Check if Text Field NEARLY Matches Set Text? iOS - ios

Does anyone now how I can check if a text field NEARLY matches a set text?
I know how to check if it exactly matches, but i want it to know if its even close to the set text
So if they type HELLO WORD it indicates its close but not exact match?
if (([textfield.text isEqual:#"HELLO WORLD"]))
} else {

This library may be of use to you. And since it's open source, you can check the source to see how it's done. :)

Use this
For Case Insensitive :
if( [textfield.text caseInsensitiveCompare:#"My Case sensitiVE"] == NSOrderedSame ) {
// strings are equal except for possibly case
For Case Sensitive :
if([textfield.text isEqualToString:#"My Case sensitiVE"]) {
// Case sensitive Compare

You can compare each index of two string and see how many difference is there. And you should define your "nearly match", it may be difference in single character or in multiple character. And decide if you should accept it or reject it.
If you like algorithm Longest Common Subsequence is a key to your goal.. :)

NSString caseInsensitiveCompare:
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString

NSString *string = #"HELLO WORLD I AM JACK";
if ([string rangeOfString:#"HELLO WORLD"].location == NSNotFound) {
NSLog(#"string does not contain HELLO WORLD");
} else {
NSLog(#"string contains HELLO WORLD!");


Can one define NSFound macro?

This may sound like a silly question but Apple provides us with NSNotFound but why didn't they provide one called NSFound? Is there a way one can define a NSFound macro on their own?
The reason I am asking all this is that in order for me to check if a string "contains" a certain character I have to do double negative i.e.
if ([XML rangeOfString:#"error" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound)
//server is down
//server is up
At least for me this would have been so much easier to read if I could simply do this instead
if ([XML rangeOfString:#"error" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSFound)
//server is down
//server is up
If I want to define NSFound or SAMFound, how would I go about doing that?
Your issue is really with the design pattern methods like rangeOfString follow - using a single return value for both valid results, of which there are many, and failure indications, of which there is one. You can test for a single failure value with a comparison to a constant, NSNotFound in this case, but you cannot likewise test for many possible values with a simple comparison - instead you use the "double negative" you don't like.
If you find it too ugly change it... Maybe:
#interface NSString (SamExtras)
- (BOOL) SAMcontainsString:(NSString *)string options:(NSStringCompareOptions)options;
#implementation NSString (SamExtras)
- (BOOL) SAMcontainsString:(NSString *)string options:(NSStringCompareOptions)options
return [self rangeOfString:string options:options].location != NSNotFound;
Which would allow you to use:
if ([XML SAMcontainsString:#"error" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch])
//server is down
//server is up
with no double negative. You can write the category once and use it in all your projects.
Double Negative doesn't have the consequences in code as it does in grammar.
The reason they provide a not found, as opposed to a found version, is simply the not found value is a single (supposedly invalid) value and everything else is valid. It's therefore simpler to define this single, invalid value.
Also it makes more sense (more efficient, avoiding a double-search and less code) to store the NSRange in a local variable in order to firstly test for validity and then to use the value:
NSRange range = [XML rangeOfString:#"error" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if (range.location != NSNotFound) {
// Do thing with range
} else {
// Complain
There is nothing whatever wrong with your original test:
if ([XML rangeOfString:#"error" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound) {
If all you need to know is whether XML contains the string #"error", that test answers the question and is a perfectly legitimate and idiomatic way to ask it. Observe that even the documentation tells you that containsString: is nothing but a front for calling rangeOfString:options:!
If you really want to know what the positive version would be, it would be to test the length of the returned range and see if it is the same as the length of #"error". The length of a not-found range is 0.

NSString: Best way to check if string contains another string with special format?

I have a string representing fruits, separated by dot:
and each fruit may have a tag:[old]banana.[juicy]watermelon
also there may be fruit names which are partially overlapping:[old]banana.[juicy]strawberry.[fresh]berry
also the tags may be same as fruit names:[old]banana.[berry]strawberry.[fresh]berry
I need to check if such a string contains a specified fruit, so given the above string and a fruit name, say "berry", I want to know the string contains "berry" and of course it should not tell me YES if "berry"'s not there but "strawberry" is.
A quick way came up in my mind is:
use componentsSeparatedByString to get an array of components (fruit names with tags)
go through each component, check if it has a tag (ie square brackets), remove it if YES
then check the remaining string is exactly the given fruit name
I cannot just use the whole string with rangeOfString because "berry" is a substring of "strawberry", I can't even first get components then check substring for each component because tags may be the same as fruit names.
I wonder is there any better way to do this? Better in terms of memory footprint and/or speed?
There are plenty of ways to do this.
You could use a regular expression.
You could split the string into parts.
But instead, let's notice that, when “berry” (the desired fruit) isn't the first or last fruit in the string, it's got to appear as either ]berry. or as .berry., and neither of those can match if “berry” is a substring.
So we can solve this problem quite simply putting a . on each end of the string before searching it for one of those patterns:
BOOL stringContainsFruit(NSString *string, NSString *fruit) {
string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#".%#.", string];
NSString *dotFruit = [NSString stringWithFormat:#".%#.", fruit];
if ([string rangeOfString:dotFruit].location != NSNotFound) {
return YES;
NSString *bracketFruit = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"]%#.", fruit];
if ([string rangeOfString:bracketFruit].location != NSNotFound) {
return YES;
return NO;

How do I search an NSString sentence with words separated by commas for a specific word in iOS7?

I came across a question that had an example using rangeOfString. How ever the first thing that came to mind was NSPredicate.
I have different strings that return words separated by sentences. For example I have one that returns "Male, Female".
What is the most efficient way to search either "Male" or "Female". I'd like to perform some actions if the word happens to be part of the sentence and if it doesn't.
NSDictionary with stored words separated by commas. I use different keys to grab specific bunch of words. Below I use the "selectedGenders" key which returns "Male, Female":
if ([combinedRefinementSelection valueForKey:#"selectedGenders"]) {
NSString *selectedGenders = [combinedRefinementSelection valueForKey:#"selectedGenders"];
// Show string in label so customer knows how their clothes items will be filtered
[[_thisController chosenGender] setText:selectedGenders];
I simply want to search selectedGenders and find out if Male or Female is part of the string.
As you said, rangeOfString works just fine.
NSString* sentence = #"Male, Female";
if ([sentence rangeOfString:#"Male"].location != NSNotFound)
NSLog(#"Male is found");
if ([sentence rangeOfString:#"Female"].location != NSNotFound)
NSLog(#"Female is found");

Printing the length of a string from a label

I am currently trying to check the length of a label.
What it is is i want the label to display "Unavailable" if the string is of a null value.
The sting is being read in from a XML sheet so i don't know what the length of the actual string is and i would like to know. This is what i currently have but its not working.
It displays the relevant text if its not empty which is brilliant.
But its not displaying the text when it is empty which is leading me to believe although i assume its empty its not.
Thanks in advance.
if ([l_subCommunity.text length] > 0)
[l_subCommunity setText:_property.str_subCommunity];
NSMutableString *sub = [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
[sub appendString:#"Unavailable"];
[self.l_subCommunity setText:sub];
[l_subCommunity setText:_property.str_subCommunity];
[self.l_subCommunity setText:sub];
you are using l_subCommunity setText in the if and self.l_subCommunity setText in the else. are you using 2 different variables?
Also why are you creating a mutable string to pass in the value #"Unavailable" ?
why not simply:
[self.l_subCommunity setText: #"Unavailable" ];
Your if statement is checking the wrong variable. You want:
if (_property.str_subCommunity.length) {
l_subCommunity.text = _property.str_subCommunity;
} else {
self.l_subCommunity.text = #"Unavailable";
Also keep in mind that you may end up with whitespace and/or newlines in your string as a result of parsing the XML file. You may need to trim this whitespace from your string.

case insensitive string search - iphone

I am looking for a way to perform a case insensitive string search within another string in Objective-C. I could find ways to search case sensitive strings, and to compare insensitive case, but not searching + case insensitive.
Examples of the search that I would like to perform:
"john" within "i told JOHN to find me a good search algorithm"
"bad IDEA" within "I think its a really baD idea to post this question"
I prefer to stick to only NSStrings.
NSRange r = [MyString rangeOfString:#"Boo" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
Feel free to encapsulate that into a method in a category over NSString, if you do it a lot. Like this:
#interface NSString(MyExtensions)
#implementation NSString(MyExtensions)
return [self rangeOfString:s options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
Your code might become more readable with this. Then again, less readable for those unfamiliar.
mistagged as c#?
heres some advice for objc
NSRange textRange = [[string lowercaseString] rangeOfString:[substring lowercaseString]];
if(textRange.location != NSNotFound)
//Does contain the substring
which i got from google at this webpage:
does that help your scenario?
If you're using ios 8, you can use NSString's localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString
- (BOOL)localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString:(NSString *)aString
localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString: is the case-insensitive variant. Note that it takes the current locale into effect as well. Locale-independent case-insensitive operation, and other needs can be achieved by calling rangeOfString:options:range:locale: directly.
Here is a self-container solution for Swift:
private func containsKeyword(text: NSString, keyword: String) -> Bool
return text.rangeOfString(keyword, options:NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch).location != NSNotFound
