TFS and Mantis Integration - tfs

I'd like to know if it's possible (and how, if anyone has ever done it before) to have Mantis Bug Tracker "tickets" automatically imported/transformed into TFS work items.
We use mantis to keep track of development and TFS as a Repo. Every check-in made to TFS must be associated with one work item. Right now, these two systems are not integrated which causes, for example, that the ticket 100 is relative to the work item 497 without no way of knowing that one is relative to the other.
I've looked at TFS Integration Tools but was unable to install it for some reason at this time.
So, how can I have an automation process that "imports" Mantis tickets into TFS work items automatically? Is this even possible?

There is a plugin for source integration which supports Git, SVN and Mercurial (experimental).
I am not aware that there is something similar avalaible for TFS, but it should be no big problem to implement TFS integration based on the framework which is offered by the plugin.


Does TFS support multiple pending changelists like Perforce?

I am used to working with Perforce and I really like the ability to be able to group checked out files under different pending changelists. For example, if I am working on two bugs at the same time and the changes made for them can be grouped separately.
I am unable to find this functionality in TFS. Is this supported? If no, what is the best practice around it?
I am using VS 2015 Professional with TFS Server 2015.
No, it's not supported with pending changelists in TFS for now.
To be a workaround, this is possible using the Suspend/Resume feature in Visual Studio 2012 and above. It will allow you to keep multiple shelvesets, associated to multiple workitems. Only problem is that you can't have all two bugs open at the same time, so you'll have to check them in one by one.
More detail info please refer this link: Suspend your work and manage your shelvesets

How can I merge/migrate TFS source code into existing Visual Studio Team System project preserving work items

We have a situation where at a point in our project's life, we needed to split off work item tracking and source control into 2 separate TFS projects, with the work items being in a VS Team Services project, and the source on-prem in TFS 2013.
The reason at the time being, we needed to grant access for our stakeholders to the product backlog, without them being on the corporate network where TFS is hosted. At the time there was concerns about security of the source code, hence the whole project was not lifted and shifted, just the backlog.
Now we're realizing some of the security concerns were not warranted, and we are missing out on the integration of ALM provided by a single project having both responsibilities, and would like to merge our source control out into the cloud-based VSTS project.
The problem is, the migration tools are overwriting the Work Items in VSTS. Is there some way we could merge, preserving that data, or any alternative to merge these two things together somehow?
I think you're looking at the Team Foundation Server Integration Tools here if you want to migrate source code history. Bear in mind that it's not going to be perfect (data time stamps will not be the same etc.).
If you can get away with it then just stick the latest code in VSTS and consider the on-prem server your archive should you need to go back. That doesn't tend to be too popular so you'll be wrestling with the integration tools. It's not the most friendly thing to use but mostly it will get the job done.
When you configure your session, you will want to choose Team Foundation Server\VersionControl.xml for your configuration. Then select a One-way-migration between your on-prem and VSTS.
You'll need to install VS 2012 or at least the Team Explorer.
Edit Coincidentally I had to do this myself so I blogged about the process here

Opshub Migration from TFS to VSTS not mapping users

So I've been trying to perform a migration (code only, no work items) of a medium sized project from an on-premises TFS2010 to VSTS using the OpsHub tool. My user is an administrator on both sides, and the migration runs and completes without tossing errors.
The problem is that it just doesn't do what it says it will. I spent a long time mapping the users from TFS to VSTS during the setup, but it completely ignored that mapping and assigned every single changeset to my VSTS account. The docs also say that it should preserve the original TFS check-in time in the comment of the new VSTS changeset, but it never does that to any of them -- the comments are just brought over exactly as they were.
It seems like there must be a setting set wrong in OpsHub to turn these features on, but I can't find any kind of options screen or anything in the tool. It looks like other users are able to successfully map the TFS users to the VSTS users and have it work like you would expect, but I can't make heads or tails of it.
Thanks for any help or advice on this.
If you are using the free version then this feature is not supported by it and same is mention on the visual studio gallery download page, only the commercial version of migration utility supports partial user impersonation, i.e. writing changes as per configured user mapping.

Using Jetbrains Youtrack + TeamCity + TFS

Were using TFS for Source control and Team City for CI.
I'd like to introduce YouTrack also to the mix.
What's the integration between the three of them like?
Eg Can I raise bugs in YouTrack against product backlog items (a "story") in TFS?
Cheers for any pearls of wisdom!!
In the integration environment you describe TFS would act just like a VCS, so no, you won't be able to raise bugs in YT against a story in TFS.
However, you will be able to modify state of a YT issue by simply mentioning it in a commit comment like #ISS-123 fixed. You'll be able to view commits related to an issue in YT.
In TC you will see which issues relate to a build.

Setup for Team Foundation and ClearCase with TFS Integration Tool

I want to do daily migration of TFS changes to a ClearCase system. I was going to try out TFS Integration tools but I can't get any of the toolset pieces to work. What are the requirements to run this app? I have VS 2010, TFS 2010 and Sharepoint 2010 installed. The assemblies it's trying to load don't seem to be present in VS2010 and I don't if it requires VS 2008 or not. Anyone ever had this running? I'm migrating from TFS to CC. Not the other way around.
I've been using this tool to sync TFS 2010 changes back into a UCM ClearCase implementation at the client. It has been going poorly. The tool should be clearly marked as Beta or even Alpha. A peek into the code reveal around 100 TODO's and "This needs to be fixed". I have spent a good deal of time trying to iron out some of the issues and have made progress. My suggestion is before using this tool on mission critical projects, spend at least 3-4 weeks evaluating it in your environment. When it works, it works pretty well with moving changes.
I don't know much about how to access TFS2010 elements, besides "check an individual project for pre & postbuild steps either by loading the project in visual studio or manually reading the project file".
If you need Sharepoint assembly, this technote describes the requirements.
And I don't think an automatic import utility exists (from TFS2010 to ClearCase 7.1.x), as this technote mentions:
Change request (RFE) RATLC01005874 had been submitted requesting a conversion utility to export source code from Microsoft Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) to ClearCase;
however, the decision was made by Product Management to exclude the requested feature from future upgrades and releases due to the significant architectural changes required to implement the solution.
The right approach is to manage to list the content of relevant labels for a given scope, and make a clearfsimport into a ClearCase view, with a full label applied right after it.
You don't need TFS (server), VS or SharePoint installed. You will need a SQL server for the core platform. Then you will need the various assemblies for TFS, which you can get by installing the Team Explorer component (it's on the TFS install media).
We decided to go with the TFS Integration Platform. It allows us to sync TFS work items back into ClearCase when ever we want. It provides the level of integration we needed to keep the traceability. The TFS to CC integration is bleeding edge, but it works enough for what we need. (Syncing work items and user check ins.)
