iTunes Connect shows an update, but I didn't do any update for my app at all [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I find an update on my app from iTunes connect, but I am 100% sure I didn't do any update at all:
Anyone could tell me why?
My app was first launched on Dec 7. Is it somehow related?

It's probably a bug on their side. As you can see, "Change from last week" is 0%, should have been 100%. Based on a previous similar experience I've had, give it a day or two and it should fix itself.

The graphic you posted isn't showing any updates it's just showing that you had one sale on Dec 16th.


Where are automatic screenshots stored? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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When an app goes into the background, iOS automatically takes screenshots to use in the app carousel.
I'm trying to find where automatic screenshots are stored.
I found several possible options, but nothing.
I found that screenshots will be saved here:
Note: The screenshot will be saved only if you minimize the application (go to the home screen or another application).
They are not stored anywhere such that you can access them.

USB Accessories Disabled error: Too much power draw [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When I connect my iPhone cable to MacBookPro it is showing a USB Accessories Disabled error, citing that it is drawing too much power. I have reset SMC, which does not solve the issue. Any help will be appreciated.
Change your cable. Try to use the original cable from Apple. Hopefully this will work, but if not, then you will unfortunately have to go to the Apple store. It should be around 200 to 300 pounds to repair. Respond, if this works and make sure to look around the Internet before going to the shop. I am 99 percent sure that there should be a solution to fix this before going to the Apple store.

Can't choose price in iTunes Connect [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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it seems bug on iTunes connect. i couldn't set price in all my apps in new itunes connect. can't click "choose" , "other currency" and "plan a price change" doesn't do anything.
I couldn't submit to store (even though it's an app update). iTunes force me to update the price
does anyone experience the same ?
It's working fine now. it seems it was just for short period time. hopefully no recurring in future.

1 item could not be synced. See iTunes for more information [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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After creating an IPA build, i installed in my device and got an alert like "1 item could not be synced. See iTunes
for more information ".
Thanks in advance.
Please check this :
You can get solution from these links.

special character or image in iOS app name [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i was using the app APPS GONE FREE for finding free app
i was shocked to see the updated icon of APPS GONE FREE.
it has an image or special character written "free" within it,
i am a beginner in ios dev so don't know where to look.
how it is possible, can i do it in my app?
attaching the image url for reference.
please guide!
thanks in advance
This is am emoji character, available on the iOS emoji Keyboard: 🆓
