Showing html data from database to front end in mvc -

I have upgraded my application from to mvc4. I am using html5 and displaying data in an html table. My database column contains html tags, but it is getting rendered as a plain text. Please help.
> Removable hard drive carrier only (DataPort)<html><br><b><font color
> ="red"> Part 444873-001 is no longer supplied. Please order the replacement, 580620-001</font></b></br></html>
Above line is a sample of how my data gets displayed in the column. I want to make the html tags to be rendered as html itself.

When you render your model data, use the Html.Raw() helper to render the HTML data unencoded. Razor automatically encodes HTML inputs in order to help prevent XSS attacks on websites.


how to display quilljs editor written data in Angular coming from Node API

I have data written in QuillJS Editor, when I store that data it stores the data along with the HTML tags in my database.
For Example if I right this in the editor
This is an example.
It is stored as
<p>This is an example.</p>
Now when I'm trying to display these data in my Angular front-end HTML file it shows the HTML tags along with the data enclosed between them.
<p>This is an example.</p>
How will I only show the text enclosed in the tags and not the HTML tags?
To Display data in HTML that was entered by a user using QuillJs, you have to use QuillJs editor in read mode to display that data.
<quill-editor [(ngModel)]="yourNgModel" [readOnly]="isReadOnly" [modules]="{toolbar: false}">

How to allow users to edit dynamic slim page templates in production for rails 4?

Essentially I'm trying to implement a way so that users can edit slim that is stored in the database.
For example they would use the form to create a new page and insert the html for that page in a text field which would be saved in the database. I want to allow them to edit that page in slim. By the way the html stored is slim not plain html.
If I store slim in the database how do I get rails to render the html properly on the client side in production? So in other words would rails automatically do this since the view is being render like so:
or would I have to figure out a way to convert on the fly? I might be making this more complicated then I should but I'm new to this
If I understand you correctly you want to convert the slim to Html and output that in your views.
This is directly from slims doc. This is how it processes slim files and outputs it.['template.slim'].render(scope)'template.slim', optional_option_hash).render(scope) { source }.render(scope)
so in short
put that in a module to make it prettier and I think you're good. You may want to use rails path helper to get the direct link for the view. You may also want to consider figuring out a way to catch the errors in indentation so that your output doesn't bug out in production. Some kind of validation that prevents it from saving if not properly formatted should help.

Render large portion of page using jQuery & AJAX

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with a page that displays a large table of rows & columns of information.
I have a textbox at the top of the page allowing a user to filter the results in the table. I want the user to be able to start typing a word in the textbox and with each keypress, the results in the table to be updated based on the users filter text.
I've done similar things where I simply return a JsonResult response from my Controller, with a couple of small bits of data, but am not sure of the recommended approach if I want to essentially re-render my whole table (with the new data within it) upon each keypress?
I should also mention that the ViewModel I intend to use when the page is first loaded (prior to any ajax stuff happening) contains an IPagedList, as the table data needs to be paginated and sortable.
What I would do is to work with JQuery ajax API and also with partial views.
Have a look at following article. It displays how you can be able to manipulate your html seamlessly on ASP.NET MVC :
Working With JQuery Ajax API on ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - Power of JSON, JQuery and ASP.NET MVC Partial Views
Also, following question might help :
How to pass an array through in JQuery Ajax and how to concieve it in server side?
You can use the templates to render the html.
i.e Parametrized html + json = to be rendered html
Have a look at it could be a very good fit for you
Take a look at the DataTables plug-in for jQuery. It may match your requirements and provide exactly what you need.

Embedded HTML code being displayed rather than HTML being rendered

I am trying to use the calendar gem in my project ( But when I open the calendar page, it renders the page by showing the html code of the calendar rather than rendering the html. Basically the source for the page generate is like
<div class="ec-calendar">
instead of
Can anyone let me know what is going on and how to resolve it.
I assume you are using Rails 3? As a security measure against XSS (Cross Site Scripting), Rails 3 renders html inside of strings as text. If you know the html in your string is safe, call html_safe on it, like
'<div class="ec-calendar">'.html_safe
raw '<div class="ec-calendar">'
html_safe I believe, is preferred over raw. Not sure what's different behind the scenes, if anything.

Rendering a partial within "<code" or "<pre>" tags with jQuery and Rails

I am working on a simple Rails/jQuery HTML templater app which stores a series of pre-designed templates in a database (at the moment I've just saved these as partials to get the basic concept working) and on clicking 'Show code' alongside any one of these template records, a js.erb script should place the corresponding partial within 'pre' tags dynamically via JS on that page so the user can see the raw html code.
At the moment it's working but I get the rendered html coming back and not the raw HTML that I'm looking for. Here's the js:
$("div#template-view").html("<pre><code><%= escape_javascript( render :partial => "core_template") %></code></pre>");
So pray tell, what obvious thing am I missing!? :-)
instead. This will not parse the code
The pre tag will show source code (or any text) in a reasonable approximation to it's original state, but it won't escape html for you. Unescaped html will always be rendered as html regardless of what tag it happens to be in. By escaped i mean that all the special characters are converted to their escaped versions. The rails method h will do this for you, so if you call h with the results of calling escape_javascript then it should work fine.
$("div#template-view").html("<pre><code><%= h(escape_javascript(render :partial => "core_template")) %></code></pre>");
