IPB where edit navigation links? - ipb

I want to edit navigation links, but I dont know where. Where i should go in admin menu to edit navigation links or in which file at ftp? I looked almost everythere in administration panel, but couldn't find anything...
IPB version 3.4.5

Each module for IPB has it's own navigation style index file located in your styles panel of the ACP. Each categaroy should have a root in the Index group.


ASP.NET MVC Project does not show correctly

Relatively new to VC 2019 and working on an ASP.NET MVC tutorial. After the implementation of the View, Model, and Controller classes, when I run the service, my upper menu is gone :/
I am not sure if this is a coding or library error is. I also am not sure how to debug this.
Please advice,
Menu is gone
Please check that "navbar" class exists in div tag of _Layout page is deleted or changed to display:none. The attached image shows that the Navbar for menu buttons comes from this master page named _Layout.cshtml
The navbar that looks:
Nav bar from _Layout.cshtml page:

How can I move Comments menu item from root menu to submenu?

I can't find the way to do it.
I found only one page about Comments, how to turn on|off.
The doc you linked to shows the comment_menu can be customized, and that includes changing the parent.

Active navigation menu rails and Anchestry

I used Ancestry gem to provide full categorization function to my website.
At this point I want to create navigation menu.
The idea, is like this.
I click on main category, it navigates to it, there I can see all subcategories. I click on one of them. Opens up other subcategories for example.
I want to be able to see on navigation bar like this
Main category name -> Subcategory name -> subsub category name -> Product name
Somethink like this, but I not sure how to search for it in google because English is not my native language.
Main idea is to be able to see the tree of the categories that are siblings and parents to the children categories :)
Does somebody could suggest something for me. :)
Thank You !!
Easy and flexible breadcrumbs for Rails.
You need navigation menu to be seen as you navigate through on clicks.
Then use breadcrumb navigation menu.
It is simpler to use and it gives you the navigation as you expect on your clicks wherever you go.
For installation and requirements, check out this:

TdxBarManager VCL finding menu options

I am looking at a menu option on the all commands tab of a TdxBarMananger. Is there a quick way to find where on the menu the current command is? At present I have to open the dfm file and search for the command name.
You can only search for a bar item by manually expanding sub menus. There is no a list of conformity which would allow you to quickly define where a certain BarItem is positioned.

show sub menu in asp.net mvc

I am using MvcSiteMap.Core.dll in order to show sitemap in tab form.I want to show sun menu (in tab form) just beneath the parent tab.How to achieve this.
I could not get the submenu() call to work based on a selected node at the top level so I 'borrowed' code from eth source and wrote my own helper: http://mvcsitemap.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=57379 you can then style the results anyway you want. Hope this helps
