django admin not showing project - django-admin

Hi I'm sure i am doing something dumb! Fairly new to django and pycharm. I am learning by writing two projects: the tango with django one and another to test ideas and learning (about old girlfriends!).
I am working on the rango project. I've scheme-migrated, syncdb, migrate, debugged and no errors. But when i run server, the admin page shows the other project only. I have not worked on it today.
As far as I can tell I have all the right code including registering the models and admin.autodiscover plus i have cleared the cache.
SO the question is: which projects does it show on the admin page - all? How does it know?
Final odd point the windows circle on the site admin tab is still going round as though its looking for something else.
Many thanks for help. I haven't pasted any code as not sure what would be helpful.

I eventually realized that the admin server was still running. As laptops don't have a ctrl break key (and i couldn't find my Samsung mapping) i killed the server using task manager and all was fine.


Developing an API project

I recently created a project and the scripts were working fine.
Then the stopped loading the requests.
I looked at my dashboard to find there were several days with 10,000+ queries
which didn't make any sense.
I created a new key and restricted access to the IP only.
I changed the key on all of my scripts and it still does not display like it was.
Any suggestions about what to try next?

Today suddenly: Java live reload unavailable

I had been happily using Java live reload while debugging my Vaadin application over the past few months.
Today, after I started my browser and directed it to my locally running Vaadin application I got a popup in the lower right corner stating:
Java live reload unavailable. Live reload for Java changes is currently not set up. Find out how to make use of this functionality to boost your workflow. Read more
Clicking onto the read more link (pointing to '') just brings me to a "404 Page Not Found" error page.
So - two or actually three questions:
what could cause my live-reload functionality go missing? I am using MS Edge and the Live-reload plugin is enabled (and it used to work until yesterday).
where has the page gone explaining how to set that up?
and finally: Any idea, what to check or fix to get this working again? I consider that pretty essential functionality for efficient UI development!
For question 2, you can find the documentation here:

Images disappear on refresh in heroku-hosted rails application

Let me say first that I'm quite new and inexperienced with rails. Today I tried to update an image in a rails app hosted on Heroku. Anyway, this is the simple flow I followed as I did other times before:
Add updated image to the image folder
Precompile the assets rake assets:precompile
Add and commit all changes
Push to heroku
Until this point all seems fine: I open Chrome to check my app from my domain and it's all there as expected.
The problem is that if I refresh the page all the images disappear (like they have never been loaded). This does not happen locally.
If I do a ctrl+f5 it all comes back nicely, but I lose everything again on simple refresh.. and so on.
Has anyone experienced something similar? I understand this might be hard to answer as there is not much code to show. Let me know if I can give more details.
On a final note, it seems that all works normally on a friends machine (that is, refresh doesn't give this problem). I'm thinking something might be wrong with my Chrome settings here? I don't remember having changed anything recently though.
This is very weird and quite annoying some help/insights would be great.
UPDATE: This seems indeed really to happen locally on my machine at work. I checked from another couple of computers at home and the app is displayed fine (without any refreshing problem).
Did you check if the cookie is disabled by your browser for the heroku website in particular?
I have just tested this issue with an image based website ( When the cookie is disabled for that website, pressing F5 clears all the images, while pressing Ctrl-F5 brings those lost resources back as like as your case.
Enabling cookie resolves the issue in my case.

How to fix lost connection to Access Database after Deploying ASP website to IIS?

I am fairly new to ASP, so if anything doesn't make sense, or you think, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?", it's becasue I really didn't know.
So the issue is that I created a Website using Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web. It was an ASP.NET MVC. I have spent over a week, working on this, doing testing and getting everything to work and look correctly. So I started the process of deploying it. I followed a couple guides, and felt like I did everything correctly.
Right now I am only trying to test my website on , and my first screen shows up. This screen is a "login" screen of sorts and is supposed to connect to my Access Database to check to see if a user should be admited to the next screen. But clicking the "Submit" button doesn't even open the Database. All of this works fine when I run it in Visual Studio.
What can I do to get this working?
Some steps I have tried and failed at:
-Changing location of the Access DB
-I started to try to install configure and convert my Access Database to SQL Server, but I haven't been able to get that to work either.
If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. If you need code examples or IIS settings, I will get them to you as fast as I can, but please help me because I don't want to have lost over a week of work.
Edit: After taking the suggestion from HansUp, it lead me to some other search terms that lead me to I am using a 64-bit machine, and my application pool in IIS was not set to run 32-bit applicaions which when using Access ODBC drivers that are 32-bit casue a problem.
Set the IUSR account to Read/Write for the DB file and folder where the DB file is located.
Then, seeing as I was using a 64-bit machine, and the Access ODBC drivers that were being used were 32-bit, I had to set "Enable 32-bit Applications" to "true" in IIS, for the Application Pool that my site was using.
This is a link to where I found the 64-bit 32-bit solut

WSS caches old Workflow version

I'm currently developing three workflows that are supposed to handle the status of items in different lists.
Each Workflow is attached to a separate list.
When I'm deploying and debugging in my development Environment, everything works fine.
Except for the case, when an item is created via an incoming mail.
I already figured out, that I have to restart some services and then it'll work, but I'm still not sure wich of the services is caching the workflow.
Afterwards I build a .wsp file which I deploy on a server.
Each time I deploy the solution, I do a retract and delete solution first.
After deployment I'll recreate the workflows on the lists
It seems to me that this has no effect. An older version of the workflow is still triggered, if I create a new instance in the list.
I already restarted the whole server and still no result.
Has anyone an idea what else I could try in order to get this working?
Thanks in advance.
If Timer Service is the one that calls your code, then restart Windows SharePoint Services Timer (OWSTIMER.EXE).
When workflow waits on something, it gets serialized (hydrated). When event happens, OWSTIMER.EXE deserializes (dehydrates) and continues workflow execution.
So timer is the one that wakes workflow up.
So this problem kind of resolved itself.
I was reading an article on Kirk Evanns Blog on an issue with the development of workflows in VS2008 for WSS.
I had not realized that I still had an illeagle reference in my Project properties.
I removed the reference. The second thing I tried was deploying with -upgradesolution rather than doing a retract-delete-add-deploy...
I don't know which of both did the trick, but I can finally see the new workflows kicking in.
Thanks for your help.
