Error using Google Maps in IOS? - ios

I am creating a mapView in iOs, using Google Maps Api.
I did it by referring this link
And I am getting few errors like
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_objc_setProperty_nonatomic", referenced from:
-[GMSx_PBGeneratedMessage setExtensionRegistry:] in GoogleMaps(ProtocolBuffers.o)
I am fed up with this, can anybody kindly help with this.

I think Kalpesh was on the right track with his comment. Your screenshot shows you as running with the iOS 5.1 simulator, but the current version of the maps iOS SDK requires iOS 6.0 or newer.
My answer which Kalpesh linked to explains this in more detail:
google map on iphone exception
I noticed you commented on that other answer though, so which version of the SDK are you using?

The errors you see are linker errors telling you that the symbols are not available for the simulator architecture (i386).
You are not linking a simulator-compatible version of the library (or perhaps you missed the step of adding the library to your project to be linked).
I don't know the Google Maps SDK, but it is possible that it doesn't have a simulator-compatible binary within the library file.


"Undefined symbols for architecture arm64" appearing after Unity FB SDK Update

Unity Version: 2020.3.25f1
XCode Version: 13.2.1
Unity FB SDK: Migrating from 11.+ to 14.0.0
After resisting updating the Facebook Unity SDK due to editor/ide related issues introduced in 13.2, was working to update to Unity Facebook SDK version 14.0.0. After resolving the standard issues to be in compliance with FB's updates (including client token in the FB Settings specifically and setting the DLLs to the correct build architecture), I had been able to build webgl and android without issue, but have encountered an iOS build fail.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_ACAccountStore", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in Util.o
"_ACFacebookAppIdKey", referenced from:
_Util_getNativeFBPermissionStatus in Util.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Reading through the various other issues hitting a similar Undefined symbols for architecture blah makes me think I might either be missing something in my linker settings, or potentially missing a framework I need to reference. Originally I had assumed it was something happening during archiving, but the same error shows when just trying to build the xcode project. The pod file builds successfully and resolves without issue, so the xcode workspace is being built.
EDIT: Adding a little more info, I had already done the dll import settings solution suggested.
This is solved by:
Your issue is "Issue 2: dlls misconfiguration"--for completion's sake, below is the solution in its entirety. I'm leaving the misspellings and bad grammar below just to emphasize how sloppy these guys are.
This is an indication of mis-configuration of dlls in Unity. When Unity SDK is imported into Unity, unfortunately Unity reconfigures all dlls to 'All Platforms' and this causes an issue when building on a particular platform. The way to resolve this, is to reconfigure the dlls. You will find them in Unity under FacebookSDK -> Plugins and all the dlls are under their various platform folders such as Android / Canvas / Editor / iOS etc. Click on them and an inspector will appear (attached screenshot). The example attached shows the configuration for an Android dll. Uncheck All Platforms (if needed) and select Android. Do the same for the rest:
Android.DLL to Android platform
IOS Dll to iOS platform
Canavs to webgl"
Edit: As noted additionally below if you aren't building for Windows (or any of the other platforms), just delete those folders. Regardless you will HAVE to delete the Windows x86 folder if you want your build to work on mobile.
After getting some input from an engineer that had worked on this project in the past, managed to find that the missing symbol was related to some old FB Code no longer supported, and it was not in use by our app anymore. Because of this, was able to cleanly remove the old code and resolve the build issue. Things appeared to be working as intended. For visibility, we had an internal class using some extern methods to bridge between our app code and the native code pertaining to platform. iOS had a method getNativeFBPermissionStatus that was part of a Util.m class.

Facebook for Unity SDK (iOS) - FBSDKCoreKit-Swift.h not found

We're developing a game with Unity 2019.4.28f1 (XCode 12.4).
I've upgraded Facebook to the latest sdk (11.0.0).
Trying to build iOS, XCode gives me a strange error:
"Swift Compiler error -- Header 'FBSDKCoreKit-Swift.h' not found
Here's a screen.
Have you ever seen this before?
I have tried to search about it but this module is not mentioned anywhere.
Thanks for help.
search in FBSDKLoginKit.framework, can you find the header file FBSDKLoginKit-Swift.h?

linker errors when integrating admob sdk into iOS app

I integrated Google's AdMob SDK into a working iPhone app. I'm getting 12 errors that all start with 'Apple Mach-O Linker (Id) Error'. The text of the error messages typically refer to a low level objective C object called from a google library. For example:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_NSInMemoryStoreType", referenced from:
anon in libGoogleAnalytics.a(GAIDataStore.o)
+[GAIDataStore memoryContextWithModel:withError:] in libGoogleAnalytics_debug.a(GAIDataStore.o)
I thought I might not be linking a necessary framework but that all seems to be in order. I followed the instructions at and my linked libraries tab looks like this:
Unless I'm mistaken, it includes the frameworks that AdMob needs. Any suggestions much appreciated.
You probably just included the "add-ons" folder wholesale. Unfortunately that folder also includes the Google Analytics example project and binary. If you're not using analytics from there, I would remove the entire "GoogleAnalyticsiOS_2.0beta2" folder.

iOS: adding Admob ads into app giving an error

My app was successfully running on both simulator and physical device. After adding AdMob into my app by following the instruction in this video , however, the app gives an error when building. I have tried several hours to look for the solution to this error, but could not find it. Do you have any suggestion for this? Thank you
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_AppDelegate in /Users/joe/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/playSound-dxljeytitbiylehchltjsxksklbh/Build/Intermediates/ and /Users/joe/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/playSound-dxljeytitbiylehchltjsxksklbh/Build/Intermediates/ for architecture armv7
Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1
Even I have not modified any code in my app, just add all the folder of 'GoogleAdMobAdsSdkiOS-6.1.4' in my project explorer as in the video, it then produces the error immediately. I am using xCode 4.2
This may be because 6.1.4 also comes packaged with a Google Analytics xcode project. Try making sure that you remove everything under the 'Add-ons' folder from being referenced in your project (unless you are using it).
You have multiple entries AppDelegate under Targets-Compiled Sources. Check it and ensure there is only one in Compiled Sources.

dyld isuess (Library not loaded)

I have this message when I build my project:
dyld: Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Users/dev01/mobile/ios/Test/test/testTests/FoneMonkey/bin/iphonesim
Reason: image not found
This is dynamic link error and as I understand correct this error came because image not found. is this correct?
What steps should be taken to resolve errors?
I have found this link and as I understad this error came because I use xcode 4.3. Now I have try this on 4.2 and everething work good.
But I not have any idea how to run it on XCode 4.3
Maybe you have this problem after adding new library and you linked it in actual framework path, if you drag this library in embeded framework path then problem will solve. Another variant is that in build scheme you have enabled memory managment malloc, if you turn it off problem will be solved.
Check your SDK project settings (i.e. when passing from SDK 6.x to 7.x) maybe one of library was not compiled for architecture and project target. And the paths. Clean DerivedData and delete app from simulator (if it is there).
If you still need the Sdk just copy it from Xcode 4.6.(3) both for device and simulator and see if this solve your problem.
