Coreplot iOS - Custom space between graph bars - ios

I want to know if it is possible to have custom spacing between bars after some fixed interval using Coreplot iOS library.
Like in the image below, after each 7 bars an unusual barspace is shown.
And if it is possible can you please guide how can this be achieved ?

CPTBarPlot has the code to manage this.
-(BOOL)barAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)idx basePoint:(CGPoint *)basePoint tipPoint:(CGPoint *)tipPoint
Basically gets the bar and sets its basePoint and tipPoint.
At the end, it is using barOffsetLength to offset each bar based on its index.
CGFloat barOffsetLength = [self lengthInView:self.barOffset] * self.barOffsetScale;
For vertical bars, in your case, its offsetting the x coord of base and tip point. These are usually the same. Here you have the choice of adding your own offset.
Simply, here's what you need to do there in the same function:
CGFloat barOffsetLength = [self lengthInView:self.barOffset] * self.barOffsetScale;
if ([self.dataSource hasGapBeforeIndex:idx]) {
offsetGap += [self.dataSource gapValue];
// Offset
if ( horizontalBars ) {
basePoint->y += barOffsetLength;
tipPoint->y += barOffsetLength;
else {
basePoint->x += barOffsetLength + offsetGap;
tipPoint->x += barOffsetLength + offsetGap;
Here, you introduce a new variable in CPTBarPlot called offsetGap which gets increments everytime you introduce a gap. (be careful, this needs to be reset to zero when you change the dataset).
Also, in CPTPlotDataSource introduce
- (BOOL) hasGapBeforeIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (CGFloat) gapValue;
and implement it in your View Controller. Now you can introduce the gap anywhere.
PS: This obviously is a hack and upsets the axis labels and other things that might also need adjustment, but gives an overview anyway.
I played around with the sample app to achieve this.

You need to modify the positioning in your Core Plot data source method for the x axis
- (NSNumber *) numberForPlot:(CPTPlot *)plot field:(NSUInteger)fieldEnum recordIndex:(NSUInteger)idx
and take into account where you want the spacing to occur. If you still don't get it, please post some code and I'll show you on that.
Logic example :
I want to represent the data for a month, lets say one that has 30 days, but at each 5 days, I want a pause at each 5 days. So instead of returning 30 in
- (NSUInteger)numberOfRecordsForPlot:(CPTPlot *)plot
, you return 34, and at indexes 6, 11, 16, 21 and 26 you return 0 for the method above.
You can extend this if you want not that much space for the 'pauses' and return double the amount of days (60), minus 4 (because for the pauses you return only for one record the value 0) and return for each 2 records the corresponding value in your data source. This can be again extended to your needed multiplier. I hope you got what I mean.

Thanks to #zakishaheen answer I managed to achieve this, but I broke label position and scroll content size 😄. This implementation is hacky thats why I decided not to continue with fixing it, its more just an example.
I created custom CustomOffsetBarPlot class and apply some Objective-C runtime magic.
- (BOOL)superImplementation:(SEL)selector idx:(NSUInteger)idx basePoint:(nonnull CGPoint *)basePoint tipPoint:(nonnull CGPoint *)tipPoint {
Class granny = [self superclass];
BOOL(* grannyImp)(id,SEL,NSUInteger,CGPoint*, CGPoint*) = (BOOL (*)(id,SEL,NSUInteger,CGPoint*, CGPoint*))class_getMethodImplementation(granny, selector);
return grannyImp(self, selector, idx, basePoint, tipPoint);
-(BOOL)barAtRecordIndex:(NSUInteger)idx basePoint:(nonnull CGPoint *)basePoint tipPoint:(nonnull CGPoint *)tipPoint {
SEL selector = _cmd;
CGPoint originBasePointStart = *basePoint;
CGPoint originTipPointStart = *tipPoint;
[self superImplementation:selector idx:0 basePoint:&originBasePointStart tipPoint:&originTipPointStart];
BOOL result = [self superImplementation:selector idx:idx basePoint:basePoint tipPoint:tipPoint];
Class granny = [self class];
SEL lengthView = NSSelectorFromString(#"lengthInView:");
CGFloat(* grannyImp)(id,SEL,NSDecimal) = (CGFloat (*)(id,SEL,NSDecimal))class_getMethodImplementation(granny, lengthView);
CGFloat barOffsetLengthOrigin = grannyImp(self, selector, self.barOffset.decimalValue);
NSInteger barOffsetLength = originBasePointStart.x + idx * 18 + idx * 5; // idx * 5 - your offset
basePoint->x = barOffsetLength;
tipPoint->x = barOffsetLength;
return result;


CorePlot "indexOfVisiblePointClosestToPlotAreaPoint" giving me wrong index

Currently I am plotting the graph with two data plots(two lines on the graph), when I click on one line "indexOfVisiblePointClosestToPlotAreaPoint" method giving me right index and other one throwing me wrong one, not even closest visible one its skipping/jumping multiple points in between. Ex: if I click on index number 20 it jumps to 15 or 25 vice versa. Here is the calculation to find the index
NSUInteger dataCount = self.cachedDataCount;
CGPoint *viewPoints = calloc(dataCount, sizeof(CGPoint));
BOOL *drawPointFlags = calloc(dataCount, sizeof(BOOL));
[self calculatePointsToDraw:drawPointFlags forPlotSpace:(CPTXYPlotSpace *)self.plotSpace includeVisiblePointsOnly:YES numberOfPoints:dataCount];
[self calculateViewPoints:viewPoints withDrawPointFlags:drawPointFlags numberOfPoints:dataCount];
NSInteger result = [self extremeDrawnPointIndexForFlags:drawPointFlags numberOfPoints:dataCount extremeNumIsLowerBound:YES];
if ( result != NSNotFound ) {
CGFloat minimumDistanceSquared = CPTNAN;
for ( NSUInteger i = (NSUInteger)result; i < dataCount; ++i ) {
if ( drawPointFlags[i] ) {
CGFloat distanceSquared = squareOfDistanceBetweenPoints(viewPoint, viewPoints[i]);
if ( isnan(minimumDistanceSquared) || (distanceSquared < minimumDistanceSquared)) {
minimumDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;
result = (NSInteger)i;
return (NSUInteger)result;
Are you checking the plot parameter passed in the delegate method? The touch will register on the frontmost plot if there are any points within the plotSymbolMarginForHitDetection. It won't even check the other plot unless nothing hits on the front one. With two lines close together like that, you'll need to use a small hit margin to make sure touches register on the right plot.

iOS-Charts how to allow clicks only on plotted points?

I'm using iOS charts framework to plot this chart, I want to detect tap or touch only on the line's path or on the small circle's on the lines.
My question is,
Is there any default code block to do this?
I tried comparing the entry.value with the array plotted(as in the following code), but it doesn't workout.
-(void)chartValueSelected:(ChartViewBase *)chartView entry:(ChartDataEntry *)entry dataSetIndex:(NSInteger)dataSetIndex highlight:(ChartHighlight *)highlight{
if ([arrayOfPlottedValues containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)entry.value]]) {
//Tapped on line path
//Tapped on empty area
Any insights will be appreciated.
eg : Line chart
I found a way by considering #Wingzero's suggestion, but the major difference was that, I just used the touch point to find out if its on the "marker" or if its outside it. I'm not sure if its the right way, but the solution is,
-(void)chartValueSelected:(ChartViewBase *)chartView entry:(ChartDataEntry *)entry dataSetIndex:(NSInteger)dataSetIndex highlight:(ChartHighlight *)highlight{
//-----------------------------------------------------getting recognizer value
UIGestureRecognizer *recognisedGesture = [chartView.gestureRecognizers objectAtIndex:0];
CGPoint poinOfTouch =[recognisedGesture locationInView:chartView];
CGPoint poinOfMarker =[chartView getMarkerPositionWithEntry:entry highlight:highlight];
if (check if the chartview is BarChartView and if true) {
//-----------------------------------------------------If you want to detect touch/tap only on barchartview's bars
if (poinOfTouch.y > poinOfMarker.y) {
NSLog(#"within the bar area!");
NSLog(#"Outside the bar area!");
//-----------------------------------------------------If you want to detect touch/tap only on linechartView's markers
//-----------------------------------------------------creating two arrays of x and y points(possible nearby points of touch location)
NSMutableArray *containingXValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
NSMutableArray *containingYValue = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for (int i =0 ; i<5; i++) {
int roundedX = (poinOfMarker.x + 0.5);
int sumXValuesPositive = roundedX+i;
[containingXValue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sumXValuesPositive]];
int sumXValuesNegative = roundedX-i;
[containingXValue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sumXValuesNegative]];
int roundedY = (poinOfMarker.y + 0.5);
int sumYValuesPositive = roundedY+i;
[containingYValue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sumYValuesPositive]];
int sumYValuesNegative = roundedY-i;
[containingYValue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:sumYValuesNegative]];
int roundXPointTOuched = (poinOf.x + 0.5);
int roundYPointTOuched = (poinOf.y + 0.5);
//-----------------------------------------------------check if touchpoint exists in the arrays of possible points
if ([containingXValue containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:roundXPointTOuched]] && [containingYValue containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:roundYPointTOuched]])
// continue, the click is on marker!!!!
// stop, the click is not on marker!!!!
Edit : The initial solution was applicable only for the line chart, Now if this same situation arises for bar chart, you could handle it with the above code itself.
Man, I'd been running around it for a while now, feeling really great for getting a positive lead. There is no direction for this issue yet, hope this will be useful for someone like me cheers!
P.S. I'm marking this as answer just to make sure, it reaches the needful :). Thanks
It has a default highlight logic, that is, calculate the closest dataSet and xIndex, so we know which data to highlight.
You can customize this logic to restrain the allowed smallest distance. e.g. define the max allowed distance is 10, if the touch point is away from the closest dot > 10, you return false and not highlgiht.
Highlighter is a class, like BarChartHighlighter, ChartHighlighter, etc.
Update towards your comment:
when you tapped, the delegate method get called, so you know which data is highlighted. Your codes seems fine, however the condition code is blackbox to me. But the delegate will be called for sure, so you only have to worry about your logic.

zoom in zoom out at levels in shinobicharts ios

I am using ShinobiCharts in my iOS app to plot a line chart. This requires a feature where in the default view will be in Days. When i pinch zoom, i will be getting Weeks data, and more pinch zooming will give me Months data. Same applies for zoom out in reverse order.
I am not able to find a way to show this data at different zoom levels.
Please help me with this.
Im using following delegate method to check zoom level
- (void)sChartIsZooming:(ShinobiChart *)chart withChartMovementInformation:
(const SChartMovementInformation *)information;
but i dont find any way to check zoom levels.
One way of checking this is to determine the number of days currently displayed within the axis' visible range.
First off you'll need a way to record the current granularity of data on display in the chart:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, DataView)
The initial view will be DataViewDaily and is assigned within viewDidLoad to the property currentDataView.
Then within sChartIsZooming:withChartMovementInformation: you could do:
- (void)sChartIsZooming:(ShinobiChart *)chart withChartMovementInformation:(const SChartMovementInformation *)information
// Assuming x is our independent axis
CGFloat span = [_chart.xAxis.axisRange.span doubleValue];
static NSUInteger dayInterval = 60 * 60 * 24;
NSUInteger numberOfDaysDisplayed = span / dayInterval;
DataView previousDataView = _currentDataView;
if (numberOfDaysDisplayed <= 7)
// Show daily data
_currentDataView = DataViewDaily;
else if (numberOfDaysDisplayed <= 30)
// Show weekly data
_currentDataView = DataViewWeekly;
// Show monthly data
_currentDataView = DataViewMonthly;
// Only reload if the granularity has changed
if (previousDataView != _currentDataView)
// Reload and redraw chart to show new data
[_chart reloadData];
[_chart redrawChart];
Now within your datasource method sChart:dataPointAtIndex:forSeriesAtIndex: you can return the appropriate data points by switching on the value of _currentDataView.
Note that you may need to also update sChart:numberOfDataPointsForSeriesAtIndex to return the number of points to display at the current view level.

CorePlot allow user drag rotate PieChart

(As for I got the solution now, it is being shared at the bottom)
Fact is I have been struggling a while about this and I believe quite a lot of discussions I found are related to older versions of CorePlot or unanswered.
Firstly, I am using CorePlot 1.5.1.
I am able to plot a PieChart already and now I would like the user to be able to rotate it by dragging on the screen ( doesn't really matter touch directly the pieChart or the host View).
Using these delegates at the moment:
#interface MyChartViewController : UIViewController<CPTPieChartDataSource,CPTPlotSpaceDelegate,CPTPieChartDelegate>
Got a hostView,
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet CPTGraphHostingView *hostView;
Made a graph, set as, self.hostView.hostedGraph = graph
and made a PieChart, put into the graph, [graph addPlot:self.mainPieChart];
(I set the pieChart with a strong property to let me refer it anytime)
So, here is my first attempt, and fact is, it is responding, (though not in a desirable way)
CPTXYPlotSpace *plotSpace = (CPTXYPlotSpace *) self.hostView.hostedGraph.defaultPlotSpace;
[plotSpace setDelegate:self];
(only works by setting plotSpace delegate to self, not sure why, i guess it's about finding a way to receive user's interaction, anyway, then I overwrite these two functions)
Using this value:
static float deltaAngle;
-(BOOL)plotSpace:(CPTPlotSpace *)space shouldHandlePointingDeviceDownEvent:(UIEvent *)event atPoint:(CGPoint)point
float dx = point.x - self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.x;
float dy = point.y - self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.y;
deltaAngle = atan2(dy,dx);
return YES;
This, in order to save the first touching point
Then sense the dragging do use the difference to make the rotation
( at least I wanted so )
-(BOOL)plotSpace:(CPTPlotSpace *)space shouldHandlePointingDeviceDraggedEvent:(UIEvent *)event atPoint:(CGPoint)point
int x = self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.x;
int y = self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.y;
float dx = point.x - x;
float dy = point.y - y;
double a = atan2(dx,dy);
float angleDifference = deltaAngle - a;
self.mainPieChart.startAngle = -angleDifference;
return YES;
And here is an image about it, though i think I covered most of the details already.
It is in landscape mode though.
Fact is I think this would be the most appropriate function to call, but somehow I cannot call it out (pretty sure I set self.mainPieChart delegate/ datasource to self already)
-(BOOL)pointingDeviceDraggedEvent:(id)event atPoint:(CGPoint)interactionPoint{
(after further testing)
Interesting, after trying to print out different values, by the shouldHandlePointingDevice function (simply clicking), I think i got some ideas now.
the self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.x / y values always return 0.5 (both)
However, point x, point y are returning values vary from 1-500+,
it seems more like I am comparing two things, though they are on top of each other, from different perspective.
Likely the PlotSpace set delegate part messed that up.
So, as for now I still don't know how to call -(BOOL)pointingDeviceDraggedEvent:(id)event atPoint:(CGPoint)interactionPoint{, I tried to put it into a if loop like
if([self.mainPieChart pointingDeviceDownEvent:event atPoint:self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor] == YES)
under my touched function but nothing happened, never mind.
Back to the point, my current solution works well now, even after applying padding.
float x = (self.hostView.bounds.size.width + self.hostView.hostedGraph.paddingLeft)*self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.x;
float y = self.hostView.bounds.size.height * self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.y;
float dx = point.x - x;
float dy = point.y - y;
double a = atan2(dx,dy);
these lines are all same for both press / drag functions, as for drag function,
float angleDifference = deltaAngle - a;
self.mainPieChart.startAngle = angleDifference;
are added before the end
However, the case is slightly different when the Pie Chart is not at the middle, or, in other words, the graph holding the Pie Chart is padded.
( my example somehow is mid centre just to make it easy)
you simply have to mortify the x y float value above, it's easier than I expected.
For example if I have,
graph.paddingLeft = -300.0f;
the value of float x in both press/drag will become
float x = (self.hostView.bounds.size.width + self.hostView.hostedGraph.paddingLeft)*self.mainPieChart.centerAnchor.x;
The pie chart centerAnchor is given as fractions of the width and height. Be sure to multiply the anchor values by the corresponding dimension of the graph before computing dx and dy.

Smooth snake movement

This is language-agnostic question, more about model of my game.
I have a snake game with elements, but I move the elements smoothly, they don't just move 1 block each time, but instead they move some amount of pixels every frame.
I have an update loop that calculates the positions of the element, but I am stuck on correct calculations.
I have heading for each element:
typedef NS_ENUM(int, kElementHeading)
kElementHeadingNorth = 1,
I also have velocity (x, y) that determines in what direction snake is going. I have problem with snake movement, because my elements are in wrong positions. I managed to localize the thing for 2 elements, but my solution fails on more elements.
First solution I tried is to save point of rotation where the head changes direction. This worked, but due to different circumstances element can move different amount of pixels each turn. Often the element would skip the point. I tried increasing the zone where it should rotate, but it adds up error. I tried fixing this error, but element would still separate from snake (quite often).
On the second try I decided to keep the snake head in center of the screen and move the world around it. It worked good for 2 elements, as I just smoothly move the next element to desired position relatively to head. But this fails badly on more elements. If you make fast turns they start dancing and not following the path.
Third thing that I tried is leaving a path for other elements to follow. But that didn't work because I intend to keep my snake on center of the screen and technically it never moves to create a path.
I'm looking to replicate the movement pattern like in Nimble Quest (or any snake).
How should I implement snake elements moving to have no errors?
Here is my code for the first method, problem with it is that often the elements would fall off. The code is pretty self-explanatory. Rotation points are the places where to change direction.
CFTimeInterval delta = self.lastTime - currentTime;
CGPoint currentPosition = self.playerSnake.head.sprite.position;
CGPoint velocity = self.playerSnake.velocity;
self.playerSnake.head.sprite.position = CGPointMake(currentPosition.x + velocity.x * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR , currentPosition.y + velocity.y * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR);
for (SnakeElement *element in self.playerSnake.elements) {
CGPoint currentPositionE = element.sprite.position;
CGPoint velocityE = element.velocity;
element.sprite.position = CGPointMake(currentPositionE.x + velocityE.x * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR , currentPositionE.y + velocityE.y * delta * CONSTANTSPEEDFACTOR);
BOOL markToDelete = NO;
NSDictionary *deleteDictionary;
for (NSDictionary *dict in self.playerSnake.rotationPoints) {
CGPoint positionCoordinate = CGPointFromString(dict[#"position"]);
CGPoint velocityNew = CGPointFromString(dict[#"velocity"]);
double newAngle = [dict[#"angle"] doubleValue];
for (SnakeElement *element in self.playerSnake.elements) {
int xDifference = element.sprite.position.x - positionCoordinate.x;
int yDifference = element.sprite.position.y - positionCoordinate.y;
if ((xDifference > -2 && xDifference < 2) && (yDifference > -2 && yDifference < 2) ) {
element.velocity = velocityNew;
element.sprite.position = CGPointMake(element.sprite.position.x + xDifference, element.sprite.position.y + yDifference);
SKAction *action = [SKAction rotateToAngle:newAngle duration:0.2 shortestUnitArc:YES];
[element.sprite runAction:action];
if ([element isEqual:[self.playerSnake.elements lastObject]]) {
markToDelete = YES;
deleteDictionary = dict;
[self.playerSnake.rotationPoints removeObject:deleteDictionary];
If I try increase the catch zone for the turning point, the elements tend to fall off more often then when it is 1 or 2 pixels wide. I'm not sure why this happens.
This is what I was suggesting you do in the comments in terms of handling your turning on points :
1.. calculate the distance that the element should move that frame based on speed and your elapsed time since last frame. (delta)
2.. calculate distance from element's current position to the turn point. This is the beforeDistance I spoke of in the comments
3.. calculate the distance the element should move towards the NEW target turning point AFTER the turn
afterDistance = distanceToMoveThisFrame - beforeDistance
4.. Calculate the new position for your element, starting at the current turning point towards the next target turning point of the element using afterDistance
If you follow this logic, you will NEVER overshoot or undershoot the turning point.
