Why does UIButton alter subviews' positions? - ios

I add 2 label and 1 image to show at specific positions in a button.
If I don't reset positions inside layoutSubviews method, button breaks all those positions. (for example sticks the image to 0,0)
If I add a parent contentView for all the subviews and add contentView to button, it doesn't change anything either.. button breaks positions inside the contentView too.
What can be the reason of this?

If this is not working you can go for the custom view.
1) Add custom UIView.
2) Add your labels and images on it
3) Add TapGestureRecognizer to the custom view.
This will give you button like functionality, and all images and labels will be at proper position.
Hope this will help you.


Placing a button at the bottom of a collectionView

I'm trying to make a collectionView that shows 10 item at first, when scrolling to the bottom I want to have a button that clicking it will load more info, its something simple but the thing is that I'm not using storyboard and I did everything programmatically, so how it can be done?
UICollectionView is a subclass of UIScrollView. So you need to:
Add your button as subview of your UICollectionView
Set it's frame in the way you prefer (if you count your frames in code - just set it manually) based on .contentSize of you UICollectionView.
Set .contentInset.bottom property based on the height of your button/footer
You need to handle the case when .contentSize changes. If your button should be visible all the time, maybe better to set your button frame in viewDidLayoutSubviews() function
If you want to show/hide it in some cases, you can animate it using UIView.animate(withDuration:) by setting .contentInset.bottom in the block

How to add Button+ScrollView in Swift together?

I would like to create a level menu in swift.
I have a ScrollView and an image inside the ScrollView .
I would like to add a button which stays at the same place when the ScrollView scrolls.
If I put the button on the same level as the Scrollerview, it would work but the image inside the
ScrollView covers the button. If i put the button inside, it starts to move as i scroll.
How can i scroll the image and leave the button at the same place?
You should put the button on the same level as the ScrollView but above in the element list.

Swift, iOS - have button move up when clicked to display text field? Then move back?

I know how to accomplish this in something like sprite kit but with just a normal ViewController I'm a little lost - right now I have my button and my UITextfield set up on my xib file. Right now, when the button is clicked my textfield goes from hidden to not, which is great.
Problem is I need to have my button slide up (as in animate up) to "reveal" the text field when clicked. As in the textfield would be underneath the button. When another button is clicked, I want the button to slide back down to its original position. I don't know how to implement these animations.
Here is an image of what I need:
So the blue button would trigger the move up when clicked. Then if another button is pressed the blue button moves back to original position over textfield.
How can I accomplish this?
Here's an option you can try if you aren't displaying these in a UITableView:
Setup your .xib with all of the possible views in an 'expanded' state. Give your views that will be revealed a height constraint (in addition to the others needed to layout the view properly), and then create an outlet for those height constraints in your view controller. Additionally, store a reference to what you want the expanded height of the view to be in your view controller.
In viewDidLoad of your view controller you will set those height constraints' constant values to 0. This will cause these views to effectively disappear, and your other views should fill in the gaps they leave behind based on their constraints.
When one of your buttons is pressed, you'll update which views should be visible by setting their height constraint to 0 if you want them hidden, or to the value you saved earlier if you want them shown. After the height has been updated, call
UIView.animateWithDuration(howLongTheAnimationLasts) {
which should animate the change in height values.
Alternatively, you could try putting your options in a UITableView and altering their height using tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: and reloading the cells when their heights should change.

iOS: How can I remove reference to sub-views?

I'm creating an app that has hundreds of view controllers in interface-builder. Each of these view controllers has a button with a code number. When the button is pressed I want the button to expand and show a few lines of text describing the code number. The problem is that the button is placed within a subview that acts as a frame for the button. Therefore, the expanded button size is going to be constrained to that subview and the text will be cutoff. Is there a way for me to programmatically remove the reference to the sub-view? I can do this in interface-builder, but like I said there are hundreds of these view controllers.
Instead I removing it you could expand the subView's and the UIButton's width. That would allow the button to expand as you'd like it to and you would not have to remove the subViews.

Disabling touch interaction of Spaces between Custom table view cell

I use custom cells of subclassing UITableViewCell in a table view. And There must be space between cells. I succesfully add the space with adding a subview that I called SpaceView into the content view. But When I touched the spaceView, it is perceived as I touched the cell. And didSelectRow method called. I tried to set spaceView's UserInteractionEnabled==NO. But It doesn't work.
So my question is; Is this the right way I used to add space between cells ? Should I try to add cells for making the space ? or If its the right way, How can I prevent calling "didSelectRowAtIndexPath" method when I touched spaceView ?
like Inder said below, u can use an UIButton to solve the issue.
1) in your custom cell: at the bottom of your custom cell add a blank UIButton with the height u actually need between cells, and customize its background color according to your needs.
2) in cellforrowatindexpath: disable button of each cell. (or you can also do that in Interface Builder of previous step)
result: u have a clear disabled button that will appear as required space between cells.
Make your spaceView as UIButton (I guess it's UIView right now)
When you add UIButton that touch will be consumed by the button thus touch won't be passed to it's parent.
I'm not sure if it will work or not, you can add tap gesture to your spaceView
