I've a .xcf-file with 20+ layers that I use for making a sprite-file.
I'd like to save all these layers to separate files with only the content and size of each layer.
I found this script for gimp: https://github.com/jiilee/gimp
Unfortunately that script creates files with the full size of the image and not the size of each layer.
To give an example:
An image with that is 700px wide and 400px high.
A layer is placed at x: 100px, y: 29px with width: 72px, height: 21px;
The script I found makes a file that is 700px x 400px and not as I need 72px x 21px.
Is it possible to do this automatically?
Yes, but I'd recommend the use of Python as a scripting language in this case, rather than script-fu.
For something like this, you would not even need a plug-in, you can just type something like the following on filters->python-fu->console
>>> img = gimp.image_list()[0]
>>> img.layers[0].name
>>> folder = "/tmp/"
>>> for layer in img.layers:
... name = folder + layer.name + ".png"
... pdb.gimp_file_save(img, layer, name, name)
Done! This snippet assumes a single image open in GIMP (it takes the last open
image in the list by default with the [0].)
The call to export an image takes in a drawable (which can be a layer, a mask, or other item) as input, and saves the file guessing the type by the filename extension with the default parameters.
And, of course, you can improve on it by creating a more elaborate naming scheme for the files, and so on. To make this core into an automated working python-fu plug-in, you just have to put it inside a function, in a .py file in your personal plug-in directory. (if on Unix/Mac OS/Linux you have to set it as executable as well) - and make calls to the register and main functions of GIMP-fu, in the same file -
pick an example for here, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/os-autogimp/ on how to arrange the file and make these calls. (You can go straight to listing 6).
I am using Maxima and I have a lot of resulting plots that I want to save on drive for other uses (making GIF...etc)
This is what I am looking at:
Is there any code that can autosave the plots instead of having to save it manually one by one?
Thank you in advance.
Well, one approach is to specify a file name in the arguments of plot2d. Then the plot is output directly to the file and it doesn't show up in the GUI. E.g.,
plot2d (sin(x), [x, 0, 10], [png_file, "mysinplot.png"]);
plot2d recognizes png_file, pdf_file, ps_file and svg_file. In each case, ? png_file, etc, will show some info about that.
Note that there isn't any file output flag for GIF output. The closest thing is PNG which is similar to GIF.
I think draw also recognizes different file formats but I don't know about that without searching the documentation.
If you are generating a lot of plots, it might be convenient to automatically generate file names via sconcat, e.g. sconcat("myplot", i, ".png") produces "myplot10.png" when i is equal to 10.
Apologies for tagging this just ImageJ - it's a problem regarding MicroManager, a microscopy plugin for it and I thought this would be best.
I'd recently taken images for an important experiment using MicroManager (a recent version, though I cannot recall the exact number). The IT services at my institution have recently been having some networking problems and my saved preferences for the software had been erased. I'd got half way through my experiment when I realised that I'd saved my images as separate image files (three greyscale TIFFs plus metadata text files) instead of OME-TIFF iamge stacks.
All of my ImageJ macros for image processing rely on having a multiple channel image stack, so this is a bit of a problem. Is there any easy way in MicroManager (or ImageJ) to bulk convert these single channel greyscale images into the OME-TIFF image stack after the images have already been taken?
You can start with a macro like this one:
// Convert your images to a stack
run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use");
// The stack will default the images to time points. Convert to channels
run("Stack to Hyperstack...", "order=xyczt(default) channels=3 slices=1 frames=1 display=Color");
// Export as OME-TIFF
run("Bio-Formats Exporter");
This is designed to reconstruct one dataset at a time (open 3 images, run the macro and export the OME-TIFF).
If you don't want any dialogs to show you can pass an output directory to the Bio-Formats exporter:
run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=/path/to/image.ome.tif export compression=Uncompressed");
For the output file name you can get the original image name in the macro with getTitle()
There is also a template example on iterating over all the files in a directory, if you want to completely automate the macro. However this may take some tweaking since you want to operate on your images 3 at a time.
Hope that helps!
I know the first step is to create two file lists with the corresponding labels, one for the training and one for the test set. Suppose the former is called train.txt and the latter val.txt. The paths in these file lists should be relative. The labels should start at 0 and look similar to this:
relative/path/img1.jpg 0
relative/path/img2.jpg 0
relative/path/img3.jpg 1
relative/path/img4.jpg 1
relative/path/img5.jpg 2
For each of these two sets, we will create a separate LevelDB. Is this formatted as a text file? I thought I would create a directory with several subdirectories for each of my classes. Do I manually have to create a text file?
Please see this tutorial on how to use convert_imageset to build levelDb or lmdb datasets for caffe's training.
As you can see from these instruction it does not matter how you arrange the image files on your disk (same folder/different folders...) as long as you have the correct paths in your 'train.txt'/'val.txt' files relative to '/path/to/jpegs/' argument. But if you want to use convert_imageset tool, you'll have to create a text file listing all the images you want to use.
When I run Apple's Automator to simply cut a bunch of images in their size Automator will also reduce the quality of the files (jpg) and they get blurry.
How can I prevent this? Are there settings that I can take control of?
Or are there any other tools that do the same job but without affecting the image quality?
If you want to have finer control over the amount of JPEG compression, as kopischke said you'll have to use the sips utility, which can be used in a shell script. Here's how you would do that in Automator:
First get the files and the compression setting:
The Ask for Text action should not accept any input (right-click on it, select "Ignore Input").
Make sure that the first Get Value of Variable action is not accepting any input (right-click on them, select "Ignore Input"), and that the second Get Value of Variable takes the input from the first. This creates an array that is then passed on to the shell script. The first item in the array is the compression level that was given to the Automator Script. The second is the list of files that the script will do the sips command on.
In the options on the top of the Run Shell Script action, select "/bin/bash" as the Shell and select "as arguments" for Pass Input. Then paste this code:
for file in "$#"
if [ "$itemNumber" = "0" ]; then
echo "Processing $file"
sips -s format jpeg -s formatOptions $compressionLevel "$file" --out "${filename%.*}.jpg"
osascript -e "tell app \"Automator\" to display dialog \"${itemNumber} Files Converted\" buttons {\"OK\"}"
If you click on Results at the bottom, it'll tell you what file it's currently working on. Have fun compressing!
Automator’s “Crop Images” and “Scale Images” actions have no quality settings – as is often the case with Automator, simplicity trumps configurability. However, there is another way to access CoreImage’s image manipulation facilities whithout resorting to Cocoa programming: the Scriptable Image Processing System, which makes image processing functions available to
the shell via the sips utility. You can fiddle with the most minute settings using this, but as it is a bit arcane in handling, you might be better served with the second way,
AppleScript via Image Events, a scriptable faceless background application provided by OS X. There are crop and scale commands, and the option of specifying a compression level when saving as a JPEG with
save <image> as JPEG with compression level (low|medium|high)
Use a “Run AppleScript” action instead of your “Crop” / “Scale” one and wrap the Image Events commands in a tell application "Image Events" block, and you should be set. For instance, to scale the image to half its size and save as a JPEG in best quality, overwriting the original:
on run {input, parameters}
set output to {}
repeat with aPath in input
tell application "Image Events"
set aPicture to open aPath
scale aPicture by factor 0.5
set end of output to save aPicture as JPEG with compression level low
on error errorMessage
log errorMessage
end try
close aPicture
end tell
end repeat
return output -- next action processes edited files.
end run
– for other scales, adjust the factor accordingly (1 = 100 %, .5 = 50 %, .25 = 25 % etc.); for a crop, replace the scale aPicture by factor X by crop aPicture to {width, height}. Mac OS X Automation has good tutorials on the usage of both scale and crop.
Eric's code is just brilliant. Can get most of the jobs done.
but if the image's filename contains space, this workflow will not work.(due to space will break the shell script when processing sips.)
There is a simple solution for this: add "Rename Finder Item" in this workflow.
replace spaces with "_" or anything you like.
then, it's good to go.
Comment from '20
I changed the script into a quick action, without any prompts (for compression as well as confirmation). It duplicates the file and renames the original version to _original. I also included nyam's solution for the 'space' problem.
You can download the workflow file here: http://mobilejournalism.blog/files/Compress%2080%20percent.workflow.zip (file is zipped, because otherwise it will be recognized as a folder instead of workflow file)
Hopefully this is useful for anyone searching for a solution like this (like I did an hour ago).
Comment from '17
To avoid "space" problem, it's smarter to change IFS than renaming.
Back up current IFS and change it to \n only. And restore original IFS after the processing loop.
for file in $#
I want to read a bitmap file (from the file system) using OCAML and store the pixels (the colors) inside an array which have th dimension of the bitmap, each pixel will take one cell in the array.
I found the function Graphics.dump_image image -> color array array
but it doesn't read from a file.
CAMLIMAGE should do it. There is also a debian package (libcamlimage-ocmal-dev), as well as an installation through godi, if you use that to manage your ocaml packages.
As a useful example of reading and manipulating images in ocaml, I suggest looking over the code for a seam removal algorithm over at eigenclass.
You can also, as stated by jonathan --but not well-- call C functions from ocaml, such as ImageMagick. Although you're going to do a lot of manipulation of the image data to bring the image into ocaml, you can always write c for all your functions to manipulate the image as an abstract data type --this seems to be completely opposite of what you want though, writing most of the program in C not ocaml.
Since I recently wanted to play around with camlimages (and had some trouble installing it --I had to modify two of the ml files from compilation errors, very simple ones though). Here is a quick program, black_and_white.ml, and how to compile it. This should get someone painlessly started with the package (especially, dynamic image generation):
let () =
let width = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
and length = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
and name = Sys.argv.(3)
and black = {Color.Rgb.r = 0; g=0; b=0; }
and white = {Color.Rgb.r = 255; g=255; b=255; } in
let image = Rgb24.make width length black in
for i = 0 to width-1 do
for j = 0 to (length/2) - 1 do
Rgb24.set image i j white;
Png.save name [] (Images.Rgb24 image)
And to compile,
ocamlopt.opt -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/camlimages/ ci_core.cmxa graphics.cmxa ci_graphics.cmxa ci_png.cmxa black_and_white.ml -o black_and_white
And to run,
./black_and_white 20 20 test1.png
I don't know of an out-of-the box way to do it. You could open the file with open_in and read it byte at a time with input_char, suck in the header and the data and build up the color array array that way for simple formats (e.g. BMPs) but for anything like JPGs or PNGs a roll your-own solution would probably be more work than you want to get into.
You could also use one of the numerous SDL bindings for OCaml, specifically the SDL_image ones, which let you load all kinds of images easily, and provides functions to access individual pixels and raw data as an array.
OCamlSDL is a popular one.
If you don't want to use CAMLIMAGE, usually raw RGB or PNM/PPM (which have an easy to create header format followed by RGB values) images are used. ImageMagick allows you to then view this formats or convert them into more usable formats.