Strange looping audio in mobile browsers for NodeJS application - ios

To illustrate the problem I'm having I created a sample set of code in the Express framework for NodeJS. When a user goes to there's supposed to be an audio element ready to play the contents of music.mp3. The problem I've noticed on mobile browsers, specifically iOS Chrome and Safari, is that if "music.mp3" is long enough, the entirety of the file won't play, it'll just loop back to the beginning after a while. Any tips/explanations that could explain this behavior to me?
var fs = require("fs");
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
app.get("/music.mp3", function (req, res) {
var music = fs.createReadStream("./music.mp3");
app.get("/", function (req, res) {
res.send("<audio controls><source src=\"music.mp3\">Your browser sucks</audio>");


Unable to load chrome extention with playwright for automation

Hello guys I just started using playwright and JavaScript. I am having a trouble figuring out how to load chrome extension from local folder while opening browser for automation. I want to automate chrome extension but so far the only clue that I have got is to use this code
const { chromium } = require('playwright');
(async () => {
const pathToExtension = require('path').join(__dirname, 'my-extension');
const userDataDir = '/tmp/test-user-data-dir';
const browserContext = await chromium.launchPersistentContext(userDataDir,{
headless: false,
args: [
const backgroundPage = browserContext.backgroundPages()[0];
// Test the background page as you would any other page.
await browserContext.close();
which I am unable to understand that how this would be configured and in which file should I add this code. Can anybody help me in this regard please?

Use Mapbox with offline maps in Electron app

Is it possible to have an electron app showing offline map?
I downloaded the mbtiles and stored in the electron app, but I'm not able to show it in the angular side of the electron app.
I have the following code:
id = "map"
[center]="[mapCenter.longitude, mapCenter.latitude]"
(load) = "onLoad($event)"
But I get the error
zone-evergreen.js:1068 Fetch API cannot load mbtiles://User/hello/path/to/file.mbtiles. URL scheme "mbtiles" is not supported.
So, in order to make it works in an online way I have to change the style for
Is it possible to make it works serving the mbtiles from the nodejs code or in other way?
To serve up your local mbtiles file, you need to register the mbtiles protocol in main.js. Something like this should do it:
const electron = require('electron');
const protocol = electron.protocol;
const path = require('path');
protocol.registerHttpProtocol('mbtiles', (req, cb) => {
const url = 'assets/resources/downloaded.mbtiles';
cb({ path: path.normalize(`${__dirname}/${url}`) })
You can read up on protocol handlers in electron here:

.NET + Angular - IIS Server refreshing localhost tab in chrome when request is made from fire fox

This is bizarre.
I have an angular app served from a .NET MVC project. When I make a request to the backend and complete the response the page refreshes. This only happens in chrome.
Here are the weird variations I've triggered:
1) Serve the app in Chrome, complete request, refreshes page.
2) Serve the app in Chrome, open FF to localhost (so the same page is open in two browsers), trigger the request in FF, request completes. FF does not restart, but the chrome tab does.
3) Serve the app in FF, request does not refresh the page. Open chrome to localhost, make the request from either FF or Chrome, page refreshes.
The .NET route hit just responds with a JsonResult after a file upload. This happens consistently after the completed request hits the subscription. Heres some relevent code:
// component
this.myService.uploadFile(formGroup, this.Id).subscribe(result =>
// service
public uploadFile(form: FormGroup, id: number) {
const options = {
reportProgress: true,
const file: File = form.get('file').value;
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('File', file,;
formData.append('Id', id.toString());
const request = new HttpRequest('POST', '/file', formData, options);
return this.http.request(request)
map((event) => {
return this.updateProgress(event, form);
I use this exact same format elsewhere in the app for another file upload component that has different requirements and I dont have any issues.
I only know enough .NET to be dangerous and I'm primarily an SPA developer. If you need some more information about the .NET configuration just ask. I'd really like to track this down.
UPDATE: I found this GitHub issue that describes a similar event only in chrome. I added return false and $event.preventDefault() both to the end of the upload() function (its the one called by the (click) event in the template) and at the end of the subscription scope.
I'm lost.

JQuery AJAX call to web on iOS stopped working using Phonegap web app

I have an app written in HTML5, Javascript, css3 using PhoneGap to compile for iOS and Android. It collects survey information and uploads this via Ajax call to online host. It has been working really well until recently the upload code appeared to stop working. WELL NOT QUITE! On the iPad it says successful but in fact nothing ever makes it to the host. This is VERY strange. I've tried re-writing the Ajax call based on articles on here but no luck.
iOS - 6.1.3, PhoneGAP 2.7.0, PhoneGap/Adobe Build used.
This is the upload piece...
function sendToWeb(){
var errorflag = false;
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql("SELECT weburl FROM settings", [], function(tx, results){
var webURL = results.rows.item(0).weburl;
tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM surveypretransfer WHERE uploaded = '0'",[], function(tx, results){
if (results.rows.length == 0) {
alert("You have no surveys waiting to upload");
} else {
alert("You have " + results.rows.length + " surveys waiting to upload");
for (var i=0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var responseURL = webURL + "/feeds/saveinfo.php";
var responseString = results.rows.item(i).responsestring;
var localid = results.rows.item(i).id;
type: 'POST',
data: responseString,
url: responseURL,
timeout: 30000,
success: function(data) {
alert('Success!' + data.join('\n'));
error: function(data) {
console.log("Results: " + localid);
alert("Error during Upload. Error is: "+ data.statusText);
}); //ajax
}; //for loop
alert("You have successfully uploaded "+ results.rows.length + " survey results");
tx.executeSql("UPDATE surveypretransfer SET uploaded = '1' WHERE uploaded = '0'");
}; //if statement
}); //tx.execute
}, errorCB);
Neither of the two alerts fire when loaded on iPad. Works fine on Android and has previously worked on iPad so I can't find what has changed.
UPDATE: Appears that this only applies to WiFi only iPads. All the 3G ones I tested were fine. Figure that!
Config.XML contains app id = "com.mydomain.myapp" (as an example)
URL for upload is ""
Also added line 'access origin="" subdomains="true" '
Still no results. Is anyone seeing/having similar issues? Anyone see my mistake?
For iOS you might want to try <access origin="http://*" />, as iOS is not documented in the PhoneGap API to support the subdomain property.
If that doesn't solve your issues, you will probably want to look into CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). I had issues trying to do a POST request from my app to a local port on iOS. The W3C has a great article on how to enable CORS that will probably help. I know in my case, the system would attempt to do an OPTIONS request first, and if it didn't work, the whole thing would fail.
Another tool that you will probably find useful (if not now, in the future) is Fiddler. You can set up an iPad to proxy through your desktop, and then you will be able to observe all of the requests going to and from the device. This is how I found the OPTIONS request noted above.

Links will not open in iframe target in an iOS standalone web app

I am running into a pickle. When I view my web app within mobile safari via iOS 6, I am able to successfully open up my basic target links <a href="link.html" target="mainframe"into my retrospective iframe <iframe src="" name="mainframe"></iframe>
Though when the app is opened via standalone all the links exit out of the app and into Mobile Safari. You can see a working example at
Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
You'll need to write some javascript to change the src of the iframe.
For a start, get your app working so that links will not open Safari by using something like the following (it's using jquery by the way):
if (window.navigator.standalone) {
function (event) {
var aurl = $("href");
if (aurl) {
location.href = $("href");
else {
location.href = this;
then you'll need to modify it to work with iframes too.
For more iphone app stuff you'll want to look at this:
