Version Requirements for iOS development - ios

I am an experienced developer starting on my first iOS project. I am comfortable with the hardware and software that I will be using, but confused about the dependencies between the various components to achieve what I need to do.
Here's what I have:
iMac 21.5 inch, i5 processor 2011 vintage
OSX 10.7.5
XCode 4.2.1
iOS SDK 5.0/4.3/4.2
iPhone 4 running iOS 7
I first became aware of a problem, when XCode refused to let me download the app I am developing to the device. Presumably because I am targeting iOS 5, while the phone is on iOS 7.
I am hesitant to rush off and upgrade everything, as I am aware with Apple this is often a one-way street. For example, I bought the iPhone second hand that the vender had already upgraded to iOS 7, and now I cannot downgrade.
Here's what I want to be able to do:
Use my current hardware for development
Publish new apps in the App Store
Test my app on my iPhone (and preferably older models also)
Support iOS7 plus as many older iOS versions as possible
If possible, have the app use older controls styling (-iOS6) on iOS7
Can someone help me with my thought process through the various dependencies, and what versions I am going to need to achieve these aims?

You'll still be able to develop for iOS6 and earlier if you have the latest version of XCode, just set your deployment target accordingly. With XCode 5 though Apple stopped including the iOS5 simulators and earlier, so you would have to manually download it and include it if you wanted to use that.
Note that to develop with a real device (not just on the Simulator), you need to have an Apple Developer license and have added the device through the Developer portal.


Using latest version of Xcode 8, support and test on for iOS 5.1.1

I have been searching for an answer for this for a while now and I can't seem to get a straight answer anywhere. I'm new to iOS development and am looking to get started porting my android app over to make my first iOS app. I'm not a big apple user, so I'm just running xcode in a VM and trying to build and test on my old ipod touch 3rd generation running iOS 5.1.1. I understand how out of date this is, but I want to develop and test on this device for 2 reasons:
I dont want to buy a $750 new apple product just to test my very simple app
When I publish my app, I want to reach the most users possible
So my question is this:
In xcode 8, is it possible to develop applications with a deployment target of iOS 5.1.1?
If so, will it build for all versions of iOS?
When I attach my ipod to xcode, it says device is not supported, can I fix this by installing some 5.1.1 developer package or sdk to allow support? Or would I have to build, then manually install and test each iteration?
If all of these are possible, and I build an app targeted to 5.1.1, can I publish it to the app store? If I open the app store on my 5.1.1 ipod, there are still apps in the store with recent update dates, so people must still be releasing updates to apps on iOS 5.1.1 right? Or am I missing something and an app that runs on iOS 5.1.1 is entirely banned by Apple.
A lot of questions, but If possible I really want to do this. Even getting a fully known, confirmed answer for ANY of these questions would be greatly appreciated.
I dont want to buy a $750 new apple product just to test my very
simple app
Xcode has a simulator, you don't need a device to test your app.
When I publish my app, I want to reach the most users possible
As of July 31th 2017,
86% of devices are using iOS 10.
11% of devices are using iOS 9.
3% of devices are using earlier. (probably iOS 8)
It makes sense that you have this concern coming from Android, but iOS is quite different. Devices are designed to be uniform and apple encourages (almost forces) people to update them. (You won't stop receiving a notification to update your device)
It would actually be bad to focus on developing for that specific device you have, specially because a lot of the APIs will be deprecated, plus the screen ratio of that specific device is not so common.
In xcode 8, is it possible to develop applications with a deployment
target of iOS 5.1.1?
If so, will it build for all versions of iOS?
Kind of, it will run but it won't probably be what you expect until you FIX it for that specific iOS version. (many things break between iOS updates so developers are sometimes forced to branch code)
When I attach my ipod to xcode, it says device is not supported, can I
fix this by installing some 5.1.1 developer package or sdk to allow
support? Or would I have to build, then manually install and test each
Maybe, but probably not. You can actually copy files from older xcodes to enable testing in newer ones. You can search about how to do this by googling for "Using iOS 7 in Xcode 8". However I doubt going as far back as iOS 5 will be possible. The Xcode needed for running on iOS 5 is not even supported macOS Sierra (The newest OS)
If all of these are possible, and I build an app targeted to 5.1.1,
can I publish it to the app store? If I open the app store on my 5.1.1
ipod, there are still apps in the store with recent update dates, so
people must still be releasing updates to apps on iOS 5.1.1 right? Or
am I missing something and an app that runs on iOS 5.1.1 is entirely
banned by Apple.
Theoretically yes, iOS Apps can still "support" old iOS version, the reason why developers drop support for older os is because it gets increasingly hard to debug them as well as they just don't have support for new features and APIs that come with newer iOS.
My suggestion if you are really obsessed with building for iOS 5.1.1 is to ensure it's a 64 bit app:
And Download an old version of Xcode: (Maybe Xcode 7 or 6?)
But I think you still have to Build with xcode 8 since you need to build against their latest SDK. The old Xcode is just to develop for it and facilitate debugging.

Restrict Versions iOS - NO minimum version

Detail: NO is the minimum version
Is there any way I can restrict versions of iOS?
For example, I have developed an application and would like it swirled in iOS versions 7.x.x and iOS 8.1.x. In short, I would avoid the application was installed on the iOS versions 8.0.x.
How come? Currently in iOS 7 works perfectly on iOS 8.1.x also, but on iOS 8.0.x the application presents several problems, including constant crashes.
No it's not possible. Apple only accepts new apps in the App Store which are able to run on the current iOS(iOS 8+ at the moment). They don't care about earlier iOS versions.
Simply said: Apps have to run on the newest iOS version.
Also I'd recommend you to fix the iOS 8 errors instead, because even if you could do that. Over 50% of all iOS users are using iOS 8. That means that your app won't be seen by many users. If you have trouble to resolve your errors, I'm sure there are people, maybe on this website, which will help you.

Lowest permitted base SDK for App Store submissions

I'd like to know if Apple states the lowest permissible base SDK for submission to the iOS App Store. There was a statement somewhere around 2010 that said you need to use at least SDK 4, but i cannot find this any longer.
Now, before you jump me, I always build against the latest base SDK. The reason i ask this question is because i want facts to counter some customer requests.
Apple seems to have never explicitly required any Base SDK above iOS 3.0 as far, as far I can find, today, either in their app submission guidelines or any official developer email. Thus, there likely is no such link as you require. However there are many indirect hints.
As of 2013-May-01, Apple indirectly requires a Base SDK of 6.0 for submitting iPhone apps by requiring 4" display support and no longer approving any apps where 4" support was added using any Base SDK lower than 6.0 (that latter stated in their enrolled developer forums, login required). This requirement may or may not apply to iPad-only apps, where Apple might still allow submission using a Base SDK of 5.1.
There is a statement (in their enrolled developer forums, login required) from an Apple employee that currently a Base SDK of 7.0 or higher is not required for app submission, but with no date given as to when this may or may not change.
Note that if a developer uses an SDK lower than 7.0 to build an app, they still need to test the app on a iOS 7.x device or risk rejection by Apple if the app fails to run properly on such a device.
The Deployment Target of an app can get set to a much lower OS version. But an iOS Base SDK of 6.0 lacks armv6 support, and thus doesn't allow XCode to build an app with a Deployment Target lower than 4.3 where armv6 support is required.
You should always use the latest SDK as Base SDK whenever possible. If you set the deployment target to a lower SDK, your app will run on device with previous SDK version.
Starting from XCode 4.5 (and also in XCode 5) iOS 4.3 is the lowest available SDK for deployment target. You have no way to submit new App on the App Store running on SDK lower than 4.3.
To answer the initial question, Apple seem to still accept application compiled with SDK 6.0 ( at least a few weeks ago).
Apple has recently announced that as of March 27, 2019, you will have to have a base SDK of 12.1:
Upcoming App Store Submission Requirements
March 20, 2019
iOS 12 is now running on more than 80% of devices worldwide. Make sure your app delivers a great user experience by seamlessly integrating with the latest advances in iOS. Starting March 27, 2019, all new apps and app updates for iPhone or iPad, including universal apps, must be built with the iOS 12.1 SDK or later and support iPhone XS Max or the 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation). Screenshots for these devices will also be required. All new apps and app updates for Apple Watch will need to be built with the watchOS 5.1 SDK or later and support Apple Watch Series 4.
Understanding Changes in Memory Accounting
iOS 12 and tvOS 12 require apps to use memory far more efficiently than before. If you have difficulty reducing your app’s memory requirements, contact us to request an entitlement for your app to use iOS 11-style memory accounting.

Release an exlusive ios5 version of my app

I recently found my app doesn't work on iOS 5 and I have a few users who have asked that I release an older version that works on iOS5. One of them sent me this link Is there any way to release two versions of my app? One for ios6+ and one for ios5?
Apple does not provide a way to do this, but there is a way to do it yourself if you REALLY want to.
You have to create a new app id and name, (eg: MyApp for iOS 5). Then you have to set the deployment target of your iOS 5 app to iOS 5. Of course, someone with iOS 6 or 7 could also install it, so you might want to detect the the system version (via UIDevice) and offer to take them to the app store to get the newer version. You'll end up with two apps in the app store and your users will have to figure out which one is the best one for them.
You're probably better off trying to get your existing app to work on iOS 5 and fix whatever issues you're encountering with that OS (unless you're using autolayout--which is not supported on iOS 5 and would mean you'd likely have to re-do a lot of your UI for that OS version).
That said, there's a diminishing return on investment to support older versions of iOS. Most people update to the latest version of iOS pretty quickly and the number of users stuck with an old version of the OS who are unable to upgrade is going to steadily shrink.

iOS Device Test Mode and old iOS development

When I was signing up for development program, then in the agreement, I saw a clause which basically stated that if a pre-release software is installed on any device, then that device will be put in test mode. So, what exactly is the limitation of a test mode as compared to a device which is in "normal" mode? Also, if I install iOS7 in a device (after iOS 7 has been released), then will the device be considered to be in a test mode if I test my application on it ?
Moreover, if I submit an application which runs on iOS 6 after iOS 7 has been launched, then can that be considered grounds for app rejection ? I will develop app for iOS 7 also. However, that will take some time.
As far as I know, there is no limitation in "test mode".
If your application is developed for iOS 6, then it should still work on iOS 7 as well, but with the iOS 6 look & feel. However, it is always best to test it on a real device with iOS 7, of course.
There's no practical difference once you start using a device for development. I use my personal iPhone for most of my testing; it has no effect whatsoever on the utility of the phone.
On your second question: your app will NOT be rejected simply for supporting iOS 6, or any older version of iOS. Apple wants you to write apps that support iOS 7, of course, but they absolutely will not reject an app for supporting older versions; that would be crazy.
If your app actually failed to work on iOS 7 (once it's released), then obviously that would be a different matter.
