I recently added new columns to my database (sqlite) for Media and it shows that the columns are inserted, but the new columns will not update on Medium.new
My original database:
class CreateMedia < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :media do |t|
t.string :name
t.string :location
These columns update on Media.new
class AddMetaToMedia < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :media, :ext, :string
add_column :media, :l_mod, :string
add_column :media, :d_create, :string
and I am calling
Medium.new(name: f, location: str, ext: ex)
ext will not update to ex = File.extname(f), which I know has a value through print statements/console. Am I calling Medium.new wrong? Why is it updating name and location but not the new columns?
edit: Here is my model, I've tried with and without attr_accessible/attr_accesor
class Medium < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :ext, :d_create, :l_mod
Mostly for those who find this later...may also need to whitelist new params in interested controllers
attr_accessor :ext, :d_create, :l_mod remove this line from your model and try again.
Now you have these attributes in DB so Rails will do this job automatically
I have over 100 recipes uploaded through ActiveAdmin (http://activeadmin.info/) in with the following attributes:
class CreateRecipes < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :recipes do |t|
t.string :title
t.string :description
t.string :ingredients
t.string :position
I needed to change position from a string to an integer. I was able to do this with the following:
change_column :table_name, :column_name, :integer
stackoverflow: Rails migration for change column
The issue is that I do not know how to go back and reassign all the recipes with a position (now that it's an integer). I basically want to start at 0 and go all the way to 100. And if i create a new recipe, it automatically has the position value of 101.
Is there a way to do this without going back and individually changing each recipe?
It sounds like you want to set :position to :id initially. You could do that through the rails console like so:
recipes = CreateRecipes.all
recipes.each do |recipe|
recipe.position = recipe.id
Then, for new recipes, in your model (create_recipes.rb), you could add:
after_initialize :default_values
def default_values
self.position ||= id
Incidentally, this is a nice clean way to handle default or initial values in general. For more information, see this excellent post How can I set default values in ActiveRecord?.
You can have the conversion run automatically as part of the migration itself. Add the code to convert the values in the existing records into the migration. Use self.up and self.down to have the appropriate conversion code for that direction of the migration:
class ChangeRecipePositionToInteger < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
position_values = Hash[ Recipe.all.map{|r| [r.id, r.position]}]
change_column :recipes, :position, :integer
position_values.each_pair do |id, position_value|
recipe = Recipe.find( id )
recipe.position = position_value.to_i
def self.down
position_values = Hash[ Recipe.all.map{|r| [r.id, r.position]}]
change_column :recipes, :position, :string
position_values.each_pari do |id, position_value|
recipe = Recipe.find( id )
recipe.position = position_value.to_s
I'm trying to add the time to my index page in the datatable but after migration the only time that shows up in the table on my index page is the time that the migration took place. I've tried many different ways but can't seem to find a way to display the time when a new form has been created in the application I'm working on. I am new to Ruby on Rails so a detailed explanation would be helpful.
class AddTimeToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :articles, :time, :string, default: Time.now.strftime('%m-%e-%y %H:%M')
By default Rails migrations will include a timestamp helper which creates created_at and updated_at fields. Those are special fields that Rails will use and update as needed.
The timestamps macro adds two columns, created_at and updated_at.
These special columns are automatically managed by Active Record if
they exist.
class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :products do |t|
t.string :name
t.text :description
However, if you don't have those fields in your table, you can add them via a migration too.
class AddTimestampsToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :products, :created_at, :datetime
add_column :products, :updated_at, :datetime
Use database function like now():
default: 'now()'
Or use default rails column created_at
Column should be datetime, just pass null: false and Rails add time without you:
class AddTimeToArticles < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :articles, :time, :datetime, null: false
=> a = Article.create(name: 'Foobar')
=> a.time
# Mon, 07 Jul 2014 15:08:37 UTC +00:00
The docs for the Globalize3 gem are clear about how to create a translation table, but I don't see any information about how to add a field to a translation table during a later migration. For example, I initially included Category.create_translation_table! :name => :string when I created my Category model. Now, however, I need to add a translated field to the model.
How do I do that with a Rails migration? I don't see any docs for an alter_translation_table! method or anything similar...
You can do it by hand, something like the following:
class AddNewFieldToYourTable < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
change_table(:your_tables) do |t|
t.string :new_field
change_table(:your_table_translations) do |t|
t.string :new_field
def self.down
remove_column :your_tables, :new_field
remove_column :your_table_translations, :new_field
With Globalize4, just :
class AddHintToCategory < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
Category.add_translation_fields! hint: :text
def down
remove_column :category_translations, :hint
Don't forget to add the new field in your model :
translate :name, :hint
https://github.com/globalize/globalize/blob/master/lib/globalize/active_record/migration.rb:34 line (globalize 4)
add_translation_fields!(fields, options)
P.S. Just a typo in a previous comment, 'add_transaction_fields' isn't defined.
Can anyone show me how to edit the following migration to change :phone integer to string?
class CreateContactInfos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :contact_infos do |t|
t.integer :phone
t.string :facebook
t.references :user
add_index :contact_infos, :user_id
Thanks in advance!
I guess you already migrated the one you're showing, so create another in which you'd put:
change_column :contact_infos, :phone, :string
I have added some more explanation to this.We need to generate a new migration
rails g migration change_phone_to_be_string_in_contact_infos
If we open up the migration we should see something like this
class ChangePhoneToBeStringInContactInfos < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def change
What we call this migration will have no impact on what we need to do next, but future we and other developers will thank us for naming our migration appropriately.
As you can see the change method is sitting empty. We need to manually add some code here.
class ChangePhoneToBeStringInContactInfos < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
def change
change_column :customers, :phone, :string
After Saving this file just do rake db:migrate we can see changes we want.
For a reversible migration, use:
def up
change_column :contact_infos, :phone, :string
def down
change_column :contact_infos, :phone, :integer, using: "phone::integer"
Convert column type string into integer in rails migration :
def change
change_column :contact_infos, :phone, :integer, using: 'phone::integer'
Convert column type integer into string in rails migration:
def change
change_column :contact_infos, :phone, :string, using: 'phone::string'
Here is the Customer:
class CreateCustomer < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :customers do |t|
t.column :email, :string, :null => false
def self.down
drop_table :customers
And this is the customer Info:
class CustomerInfo < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :statuses do |t|
t.column :statuses, :string, :null => false
def self.down
drop_table :status
What I would like to do is the customer and customer Info have a one to one relationship. How can I do it in a new migration? thank you.
When you want a 1 to 1 in Rails, you have to decide which one of the models will store the foreign key. In your case, you probably want status to store the fk, so add an integer column called customer_id to the status table. Then you can add the has_one/belongs_to on Customer and Status. belongs_to always goes on the model with the foreign key.
Also I'm not sure if Rails will like you calling your table with the singular name, so you will probably have to do some extra work if you really want to call it 'status' instead of 'statuses'
You can try following thing in your next migration
add_column :customer_infos , :customer_id , :integer ,:references=>"customers" , :null=>:true
Then you can add the has_one/belongs_to on Customer and Cusomer_infos .
You can also execute an SQL statement.
statement = "ALTER TABLE users CHANGE id id SMALLINT( 5 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(statement)
you can entry manually in your migration
Note this is just an example. The final SQL statement syntax depends on the database.