How to reset build number in jenkins? - jenkins

I am using Jenkins and Gradle to build my java project.
Every time I build my project, I get a new build number on the Jenkins screen.
The following is my Jenkins build info:
Success > Console Output #96 03-Jan-2014 15:35:08
Success > Console Output #95 03-Jan-2014 15:27:29
Failed > Console Output #94 03-Jan-2014 15:26:16
Failed > Console Output #93 03-Jan-2014 15:25:01
Failed > Console Output #92 03-Jan-2014 15:23:50
Success > Console Output #91 03-Jan-2014 12:42:32
Success > Console Output #90 03-Jan-2014 12:02:45
I want to reset the Jenkins build number like:
Success > Console Output #1 03-Jan-2014 12:02:45
How can I reset the build number in Jenkins?

Can be easier done from groovy script console .
Go to http://your-jenkins-server/script
In script window enter:
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("your-job-name-here")
item.builds.each() { build ->

From here
Given your Hudson job is named FooBar,
rename FooBar to FooBar-Copy
create a new job named FooBar, using 'Copy existing job' option, from FooBar-Copy
delete FooBar-Copy

First wipeout workspace and get rid of previous builds.
On the server navigate to
the job dir eg. 'var/lib/jenkins/jobs/myJob' delete the
workspace & build dirs as well as any polling files, lastSuccessful,
lastStable files etc. You should only have config.xml and
Shut down jenkins using something like service jenkins stop
Edit the file called nextBuildNumber, inserting 1 instead of the current build number
Start up jenkins again, service jenkins start
Log into jenkins and go to your job and hit build. Should start building job#1

If you want set the next build number, there is plugin "NextBuildNumber" for that. But this will not work in your case because the build number you need, which is 1, is lesser than your current build number.
Here need to wipe out all the previous builds first. You can do this by running this simple script
Go to -> Manage Jenkins -> Script console
// change this variable to match the name of the job whose builds you want to delete
def jobName = "Your Job Name"
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItem(jobName)
job.getBuilds().each { it.delete() }
Now you can set next build number to 1 and run the build. It will start with 1. :)
Its that simple.
Update - Jenkins now has a Purge Job History plugin to get this done in easiest way. Checkout the page for more details -

To more generally reset your build number to N (where N is not necessarily 1):
Delete any existing builds where buildNumber >= N.
Edit Program Files (x86)/Jenkins/jobs/yourjob/nextBuildNumber. Set the number it contains to N.
From Jenkins, select Manage Jenkins -> Reload Configuration from Disk.

Expanding on the accepted answer, here's how to do it for all projects at once:
Jenkins.instance.allItems.each() {
item -> item.builds.each() {
build -> build.delete()

As an extention of #antweiss's excellent answer, we can actually go further ...
There's no need to delete the full Build History, if you don't want to, you can simply roll back time, to a prior point:
resetNumberTarget = 14
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("Project Name [from project Dashboard]")
item.builds.each() { build ->
if(build.number >= resetNumberTarget)
//println("About to Delete '" + build + "'")
If you want a dummy run, to check what it's going to do, without actually doing it, simply comment out the build.delete() and item.updateNextBuildNumber(resetNumberTarget) lines and uncomment the various print commands.
Details of these objects were hard to find, but I identified the following:
item is a FreeStyleProject (or possibly, just any type of Abstract Project?)
build appears to be a Run, thus exposing a number property and inheritting a delete() method from Job

Use Purge Job History plugin (Jenkins >= 2.176.1)

You can use either nexBuildNumber plug-in or simply modify nexBuildNumber file to reset build number.
Following are the steps that you need to perform:
Go to .jenkins/Jobs/<YourJobName>/build/, take backup of this folder(if you need for future use) and delete build folder.
Note: Once you clean up old builds, you lose build histories and they
are no longer available on the Jenkins dashboard.
Reload the configuration(Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins).
Set next build version to 1 by either using the Next Build Number plug-in or modifying the nextBuildNumber file in yourjob directory.

So I tried the above solution and getting the following error.,
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: builds for
So I tried this,
item = Jenkins.get().getItem("Job Name")
jobs = item.getAllJobs()
jobs.each() { item ->
builds = item.getBuilds()
builds.each() { b ->
and it worked!!

Here is variation of #antweiss answer for multi-branch pipeline
items = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("your-job-name-here").getItems()
items.collectMany { it.builds }.each { build ->
items.each {

To reset build numbers of all jobs:
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractProject.class).each {
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(it.fullName)
item.builds.each() { build ->

I found an easy way to do this.
Wipe out your work space.
Go to each builds which saved on Jenkins and delete it.
Set build number to 1 then build.
Jenkins use previous build to determine the next build number, if build number you input is lower than previous build number, Jenkins will automatically increase your build number to higher than previous build. So here we just


How to discard old builds in Jenkins, based on their completion status?

I have a Jenkins job set up to poll for a change in a git repository every 10 minutes. If it doesn't find one (99/100 times, this is what happens) it aborts the build early and marks it as UNSTABLE . If it finds a change, it goes through with it and marks it as SUCCESS, storing its artifacts. I know I can use a plugin to discard old builds, but it only allows for these options:
As you can see, there is no option to filter by completion status.
Ideally, I want to discard all but the latest UNSTABLE build and keep all SUCCESS or FAILED builds and their artifacts. If this is not possible, simply discarding all UNSTABLE builds would also work.
Note: I am using a declarative Pipeline
One possibility would be to discard builds programmatically. Get your job object with def job = Jenkins.instance.getItem("JobName") Since you are using declarative pipeline, job is of type WorkflowJob [1] and you can get all its builds with
job.getBuilds(). Now you can check the result of each build (WorkflowRun objects [2]) and decide if you want to delete it or not. Something like follows should work
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItem("JobName")
job.getBuilds().each {
if(it.result.toString() == "UNSTABLE") {
You could create a new job that executes the code above and is triggered after YourJob has been built.

Is there a way to set next Build Number manually on Jenkins

After system restart where Jenkins is stored, one of the jobs is constantly failing it is trying to create bulid with number 1 but there is already 1400 past builds. Is there a way to change it so the build will be created with correct increment so in this case 1401.
Full stactrace from jenkins:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: [Directory]\builds\1 already existed; will
not overwite with [Build.Name] #1
at hudson.model.RunMap.put(
at jenkins.model.lazy.LazyBuildMixIn.newBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.newBuild(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.createExecutable(
at hudson.model.Executor$
at hudson.model.Executor$
at hudson.model.Queue._withLock(
at hudson.model.Queue.withLock(
You can use a groovy script in $JENKINS_URL/script as follows:
item = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("jobName")
It looks like you can use the "Next Build Number" plugin to accomplish this:
There is a file you can edit: $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/../nextBuildNumber
$ cat /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/my-project/branches/develop/nextBuildNumber
You will need to reload configuration after changing it.

Jenkins - How to list build choices from successful builds of another project

Assume I have two projects build and deploy.
I expect the build parameters of deploy to be a dropdown so that I can select which one to deploy.
All the dropdown items are build names of successful builds in build.
Actually I have found this through Groovy scripts before, but I cannot find them now. :(
This groovy script ,when added in an Extensible Choice parameter, can list out the successful builds from a given job.
def builds = []
def job = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getItem(JOB-NAME)
job.builds.each {
def build = it
if (it.getResult().toString().equals("SUCCESS")) {
it.badgeActions.each {

Triggering build information available in child job

I have a job in Jenkins called notification_job which uses the "Build after other projects are built" trigger. The list of jobs will be around 25 and continue to grow. The notification_job needs to know the triggering build's name and build number.
I would like all of the configuration to be done through the notification_job, not through the triggering jobs as that list will grow and become a pain to manage. So how can I retrieve the build name and number in the child job?
Jenkins version is 2.19.3
Thank you,
I was able to pull the data with a groovy script
import hudson.model.Cause
for (cause in build.getCauses()) {
if (cause instanceof Cause.UpstreamCause) {
println cause.getUpstreamProject()
println cause.getUpstreamBuild()

How create Jenkins Build Pipeline depends on test result?

I have 3 Jenkins jobs. Smoke tests, critical path test (part 1), critical path test (part 2).
Now it starts one by one. I need create build PipeLine depends on test result. I need to take into account the results of a single test (#Test annotation in TestNG), ignoring the overall result of test suite.
I want to get the configuration like this:
Smoke tests -> If specified test passed then run critical path test Part 1 and Part 2 on different nodes
So, please tell me how depends in Jenkins only on one tests result (not all suite)?
You can try to use some of build log analysis plugins:
Scan build output, and downgrade build result to failure on specific text.
Next in downstream item check option "Build after other projects are built" in build triggers section. Set proper upstream item name and set proper trigger result.
I solved that task by using 2 Jenkins extensions:
Create properties file from test. File contains property, that indicate result of test step status
With EnvInject Plugin add new step into Jenkins Job (step must be after test run) and inject parameter value (from file created at first step)
Create build flow with Build Flow Plugin
Write groovy script:
smokeTest = build( "Run_Smoke_Test" )
def isTestStepSuccessful = smokeTest.environment.get( "TestStepSuccessful" )
if (isTestStepSuccessful != "false") {
parallel (
build( "Run_Critical_Path_Final_Test" )
