Is this within the scope of a PhoneGap plugin? - ios

I've tried to figure out if the functionality I need is possible with a PhoneGap plugin and haven't found a clear answer.
I'd just like some clarification as far as if this is within the scope of a plugin.
The functionality would be...
Within the webview a user triggers a button.
A camera preview screen of custom size, not full
screen, pops up over the webview.
The preview shows view from front facing camera except it's
cropped to the custom size.
A video automatically starts recording for a set amount of time,
then stops.
Once the video stops recording the preview screen goes away and the
local path to the movie file is returned to a callback.
Is this all reasonable functionality for a phonegap plugin?

Yes, you can definitely implement that functionality as a Phonegap plugin.
Possible steps that you can take are the following:
- Write the native code of the functionality first (Note: You can call and start activities through Phonegap plugin).
- Create a layout (Maybe, something that will overlay the webview with transparent background).
- Use the File API of Phonegap to access the movie file you just captured.


xamarin forms livecast-like page-inline camera

I was wondering if anyone here knows how to add a camera area like this one(similar to snapchat I guess) in Xamarin Forms (preferably,mainly with XAML)Camera area is suppose to have a livecast & it is going to be on iOS
needed this screen:
I tried Xam.Plugins.Media but couldn't manage to create the needed screen
The media plugin, goes into the platform specific Camera Screen, takes a picture then returns. You can't put extra buttons on the screen in this way.
To get a video feed and manage the capture yourself, you will need to implement a lot of platform specific things.
iOS (Look at the AV samples)

Phonegap plugin half-screen camera ala Taptalk

I am trying to mimic the half-screen camera as exists in apps like Taptalk. The goal is to have a live camera in a self-contained view on the upper half of the screen controlled by a Cordova plugin, with the lower half of the screen containing the normal HTML-based Cordova content.
I know the standard cordova camera plugin allows you to bring up the fullscreen camera component, and I know that doing this natively, at least on iOS would be relatively straightforward, but I'm really not sure where I would start trying to do this in a cross-platform way within a larger phonegap app (via Ionic).
I'm guessing I need to write a custom Cordova plugin ala this excellent article, but the main conceptual issue I'm worried about is that I think I'd have to use a view positioned and sized to only fill the top half of the screen, as opposed to a fullscreen ViewController (focusing on iOS for now).
Does anyone have any advice for implementing this approach?
I ended up writing my own Cordova plugin, SnapsCamera.
It uses a half-screen-sized view with UIImagePickerController's UIView added as a subview.

Ghost effect using Open GLES

I am working with a sample application like vine. My requirement is that I have to create a 'ghost' filter for video as in vine.
Actual requirement is
-Record a video on long press on the view
-On pause of record, I need to show the last frame of the recorded video above my view. Please see the expected working here
I have checked PBJVision library and found this feature working. But I need to implement this feature separately in my application.
While analysing the code, I found that this can be achieved using Open GLES. I have tried using a GLKView but it just shows a dark shade instead of image frame. Since I am new in this area, please help me.

Phonegap barcodescanner plugin: use font camera option

I've managed to make my app use the front camera via this website.
By changing the code I can decide which camera the app will use.
I want my users to make that decision though, so I'm looking for a way to implement this... For example by putting a checkbox on index.html or by putting a button on the scanning-screen which swaps the camera.
Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
I would be very thankful...

Show app on top of PhoneGap BarcodeScanner

I'm looking to integrate PhoneGap's BarcodeScanner plugin with my app but would like to integrate it with the existing HTML/JS (inside the WebView) a little more closely than it currently allows.
Ideally I would like to see the BarcodeScanner's 'camera capture' view appear underneath PhoneGap's main WebView so I can layer my app's controls on top (toolbar etc).
I have come across a similar plugin from Moodstocks ( which appears to do just this by giving the WebView a transparent background and displaying it above the camera's view. The source code for this plugin can be found here ( and more specifically (based on my reading the code with very unknowledgable eyes!) on Line 74-80 of the MSScannerController.m (
So my question is, firstly, is this achievable? and, secondly, how can I modify the PhoneGap plugin to do it?
Any pointers or direction would be very helpful!
For the first question, the answer is quite sure - YES.
For the second question, what we (I work for Moodstocks) have done is:
Detaching the webview from MainViewController, knowing that you can retrieve the webview via plugin. In MoodstocksPlugin.m, lines 99-100 show how we pass the plugin's reference:
Attaching the webview to the current view controller, which is our scanner controller. MSScannerController.m, Line 46 shows how we take the webview over:
I hope this can give you several ideas about how to modify the original PhoneGap BarcodeScanner plugin, just out of curious, why not use MoodstocksPlugin directly? ;)
p.s Here is a video shows the animation of our Sencha Touch demo made with our plugin.
