Rails Custom Logger Writes To Log Sporadically - ruby-on-rails

I've set up a custom logger in an initializer:
# /config/initializers/logging.rb
log_file = File.open("#{Example::Application.config.root}/log/app.log", "a")
AppLogger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(log_file)
AppLogger.level = Logger::DEBUG
AppLogger.auto_flushing = true
AppLogger.debug "App Logger Up"
Although it creates the log file when I start the application, it doesn't write to the log file. Either from AppLogger.debug "App Logger Up" in the initializer or similar code elsewhere in the running application.
However, intermittently I do find log statements in the file, though seemingly without any pattern. It would seem that it is buffering the log messages and dumping them when it feels like it. However I'm setting auto_flushing to true which should cause it to flush the buffer immediately.
What is going on and how can I get it working?
Note: Tailing the log with $ tail -f "log/app.log" also doesn't pick up changes.
I'm using POW, but I've also tried with WEBrick and get the same (lack of) results.

Found the answer in a comment to the accepted answer to on this question:
I added:
log_file.sync = true
And it now works.


Beam/Dataflow: No session file found: /var/opt/google/dataflow/pickled_main_session

When using Apache Beam (GCP Dataflow) I see the following warning in worker logs:
No session file found: /var/opt/google/dataflow/pickled_main_session.
Functions defined in __main__ (interactive session) may fail.
My Dataflow job seems to be fine regardless, but I'm wondering what this warning is all about.
I have seen the following in some sample code (which I am NOT currently doing):
pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = True
where pipeline_options is the main way of specifying options for the Beam/Dataflow pipeline, as in the following later in the code:
with beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) as p:
# actual pipeline code here
I am curious if the two are related. Does the presence of the warning mean I should always be saving the main session? Are these two things related? Unrelated?
You should be able to safely ignore this warning. No need to set save_main_session if it's not required for your pipeline.

Ruby logger to append mode

My question is divided in 2 sections
There are multiple ways to create a loggers (I using ActiveSupport::Logger) which inherit from Logger.
# Approach 1
logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new('test.log')
logger.info "Test1" # => I see the auto flushing happens in this
# Approach 2
logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(File.new('test.log','a'))
logger.info "Test2" ## No auto flushing unless done logger.close
So, I don't see a point with approach 2 no auto flushing happen in them.
Why does the auto flushing does not happen in approach 2?
If I happen to delete my log file none of above approach(mention above) ever create a new log file again and also not log the log message.
What should I do in the situation like this? How does Rails does this? Any clue?
Autoflushing is a property of the IO object, not of the Logger. Logger (via LogDevice) sets f.sync = true when it opens the file, so if you want to autoflush to a custom file, you need to do that yourself:
> f = File.open('test.log', 'a')
> f.sync = true
> l = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(f)
When you delete the file, the Logger still has a reference to the old file descriptor, which no longer has a place on disk to write. If you try to lstat it, you'll see an error:
> f.lstat
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_file_lstat - test.log
If you notice this, you can reopen to get a new file on disk:
> f.reopen('test.log', 'a')
> f.lstat
#<File::Stat dev=0x1000002, ino=22095609, mode=0100644, nlink=1, uid=501, gid=20, rdev=0x0, size=0, blksize=4096, blocks=0, atime=2016-04-19 08:09:45 -0700, mtime=2016-04-19 08:09:44 -0700, ctime=2016-04-19 08:09:44 -0700, birthtime=2016-04-19 08:09:44 -0700>

Delayed_job is no longer logging

For some reason, my Rails app is no longer logging my DelayedJob gem's activity, either to a separate log (delayed_job.log) or to the main Rails development log. I am also using the Workless gem, should this be relevant.
It used to say things like this:
2013-06-07T19:16:25-0400: [Worker(delayed_job.workless host:MyNames-MacBook-Pro.local pid:28504)] Starting job worker
2013-06-07T19:16:38-0400: [Worker(delayed_job.workless host:MyNames-MacBook-Pro.local pid:28504)] MyApp#scrape completed after 13.0290
2013-06-07T19:16:38-0400: [Worker(delayed_job.workless host:MyNames-MacBook-Pro.local pid:28504)] 1 jobs processed at 0.0761 j/s, 0 failed ...
2013-06-07T19:16:43-0400: [Worker(delayed_job.workless host:MyNames-MacBook-Pro.local pid:28504)] Exiting...
But nothing is appearing anymore in any of the logs.
How can I make sure that DelayedJob activity logs to the main development log? I don't mind if it also logs to a separate log, but the important thing is that I see its activity in my Mac's console.
I have searched for answers to this issue online (such as here and nothing is working.
Here is my delayed_job_config.rb: (in config/initializers)
Delayed::Worker.sleep_delay = 60
Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 2
Delayed::Worker.max_run_time = 20.minutes
Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger
Delayed::Worker.logger.auto_flushing = true
Please let me know if you'd like more code from my app - I'd be happy to provide it. Much thanks from a Rails newbie.
I finally got this to work. All thanks to Seamus Abshere's answer to the question here. I put what he posted below in an initializer file. This got delayed_job to log to my development.rb file (huzzah!).
However, delayed_job still isn't logging into my console (for reasons I still don't understand). I solved that by opening a new console tab and entering tail -f logs/development.log.
Different from what Seamus wrote, though, auto-flushing=true is deprecated in Rails 4 and my Heroku app crashed. I resolved this by removing it from my initializer file and placing it in my environments/development.rb file as config.autoflush_log = true. However, I found that neither of the two types of flushing were necessary to make this work.
Here is his code (without the auto-flushing):
file_handle = File.open("log/#{Rails.env}_delayed_jobs.log", (File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT))
# Be paranoid about syncing
file_handle.sync = true
# Hack the existing Rails.logger object to use our new file handle
Rails.logger.instance_variable_set :#log, file_handle
# Calls to Rails.logger go to the same object as Delayed::Worker.logger
Delayed::Worker.logger = Rails.logger
If the above code doesn't work, try replacing Rails.logger with RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.

How to configure queue_classic logging

I couldn't find anywhere a solution on how to make queue_classic write logs to a file. Scrolls, which Queue_Classic uses for logging, doesn't seem to have any example either.
Could someone provide a working example?
The logging within the method called by QC will be the source for the logging. For example, in rails. Any call to Rails.logger will go to the log file appropriate to your RAILS_ENV. The log data coming from scrolls goes to stdout, so you could pipe STDOUT from your queues to a log file when you start them.
You could control your queues with god.rb giving a god.rb configuration instance similar to this (I've left your configuration for number of queues, directories, etc up to you):
number_queues.times do |queue_num|
God.watch do |w|
w.name = "QC-#{queue_num}"
w.group = "QC"
w.interval = 5.minutes
w.start = "bundle exec rake queue:work" # This is your rake task to start QC listening
w.gid = 'nginx'
w.uid = 'nginx'
w.dir = rails_root
w.env = {"RAILS_ENV" => rails_env}
w.log = "#{log_dir}/qc.stdout.log" # Or.... "#{log_dir}//qc-#{queue_num}.stdout.log"
# determine the state on startup
w.transition(:init, { true => :up, false => :start }) do |on|
on.condition(:process_running) do |c|
c.running = true
FWIW, I find the STDOUT log data to be less than helpful and may end up just sending it to the bitbucket.
If the log data is useless, we should consider removing it.
DEBUG is very nice when I'm running it from a commandline. For times when I am trying to figure out what I've done to bork everything up (usually bundling issues, path issues, etc). Or times when I am going to demo what is going on in a queue.
For me, INFO logging consists of the standard lib=queue_classic level=info action=insert_job elapsed=16 message and any STDOUT/STDERR from forked executions or from PostgreSQL. I've not extended any of the logging classes since scrolls goes to STDOUT and my tasks are in an environment that provides logging.
Sure, it could be removed. I think that REALLY depends on the environment and what the queue is doing. If I were to be doing something that did not have Rails.logger then I would use the QC.log and scrolls more effectively and instrument my tasks in that manner.
As I play with it, I may keep my configuration as-is just because of the output coming from methods/applications called by the tasks themselves. I might decide to override QC.log code to add date/time. I am still working to determine what fits my needs.
Sorry, my last line was really focused on the environment example I had given.
original here: enter link description here

Why is my Ruby script utilizing 90% of my CPU?

I wrote a admin script that tails a heroku log and every n seconds, it summarizes averages and notifies me if i cross a certain threshold (yes I know and love new relic -- but I want to do custom stuff).
Here is the entire script.
I have never been a master of IO and threads, I wonder if I am making a silly mistake. I have a couple of daemon threads that have while(true){} which could be the culprit. For example:
# read new lines
f = File.open(file, "r")
f.seek(0, IO::SEEK_END)
while true do
line = f.gets
I use one daemon to watch for new lines of a log, and the other to periodically summarize.
Does someone see a way to make it less processor-intensive?
This probably runs hot because you never really block while reading from the temporary file. IO::select is a thin layer over POSIX select(2). It looks like you're trying to block until the file is ready for reading, but select(2) considers EOF to be ready ("a file descriptor is also ready on end-of-file"), so you always return right away from select then call gets which returns nil at EOF.
You can get a truer EOF reading and nice blocking behavior by avoiding the thread which writes to the temp file and instead using IO::popen to fork the %x[heroku logs --ps router --tail --app pipewave-cedar] log tailer, connected to a ruby IO object on which you can loop over gets, exiting when gets returns nil (indicating the log tailer finished). gets on the pipe from the tailer will block when there's nothing to read and your script will only run as hot as it takes to do your line parsing and reporting.
EDIT: I'm not set up to actually try your code, but you should be able to replace the log tailer thread and your temp file read loop with this code to get the behavior described above:
IO.popen( %w{ heroku logs --ps router --tail --app my-heroku-app } ) do |logf|
while line = logf.gets
parse_heroku_line(line) if line =~ /^/
I also notice your reporting thread does not do anything to synchronize access to #total_lines, #total_errors, etc. So, you have some minor race conditions where you can get inconsistent values from the instance vars that parse_heroku_line method updates.
select is about whether a read would block. f is just a plain old file, so you when get to the end reads don't block, they just return nil instantly. As a result select returns instantly rather than waiting for something to be appending to the file as I assume you're expecting. Because of this you're sitting in a tight busy loop, so high cpu is to be expected.
If you are at eof (you could either check f.eof? or whether gets returns nil), then you could either start sleeping (perhaps with some sort of back off) or use something like listen to be notified of filesystem changes
