dbus-glib i can't figure out how to receive a{sv} - glib

i'm using dbus-glib to get the currently playing file name in smplayer2 .
and i got
i trying to use the Get method to get the Metadata(type="a{sv}" )property ,
i write some code like this
DBusGConnection *bus;
GError *error = NULL;
bus = dbus_g_bus_get (DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
DBusGProxy *smplayer;
smplayer= dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name (bus,
GValue *Metadata;
dbus_g_proxy_call (smplayer, "Get", &error,
but Metadata seen to be empty.
can anyone know this , please ,
any help will appreciate

According to the freedesktop.org DBusBindings page, DBus-GLib is obsolete. Good catch #nemequ
The replacement is GDBus (D-Bus support in GLib) which provides high level and low level API. I would strongly recommend migrating over as the new API provides methods that make working with DBus much easier.
I've only worked with the dbus low level API, not glib but I think g_dbus_gvariant_to_gvalue is what you need. Note that this method is provided in the new API GDBus, not the one that you're using DBus-GLib. The get method returns a variant type, which is a container of sorts. You need to get the value out of the container.
The API Reference is full of good stuff. Check there if the above doesn't do the trick. Hope that helps


Problem finding metrics in the new Google My Business APIs

I am having some issues migrating my Google MY Business API python code.
My original code looks like:
Get my accounts:
service, flags = sample_tools.init(argv, "mybusiness", "v4", __doc__, __file__,
output = service.accounts().list().execute()
accounts = output["accounts"]
Get my locations name per account with the following call:
For each location I get my insights report with the following call:
service.accounts().locations().reportInsights(name=self.account, body=body).execute()
Now since these calls are going to be deprecated, I need to update this code to the new Business APis. So far I managed to reproduce step 1 & 2 of my old code:
Get my accounts (using the my business account management api):
service, flags = sample_tools.init(argv, "mybusinessaccountmanagement", "v1", __doc__, __file__,
output = self.service.accounts().list().execute()
accounts = output["accounts"]
Get my location (using my business business information api):
service, flags = sample_tools.init(argv, "mybusinessbusinessinformation", "v1", __doc__, __file__,
output = service.accounts().locations().list(parent=self.accounts[0]['name'],
locations = output['locations']
Now I am missing the equivalent to the old
reportInsights(name=self.account, body=body).execute()
I haven't found anywhere some similar. I thought maybe I need to add it as the readmask, but also could find any documentation. I basically want to get the values of these metrics for each location using one of the new APIs:
I already went through this tutorial, even though I prefer using the client libraries:
but it doesn't tell me where to find these metrics.
I have also tried the same structure as in the old API but I get the error message:
AttributeError: 'Resource' object has no attribute 'reportInsights'
Can someone help me with this? I am quite new to the Google APIs and maybe there is something obvious I missing out :/
Thanks a lot,
As #devinthemaking has stated correctly, the reportInsights method is not deprecated and does not have a successor method yet.
The list of deprecated methods can be found here: Deprecation schedule

The getEntityAttributes() function in Thingsboard

I am trying to use the attributeService.getEntityAttributes function to obtain some server attributes of my device. I was using the .getEntityAttributesValues function when working with the 2.x version of Thingsboard and it was working fine. With the current version I am using the following code:
var conf = {
ignoreLoading: false,
ignoreErrors: true,
resendRequest: true
var myattr = attributeService.getEntityAttributes(entityID,'SERVER_SCOPE',["myattribute"],conf);
But I get no data or error back. I was using the .getEntityAttributesValues with .then() method but it doesn't seem to work anymore. It says ".then is not a function".
What am I doing wrong? Please help and tell me how to use the new function properly. I am using TB v.3.1.1 CE.
Thingsboard 2.x UI was made with AngularJS.
Thingsboard 3.x UI now uses Angular.
One of the key differences between these frameworks in regards of your problem is the move from Promise based services, to Observable based services.
Let's look at the source of the getEntityAttributes function:
It's mostly a thin wrapper around a network call made with the http.get method from Angular.
Therefore, if we have a look at the official documentation: https://angular.io/guide/http#requesting-data-from-a-server, it is mentioned that we must subscribe to the observable in order to handle the response. So something along the lines of:
attributeService.getEntityAttributes(entityID,'SERVER_SCOPE',["myattribute"],conf).subscribe((attributes) => {…})

Open file with default application from Vala?

What's the best way to open a file in the default application from Vala?
A bit like how xdg-open works.
I found some existing code in another application, but later on I also found this
GLib.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri method.
A simple example:
var file = File.new_for_path (file_path);
if (file.query_exists ()) {
try {
AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri (file.get_uri (), null);
} catch (Error e) {
warning ("Unable to launch %s", file_path);
If you're using GTK, then you've also got Gtk.gtk_show_uri_on_window(), which uses the GLib stuff under the hood.
As far as I know there is only one implementation of the relevant freedesktop.org standards.
That is the reference implementation in xdg-utils:
The tools are written in shell script, for example here is the source code for xdg-open:
So by far the easiest way is to just call the xdg-open script via Process.spawn_async and friends.
If you insist on using a library function you would have to implement a standard conforming library yourself.
There are quite a few libraries in various languages that implement some of the freedesktop.org standards, for example here is a list on GitHub:
For example here is a similar tool to xdg-open written in D:
What I didn't find so far is a Vala / GLib or plain C library that could easily be used from a Vala application.
Update 2:
Actually it turns out there is something for that purpose in GLib (or more precisely in Gio):
So you should be able to use the GLib.AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri_async method.

API implementation changes for OpenCV 3.0 instead of OpenCV 2.4

I'm trying to update from OpenCV2.4.10 to OpenCV3.0.0. OpenCV provides a basic guide for how general APIs work after the update, however, it doesn't cover how to deal with some implementation and API changes that have been removed completely. Is there a definitive guide to this process?
For example, one specific problem I'm encountering is that a library I'm using calls a function that has been removed from OpenCV3:
static CV_IMPLEMENT_QSORT( icvSortDistances, int, CV_LT )
How can I replace CV_IMPLEMENT_QSORT? It appears to be originally defined in cxtypes according to this blog post. There is another similar function of note CV_DECLARE_QSORT, which may also not be in 3.0?
Also several components use the opencv legacy libraries, are there any known or suggested upgrade paths for those?
How about replacing it with :
static void icvSortDistances(int *array, size_t total, int )
std::sort(&array[0], &array[total]);

Omniture Saint.ImportCreateJob

This is a very specific Omniture API question. Thought I'd check here if anyone encountered this problem since Omniture forum was not of much help -
Sending the following parameters to Omniture API Explorer here - https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/get-started/api-explorer#Saint.ImportCreateJob seems to work fine.
"description":"OSRA job description: MyReportID, Products, 51",
"header":["Field1", "Field2"],
But the call fails in the actual code with a 'Bad Request'. It seems like c_view parameter is expecting a certain value. The only documentation for c_view is that it expects a report name. I've tried report names and other values with no luck. Would appreciate any pointers from Omniture API users.
try using the relevant value from the classification_view chart. I know this is what you need for using the get/save classifications methods (I have used those methods, but not the Saint.ImportCreateJob method).
c_value is not required, so unless you plan on using it, it does not need to be present. It is supposed to be a classification_view https://developer.omniture.com/en_US/documentation/omniture-administration/r-classification-view.
It takes some trial and error to get this api working.
Here is an example of a call I use that works using the REST api over Java:
"description":"Report Test 1",
"header":["Key","Survey","Survey^Question","Survey^Question^Response","Engagement Index","Survey > Question > Response"]
Kind Regards C.
