UIPopoverController over UIPopoverController - ios

I have a main view with a button, when clicked will open a UIPopoverController, in a UIPopoverController there is another button which should open another UIPopoverController. Is it possible to do?

As per Apple says you should not use UIPopoverController over UIPopoverController,
Instead you can use UINavigationController in side UIPopoverController.
rmaddy's Comment
From the "iOS Human Interface Guidelines": Ensure that only one popover is visible onscreen at a time. You shouldn’t display more than one popover (or custom view designed to look and behave like a popover) at the same time. In particular, you should avoid displaying a cascade or hierarchy of popovers simultaneously, in which one popover emerges from another


using UIReferenceLibraryViewController in custom popover controller

I am using custom popover controller(WYPopoverController) for iPhone and showing UIReferenceLibraryViewController in it. The view does come perfectly but UIReferenceLibraryViewController has 'Done' button on its navigation bar and when I click on it, it does not respond. Though if I click outside the popover then popover disappears. I simply want to disappear popover when 'Done' button is pressed.
Please note, if I use UIPopoverController for iPad, then 'Done' button in UIReferenceLibraryViewController does respond. Not sure what am I missing in custom implementation.
Any help is much appreciated.
The problem to me seems like part of a terrible design by Apple, where the reference library controller dismisses itself rather than providing a delegate method notifying you to dismiss it. First, open a bug report with Apple and post the bug report number so people can duplicate it.
In absence of better options, I would suggest replacing the controller's navigation item's bar button item with your own, where that button would notify you of the user's tap and you'd dismiss the controller properly. This is a partial solution, as the reference library controller is a complex case, where it maintains a navigation stack internally. You may have to dig in the view controller parent/child hierarchy to find all cases.
Consider changing your design in the meantime, presenting the view modally instead of a popover on phone/pod devices.

iOS7: How does Apple make a navigation controller look like a uiactionsheet in the calendar app

On an iPad, in the calendar app, clicking on the "+" button in the upper right corner presents a view that is imposed on top of the current view like a UIActionSheet spawning from a UIBarButtonItem. However, this view clearly contains a UINavigationController, something that the UIActionSheet cannot do natively.
I'm hoping that Apple has exposed the ability to do this so that I don't have to reproduce it on my own. Can someone provide some insight on how I might approach this concept?
I bet you this is not a UIActionSheet but a UIPopoverController, which can embed a UINavigationController.

Safari-style UIPopoverController

It is clear that UIPopoverController was not designed to be customized very much. However, is there an obvious way to mimic the UIPopoverController that is presented in mobile Safari (to add a bookmark, for example), that is, a popover with only buttons, no visible inner shadow, and an even background?
The reason for my question is because quite a few applications use a similarly styled popover, such as Reeder and Instapaper. Are these subclasses of UIPopoverController or custom UIViewControllers that mimic a UIPopoverController?
I believe you are looking for UIActionSheet. Here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIActionSheet_Class/Reference/Reference.html

UIPopover locking background view

I am trying to replicate the iPad passcode view. Which basically is a popover with no arrow direction, that locks the background view kinda like a modal view controller.
My question: Is there a way to lock the underlying background view when presenting a popover.
My idea: The only real solution that i could come up with is placing that popover inside a modal view controller. and presenting it that way.
Use the modalInPopover property of your view controller: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/uikit/reference/UIViewController_Class/Reference/Reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40006926-CH3-SW72
This question provides some information on making a popover with no arrows, though it's not clear whether it's correct or not: UIPopover without any arrows

How can I customize UIPopoverController view on iPad?

I am looking for a solution to customize PopoverController view in my iPad app. I need to remove the pointing icon along with the popover view and to make the view to the middle of the App window. It should go back to the button from where it is popped when we click on anywhere other than the popover view. USA TODAY app in iPad included such an option. I am not sure about how did they implemented it.
You would need to create your own custon view and animate your self. There is no Appple provided solution
