TFS - What is the best branching strategy for this scenario? - tfs

My goal is to have a structure like this:
Project X
-- Main
-- QA
-- Dev
-- Feature X
Ideally, when working on a new feature, I would like to branch off the "Main" trunk and create a new "Dev/Feature X" branch. Once I have the feature ready for testing, I would like to move the "Feature X" to "QA" with the merging tool. Then go from the "QA" branch once it is done and tested. Once that is true, I would like to merge from "QA" into "Main".
Is this possible? Id like to do this without doing a baseless merge. I am unsure how to structure the branches to achieve this solution.

Yes, this is possible.
You'd branch Main to QA, then branch QA to Feature X, Feature Y, etc.
Then, devs code in the Feature branches, and when the feature is complete, merge the code from the feature branch to the QA branch. It's important to also have devs periodically reverse-integrate from QA back up to their feature branches, to make sure that all of the latest changes are present and working in their dev branch.
When the release is done and tested in the QA branch, you merge it back to Main, and then (if you desire) branch Main to a Release branch.
In this scenario, Main should always represent absolutely vetted, shippable code -- either the code you just shipped, or the code you're about to ship. No one should ever modify Main without it going through (at the very least) the QA branch.
Basically, the part you're missing is that your code should always travel through the QA branch. I usually call this an "Integration" branch instead of "QA", but the purpose is the same.
The ALM Rangers have an awesome branching/merging guide -- I strongly recommend reading it!


Should I test master branch before put into production?

I'm working with git flow and a doubt arouse about the master branch. I have development and user acceptance working on develop branch and when I finish the test, I merge the develop with master branch and put into production. My question is if something goes wrong after this merge with master branch, I will not have tested it. What should I do to have the master branch tested? How to ensure that the master is not broken? Is there any pattern?
tl;dr: No, you already tested it.
In a properly implemented Git-Flow strategy, anything you merge into master should be fully ahead of master 1, so you would never need to test what you'll get after merging into master, as it will be the identical state before and after the merge. (And presumably you have fully tested the branch before merging into master!) The reason this is true is that when hotfix branches are merged into master, they should be immediately merged back down into develop too (or into a release branch if one currently exists). This means there should never be any code that is only on master and not yet in the branch you're about to merge into master. As documented by Git Flow regarding completing hotfix branches:
When finished, the bugfix needs to be merged back into master, but also needs to be merged back into develop, in order to safeguard that the bugfix is included in the next release as well. This is completely similar to how release branches are finished.
And also,
The one exception to the rule here is that, when a release branch currently exists, the hotfix changes need to be merged into that release branch, instead of develop.
Side Note: You mentioned that you are merging develop directly into master, and you can do that if it's working for you, but I just want to point out that typically in Git Flow you use a release branch instead. Doing so enables simultaneous development on develop while you are hardening a release as it awaits deployment. Here's a question that discusses this, and my answer there provides some tips for how to avoid creating release branches in Git Flow, if you normally don't need them.
1 In Git we oftentimes say that one branch is "fully ahead" of another branch when the first branch can reach the tip commit of the second branch. For example, develop is ahead of master if the tip commit of master is in the history of the develop branch. In this case however what we actually mean is that all commits with state changes in master are present on develop, and this distinction exists only because of the --no-ff requirement when merging into master, so it's possible that master might have some merge commits that don't yet exist on develop. Those merge commits do not contain any new state though, so we can say from a practical point of view that develop is fully ahead of master.
From a purity standpoint, my personal preference is to always have every commit on master be present in develop or release before merging into master, so that we can say "fully ahead" and mean it from a commit ID standpoint as well. To achieve this, you can slightly tweak the documented Git Flow by, instead of merging release and hotfix branches back to develop after merging into master, merge master back down into develop. This achieves the identical state but also achieves the "fully ahead" meaning that we like to see in Git. It also means anytime you merge anything into master, you could do a fast forward merge, but we choose to use --no-ff instead to maintain a historical record of when the merge occurred, and exactly what was merged. Using this tweak, the fact that you could have done a fast-forward merge is the proof you need that you don't have re-test master after the merge.
If the master branch changed since you forked the develop branch, you certainly could break master after merging develop (especially if you had to sift through merge conflicts), even if develop was working fine on its own. The way to make sure that master isn't broken after merging is to have good unit tests for master to make sure no existing functionality is broken, and then add and run additional unit tests for develop which test the new feature works after its merged.

Branching strategy in DevOps

I am setting up DevOps process with TFS and wondering about branching strategy. If I have the following sample branching (image from Guidance: A Branching strategy for Scrum Teams).
I have DevOps process set up (continuous integration and continuous delivery) with continuous integration from MAIN branch (with Jenkins).
How would I handle hotfixes? If developers merge frequently into MAIN branch to verify builds, how do I get the last released code for applying a hot fix? If I were to use Release branches, I would eventually have to integrate hot fix into MAIN branch in order to kick off CI process. However, MAIN branch could contain changes beyond the release.
Please advise on this issue.
Generally a hot fix should gets out from the relevant version on the main branch.
Then need to create a dedicated branch for the hot fix, merge it with the last stable branch.
If it passes the entire QA, unit tests, system tests, etc then merge it back to main branch as the next released version.
you can have a look in the following example when using git the reference is here: git best practice. The source control is not the issue but the main idea. Read carefully the article i believe you'll be able to find what you are looking for.
There are some organization that still working with patches...
I'm not a big fun of this solution, but if this is your case than let me know, because in patches there is a little bit different solution.
It's suggested making all your branches synchronized all the time. When you want to handle hotfixes, you can create a new branch "HotFix" from main. When the hotfixes are completed, you need to merge it from HotFix to Main, and merge from Main to Release.
If you have made any changes in the Release you will need to merge back up to Main in order to finalise the changes.
A hotfix is a patch to released software. If you've got a release branch, creating a hotfix branch off of that is appropriate. After that hotfix is promoted up to Prod, you can then reverse integrate back up the chain to Main. Hotfix -> Release -> Main, and even forward integrate that up to the next sprint, if needed.
Obviously, the answer that you choose depends on your particular requirements; however, typically, you should cut a release from main, and a hot fix from the release branch. Personally, I would say that that code should not go back into the release branch, but be double fixed in a development branch.
The main reason for this is that, once you've released code, that code branch should be locked as it was at release. If you follow this, then you can always go back to a previous state of affairs. As has already been suggested, you may be halfway through changes to a hotfix when the requirement or priorities change; or when the customer reports a bug in the live code. If you maintain a separate branch, you can always access that code.
How to handle this really depends on the release and maintenance strategy or customer agreements you have.
If your release branch happens also to be a maintenance codeline (it seems like it from your description) then create feature branch from it, implement a hot-fix, test, merge back and release a "patch". Ideally you should have CI set also for the "maintenance" branch.
After this you can integrate your hot-fix with main codeline or put the issue on backlog to implement it differently for the future new release.
BTW: Some nice articles here:
If you are using Agile, then feature branches can be a good option. The only thing is it has to be combined with a ticketing tool like JIRA or AGM. For handling hotfixes in such scenarios, you can have a user story in AGM or JIRA, which upon completion will be merged onto the mainline trunk.

Merge a feature branch to a different trunk branch than it was created from?

I have a situation where we were working on feature branches against a main development branch ('trunk') and each release cycle, a release branch would be taken from the current development branch.
However, a release was cancelled very late on and instead we were asked to issue the previous release with only some features - after these were all integrated into the main dev branch.
So what happened was the previous release branch was taken as the base of the new mini-release, and we now have to re-apply specific changes that were already made against the development branch. I luckily still have my feature branch and it was never merged. It is based on the development branch, however my branch was taken fairly early on in the release cycle and was not updated by re-merging parent (trunk) changes - so my branch's parent is actually not too dissimilar from the new branch I need to apply it to.
I know TFS has some facilities for re-parenting and baseless merges but what is likely to work best? More importantly if I try re-parenting, can I break my branch or am I safe that I can try things, back them out and try again if there are problems?
My branch is fairly large, maybe 50 changesets applied to quite a few separate modules. I suppose I could try to apply each changeset one-by-one instead?
In my experience, baseless merges are always terrible. In most cases I find diffing and merging the two branches manually via a compare tool (like BeyondCompare) is easier and more reliable than using the TFS tooling.
That being said I would challenge you to consider going to a single main branch. We made the leap (a huge leap for us at the time) but it has paid dividends many times over at this point. The key is being Release Ready:

TFS Branch-Per-Feature Strategy That Fits Multiple Environments With Independent Feature Timetables

There are several/many questions regarding TFS branching strategy, but I am haven't been able to come up with a strategy that fits with my scenario. My TFS project consists of a single solution that contains a Web Project, a Business Layer Project, and a Data Layer Project. The project is a portal of reports. Reports are largely isolated in subfolders within the project. There are however some features across the entire project such as session management. Over a given period of time, the workflow may occur as follows:
Stable snapshot of code.
Development of Report A begins.
Development of Report B begins.
The project with the inclusion of Report A needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with the inclusion of Report A and Report B needs to be pushed to our qa environment.
The project with only the inclusion of Report B needs to be pushed to our prod environment.
So basically, each report is on a completely independent timetable. I need to be able to independently publish a branch of code to our different environments. Currently, we don't have branching - we just don't add a link to a new feature if the project gets published when a report isn't ready but is included in the project. Not the best scenario.
My initial go at a branching strategy was to have Main sit between the QA and prod environments, basically as just a container to merge before branching to a production branch for a production publish. Each report would be developed on a branch from main. For both our test and qa environments, a branch from main would be created and the appropriate development branch(es) would be merged into this "proposed updates" branch. This doesn't work though because I am merging development/feature branches into a branch that isn't the parent branch. I can't have Main at this level because a Report may be in development for weeks while another may be on a timetable that has it developed and pushed through the process to production in only a few days. My "proposed update" branches for test and qa need to be able to be independently created from a merging of only the appropriate dev branch(es).
My only experience with branching/merging is a main+dev pair of branches, so I'm very out of my element here. How can I setup my branching in such a way that I am able to merge features in on independent timetables without getting stuck and code being published to an environment before it is ready?
If it matters, we are on TFS 2008 right now and hope to go to TFS 2010 soon. This is an immediate need to get going on our current TFS 2008 server though.
I'm not exactly clear on everything; reading comprehension and all.
As I understand it, your current process is Dev -> Test -> QA -> Production. Devs work on code, push it to an environment where they can test on it. Once satisfied, they push it to QA, and when code passes it moves into production.
In addition, you have several "teams" (1 or more devs) that must work on separate reports, each of which must eventually be moved through the above process into Production. Teams may be working on code that is distinct from all others, or teams may find they cannot move their code forward until other teams reach stability.
If I were in charge of branching for this solution, I would recommend the following.
First, create a Production branch. This branch only contains production code. Only your QA team touches this branch.
Next, create a QA branch. This branch is also maintained solely by QA teams. They manually merge test code into this branch, run their quality assurance tests, then merge with Production. Every time they merge with Production, or test code is accepted into QA, a label is applied to the branch. If test code fails, the branch is reverted back to the prior label.
Development teams manage their own branches. They are created by branching from QA at the latest label. This assures they are working with the latest approved code. Developers work with and test on this branch. If teams have a dependency on each other, they should work on the same branch, unless it becomes clear that creating secondary branches from their shared Dev branch would be easier. Once a Dev branch meets the milestones set for the developers, QA should be informed that the branch is ready for merging with QA for testing.
Alternatively, depending on how complex development is, you might even consider uniting the QA and Production branches. Often, it is a simple matter to add a label to a branch to indicate a stable, production worthy build. It also keeps the branching strategy as simple as possible, which is always a good thing.
I think you should look at the Branching Guidance put together by the VS ALM Rangers.
This should alswer all of your questions. You are looking at quite an advanced branch plan. I also have some good practical guidance on my blog. I know that I am talking about Scrum teams, but it is basicaly Feature branching based on the Guidance.
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[I know this question is old but this may help others that come across this question]
Most "branch per feature" teams use one "main" branch and break away from the branch per environment approach. Environment releases can be handled by clearly labeling each environmental release on the MAIN branch.
The QA release is the result of merging all features/issue branches considered fully tested and ready for QA into MAIN. As bugs are found, new bug branches are branched off of MAIN, which are fixed and merged back to MAIN. When all QA releases are deemed ready for production, a PROD build is made from MAIN. In short MAIN is the one source of truth for code.
If you need to work ahead, an integration-test branch (TEST) can be used to determine what features are "production ready," but feature/issue branches should be merged to MAIN on a case-by-case basis, rather than in bulk from the TEST branch.
Hotfixes can be branched from the PROD label, then fixed, tested and merged back to MAIN for a new PROD release.
I'm going to refer you to a great video on Branch per Feature. It focuses on GIT, but the strategies do not depend on GIT and can be used just as effectively on TFS SCC:

How to merge features and bug fixes over branches

Simply put I have the following branch setup:
|--- DEV
|--- PROD
Most developments are done in the DEV branch. When the code is ready to test, everything is merged to the MAIN branch and published to our test environment. When tests are completed, a merge to PROD is done and everything is published to the production server. Every now and then changes (mostly bugfixes) are made on the MAIN or PROD code, but this is an exception.
I have been asked to think out a system for feature and bugfix merging. This means that separate changes in the DEV should be merged across MAIN and PROD. With our current setup this information is lost: for example features A, B and C are implemented in the DEV branch. Let's say every feature has two corresponding changesets: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. With our current way of working, everything is merged to the MAIN branch in one go. So when we want to "cherry pick" features which have to go from MAIN to PROD we can't do this because there's only one changeset on MAIN: the checkin of the merge.
How would you fix this? Do I need to change something to my branching strategy?
I'm using TFS for source control.
So when we want to "cherry pick" features which have to go from MAIN to PROD we can't do this because there's only one changeset on MAIN: the checkin of the merge.
You can write a tool to piece through the merge history, if you like, but the real answer is don't do that. When you cherry pick, you lose any guarantee that the code you tested and stabilized in the source branch will perform the same way in the target branch. Sometimes that's ok, but in your case it defeats the whole purpose of having an intermediate branch sitting between raw untested Dev checkins and your live PROD deployments.
As discussed in my favorite branch/merge video, your guiding principle should be "merge down, copy up." That is, whenever the need arises to deconstruct and/or apply code diffs, let unstable branches take the hit. (Cherry picking features out of an otherwise integrated app is one example.) Meanwhile, code that's promoted up toward stable branches like Main & Prod should always be a straight copy that matches what you've already worked so hard to stabilize in the source branch. Sounds like you're following this strategy currently; preserving it in the face of cherry picks would be my #1 motivation for using feature branches, even moreso than insulating feature teams from each others' breakages.
Managing dependencies between features is an issue, as Jim mentioned. If you can identify them in advance, the usual solution is to make sub-branch(es) that are shared by the features with the common dependency.
/ \
Feature2 \
Feature3 /
\ /
Software doesn't always go as planned, of course. And this doesn't work at all if the branches that need to share code are on opposite sides of the tree (e.g. if Feature1 depends on LibA and LibB, but Feature2 is ill equipped to be part of B for structural or technical reasons).
I don't think there's any magic sauce here, you've just got to find a system where you have a revision on main for each unit you might like to cherry pick.
This can be done trivially by merging each revision individually, which is a pain, but gets you what you want.
Alternatively, you can up the granularity, by merging each feature into main one at a time. This requires that you work sequentially on features, which may be ok if you're on your own, but will be a pain if there's a few of you, since you'll have to go through a code freeze where some people have finished and others haven't.
Another way of working which you may or may not find more manageable is to have a DEV branch for each feature. In this sense, instead of having an ever existant DEV branch, have a collection of ephemeral DEV branches that only exist until the feature is completed.
The reintegration of each DEV branch will give you a clear revision in main which can be cherry picked.
You can get dependencies between dev branches. Say branch devA needs some implementation from branch devB, you'll have to merge the required parts of devB into main and then merge them down into devA. However, devA shouldn't be needing unfinished work from devB, so you should (in theory) be able to RI those parts happily anyway. And of course, since you're cherry picking into PROD, these partial integrations don't have to get published.
Given your branching strategy, I guess you've already found this, but if not, it's worth reading:
