UIDynamicItem update transform manually - ios

I know that external change to center, bounds and transform will be ignored after UIDynamicItems init.
But I need to manually change the transform of UIView that in UIDynamicAnimator system.
Every time I change the transform, it will be covered at once.
So any idea? Thanks.

Any time you change one of the animated properties, you need to call [dynamicAnimator updateItemUsingCurrentState:item] to let the dynamic animator know you did it. It'll update it's internal representation to match the current state.
EDIT: I see from your code below that you're trying to modify the scale. UIDynamicAnimator only supports rotation and position, not scale (or any other type of affine transform). It unfortunately takes over transform in order to implement just rotation. I consider this a bug in UIDynamicAnimator (but then I find much of the implementation of UIKit Dynamics to classify as "bugs").
What you can do is modify your bounds (before calling updateItem...) and redraw yourself. If you need the performance of an affine transform, you have a few options:
Move your actual drawing logic into a CALayer or subview and modify its scale (updating your bounds to match if you need collision behaviors to still work).
Instead of attaching your view to the behavior, attach a proxy object (just implement <UIDyanamicItem> on an NSObject) that passes the transform changes to you. You can then combine the requested transform with your own transform.

You can also use the .action property of the UIDynamicBehavior to set your desired transform at every tick of the animation.
UIAttachmentBehavior *attachment = [[UIAttachmentBehavior alloc] initWithItem:item attachedToAnchor:item.center];
attachment.damping = 0.8f;
attachment.frequency = 0.8f;
attachment.action = ^{
CGAffineTransform currentTransform = item.transform;
item.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(currentTransform, 1.2, 1.2)
You would need to add logic within the action block to determine when the scale should be changed, and by how much, otherwise your view will always be at 120%.

Another way to fix this (I think we should call it bug) is to override the transform property of the UIView used. Something like this:
override var transform: CGAffineTransform {
set (value) {
get {
return super.transform
var ownTransform: CGAffineTransform. {
didSet {
super.transform = ownTransform
It's a kind of a hack, but it works fine, if you don't use rotation in UIKitDynamics.


How to animate drawing in Swift, but also change a UIImageView's scale?

I'd like to animate a drawing sequence. My code draws a spiral into a UIImageView.image. The sequence changes the image contents, but also changes the scale of the surrounding UIImageView. The code is parameterized for the number of revolutions of the spiral:
func drawSpiral(rotations:Double) {
let scale = scaleFactor(rotations) // do some math to figure the best scale
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(mainImageView.bounds.size, false, 0.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
context.scaleBy(x: scale, y: scale) // some animation prohibits changes!
// ... drawing happens here
myUIImageView.image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
For example, I'd like to animate from drawSpiral(2.0) to drawSpiral(2.75) in 20 increments, over a duration of 1.0 seconds.
Can I setup UIView.annimate(withDuration...) to call my method with successive intermediate values? How? Is there a better animation approach?
Can I setup UIView.annimate(withDuration...) to call my method with successive intermediate values
Animation is merely a succession of timed intermediate values being thrown at something. It is perfectly reasonable to ask that they be thrown at your code so that you can do whatever you like with them. Here's how.
You'll need a special layer:
class MyLayer : CALayer {
#objc var spirality : CGFloat = 0
override class func needsDisplay(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
if key == #keyPath(spirality) {
return true
return super.needsDisplay(forKey:key)
override func draw(in con: CGContext) {
print(self.spirality) // in real life, this is our signal to draw!
The layer must actually be in the interface, though it can be impossible for the user to see:
let lay = MyLayer()
lay.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
Subsequently, we can initialize the spirality of the layer:
lay.spirality = 2.0
lay.setNeedsDisplay() // prints: 2.0
Now when we want to "animate" the spirality, this is what we do:
let ba = CABasicAnimation(keyPath:#keyPath(MyLayer.spirality))
ba.fromValue = lay.spirality
ba.toValue = 2.75
ba.duration = 1
lay.add(ba, forKey:nil)
lay.spirality = 2.75
The console shows the arrival of a succession of intermediate values over the course of 1 second!
Those are exactly the numbers that would be thrown at an animatable property, such as when you change a view's frame origin x from 2 to 2.75 in a 1-second duration animation. But now the numbers are coming to you as numbers, and so you can now do anything you like with that series of numbers. If you want to call your method with each new value as it arrives, go right ahead.
Personally, in more complicated animations I would use lottie the animation itself is built with Adobe After Effect and exported as a JSON file which you will manage using the lottie library this approach will save you time and effort when you port your app to another platform like Android as they also have an Android Lottie which means the complicated process of creating the animation is only done once.
Lottie Files has some examples animations as well for you to look.
#Matt provided the answer and gets the checkmark. I'll recap some points for emphasis:
UIView animation is great for commonly animated properties, but if
you need to vary a property not on UIView's animatable list, you can't use it. You must
create a new CALayer and add a CABasicAnimation(keyPath:) to it.
I tried but was unable to get my CABasicAnimations to fire by adding them to the default UIView.layer. I needed to create a custom CALayer
sublayer to the UIView.layer - something like
Leave the custom sublayer installed and re-add the CABasicAnimation to that sublayer when (and only when) you want to animate drawing.
In the custom CALayer object, be sure to override class func needsDisplay(forKey key: String) -> Bool with your key property (as #Matt's example shows), and also override func draw(in cxt: CGContext) to do your drawing. Be sure to decorate your key property with #objc. And reference the key property within the drawing code.
A "gotcha" to avoid: in the UIView object, be sure to null out the usual draw method (override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) { }) to avoid conflict between animated and non-animated drawing on the separate layers. For coordinating animated and non-animated content in the same UIView, it's good (necessary?) to do all your drawing from your custom layer.
When doing that, use myLayer.setNeedsDisplay() to update the non-animated content within the custom layer; use myLayer.add(myBasicAnimation, forKey:nil) to trigger animated drawing within the custom layer.
As I said above, #Matt answered - but these items seemed worth emphasizing.

Observe UIView frame while animating [duplicate]

I want to observe changes to the x coordinate of my UIView's origin while it is being animated using animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:. I want to track changes in the x coordinate during this animation at a granular level because I want to make a change in interaction to another view that the view being animated may make contact with. I want to make that change at the exact point of contact. I want to understand the best way to do something like this at a higher level:
-- Should I use animateWithDuration:... in the completion call back at the point of contact? In other words, The first animation runs until it hits that x coordinate, and the rest of the animation takes place in the completion callback?
-- Should I use NSNotification observers and observe changes to the frame property? How accurate / granular is this? Can I track every change to x? Should I do this in a separate thread?
Any other suggestions would be welcome. I'm looking for a abest practice.
Use CADisplayLink since it is specifically built for this purpose. In the documentation, it says:
Once the display link is associated with a run loop, the selector on the target is called when the screen’s contents need to be updated.
For me I had a bar that fills up, and as it passed a certain mark, I had to change the colors of the view above that mark.
This is what I did:
let displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(animationDidUpdate))
displayLink.frameInterval = 3
displayLink.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.2, delay: 0.0, options: [.CurveEaseInOut], animations: {
self.viewGaugeGraph.frame.size.width = self.graphWidth
self.imageViewGraphCoin.center.x = self.graphWidth
}, completion: { (_) in
func animationDidUpdate(displayLink: CADisplayLink) {
let presentationLayer = self.viewGaugeGraph.layer.presentationLayer() as! CALayer
let newWidth = presentationLayer.bounds.width
switch newWidth {
case 0 ..< width * 0.3:
case width * 0.3 ..< width * 0.6:
// Color first mark
case width * 0.6 ..< width * 0.9:
// Color second mark
case width * 0.9 ... width:
// Color third mark
fatalError("Invalid value observed. \(newWidth) cannot be bigger than \(width).")
In the example, I set the frameInterval property to 3 since I didn't have to rigorously update. Default is 1 and it means it will fire for every frame, but it will take a toll on performance.
create a NSTimer with some delay and run particular selector after each time lapse. In that method check the frame of animating view and compare it with your colliding view.
And make sure you use presentationLayer frame because if you access view.frame while animating, it gives the destination frame which is constant through out the animation.
CGRect animationViewFrame= [[animationView.layer presentationLayer] frame];
If you don't want to create timer, write a selector which calls itself after some delay.Have delay around .01 seconds.
Lets say you have a view which you are animating its position from (0,0) to (100,100) with duration of 5secs. Assume you implemented KVO to the frame of this view
When you call the animateWithDuration block, then the position of the view changes directly to (100,100) which is final value even though the view moves with intermediate position values.
So, your KVO will be fired one time at the instant of start of animation.
Because, layers have layer Tree and Presentation Tree. While layer tree just stores destination values while presentation Layer stores intermediate values.
When you access view.frame it will always gives the value of frame in layer tree not the intermediate frames it takes.
So, you had to use presentation Layer frame to get intermediate frames.
Hope this helps.
UIDynamics and collision behaviours would be worth investigating here. You can set a delegate which is called when a collision occurs.
See the collision behaviour documentation for more details.

Custom animation of two properties in CALayer by a new custom property

I can animate a CALayer object by changing a property using CABasicAnimation as with this code:
let animationOfPropertyOpacity = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "opacity")
animationOfPropertyOpacity.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut)
animationOfPropertyOpacity.fromValue = 0
animationOfPropertyOpacity.toValue = 1
myLayer.addAnimation(animationOfPropertyOpacity, forKey: "fade")
In this case the animation will create a linear interpolation between 0 to 1. I can do the same with other properties like scale, position or rotation.
What If I want to move from point A (0,3) to point B (3,0) but making a circle respect to point C (0,0)?
I want to keep using fromValue to toValue, but animating a custom property that I've made called rotation. Rotation will calculate each interpolation value based on point C as center and making a radius from that center.
Where do I need to put the function that calculates each step?
I've tried subclassing CALayer and adding a custom property called rotation. Then adding code to needsDisplayForKey to redraw the layer:
#NSManaged var rotation: CGFloat
override class func needsDisplayForKey(key: String) -> Bool {
if (key == "rotation") {
return true
return super.needsDisplayForKey(key)
This calls drawInContext and makes the whole CALayer black. I have a print in drawInContext and it doesn't get called when changing other properties like opacity, it seems it's not necessary to redraw the layer.
There should be a method that is being called each frame of the animation in CALayer where I could implement a function before applying the changes.
I'm also unable to find the right place to implement the functionality of the custom property that I've created to actually reflect the change even without animation. Let's say a property customOpacity that just inverts the effects of opacity and updating the layer accordingly. I only could make that through a function updateRotation(rotation: CGFloat).

How to make a particle image bigger with a scale effect with SceneKit?

I am looking for the same effect as we have in SpriteKit for the emitter particles, the scale effect that can make a particle image bigger or smaller depending on the time. (a simple red circle for example, getting bigger and disappearing after 1 second.) I cannot find the same scale option as we can find in SpriteKit. The image can be bigger and stay bigger, but it would not change depending on the time then.
Would someone know a good way to do this?
None of these attempts worked, would you know why?
func addParticleSceneKit(){
var fire = SCNParticleSystem(named: "circle1.scnp", inDirectory: "art.scnassets/Particles")
fire.particleSize = 5
emitter.addParticleSystem(fire) //emitter is a SCNNode
let bigger = SCNAction.runBlock { (node) -> Void in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
fire.propertyControllers = [SCNParticlePropertySize : 10.0]
//fire.propertyControllers = [SCNParticlePropertySize : 10.0]
SCNParticleSystem has properties like
// Specifies the initial size of the particle. Animatable.
#property(nonatomic) CGFloat particleSize;
// Specifies the initial size variation of the particle. Animatable.
#property(nonatomic) CGFloat particleSizeVariation;
if you need more control you can also provide your own particle property controller for the key "SCNParticlePropertySize". For example to specify the how the size should be animated over the particle life duration.
// Property controllers.
// The keys for this directionary are listed in the "Particle Properties Name" section.
// The values are instances of SCNParticlePropertyController
#property(nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary *propertyControllers;
Wow. Just wow. You've thrown a lot of code at the wall just to see what sticks, but have you looked in the documentation?
The method description for SCNParticlePropertyController's initializer includes a code example that does almost exactly what you're asking for — it animates particle sizes. Reproduced here:
// 1. Create and configure an animation object.
let animation = CAKeyframeAnimation()
animation.values = [ 0.1, 1.0, 3.0, 0.5 ]
// 2. Create a property controller from the animation object.
let sizeController = SCNParticlePropertyController(animation: animation)
// 3. Assign the controller to a particle system, associating it with a particle property.
particleSystem.propertyControllers = [ SCNParticlePropertySize: sizeController ]
If you only need a from size and a to size instead of keyframes, you can use a CABasicAnimation in step 1.

Observing change in frame of a UIView during animation

I want to observe changes to the x coordinate of my UIView's origin while it is being animated using animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:. I want to track changes in the x coordinate during this animation at a granular level because I want to make a change in interaction to another view that the view being animated may make contact with. I want to make that change at the exact point of contact. I want to understand the best way to do something like this at a higher level:
-- Should I use animateWithDuration:... in the completion call back at the point of contact? In other words, The first animation runs until it hits that x coordinate, and the rest of the animation takes place in the completion callback?
-- Should I use NSNotification observers and observe changes to the frame property? How accurate / granular is this? Can I track every change to x? Should I do this in a separate thread?
Any other suggestions would be welcome. I'm looking for a abest practice.
Use CADisplayLink since it is specifically built for this purpose. In the documentation, it says:
Once the display link is associated with a run loop, the selector on the target is called when the screen’s contents need to be updated.
For me I had a bar that fills up, and as it passed a certain mark, I had to change the colors of the view above that mark.
This is what I did:
let displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: #selector(animationDidUpdate))
displayLink.frameInterval = 3
displayLink.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.2, delay: 0.0, options: [.CurveEaseInOut], animations: {
self.viewGaugeGraph.frame.size.width = self.graphWidth
self.imageViewGraphCoin.center.x = self.graphWidth
}, completion: { (_) in
func animationDidUpdate(displayLink: CADisplayLink) {
let presentationLayer = self.viewGaugeGraph.layer.presentationLayer() as! CALayer
let newWidth = presentationLayer.bounds.width
switch newWidth {
case 0 ..< width * 0.3:
case width * 0.3 ..< width * 0.6:
// Color first mark
case width * 0.6 ..< width * 0.9:
// Color second mark
case width * 0.9 ... width:
// Color third mark
fatalError("Invalid value observed. \(newWidth) cannot be bigger than \(width).")
In the example, I set the frameInterval property to 3 since I didn't have to rigorously update. Default is 1 and it means it will fire for every frame, but it will take a toll on performance.
create a NSTimer with some delay and run particular selector after each time lapse. In that method check the frame of animating view and compare it with your colliding view.
And make sure you use presentationLayer frame because if you access view.frame while animating, it gives the destination frame which is constant through out the animation.
CGRect animationViewFrame= [[animationView.layer presentationLayer] frame];
If you don't want to create timer, write a selector which calls itself after some delay.Have delay around .01 seconds.
Lets say you have a view which you are animating its position from (0,0) to (100,100) with duration of 5secs. Assume you implemented KVO to the frame of this view
When you call the animateWithDuration block, then the position of the view changes directly to (100,100) which is final value even though the view moves with intermediate position values.
So, your KVO will be fired one time at the instant of start of animation.
Because, layers have layer Tree and Presentation Tree. While layer tree just stores destination values while presentation Layer stores intermediate values.
When you access view.frame it will always gives the value of frame in layer tree not the intermediate frames it takes.
So, you had to use presentation Layer frame to get intermediate frames.
Hope this helps.
UIDynamics and collision behaviours would be worth investigating here. You can set a delegate which is called when a collision occurs.
See the collision behaviour documentation for more details.
