portal to change an AppSetting for an ASP.NET WebAPI app:
Do others have different experience?

How to detect mobile(not tablet) requests?

How can I detect mobile devices(but not tablets) requests in ASP.NET MVC application?
In ASP.NET, you can easily detect the mobile device request using Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice property and Request.UserAgent.
The following code checks the IsMobileDevice property and redirects to the mobile specific page:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
If you request "default.aspx" from mobile browser, it will redirect to default_mobile.aspx page
Read here where they explain in detail
Some times this may not work for some tablets
For that you have to use Request.Browser.ScreenPixelsWidth and validate against values of various screen sizes to achieve this . I think that will be the only way left to do it in the server side
If you want to trust client side javascript . There are varous scripts available to do that .
Check this Detect Mobile Browsers which may also help you .
As the other bloke said, you can use Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice
Either in your controller or in your layout page
Razor. You can do this in the layout page and it'll change depending on device e.g.
#if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice) {
Controller for an individual View e.g.
public ActionResult Index()
if (Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice)
return View("Index.Mobile");
return View();
An alternative is to use this API called 51Degrees.mobi. I personally haven't used it, but it looks pretty good and very complete: http://51degrees.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=MVC
Also, this has some more information on the subject of mobile detection. http://www.asp.net/whitepapers/add-mobile-pages-to-your-aspnet-web-forms-mvc-application

Using a WISON OR200 in web application ( MVC )

Few days ago i bought a WISON OR200 sensor for a web system that i am developing.
I used the SDK that sent to me the enterprise and was been testing in a window application and worked fine but i need it into a web application and i don´t know how to do it..
this is the windows form application:
WisSensorN WisObj = new WisSensorN(); // instance of wison object
objects in form:
private System.Windows.Forms.Button Enroll;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button Identify;
private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox FingerPic;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button Stop;
private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Status;
Load method() //Open() .DataEvent and SetDisplay are needed for the fingerprint
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
WisObj.DataEvent += new _IWisSensorNEvents_DataEventEventHandler(WisObj_DataEvent);
// i can´t do WisObj.SetDisplay((int)FingerPic.Handle) on mvc web app
// because i can't get FingerPic object from view.
private void WisObj_DataEvent(WisSensorNLibLib.DATA data, string str)
switch (data)
// save the base 64 string of finger image
private void Enroll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
WisObj.StartEnroll(); // it used for save the fingerprint
private void Identify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// it used to activate the sensor. When i did this on controller action,
// nothing happen. This is because the property setDisplay was not set
Any suggestions?
What can i do?
I asked to the company where i bought the fingerprint reader if have a SDK for web applications and never answered.
Help please!
I think you are on a very wrong path. You can't simply use a device from a browser. The HTML/javascript 'application' that runs in the browser cannot connect to any local resource like I/O ports or Windows events. You will need special techniques, like ActiveX or Java applet to communicate with a device on a client machine.
Whether your website is MVC or plain ASP.NET or even PHP is irrelevant. If you don't know what ActiveX (and alumni) is used for and what drawbacks it has, you should look for a professional who can help you explain the situation and possibly develop a suitable solution.

Implementing a WAP site using ASP.NET-MVC

We plan on implementing a WAP site using ASP.NET-MVC.
Has anyone any experiance of this? Are there any Gotchas?
We will also be implementing a "standard" web site for browsers. Would it be possible to have a single set of Models and Controllers, and just have seperate views for each site?
It is possible to have for the most part a single set of models and controllers.
The way to do it will be via implementing the following Theming/Templating engine.
[Theming Support][1]
I piggy backed my solution on top of a Theming/Templating engine.
The major deviation from the article source is in the Global.asax.cs file where you need to add the following lines of code:
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
//this will set the responses Content Type to xhtml and is necessary as C# sends the WML response header
protected void Application_PreSendRequestHeaders(Object Sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Context.Items["themeName"].ToString() == "xhtml")
this.Context.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml";
private void SetTheme()
//set the content type for the ViewEngine to utilize.
HttpContext context = this.Context;
MobileCapabilities currentCapabilities = (MobileCapabilities)context.Request.Browser;
String prefMime = currentCapabilities.PreferredRenderingMime;
string accept = context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_ACCEPT"];
if (accept.Contains("application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml"))
context.Items.Add("themeName", "xhtml");
else if (prefMime == "text/vnd.wap.wml")
context.Items.Add("themeName", "WAP");
if (!context.Items.Contains("themeName"))
context.Items.Add("themeName", "Default");
I know I had to make a couple of code changes to make it MVC 1 compatible, but I can't remember the exact changes.
The other major problem I had was debugging the output. For this I used firefox with an extension ([User Agent Switcher][2]) that I've changed to add Accept Types to it.
For WAP2/XHTML1.2 the Accept Types are: text/html,application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8
Obviously you need your masterpage and content pages to adhere to WML or XHTML1.2
[1]: http://frugalcoder.us/post/2008/11/13/ASPNet-MVC-Theming.aspx Theming Support
[2]: http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/ User Agent Switcher
