UITableViewCell overlap shadow on top of cell directly below - uitableview

I'm trying to create a simple effect where a cell casts a shadow on top of the cell directly below (in a vertical UITableView). Much like a tiled roof where the top tile is layered above the tile below and casts a shadow on the cell below.
I've tried overriding layoutSubviews in UITableView and played with bringSubviewToFront etc but that did not work. The shadow works somewhat but disappears as you tap on a cell (somehow the selected view overlaps it).
Any way to do this easily?

It seems the only reliable way is to draw the 'shadow' on the cell below the top one and then keep track of global selection states. A second option is to use UICollectionView instead but that's an overkill.

For cell dropping shadow on the one below:
Add shadow to the layer of a view in your cell.
For all cells dropping shadows only on the background view
Add shadow to the layer of the tableview itself.


Custom swipe to delete for rounded TableViewCell with drop shadow

I'm trying to make a custom swipe to delete style which appears like being behind the cell itself, not side by side like the default trailingSwipeActionsConfiguration.
Something like this:
Is there any way to create a design like this?
From what I've tried with the default swipe control there will be a gap between the cell itself and the delete button due to the cells padding for drop shadow and also the red color of the delete button needs to extends under rounded corners of the cell.
Also I've tried creating a subview behind the cell when tableview willBeginEditingRowAt is being called but it seems off(sometime works, sometimes doesn't). Perhaps there might be a proper way to achieve this?

UICollectionViewCell Shadow on all four sides

I was wondering want the best way to add drop shadows to a set of collectionviewcells that do not have spaces between them?
Part of my layout has various cells positioned across the screen like a post. It notes and the second half of the layout is structured to look like a tableview except all the cells don't go to the edges there's a bit of padding. So I can't really add a shadow around the collection view itself.
I have added shadows to the cells in the post. It note part which works great because the cells have spaces between them but I'm now struggling with the second half (the tableview looking part) because obviously when you add the shadows to the cells depending on the zIndex you may see the shadow overlapping the below or top cell.
So I was wondering what is the best way to do this?
Should the shadows decoration views underneath the cells?
Should the shadows be attached to the cell and increase the ZIndex for each cell so they appear on different levels hiding the shadow - but that leads to a question on how to do the first cell and have a top shadow?
Should I almost fake it by using an image of a shadow inside the cell itself?
I also have deletion functionality so I need to figure out how to make sure if I delete the first cell, the second cell should then have the top shadow in a nice animated way.
I am trying to create the following view inside the collection view. I have got the layout correct. 1
The green lines are the shadows I have working but the red are the ones I'm having trouble with and the boxes are the different cells.

Infinity backgroundView in tableView

I have UITableView with background image and then I scroll it I have parallax effect like background imageView scrolls too. Problem is that then my image finished I have tableView background. Is it possible to make infinity imageView? Like then I go through image then starts this one image from beginning.
In next few days I will add lib thay solved it and creates parallax effect under tableView
Can you show me how are you placing that image behind the TableView? I guess the hierarchy in the storyboard should be
UIView -> UIImageView -> UITableView
The size of the UIImageView and the UITableView should be the same. So when you scroll up and down the UITableViewyou could see the image in the background.
But please explain your scenario abit more so that I could suggest you something appropriate.
What Hanny means is that you need to have the tableView on top of imageView ordered in the stack of the parent view's subviews. What you can also do is stack two tableviews on top of each other, and add a touch event that moves both table view's scroll views. The image table view would contain cells that are the size of the whole view frame.

iOS: UIView backgroundColor in table view

So this problem is pretty weird and a little difficult to describe. Essentially I have a UITableView where each cell has an image, and a UIView covering part of the image. The UIView has it's background colour set to about 30% transparent white, giving it the appearance of washing out the image beneath. There's also some labels and such on it. All these views are added to a single parent container view, which is finally added to the cell's contentView. This all works fine - until I try to select the cell. For some reason, whenever the cell is highlighted, the backgroundColor property on each and every one of those views is set to clear, until the cell is unhighlighted (at which point the old colour returns).
Can anyone explain why this happens, and more important if there's a way to fix it? At most I could create a single pixel image of white, turn the UIView into a UIImageView, and set it's image to that pixel - but that's inelegant at best. Any suggestions?
When you select the cell, the implementation of setSelected:animated: is called and set the background color of all the views included in this cell to transparent.
Simply, you can just disable the selection of the cell by setting its selectionStyle to None:
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
Or, if you want to use the result of selection, you can override the setSelected:animated: method and reset the background color of your UIView

Kind of complicated custom UITableViewCell

I have a particular goal in mind here, searching for it is a little hard. I am trying to accomplish this (This is a photoshopped screenshot):
I have everything in this view working, except for the split row for the Company Name/ Beginning of the field row. The "Company Name" field is just a textfield, all I really want to do is shrink that neato cell background to just go behind the right side.
Create a custom table view cell that has two subviews: the text field on the left and a UITableViewCell on the right as a subview of the main table view cell. A UITableViewCell is just a UIView so you can actually add it as a subview of any view. The main table view cell will have it's background color set to transparent.
So totally complicated custom cell comes with a totally ridiculous solution. I built a view for the cell that has the one field...and another UITableView.
That second UITableView has the "Beginning of the field" text, and its cell gets the background, and I hide the background of the main cell.
I had to play around with the nested table's size and position to get the row to display properly, and make sure that the lines in the background don't shift when it hits the nested table, but it came out perfect
You could try setting the frame property of your cells backgroundView to cover only have your cell's width. Address Book handles complex forms like this with a nice look and feel--you might want to see what they've done there..
One approach would be to define a custom table view cell, set its background transparent and add the UITextField on the left and a UIButton on the right (customize it to look like your other cells), as in your screenshot.
