How can i send and save credit card data from ecommerce website to desktop Quickbooks - quickbooks

I was wondering how can I send customer credit card data from ecommerce website to Quickbooks. There are some concepts i am confused.
From my understanding, basically I can process credit card on my ecommerce website using "Merchant Service for Web Stores" API, and i found there is a "Payment wallet" function, is the connected to customer credit card info on desktop Quickbooks? What's the proper way to process credit card for my ecommerce site and at the meantime sending the customer credit card data into my desktop Quickbooks, saved there and for future use?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ps: The ecommerce site is by PHP

I was wondering how can I send customer credit card data from ecommerce website to Quickbooks.
Are you sure you actually need the credit card data in QuickBooks? You should know that if doing this, you likely won't be PCI compliant without jumping through a lot of hoops - and remember that storing credit card data on site is incredibly dangerous from a litigation/security/legal standpoint. You're setting yourself up to get sued when that data gets stolen.
From my understanding, basically I can process credit card on my ecommerce website using "Merchant Service for Web Stores" API,
and i found there is a "Payment wallet" function,
Yes, and this is what you should be using. It securely stores the data with Intuit instead of with you, so that you are still PCI compliant and the card data is safe.
It allows you to push credit card data to Intuit, and they return a unique ID value to you which you can use to charge the credit card at any time in the future, without actually having to know the card number itself.
is the connected to customer credit card info on desktop Quickbooks?
No, it's not.
What's the proper way to process credit card for my ecommerce site and at the meantime sending the customer credit card data into my desktop Quickbooks, saved there and for future use?
You don't want to do this. There is no proper way to do this. It's a terrible, insecure practice. Don't do it.
Instead, charge the credit card via the QBMS API, and then store the credit card in the payment wallet and store the payment wallet unique ID in your database. You can then write a simple program that lives and uses that unique wallet ID to charge them again at any time.
Since you're using PHP, this is the best place to start (disclaimer: I'm the author of the below code):
open source QuickBooks PHP DevKit
Specifically, you'll want to look at the QuickBooks Merchant Service examples:
PHP - charge credit cards with Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Services
PHP - store credit card info securely with Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Services
Before you can really utilize the code, you'll have to go through a very simple registration process with Intuit (register in DESKTOP mode for easiest implementation).
Quick-start for Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Services with PHP


Allow user to input financial information for stripe express account?

I'm trying to build a Patreon-like app: A creator creates an account where users can then subscribe for some price.
I have gotten to the point in my code where I now need the user to add his bank info into stripe so he can receive funds. I have come across questions like this, and this, but neither shares any information on how a user can input his bank info on the client-side (they only deal with the backend).
The connected accounts are Express accounts.
How do I make the user add banking information on the client-side?
I have been recommended this stripe page but it does not show how to allow a creator to input banking info on client-side. I have also implemented the example backend code from firebase and updated it for my specific case.
I've also come across this page about Managing bank accounts and debit cards but it appears to be for custom accounts not express.
Stripe uses a hosted onboarding page for Express accounts. It's basically a form hosted on a Stripe domain that handles all the common onboarding requirements (e.g. verification documents and bank account details) needed.
Once the user has filled everything in they are redirected back to your site/app. In other words you don't really have to worry about collecting bank details client side, Stripe does it for you:

How can I use PayPal's credit card vault in RoR without having the CC information hit my server?

I have a client who is dead-set on using PayPal for Credit Card processing. The application must be able to charge cards without the user entering the information every time. Digging around, I've found the Credit Card Vault feature, which would at least let me store credit card information for future use. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, there's no JS based tokenization procedure in the RoR Paypal SDK gem -- in order to store data in the vault, the information first has to hit my server. Which means I have to provide PCI compliance.
Is there any way to tokenize a credit card for later use in Paypal that will let the token be valid indefinitely?
In the REST API they call it the vault and they have documentation specific to it.
In the Classic API it's called a reference transaction, in which case you would use Payments Pro (DoDirectPayment or PayFlow) to process an original authorization or sale transaction, and then pass that transaction ID into future calls to process payments with the card data PayPal has saved on their server.
If using DoDirectPayment you would use DoReferenceTransaction. If using PayFlow you would just change some of the parameters in the typical request to make it a reference transaction. The doc links above cover all of that.
As long as you aren't saving any card data on your server then the only thing you'll need to be compliant is an SSL certificate on your site, but that's becoming a recommended practice regardless of whether or not you're processing payments.
If you want to completely avoid hitting your server then you'll have to go with Payments Advanced, which embeds a PayPal hosted iframe into your site. I don't think it supports reference transactions, though, and it's a lot more limited than REST or Payments Pro.

Using iTunes store client data for authenticating users in iPhone App

I know that the iTunes Store stores client information, such as the client name and credit card information. Eg, if you want to buy a game, you have to log in using your apple account and provide credit card details. These details are already stored with Apple
I want to build an app that uses this credit card information stored with Apple to allow clients to make payments. Note: I do not want to use the in-app purchase model.
Does Apple provide an API that given the client username and password, allows me to access the credit card information and then make payments?
The idea is to build a charity donation app around this. But the in-app model does not support this.
In a nutshell, we basically want to use the existing iTunes infrastructure to build a charity donation app. Any ideas?

Payment gateway API that allows transferring money to credit card

I'm looking for a way to accept money from credit cards and send money from my account to someone's credit card. Does anyone know of an API/Gateway that allows me to do this?
I'm working in Rails.
Thanks to all helpers!
First, I assume you're integrated into an online payment gateway such as Cybersource, Stripe, Braintree or anything else. You'd need that to process cards and each has its own integration documentation and gems.
Once integrated, you want to issue a REFUND to a credit card. This will send money to that card, debiting your bank account. Now the tricky part is that most processors demand a preliminary positive transaction to make a refund, which isn't your case. You're looking for something called stand alone credit or stand alone refund, which some processors require special permission for.
I've used this with Cybersource via Paymentech in the past. Have a look at page 45 in their documentation.
Alternatively, the easiest way to pay someone to his credit card is via a wallet. PayPal is the most popular wallet so you can use that, allowing users to draw their funds into a credit card.
If your comapny is big enough, it can also use Payout services such as Tipalti and Payoneer.
The standard gem for this is active_merchant.
You can transfer money to other accounts, if the gateway supports this.
See API documentation of transfer

Can QuickBooks Online be used as merchant account while is used as payment gateway?

Our client has QuickBooks Online, and our platform supports only Authorize.Net as payment gateway. We don't want to write code from scratch, plus a merchant account is needed anyways, so can we use QuickBooks Online as merchant while Authorize.Net is used as payment gateway?
If yes, what are the steps?
The question you're asking is akin to asking something like:
Can I use an onion as my car?
i.e. Your question doesn't make any sense.
QuickBooks Online is not a payment gateway, and it's not a merchant account. In fact, it has nothing to do with charging credit cards what-so-ever. It's an online accounting software. It doesn't charge credit cards.
Your client might be using Intuit Merchant Services (a payment gateway/merchant account) from within QuickBooks Online though. However, that's a separate service, and it's not compatible - you'd have to write some new code to support it.
