iOS: Thumbnail of taken picture - ios

I'm trying to develop a screen like Status Update of facebook, when the user takes a picture, I want create a thumbnail and add to a component (I think UICollectionView). What is the best way to do this? I can't find anything on internet. Is the CollectionView the best component to handle this?
I'm already take a picture and thumbnail, but how to add to this component dynamically?

The camera button should open an image picker to invite the user to take a picture. The picker will invoke a delegate method (didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:) that tells you it finished. The picked image is in the info dictionary (see the info dictionary keys at the bottom of the delegate reference). The VC can then extract the image from the result and scale it.


I want to detect alert view when scratching particular area of image

STScratchView : i have used this github demo for scratchView.
I cant find particular area of scratching image.
when i scratch particular area of image and then call event like alertview.
scratching image is display over UILabel.
now my problem is when i starting scratch the image and when display UILable text then automatically call event like alertview.
so please help me what can i do for that?

IOS Swift UIImagePickerController. How to access the bounds of the live camera feed?

Trying to create an app that uses the UIImagePickerController for its picture taking activities. I'm using a cameraOverlayView to accomplish this (for now, it just contains two buttons, one for Taking/Keeping the Picture and the other one for Canceling/Retaking). The steps below outline what is occurring.
UIImagePickerController.view (with cameraOverlayView) is shown
I click "Shoot" and the imagePicker does its magic and I'm able to get an image out of it. However going past the image acquisition section (after I dismiss the custom view), the imagePicker goes onto "still" preview screen mode without any controls other than the "<" back button at the top of the screen. I'd like to avoid that and instead continue to use my custom view provided to the cameraOverlayView to handle "Keep/Retake" actions until I'm finished.
As you can see in the image above, there is "black" band at the bottom of the view with my two custom buttons in it. I have no idea how the black band gets there since I did not add it. My custom View only has the two buttons.
Attempting to add an UIImageView on the fly (to display a still preview of the image taken to the user while still keeping my action buttons) has the effect below .
The red arrow is pointing to an extra section below the UIImage I added after acquiring the picture data from the imagePicker.
That section is actually displaying the live preview the imagePicker is constantly producing.
What I'd like to accomplish is to be able to get the bounds of that live preview section being displayed so I can calculate the correct bounds of the UIImage I'm adding on the fly since getting the height correctly will absolutely fail when ported to different devices.
Any suggestions?

Is there a way to get a reference of a UIActivity item view inside a UIActivityViewController?

Let say I've a UIActivityViewController that I created with some UIActivity objects (e.g. a Share with Facebook activity).
When I present it, it'll show a component (don't know if a UIView or something else) for each UIActivity. What I want to accomplish is to put a tooltip on top of it.
Is there a way to get a reference to that "view" or component or to simply fetch the exact position on the screen (runtime)?

How to get the size of the camera view, before taking a picture, using imagepicker

First of all, let me know if this is a duplicate so I can delete it. I couldn't find anything similar but I may be searching with the wrong keywords.
Here's my issue: If you use the imagepicker to start the camera to take a picture, you get the default "live" view of what the camera sees, and you have the default shutter button and cancel button, along with extra camera buttons at the top. So far no issues with that.
What I want to know is what the size is of this "live view" before I take a picture. I have the size of the image and all of that, but in order to create a properly formatted overlay just over the "live view" I need to know where the live view starts and where it ends.
Any idea how to get the size of this view?
Let me know if you need some of my existing code. Thanks.

send thumbnail image to another view for bigger image view

i have 3 images in my display where i use CoreData to store them images and to view them in the display. Now i would like to touch these images and it goes large in another view. Ive tried using touch events bt nothing seems to work. Can anyone assist me please
You can put a transparent UIButton over the image and declare a IBAction on the button and get the image according to button tag. Then pass the image to next controller.
