Send line break to GSP - grails

I need to send a string to my view that includes line breaks. If my controller says:
def answer = "Line 1<br/>Line 2"
render answer
It displays two lines of text in the view. But I need it to work with:
def answer = "Line 1<br/>Line 2"
[answer: answer]
where I have an ${answer} tag in my gsp. When I do the above, I get a single line exactly as it appears in the quotes. How do I get my tag to interpret the HTML?

Return Line 1 and Line 2 as array
For Example
IN Controller
String[] answer = null
[answer: answer]
${answer.get(1)}<br />${answer.get(2)}
Hope this will help


New line character in Information Message in SAP v730 (via message class)?

I want the Information Message to show two lines of text.
Can this be done using one message class statement. Ex.
MESSAGE i001(z56_myclass) WITH lv_cust_id.
I tried putting the string of the short text with characters \n # \r \\n etc. but nothing worked. I don't know how to use long text editor for this particular requirement. Any help would be great.
You can't control the message carriage return in MESSAGE statement.
You can try instead with the following information popup
call function 'POPUP_TO_INFORM'
titel = 'Information'
txt1 = 'Registration successful'
txt2 = 'Customer Id is 0000001234'.
You have 4 text rows at your disposal (from txt1 to txt4).

How to show String new lines on gsp grails file?

I've stored a string in the database. When I save and retrieve the string and the result I'm getting is as following:
This is my new object
Testing multiple lines
-- Test 1
-- Test 2
-- Test 3
That is what I get from a println command when I call the save and index methods.
But when I show it on screen. It's being shown like:
This is my object Testing multiple lines -- Test 1 -- Test 2 -- Test 3
Already tried to show it like the following:
But still the same thing.
Do I need to replace \n to or something like that? Is there any easier way to show it properly?
Common problems have a variety of solutions
1> could be you that you replace \n with <br>
so either in your controller/service or if you like in gsp:
2> display the content in a read-only textarea
<g:textArea name="something" readonly="true">
3> Use the <pre> tag
4> Use css white-space
<div class="space">
//css code:
.space {
Also make a note if you have a strict configuration for the storage of such fields that when you submit it via a form, there are additional elements I didn't delve into what it actually was, it may have actually be the return carriages or \r, anyhow explained in comments below. About the good rule to set a setter that trims the element each time it is received. i.e.:
Class Advice {
String advice
static constraints = {
advice(nullable:false, minSize:1, maxSize:255)
* In this scenario with a a maxSize value, ensure you
* set your own setter to trim any hidden \r
* that may be posted back as part of the form request
* by end user. Trust me I got to know the hard way.
void setAdvice(String adv) {
${raw(adviceInstance.advice?.encodeAsHTML().replace("\n", "<br>"))}
This is how i solve the problem.
Firstly make sure the string contains \n to denote line break.
For example :
String test = "This is first line. \n This is second line";
Then in gsp page use:
${raw(test?.replace("\n", "<br>"))}
The output will be as:
This is first line.
This is second line.

grails/groovy braces syntax question

I'm working with an example that I can't understand what the braces do -- the ones around the "Logout" in the second "out" statement below. I guess the string is passed as a closure but I'm not getting the syntax beyond that. Can you please clarify? Note the output of the code looks like the following:
John Doe [Logout]
class LoginTagLib {
def loginControl = {
if(request.getSession(false) && session.user){
out << "Hello ${session.user.login} "
out << """[${link(action:"logout",
} else {
out << """[${link(action:"login",
Thanks Much
The link tag takes attributes and a body, and as a regular GSP tag it's called like this:
<g:link action="logout" controller="user">Logout</g:link>
To invoke it as a method like you're doing, you need a way to pass the text ('Logout') to render in the link. If you look at the source of the tag (click "Show Source" at the bottom of you'll see that the 2nd argument is body, and it's a Closure (although that's not clear from the code, but that's always the case for 2-parameter tags). {"Logout"} is a Closure that returns "Logout" since it's the last expression, so it's used as the body.
Actually the output should be
Hello John Doe [Logout]
Essentially, if there is a session and a user write Hello user and create a link pointing to a logout action with the label Logout.
{ "Logout" } is a closure equivalent to { return "Logout"; } as the last statement is used for a return value if none is explicitly stated.
I am not able to get the output like below
Hello John Doe [Logout]
Here is the output I am getting
Hello jdoe [Logout

Nokogiri/Ruby array question

I have a quick question. I am currently writing a Nokogiri/Ruby script and have the following code:
fullId = doc.xpath("/success/data/annotatorResultBean/annotations/annotationBean/concept/fullId")
fullId.each do |e|
e = e.to_s()
g.write(e + "\n")
This spits out the following text:
I wanted the just the numbers text in between the "< fullid>" saved, without the < fullId>,< /fullId> markup. What am I missing?
I think you want to use the text() accessor (which returns the child text values), rather than to_s() (which serializes the entire node, as you see here).
I'm not sure what the g object you're calling write on is, but the following code should give you an array containing all of the text in the fullId nodes:
doc.xpath(your_xpath).map {|e| e.text}

Truncate Markdown?

I have a Rails site, where the content is written in markdown. I wish to display a snippet of each, with a "Read more.." link.
How do I go about this? Simple truncating the raw text will not work, for example..
>> "This is an [example]("[0..25]
=> "This is an [example](http:"
Ideally I want to allow the author to (optionally) insert a marker to specify what to use as the "snippet", if not it would take 250 words, and append "..." - for example..
This article is an example of something or other.
This segment will be used as the snippet on the index page.
This text will be visible once clicking the "Read more.." link
The marker could be thought of like an EOF marker (which can be ignored when displaying the full document)
I am using maruku for the Markdown processing (RedCloth is very biased towards Textile, BlueCloth is extremely buggy, and I wanted a native-Ruby parser which ruled out peg-markdown and RDiscount)
Alternatively (since the Markdown is translated to HTML anyway) truncating the HTML correctly would be an option - although it would be preferable to not markdown() the entire document, just to get the first few lines.
So, the options I can think of are (in order of preference)..
Add a "truncate" option to the maruku parser, which will only parse the first x words, or till the "excerpt" marker.
Write/find a parser-agnostic Markdown truncate'r
Write/find an intelligent HTML truncating function
Write/find an intelligent HTML truncating function
The following from, with some modifications will correctly truncate HTML, and easily allow appending a string before the closing tags.
>> puts "<p><b>Something</p>".truncate_html(5, at_end = "...")
=> <p><b>Someth...</b></p>
The modified code:
require 'rexml/parsers/pullparser'
class String
def truncate_html(len = 30, at_end = nil)
p =
tags = []
new_len = len
results = ''
while p.has_next? && new_len > 0
p_e = p.pull
case p_e.event_type
when :start_element
tags.push p_e[0]
results << "<#{tags.last}#{attrs_to_s(p_e[1])}>"
when :end_element
results << "</#{tags.pop}>"
when :text
results << p_e[0][0..new_len]
new_len -= p_e[0].length
results << "<!-- #{p_e.inspect} -->"
if at_end
results << "..."
tags.reverse.each do |tag|
results << "</#{tag}>"
def attrs_to_s(attrs)
if attrs.empty?
' ' + { |attr| %{#{attr[0]}="#{attr[1]}"} }.join(' ')
Here's a solution that works for me with Textile.
Convert it to HTML
Truncate it.
Remove any HTML tags that got cut in half with
html_string.gsub(/<[^>]*$/, "")
Then, uses Hpricot to clean it up and close unclosed tags
html_string = Hpricot( html_string ).to_s
I do this in a helper, and with caching there's no performance issue.
You could use a regular expression to find a line consisting of nothing but "^" characters:
markdown_string = <<-eos
This article is an example of something or other.
This segment will be used as the snippet on the index page.
This text will be visible once clicking the "Read more.." link
preview = markdown_string[0...(markdown_string =~ /^\^+$/)]
puts preview
Rather than trying to truncate the text, why not have 2 input boxes, one for the "opening blurb" and one for the main "guts". That way your authors will know exactly what is being show when without having to rely on some sort of funkly EOF marker.
I will have to agree with the "two inputs" approach, and the content writer would need not to worry, since you can modify the background logic to mix the two inputs in one when showing the full content.
full_content = input1 + input2 // perhaps with some complementary html, for a better formatting
Not sure if it applies to this case, but adding the solution below for the sake of completeness. You can use strip_tags method if you are truncating Markdown-rendered contents:
truncate(strip_tags(markdown(article.contents)), length: 50)
Sourced from:
A simpler option that just works:
truncate(markdown(item.description), length: 100, escape: false)
