Source control in Azure? [closed] -

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am about to start using Visual Studio 2012 Pro with Azure Websites. I am not using Source control at present. However the idea of rolling back previous versions is very appealing if new code does not work. I really want to keep this as simple as possible.
The options I see are:
1.) TFS (service)
2.) GIT from Local repository to Azure Repository.
3.) Hosted GIT. SInce I am not using GIT at present, then I think this could become an unnecessary extra step.
I am using MVC3, EF4.1, SQL Server, C#.
From your experiences of both, it would be very interesting to hear of your observations
Thank you in advance.
Yes it could be opinion based, but I was hoping for some factual feedback from any folks that had perhaps tried both. I have altered my question above accordingly.

You can use Visual Studio Online. It integrates well with Azure Management Portal and offers both TFS and Git.
Visual Studio Online is free for up to 5 users. Whether you want to go with Git or TFS, I suggest you play around with both and then decide which one you like.
It also offers Agile and Scrum development process templates.


Migration VSTS cloud to self-hosted TFS Server [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to migrate our online VSTS to our own self-hosted TFS 2017 server.
Is there a way to do it and preserve history?
No, there currently is no easy way to move from Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS) back to Azure DevOps Server (formerly TFS) with full fidelity.
There are tools that can migrate work items over. There are tools that can migrate git over. There are tools that can migrate TFVC over (but all IDs change)... But there are so many other things potentially in your Team Projects (like Test results, builds, package management etc)...
In the end getting (mostly) everything from Azure DevOps into Azure DevOps Server should be doable, but you may loose links between items, lose some history and will likely reset dates and author data in the process.

visual studio enterprise web application having more than 30 projects using on big solution or multiple smaller solutions [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We are building a very large enterprise web application using Visual Studio 2013 MVC 5.
We are using TFS 2013.
We create one team project in the TFS.
Now in visual studio, we need best practice or guidelines to structure our application that contains about 14 modules.
1) create one really large solution containing all projects for all modules of the application.
2) create many smaller solutions with fewer projects in each.
Thank you.
Your choice will depend on one factor:
A. Does the team(s) involved in the project need to maintain every project of your solution?
One solution to rule them all, because otherwise your team mates would need to recompile parts of your entire project in different Visual Studio instances, and this can decrease productivity of your team, and it can lead to errors since more than a team mate will miss to recompile something and he/she'll get into big troubles until someone would tell him/her: just recompile X solution to get this working (or it can take to a documentation nightmare...).
B. Does each part of the project gets developed by many specialized teams?
Many solutions for the same main solution. Imagine that front-end team needs to consume infrastructure and domain code, and they aren't allowed to edit that last code base. Thus, front-end team would be able to edit front-end code base, and the backend team the rest of it.
Anyway, this implies that you'll need to configure TFS continous integration with TFBuild in order to drop latest and fresh backend built code in some network share, so front-end code will be able to binarily-reference these assemblies.
In other words: if there's a framework team and application team, maybe this approach makes sense. Otherwise, it'll be better to go with the first approach.
Anyway, a solution composed by 30 projects it's not a big solution! I wouldn't pay too much attention to this, and I would go with A. approach...

What is the best practice for setting up TFS for agile development? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking of giving each part of the agile lifecycle its own project (TFS project, not csproj) as per Microsoft's agile template.
Is it possible to move items (like User Stories or Tasks) from one Project to another?
Does the organization of these projects have any bearing on or affect the actual software build (solutions, csproj, etc)?
What is the recommended organizational structure of Projects, etc for an agile project?
Are there any guides you can recommend for setting TFS up to work with the standard agile process?
Do not set up multiple TFS projects for the same team/product line. You can't move things from one to another and they won't be able to share a common parent source control so you would miss out on much of what source control has to offer. Do some research by reading the links on the other answers.
I have never heard such a strange idea.
You should have one team project for each endeavor. Basically, a team project is the intersection of a team with a project.

Does it make sense to use TFS purely as a project management tool? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does it make sense to use the project management features of Team Foundation Server without using the Source Control and Automatic Build features? We're doing agile in an environment and would use TFS to manage the project but keep using the currently used source control and build software.
Thanks in advance,
One of TFS' primary strengths is that the work item tracking and source control are so closely linked. Another of its primary strengths is the integration into the Visual Studio IDE. It sounds like you wouldn't be using either of those features, so that starts to drive you away from using TFS as a solution.
Another factor that is an unknown here is how much you would need to pay for TFS licensing. If you already have that covered under existing MSDN licenses, then it probably isn't a factor.
That being said, the agile process template in TFS 2010 is a very nice agile-in-a-box solution, giving you the work items and management reports that you need to work in an agile environment. Additionally, you can modify the process template as needed to meet your particular flavor of agile.

Free Online Team Foundation Server [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Can anybody recommend a good free online Team Foundation Server repository?
I found CodePlex but it's only for open source projects.
Upto five team members it is free. Try it :)
Free is TFS hosted on Windows Azure:
If you need more info about TFSPreview, please read Brian Harry's MSDN blog post:
To obtain activation code just register there or contact someone from MS ALM team.
Update: TFS Preview goes live&stable as Visual Studio Online here: still free for 5 team members and build server computing time. Another nice feature automatic build&deploy (daily or continuous integration) to Azure. More info:
Readify used to run their TFSNow hosted TFS service, but I don't think it's going any longer. The only others I've heard of, apart from CodePlex, aren't free:
Saas Made Easy
I know this thread is old, but since a Google search brought me here, it will also do to other people who may find this useful.
Microsoft recenly launched Visual Studio Online, which is free for projects with up to 5 users:
I have been using it for a while, and it integrates completely with Visual Studio 2013. It claims integration with other IDEs too. Apart from TFS, Git can also be used with it.
I know this thread is old, but since a Google search brought me here
VSO is now Azure DevOps
Recently Microsoft Visual Studio Online (VSO) is now Azure DevOps
You can use Visual Studio Team Services for free. Also you can import a TFS repo to this cloud space.
This is what you wanted.
One of recent the TFS Rocks pocasts mentioned such an organisation, may have been number 16.
