Make users manually update app - ios

In iOS7 my application is automatically updated... Is there any way I can release an update of my app and make the plist or something so that the app will NOT be auto-updated by the device, but instead users will only get the update if the manually go to the AppStore and update it?

This is not possible. You need to find a way to notify your users their app has been updated. For example, alert your users the first time their open the app that it has been updated.

Clash of Clans app prompts an alert telling that there is a new update available. The caveat is that this is a online game so the user needs to have internet access to play it. If the user expects to use your application offline and you previously stored an information that the app needs an update and you don't allow the user use it can be frustrating.


Force removal/invalidation of iOS app from user devices

Assuming you created an app that users have downloaded that is just awful and you neither want to fix it nor have anyone continue to use it so that it won't tarnish your brand, is there a way to end its life on user's iOS devices?
Curious if there is some store setting to force it to work with earlier versions of iOS and invalidates the current app, or code that would force an update that says the app is no longer available.
As many have confirmed, there is no way to remove an application from someone's device. For these cases though, many companies have servers that the application sends a request to on launch, that returns either a need to update the app, a message, or to tell the user the app has been discontinued and that the app cannot be used anymore, stopping them from using the app from there on.
The last use case might be useful to you, but of course this is a proactive solution, not a reactive one.

How to provide force update to iTunes connect?

I want to upload a new version of iOS application to iTunes with re-branding logo and design So I want to force users to update it.
Can anybody please guide me how can I force the user to update my new app in store? Is there any cause can happens if I forced user? and Is there any code change required to force update or any iTunes setting required during build upload?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know there is no default method available in iTunes Connect to achieve this functionality. But I've done this in one of my application.
In my application, when each time it opens/becomes active I call a web-service and pass the current app version to it. This service returns a result, something similar to:
"version" : 3.7,
"shouldUpdate" : true,
"message" : "Security Improvements......."
When I get result like this, I check whether the shouldUpdate flag is true or not. If it's true I'll show an alert with the server message retrieved above. This alert have only one button and clicking on it, I open the AppStore page of my application (So there is no way user can skip this update).
In my case the code was already there and the force update will work just fine. But in your case, the current app doesn't have any such implementation, so for you it's not possible.

Send user to iOS9 app store to update

I would like to send a user to the iOS app store update page so they can update my app when prompted, so I can require that users update the app if the update contains critical security fixes, or something else vital.
I believe that I have found a link that I can send the user to the update page, which is
So in my case I would use
string: "itms-apps://"
But I am not able to test it, because I am given a 404 page in the app store when I try
I'm assuming that I get this because the app was not actually downloaded from the app store (it was put onto my test device from Xcode), and I'm unable to test the link because I would need to download the application from the app store if my assumption is correct.
I've looked into using an link, but that redirects
to the app page, and although that page does have an update button, seems to be better because it only contains information about the update, and the new features in it, making it more user friendly.
Is my link correct for iOS 9, or is there a different/better method to send the user to the app store's Update App page? Even better, is there any way to prompt the user to update the app via an alert (kind of like requesting access to camera roll or location services, but updating the application)
Instead of this, you can open your application via the URL provided by Apple. This will automatically re-direct to your application page on App Store.
For example,

Delete user from server if they delete app

Is it possible to delete a user from a server if they delete your app from their phone?
I am using UUID to create users so they do not have to register but I do not want users to delete the app then rejoin and have a new uuid while the old one is still in the database.
Are there any alternatives to using UUID to avoid registering. Apparently UDID which would have been ideal has been deprecated for IOS 6 and upwards.
Please help, thanks in advance.
You can create a service in App that ping server once a day. if any device didnt respond from long time then delete it from database.
You can't know if user deleted your app or not. So the method you mentioned is not possible.
One-way is, if you are using any advertisement in your app, you will get the advertisement identifier. It's unique for a device, so if user installs your app again, you will get the same advertisement identifier and you can identify the user. But I won't recommend this method, as I can sell my phone at anytime and the new owner can use your app. But he will be considered as old user in this scenario.
So my suggestion is keep a login for individual users. There are a lot of pitfalls in this approach also. You can't identify whether the app is deleted or not. Also same user can create multiple usernames and use it from same device.
You can save DeviceId into database associated with your user and then check if that device is already registered, delete old one and set new UUID. You can get DeviceId like following:
[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor].UUIDString;
This will be the same for all your apps(on the appstore) but unique for device
I think that you can't catch delete event with your application.
Also, check this link as well:
Can I know when the user delete my app?
instead of catching a delete event what you can do is store the user info in your database, if the same user tries to join again throw a prompt indicating the user is already present and don't allow him to sign up

Where is the "iOS Would Like Access to Twitter Accounts" alert?

When you first ever open a new app, whether you're a developer making one, or you have just downloaded from the app store, if Twitter access is needed, it will ask for it.
I can only get this AlertView to show once, per device. No matter what I do, I can't get it back, deleting the app + data, re-building it from Xcode, revoking access to Twitter accounts on the device itself...
None of these work.
I can detect in the code whether on not I have access to Twitter, but it was more of a UI problem I was having when it first appeared. So I really need to see it again.
If anyone could help that'd be great!
To invoke the dialog again, change app id temporarily. Since app id uniquely identifies an app, it'll be like a new app.
