I am posting notification from UIViewController object to UIView object. Notification is called but its method "playSound" is not called.
Below is my code and Thanks in Advance :
#interface SettingsViewController : UIViewController <MFMailComposeViewControllerDelegate>
MFMailComposeViewController *mailComposer;
- (IBAction)btnSoundClicked:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"Swith On");
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"soundStatus" object:self.btnSound];
NSLog(#"Switch Off");
#interface IAPuzzleBoardView : UIView <AVAudioPlayerDelegate> {
- (void)movingThisTile:(CGPoint)tilePoint {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
-(void) playSound : (NSNotification *) notification
if ([[notification name] isEqualToString:#"soundStatus"])
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"move" ofType:#"wav"];
theAudio=[[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL];
theAudio.delegate = self;
[theAudio play];
I have this piece of code for playing audio, but once it is finished, I want to play the same audio again and again, I think I should use numberofloops=-1, but where I need to use this directly. Please help me.
#import "JetNapMusicPlayer.h"
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#interface JetNapMusicPlayer()
#property(nonatomic,strong) AVQueuePlayer *avQueuePlayer;
static JetNapMusicPlayer *sharedManager = nil;
#implementation JetNapMusicPlaye
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (id)sharedManager {
#synchronized(self) {
if(sharedManager == nil)
sharedManager = [[super alloc] init];
return sharedManager;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
// [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
MPRemoteCommandCenter *rcc = [MPRemoteCommandCenter sharedCommandCenter];
MPRemoteCommand *playCommand = rcc.playCommand;
[playCommand setEnabled:YES];
[playCommand addTargetWithHandler:^MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus(MPRemoteCommandEvent *event) {
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] play];
return MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatusSuccess;
MPRemoteCommand *pauseCommand = rcc.pauseCommand;
[pauseCommand setEnabled:YES];
[pauseCommand addTargetWithHandler:^MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus(MPRemoteCommandEvent *event) {
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] pause];
return MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatusSuccess;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[super dealloc];
-(AVPlayer *)avQueuePlayer
if (!_avQueuePlayer) {
[self initSession];
_avQueuePlayer = [[AVQueuePlayer alloc] init];
return _avQueuePlayer;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self
selector: #selector(audioSessionInterrupted:)
name: AVAudioSessionInterruptionNotification
object: [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]];
//set audio category with options - for this demo we'll do playback only
NSError *categoryError = nil;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error:&categoryError];
if (categoryError) {
NSLog(#"Error setting category! %#", [categoryError description]);
//activation of audio session
NSError *activationError = nil;
BOOL success = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive: YES error: &activationError];
if (!success) {
if (activationError) {
NSLog(#"Could not activate audio session. %#", [activationError localizedDescription]);
} else {
NSLog(#"audio session could not be activated!");
#pragma mark - notifications
NSLog(#"interruption received: %#", interruptionNotification);
#pragma mark - player actions
-(void) pause
[[self avQueuePlayer] pause];
-(void) play
[[self avQueuePlayer] play];
-(void) clear
[[self avQueuePlayer] removeAllItems];
#pragma mark - remote control events
#pragma mark - Kony FFI
+ (BOOL)playMusic:(NSString *)filename artistname:(NSString *)artistname songname:(NSString *)songname {
NSString *name = [filename stringByDeletingPathExtension];
NSString *ext = [filename pathExtension];
AVPlayerItem *avSongItem = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:name] ofType:ext]]];
if (avSongItem) {
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] clear];
[[[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] avQueuePlayer] insertItem:avSongItem afterItem:nil];
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] play];
[MPNowPlayingInfoCenter defaultCenter].nowPlayingInfo = #{MPMediaItemPropertyTitle: songname, MPMediaItemPropertyArtist:artistname};
return YES;
+ (BOOL)stopMusic {
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] pause];
[(JetNapMusicPlayer *)[JetNapMusicPlayer sharedManager] clear];
return YES;
To loop a song use below code after alloc init of avSongItem.
avSongItem.actionAtItemEnd = AVPlayerActionAtItemEndNone;
More info : Looping a video with AVFoundation AVPlayer?
Also as mentioned in the link use notification.
avSongItem.actionAtItemEnd = AVPlayerActionAtItemEndNone;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
object:[avPlayer currentItem]];
this will prevent the player to pause at the end.
in the notification:
- (void)playerItemDidReachEnd:(NSNotification *)notification {
AVPlayerItem *p = [notification object];
[p seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
I am trying to establish one to one peer connection using multipeer connectivity framework. When i am sending invitation to nearby peer that device gets connected(sometime takes long time to get connected), and the peer which has send the request is always taking long time to change its state to connected & once it is connected immediately it is disconnecting from the session. I tried to debug the issue but not found anything, dont know what wrong is happening, please let me know if i am missing anything or any mistake is done in code.
Below given is the code snippet of the same.
#define DidChangeStateNotification #"E_DidChangeStateNotification"
#define DidReceiveDataNotification #"E_DidReceiveDataNotification"
#define DidInviteNotification #"E_DidInvitedNotification"
#define DidReceivedInvetationNotification #"E_DidReceivedInvetationNotification"
static NSString * const EServiceType = #"E-service";
#interface MPCHandler ()
#property AppDelegate *appDelegate;
#implementation MPCHandler
- (void)setupPeerWithDisplayName:(NSString *)displayName {
self.appDelegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
self.peerID = [[MCPeerID alloc] initWithDisplayName:displayName];
self.connectedPeers = [NSMutableArray array];
self.foundPeers = [NSMutableArray array];
self.invitedPeers = [NSMutableArray array];
- (void)setupSession {
self.session = [[MCSession alloc] initWithPeer:self.peerID securityIdentity:nil encryptionPreference:MCEncryptionNone];
self.session.delegate = self;
- (void)setupBrowser {
self.browser = [[MCNearbyServiceBrowser alloc] initWithPeer:self.peerID serviceType:EServiceType];
self.browser.delegate = self;
- (void)advertiseSelf:(BOOL)advertise {
if (advertise) {
self.advertiser = [[MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser alloc] initWithPeer:self.peerID discoveryInfo:nil serviceType:EServiceType];
self.advertiser.delegate = self;
[self.advertiser startAdvertisingPeer];
} else {
[self.advertiser stopAdvertisingPeer];
self.advertiser = nil;
#pragma MCSessionDelegate methods
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session peer:(MCPeerID *)peerID didChangeState:(MCSessionState)state {
NSDictionary *userInfo = #{ #"peerID": peerID,
#"state" : #(state) };
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DidChangeStateNotification
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveData:(NSData *)data fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID {
NSDictionary *userInfo = #{ #"data": data,
#"peerID": peerID };
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DidReceiveDataNotification
- (void)session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveCertificate:(NSArray *)certificate fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID certificateHandler:(void (^)(BOOL))certificateHandler{
#pragma MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate methods
// Incoming invitation request. Call the invitationHandler block with YES and a valid session to connect the inviting peer to the session.
- (void)advertiser:(MCNearbyServiceAdvertiser *)advertiser didReceiveInvitationFromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withContext:(NSData *)context invitationHandler:(void(^)(BOOL accept, MCSession *session))invitationHandler{
NSDictionary *info =[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:peerID.displayName forKey:#"displayName"];
NSLog(#"%# Received Invetation from : %#",self.peerID.displayName,peerID.displayName);
[self.connectedPeers addObject:peerID];
self.invited = NO;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DidReceivedInvetationNotification
#pragma MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate methods
// Found a nearby advertising peer
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser foundPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withDiscoveryInfo: (NSDictionary *)info{
// NSLog(#"Peer : %# found.",peerID.displayName);
// if (![self.peerID isEqual:peerID]) {
NSLog(#"%# Found Peer : %#",self.peerID.displayName,peerID.displayName);
[self.foundPeers addObject:peerID];
if (![self.connectedPeers containsObject:peerID])
if ([self.invitedPeers count] == 0 && [self.session.connectedPeers count]==0)
NSLog(#"%# Invited Peer : %#",self.peerID.displayName,peerID.displayName);
[self.invitedPeers addObject:peerID];
[browser invitePeer:peerID
withContext:[#"Empath" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
// [browser stopBrowsingForPeers];
self.invited = YES;
NSDictionary *userInfo = #{ #"peerID": peerID };
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:DidInviteNotification
// }
// A nearby peer has stopped advertising
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser lostPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID{
[self.foundPeers removeObject:peerID];
[self.invitedPeers removeAllObjects];
[browser startBrowsingForPeers];
- (void)browser:(MCNearbyServiceBrowser *)browser didNotStartBrowsingForPeers:(NSError *)error
NSLog( #"Unable to start browsing for peers. Error: %#", error );
#define DidChangeStateNotification #"E_DidChangeStateNotification"
#define DidReceiveDataNotification #"E_DidReceiveDataNotification"
#define DidInviteNotification #"E_DidInvitedNotification"
#define DidReceivedInvetationNotification #"E_DidReceivedInvetationNotification"
#interface ViewController ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) AppDelegate *appDelegate;
#implementation ViewController
#synthesize txtMessage;
#synthesize tvHistory;
#synthesize btnSend;
#synthesize lblName;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
self.appDelegate = (AppDelegate *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
// self.appDelegate.connectedPeers = [NSMutableArray array];
// self.appDelegate.foundPeers = [NSMutableArray array];
[self AddObservers];
[self setUserInteraction:NO];
[self.lblName setText:#""];
[self.btnSend setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];
[self performSelector:#selector(advertisePeer) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
-(void) AddObservers{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
selector:#selector(sessionDidTimeout:) name:kSessionDidTimeoutNotification object:nil];
-(void) advertisePeer{
[self setUserInteraction:NO];
[self.lblName setText:#""];
[self.appDelegate.mpcHandler setupPeerWithDisplayName:[UIDevice currentDevice].name];
[self.appDelegate.mpcHandler setupSession];
[self.appDelegate.mpcHandler advertiseSelf:YES];
[self.btnSend setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
- (IBAction)searchAndConnectPeer:(id)sender{
[self.lblName setText:#"Searching..."];
if (self.appDelegate.mpcHandler.session != nil) {
[[self.appDelegate mpcHandler] setupBrowser];
[[[self.appDelegate mpcHandler] browser] startBrowsingForPeers];
- (IBAction)sendMessage:(id)sender{
NSString *messageToSend = [txtMessage text];
NSUInteger len = 0;
if ([messageToSend length]) {
NSData *messageAsData = [messageToSend dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSError *error;
[self.appDelegate.mpcHandler.session sendData:messageAsData
// If any error occurs, just log it.
// Otherwise set the following couple of flags to YES, indicating that the current player is the creator
// of the game and a game is in progress.
len = [[tvHistory text] length];
if (error != nil) {
NSLog(#"%#", [error localizedDescription]);
[self.tvHistory setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[error localizedDescription]]];
} else{
NSString *history = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Me : %#\n\n",messageToSend];
[self.tvHistory setText:[self.tvHistory.text stringByAppendingString:history]];
[self.txtMessage setText:#""];
[self.tvHistory scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([self.tvHistory.text length], len)];
- (void)peerInvitedWithNotification:(NSNotification *)notification{
[self setUserInteraction:NO];
MCPeerID *peerID = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"peerID"];
[self.lblName setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Connecting to %#...",peerID.displayName]];
- (void)receivedInvetationWithNotification:(NSNotification *)notification{
[self setUserInteraction:YES];
NSString *name = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"displayName"];
[self.lblName setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Connected : %#",name]];
- (void)peerChangedStateWithNotification:(NSNotification *)notification {
// Get the state of the peer.
int state = [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"state"] intValue];
MCPeerID *peerID = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:#"peerID"];
// We care only for the Connected and the Not Connected states.
// The Connecting state will be simply ignored.
if (state == MCSessionStateConnected) {
// We'll just display all the connected peers (players) to the text view.
NSString *allPlayers = #"Connected : ";
allPlayers = [allPlayers stringByAppendingString:[NSString tringWithFormat:#"%#",peerID.displayName]];
[self.lblName setText:allPlayers];
[self setUserInteraction:YES];
// // Fire up the timer upon first event
// if(!_idleTimer) {
// [self resetIdleTimer];
// }
}else if (state == MCSessionStateConnecting){
[self setUserInteraction:NO];
[self.lblName setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Connecting to %#...",peerID.displayName]];
NSLog(#"Connecting %#...",peerID.displayName);
}else if (state == MCSessionStateNotConnected){
NSLog(#"Disconnected %#...",peerID.displayName);
// [self sessionDidTimeout:nil];
-(void) setUserInteraction:(BOOL)enabled{
[self.btnSend setUserInteractionEnabled:enabled];
[self.txtMessage setUserInteractionEnabled:enabled];
- (void)handleReceivedDataWithNotification:(NSNotification *)notification {
// Get the user info dictionary that was received along with the notification.
NSDictionary *userInfoDict = [notification userInfo];
// Convert the received data into a NSString object.
NSData *receivedData = [userInfoDict objectForKey:#"data"];
NSString *message = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:receivedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
// Keep the sender's peerID and get its display name.
MCPeerID *senderPeerID = [userInfoDict objectForKey:#"peerID"];
NSString *senderDisplayName = senderPeerID.displayName;
// Add this guess to the history text view.
NSUInteger len = [[tvHistory text] length];
NSString *history = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%# : %#\n\n", senderDisplayName, message];
[self.tvHistory setText:[self.tvHistory.text stringByAppendingString:history]];
[self.tvHistory scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([self.tvHistory.text length], len)];
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
- (void)resetIdleTimer
if (_idleTimer) {
[_idleTimer invalidate];
// Schedule a timer to fire in kApplicationTimeoutInMinutes * 60
int timeout = kSessionTimeoutInSeconds;
_idleTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:timeout
- (void)idleTimerExceeded {
/* Post a notification so anyone who subscribes to it can be notified when
* the application times out */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
postNotificationName:kSessionDidTimeoutNotification object:nil];
- (void) sessionDidTimeout:(NSNotification *) notif {
// [self setUserInteraction:NO];
// [self.lblName setText:#"Session expired..."];
// NSLog(#"============================Session Expired...=====================");
// [[[self.appDelegate mpcHandler] session] disconnect];
// if ([[[self appDelegate]mpcHandler] invited]) {
// [self performSelector:#selector(advertisePeer) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
// [self performSelector:#selector(searchAndConnectPeer:) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];
// }
Check for BTM disconnection to service message in the logs .It is a problem with Apple Bluetooth which they have acknowledged.Try without Bluetooth i.e peer-peer wifi or infrastructure networks
I would like to stop the audio with AvAudioPlayer but when another view dissapear, There are two views:
The problem is that when view2 disappear, the audio doesn't stop... How I should do?
#property (nonatomic, retain) AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;
- (IBAction)playAudio:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)stopAudio:(id)sender;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self playSound];
- (void) playSound
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
NSError *error;
self.audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error];
//[self.audioPlayer play];
[self playAudio:audioPlayer];
- (IBAction)playAudio:(id)sender {
[audioPlayer play];
- (IBAction)stopAudio:(id)sender {
[audioPlayer stop];
And View2.m
view1 = (View1 *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[view1 stopAudio:view1.audioPlayer];
In the View2 I import the View1 to do that.
Your app delegate is not a view controller. Maybe you want [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate].window.rootViewController.
As you've seen, that's fragile. Instead of having pointers between your viewcontrollers, you could use have looser coupling and use a "stop" NSNotification. It may even be useful elsewhere in your application.
NSString *StopPlayingVideoNotification = #"StopPlayingVideo";
So both views can see it, so put extern NSString *StopPlayingVideoNotification; in one of your header files.
In View1.m's init:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(stopAudio:) name:StopPlayingVideoNotification object:nil];
Add a dealloc to View1:
-(void)dealloc {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:StopPlayingVideoNotification object:nil];
In View2.m
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:StopPlayingVideoNotification object:self];
I am creating this app were there is background music playing, but I want it so the user can stop the music with a UISwitch if they dont want background music. I already have the code working for the music to play and stop (Code below) with the switch bu my question is this. When i switch to a different view (one that the switch isnt on) and the music is playing, then go back to the view. The switch is off, when i turn it back on (even thought the music is already playing), it will play it again and they will overlap each other (same music file).
Code for the switch and music player...
-(IBAction)play:(id)sender {
if (audioControlSwitch.on) {
[sound setTextColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
[sound setText:#"Sound On"];
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/Tone 2.m4a", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]];
NSError *error;
audioPlayer1 = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error];
audioPlayer1.numberOfLoops = 100000000000000000;
[audioPlayer1 play];
} else {
[sound setTextColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor]];
[sound setText:#"Sound Off"];
[audioPlayer1 stop];
in yourViewController.h
#interface yourViewController : NSObject <AVAudioPlayerDelegate> {
BOOL inBackground;
- (void)registerForBackgroundNotifications;
in yourViewController.m
#synthesize inBackground;
#pragma mark background notifications
- (void)registerForBackgroundNotifications
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)setInBackgroundFlag
inBackground = true;
- (void)clearInBackgroundFlag
inBackground = false;
- (void)updateViewForPlayerStateInBackground:(AVAudioPlayer *)p
if (p.playing)
// Do something
// Do something else
#pragma mark AVAudioPlayer delegate methods
- (void)audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying:(AVAudioPlayer *)p successfully:(BOOL)flag
if (flag == NO)
NSLog(#"Playback finished unsuccessfully");
[p setCurrentTime:0.];
if (inBackground)
[self updateViewForPlayerStateInBackground:p];
- (void)playerDecodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioPlayer *)p error:(NSError *)error
NSLog(#"ERROR IN DECODE: %#\n", error);
// we will only get these notifications if playback was interrupted
- (void)audioPlayerBeginInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)p
NSLog(#"Interruption begin. Updating UI for new state");
// the object has already been paused, we just need to update UI
if (inBackground)
[self updateViewForPlayerStateInBackground:p];
- (void)audioPlayerEndInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)p
NSLog(#"Interruption ended. Resuming playback");
[self startPlaybackForPlayer:p];
if ([p play])
NSLog(#"Could not play %#\n", p.url);
I try to send local notification. Here some code for class sending the notification:
#interface Sender : UIView
NSInteger itemID;
#implementation Sender
-(void) changedProperty
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"NotificationName" object:NULL];
And here the code to receive this notification:
#interface Listener : UIViewController
#implementation Listener
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(selectedItem:) name:#"NotificationName" object:NULL];
- (void)viewDidUnload
[super viewDidUnload];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:#"NotificationName" object:NULL];
-(void) selectedItem:(NSNotification *) notification
// some actions
But this code doesn't work. Debugging I see how postNotificationName: object works but the method selectedItem: doesn't call
Here is more code. Maybe this will help.
extern const NSString* selectItemNotificationName;
#interface vRoomSelectorItem : UIView
RoomSelectorItemBackground backgroundType;
NSInteger itemID;
#property NSInteger itemID;
-(void) setBackgroundType:(RoomSelectorItemBackground) backgroundType;
#interface vRoomSelectorItem ()
#property RoomSelectorItemBackground backgroundType;
#implementation vRoomSelectorItem
const NSString* selectItemNotificationName = #"Reservation.SelectRoom";
-(RoomSelectorItemBackground) backgroundType
return backgroundType;
-(void) setBackgroundType:(RoomSelectorItemBackground)value
if(backgroundType != value)
backgroundType = value;
[self changedBackgroundType];
-(void) changedBackgroundType
if(backgroundType == RoomSelectorItemFilled)
// animation
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:(NSString*)selectItemNotificationName object:NULL userInfo:[[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:itemID], #"ID", NULL]];
// reverse animation
#import "vRoomSelectorItem.h"
#interface vcReservationSelectRoom : UIViewController
NSMutableArray* arraySelectorItems;
#implementation vcReservationSelectRoom
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(selectedItem:) name:(NSString*)selectItemNotificationName object:NULL];
for(NSInteger i = 1; i <= SELECTOR_ITEM_COUNT; ++i)
vRoomSelectorItem* newItem = [[vRoomSelectorItem alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(/*coordinates*/)];
[self.view addSubview:newItem];
[newItem setBackgroundType:RoomSelectorItemTransparent];
[newItem setItemID:i];
[arraySelectorItems addObject:newItem];
newItem = NULL;
-(void) selectedItem:(NSNotification *) notification
// some actions
-(void) dealloc
arraySelectorItems = NULL;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:(NSString*)selectItemNotificationName object:NULL];
From your code in the quetion I think you can try this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(selectedItem:) name:#"NotificationName" object:NULL];
[self.view changedProperty]; // method of your Sender class
It seems like your code should work. Make sure the notification is on the main thread and the workflow is as follows:
Add listener to notification center
Initiate sender
Send notification
You can be sure that it is on the main thread with:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] post...];
Couple things I would change:
remove yourself from NSNotificationCenter in -(void)dealloc instead
of -(void)viewDidUnload. viewDidUnload will be deprecated, and
dealloc could get called without viewDidUnload.
For Notifications, I like to store the name in an external constant
to make sure that I don't typo the string:
extern NSString *const notificationName;
NSString *const notificationName = #"notification";
Ok, I've solved the problem. The piece of code above is not enough to understand, why it has not been working. The object of class vcReservationSelectRoom was temporary and it had been destroyed before sending notification from any vRoomSelectorItem. Sorry for my mistake of not showing enough code to solve this problem. And thank you all for helping.