The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value - ios

I am attempting to submit my game to the App Store. For some reason I am getting this error message when I validate my archive and I have no idea why!
The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value
The bundle ID in my XCode project directly matches that of the product in iTunes.
Why on earth is submitting to the App Store so complicated. I've done it three times now and always run into a million problems :/
I have:
An app created in ITC with the correct bundle identifier
A company certificate that I use for all my games / apps
An app ID that directly matches the bundles in both XCode and ITC
A production provisioning profile that matches the correct bundle ID

I'm having the same exact problem, plus it keeps complaining that there's an icon file missing for iPad that is clearly there, added to the plist AND in the Target's General/App icons area. I think Apple just makes things more difficult to try to slow developers down. Android is such a treat compared to this mess! I'll write back if I can figure it out.
EDIT: Holy cow after rebuilding the project from scratch and recreating the provisioning profile I finally noticed that my stinking app in ITC was not set to "Waiting for upload"... dumb on my part, but wow iOS, thanks for picking another app's bundle ID to give me the error instead of telling em what the real problem was!


Why am I having so much trouble submitting my app to Apple?

This is my first time trying to submit an app to Apple, and I'm having a bunch of issues. I'm pretty sure I've generated all my certificates, AppID's, etc... I've been running the app on my phone just fine, then all of a sudden I started getting errors submitting. My first error was this:
But as you can see, the Bundle ID's are the same:
The ID in Xcode:
And the ID in iTunes Connect:
So I tried changing the Bundle ID, and made sure the Bundle ID's were the same across iTunes connect, Xcode, etc. I started out the project with a different name. Should I just start a new project with consistent naming?
Should the Bundle Identifier in Info read com.Kaen.M01eskin ?
It doesn't work with Application Loader either:
Somewhere the bundle identifier is getting M01eskin---prepended to it. As you can see in the dialog. I would check in your info.plist if perhaps there is something in Bundle identifier before the $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).
You could try hard coding it there and see if that resolves your problems.
Or try looking in your build settings for the target under Product Bundle Identifier and check there as well.
Make sure bundle id is same on your application & iTunes Connect.
Try using the Application Loader utility instead of the Archive upload to the App Store. It's available in the menu under Xcode... Open Developer Tool... Application Loader. You still have to create an Archive first; main difference is that you have to pick out your Archive via a Finder interface. Plus, you can get an active timeline for all the tasks, with current task and elapsed times.

Please correct and re-submit. An App ID with Identifier 'com.brs.paysrc' (example) is not available. Please enter a different string

I have an existing app with bundle identifier com.brs.paysrc example and the app is live on store. It was created using a wildcard app id. Now i want to enable push notifications for this app. So i tried to create a new app id with b uncle identifier as com.brs.paysrc but it give some an error saying There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit. An App ID with Identifier 'com.brs.paysrc' (example) is not available. Please enter a different string.
(I'm not sure if this'll help you...)
I had the same issue with an app our company has in the App Store.
The reason was because we have both a Developer Program (so we're allowed to submit an App onto the App Store) and an Enterprise Program (so I can make in-house copies of the app).
Our Bundle ID was registered under the Developer Program, but I had logged into the Apple Developer website and had chosen the Enterprise Program group.
In the Apple Developers website, the Identifies\App IDs didn't show our Bundle ID, because it was actually registered under our Developer Program... but, of course, it still refused to let me create the Bundle ID a second time, and, as usual, the error message gave no clue as to what the problem was.
I really hate the whole Certificates/Provisioning Profile stuff with Apple. Their error handling/reporting, when you get something wrong, is a farce. And it'll happily let you create non-working apps, deploy them to a device, then report a "Your app could not be installed at this time" when things go wrong.
Even yesterday, when I was ready to deploy a new version of the App to the App Store, I could create an Archive, the Validate said it was all fine, but then when I submitted it, it reported 3 errors in my .plist file.
Oh, and remember that your Bundle ID is stored in the .plist file and in the settings:
Make sure this Bundle ID is correct in both places!
You might have clicked it twice (I did). Check here, to see if your id is there:
Please give unique bundle ID, it will resolve your problem. Sometimes the same bundle ID is already used by another app. Hence this issue occurs. Try with different bundle ID it will resolve your problem.

Product Name not displaying properly in Bundle Identifier - numbers not showing?

On my app developer site I created a an app ID of org.myorg.54Miles My apps name is 54Miles.
In XCode my product name is set to 54Miles under my Build Settings - but it makes my bundle identifier under the general "org.sd54.-4Miles"
Any idea why this is? It's causing me to not be able to archive the app and get it distributed because the AppID doesn't match the bundle ID in xcode.
I want it to read: org.sd54.54Miles - but currently I cannot get it to stop reading org.sd54.-4Miles
Cannot figure it out!
I ended up just leaving the bundle ID as it was since apparently Apple has a problem leading with digits in the bundle identifier.
So I just created a new App ID in the developer site to match it. I have since been able to deploy it without issue.

iOS app Bundle ID errors and iTunesConnect

As described in this SO entry, I am getting errors in iOS app Application Uploader.
These are the values I have:
in KeyChain I have this certificate:
iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID)
In my account I have defined app:
Name: LongReadableName
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: com.example.*
Name: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: *
These are the errors I am getting:
This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:
The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect appname.
Above has let me to conclude I possible submitted the app incorrectly (?) to iTunesConnect since that is the only conclusion that makes any sense to me.
(For reference, and if I understood everything correctly, I believe both the specific and wildcard app ID is appropriate for me since I do not need to use inapp-purchases or anything like that.)
When submiting an app in iTunesConnect I can choose between
Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID - *****
LongReadableName - com.example.*
I am completely lost on how I can ever choose a BundleID / BundleID Suffix that obeys both what is written in iTunesConnect (?) and the errors I am getting in Application Uploader right now. Could anyone point me to values I could use that would not collide with Application Uploader requirements?
Newest update #1
I decided to drop using wildcard app IDs since I can see that has caused other people problems. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader. That resulted in error message:
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect com.example.appname.
As you can see, the bundle ID is now the same, but still it complains. I do not understand why :(
Newest update #2
I actually made a small typo error last night when I tried above. Guess I was too tired. Above solution works! (I will make it an answer.)
Ditching the wildcard app ID worked for me. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader.

Validation/Submission error: Application failed codesign verification

I have a number of apps that are almost identical (with the exception of a few constants, images, and a sqllite database file). I've never had any issues submitting them before, however today one of the updates gave the following error when validating/submitting (note: I have updated this app in the past with no issues):
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate.
I've spent all day trying everything to get this to work. I even diff'd the entire project folder against another app (which submitted successfully, today), and all build/signing settings are exactly the same (except bundle identifier, version number, etc.). I've even (as a last resort!) revoked the certificate and re-generated everything, including provisioning profiles.
I've been through all of the steps listed here:
However, if I "Share" the app from the Organizer and save to disk, running codesign -dvvv says it's not signed at all (however, this happens with the ones that worked!). Not sure how else to run this, as the file generated (and shown in Organizer) is not a .app file.
I'm at a total loss how to figure out what's wrong with this, or why it's any different to the others. I don't seem to be able to get any more information out of the Organizer. The app was built exactly the same way as the others, and the project files etc. are identical (except for expected differences like images/names).
Ok, fixed this... I wish I'd tried this sooner, as it would've saved me many hours today!
It seems that the App Store provisioning file for this app was somehow corrupt - not on my Mac, but on Apples servers.. I downloaded it many times today, with no luck. I just discovered that selecting the Ad-Hoc profile during Validation worked, which led me to believe it was specific to the App Store one. So I deleted the App Store provisioning file from the iOS dev dashboard, then recreated it, downloaded it, and it worked!
Before I deleted it, I edited it, and everything was set correctly, and the expiration date was 6 months from now, so I can only assume something was broken Apple's side (even though I'm sure this same file worked in the past!) :-(
I also have the same problem.
All my provisioning Profiles, Certificates, Bundle Identifier every thing was perfect.
Except My Apps Executable file Name in Info.Plist and Product Name in Target Build Settings was slightly different.
And just because of that codesign_wrapper was not able locate Provisioning.
I spend nearly one day to figure this out.
So Please do one check
App Product Name is have to be same with your Executable file in Info.Plist.
I have a very similar problem, but in my case my distribution profiles keep disappearing from my system. So when an application specific distribution profile disappear Xcode picks up another one (wildcard, iPhone developer, etc.) which is not correct. Everything looks fine except I get this error.
My solution was that I downloaded all of my code signing profiles from Apple. I saved them in a directory and whenever one "disappears" I just have to double click the correct profile to add it to Xcode and update "release" entry in Code Signing Identity in plist.
