Pictures and videos in a tableview for each user - ios

My app will have a tableview with a picture and a title on each row, when the user taps it, it will open another view with that title, some texts and some pictures.
Now, I want each user to have different items in the tableview. For making it easier, suppose it is going to be a todo list like this:
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Go to the groceries store (Pic2) (Vid2) (instrText2)
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Now, I want to assign these items differently for each user, and show in a tableview.
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Go to the groceries store (Pic2) (Vid2) (instrText2)
Now, here's my idea: each of these tasks should open a view controller with pictures, videos and text related to them. Using Core Data, I could create a modal, a entity called TodoList and attributes like title, text. First question: Can I create attributes for videos and pictures as well and store them here?
Suppose I have 500 different tasks, I will have to create a view controller for each, right? How would I relate these tasks to each user, like the example above? So each user would have his own tableview with the tasks leading to view controllers.
Assuming it is possible to make this work, how could I change the tasks assigned to each user directly, without having to use xcode or doing it programatically?

Use Core Data to store all your required fields in which image and video can also reside in Core Data. Use predicate to fetch the data according to constraints imposed on each user. When he will open the app, app should be able to fetch data according to user condition. After this you can load your table.
Hope this helps.

If we consider TO-DO apps , if a user should be able to see his own content , he will have to enter his own content through the app.This data is then stored in some backend either Core Data , SqLite or even cloud backend like the user is able to fetch his data , and see the contents in any view tableView in your case.


What is the right apporach to get data from Firebase? (on demand or everything at once))

I am setting up a friendsystem in my app.
For now, if I am in the ViewController with the list of friends, I only fetch their userdata, once it`s clicked on their username.
I am now wondering if it is better to already load all data of the listed friends, in the VC where just the list is displayed.
So that way, I can simply pass the userData-Array to next VC that shows their details, instead of loading it in the profile-VC.
What are the pros and cons here?

Showing random data from core-data using Swift 3

I need some help getting random data from core data using Swift 3, Xcode 8.3.1. I currently have an app that creates a list in tableview using data that is entered by the user.. (user enters a name and takes a picture of that person) The entity "Friend" holds the attributes "name", "image".
The first version of this app was just a name and I would use arc4random to randomly update a label with a name on a modally presented VC on a button click. The names were simply stored in an Array.
This version is including an image so I decided to try my hand at core-data (never used it before) and now I'm stuck at my random select button. Currently the app will store the data fine and then retrieve it and display everyone alphabetically along with their image in a tableview. As a new person is submitted the info gets stored and the tableview updates.
I need to show a randomly selected name and its image, but I don't know how to do this and research has failed me on getting it done.
If there is a better way of storing an image & name instead of core-data I'm open to changing as well. The app stores anywhere from 20-80 different names. It will never be used to store much more than that.
You can fetch your items from the context, which will give you an array of objects. Now you just use your favorite random function to get a random index for this array. And then use an object at that index.

Magical Record - losing my Entity information

I have an app that had a TableView with customer information.
If a click on a cell I load the detail of this customer.
I'm using Magical Record to manage all my entities.
What I'm doing:
1) Load all the CUSTOMER entity on the viewDidLoad of my TableView.
2) User click to see the detail of the customer
3) Pass to the ViewController of the detail the object that represent the entity CUSTOMER (only one).
Everything works well.
The problem is, if the user select to reload the TableView I do this:
1) Go to the API to get all the customers
2) [Customer truncateAll]
3) Create all the entities back on CoreData
5) [[NSManagedObjectContext defaultContext] saveToPersistentStoreAndWait]
6) Reload tableview
BUT, if the user click to see the detail of the Customer during this process, the following ViewController show the customer information correctly for a while. Then after
[Customer truncateAll] occurs all the information dies.
How can I prevent this?
Many thanks!
You can make use of NSFetchedResultController to listen for your Customer entity changes. When your API call finishes and you create proper entities somewhere else in your app, you'll be notified in the controller about those changes and then you can reload the data. If you're not familiar with this concept look here.

iOS: Design pattern for populating asynchronously fetched data

I am developing an app that fetches data from the web and displays it to the user. Assume that the data is reviews of a restaurant and one review is displayed on one view. The user can swipe left or right to go to the prev/next review. The data is fetched asynchronously (one thread for each review).
Here is the problem statement - Assume that 5 reviews have been fetched and the user is looking at the 3rd one currently. Now, the 6th review is fetched and I want to display it as the 4th review to the user (because the publish date of the 6th review is more recent than the 5th review). How should my model class inform the view controller?
I have considered some options -
Provide an array to the view controller and then send NSNotifications about new items to be inserted in-between the array at a specific index
Use an NSFetchedResultsController (this is a bit tricky because I am not using it with a table view controller)
View controller always asks for the next review to be displayed (from the model) and does not have a array of reviews with it
Are there any established design patterns that are employed in such a scenario? Other suggestions apart from the 3 above are welcome!
Just use an NSFetchedResultsController. When using NSIndexPaths just ignore the section. It's basically a glorified NSArray with free notifications.
Here's how I think I'd do it:
Make sure that the NSFetchRequest for your NSFetchedResultsController is sorted by publish date.
Handle NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate methods.
When the NSFetchedResultsController updates, save the current object, reload the collection view, and then scroll to the saved object without any animation. This will appear to the user as if nothing happened to the current page.
While there is no perfect design pattern for every programming problem, the closest I can think of that relates to your problem is a combination of the Command and Observer patterns.
The observer pattern is used in the NSNotification center.
While it's unclear as to why you'd want to skip a review, you could have two arrays to store them when fetched. The first holds all reviews that you have fetched. The second holds all reviews that are displayed.
Then you can get the last review in the fetched array, as if it were a stack. This way you always have the last one loaded displayed to the user.
I am confused why the order of display is different than the true order, ie why the 6th review comes before the 5th, but you asked about patterns to help.
Apart from MVC and observer, which are in the other answers and comments, I'd suggest using lazy loading with a virtual proxy. When reviews have been fetched, you can just display their proxy (eg with a "loading..." Message until they're fully in memory).
See more here:
I would recommend using the observing pattern to inform your controller than new data as been fetched. When receiving the signal, your view controller could update its array of "restaurant review" (either by adding the old one and reordering it according to some sort descriptors of your flavor or by querying the DAO directly).
Let's say you are fetching your data from internet and populating a CoreData entity with the results. Once you got your downloaded data you can populate your core data "Review" entity.
In order to "listen" at the change happening in core data, your controller should, in the viewDidLoad body, register itself as an observer for the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self selector:#selector(updateInfo:) name:NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification object:nil];
Then in your updateInfo, you can get the changes
- (void) updateInfo:(NSNotification *)notification
{ = [self.managedObjectContext performRequest:myFetchRequest error:nil];

Core data fetch relational object

Im very newbie to iOS programming.
I have core data app for tasks with two entities: Group and Task.
User creates task groups like Work, Home, Shoping and tasks related to these groups like for Work-Deploy an app, for Shopping-buy milk etc.
I have two view controllers.
Problem is that now when user clicks on a Group in tableView, it gets to next viewController, where tasks from all groups are listed. So, how I could show only Group (selected in tableView) related Tasks?
For now when for exapmle I click on Work group I see Deploy an app and Buy milk etc tasks.. I guess its something wrong with NSFetchRequest or NSPredicate Thanks!
Create an NSPredicate to have task == the task from selected cell. Use this predicate filter the the NSSet that you get when asking for the tasks property on the group-class.
If you already did this, please show the code that is doing this, so we can see what exactly is that is going wrong.
Can you also give a screenshot of (the relevant part of) your model and indicate whether you have NSManagedObject subclasses for the entities?
